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You decide to get eaten by Lindsay.


You go upstairs and find her taking a sip of water at a bar that is so covered in black lights that it looks like a scene from a vampire movie. You eventually find the girl from the employee rundown. She is certainly attractive enough to have been in pictures. You approach her.


“Hey,” you say. “Are you Lindsay?”


“That or the real Lindsay will be pissed that I’m wearing her Rolling Stones T-shirt.” She winks at you.


“I was wondering if you were hungry,” you say.


“Not famished,” shrugs Lindsay. “But I could squeeze you in.”

You follow her to the shrinking booth. She helps you inside.

“Nice an comfy?” she asks. Before you can answer she says. “I’m on a schedule but I am obligated to ask are you totally sure that you want to go through with this?”

Before you had a chance to say anything she says; “Awesome!” and the shrink room disappears in a flash of white.


When you come to, you find yourself in blackness. There are some very hard objects around you. You feel around and discover one to be several cylindrical in shape while one other is more of a square. All around you is a some sort of soft fabric. It’s completely dark and you can’t make heads or tails of where you are or what you’re doing here. You do your best to find a way out but you soon find you can’t. There is nothing left to do but wait.


And wait.


And wait some more.


Finally you feel some motion and even hear Lindsay’s voice calling to a friend, making plans to meet later and wishing each other a good night. After that comes the unmistakable sound of a car starting, some classic rock playing on the radio and driving.


Shortly after that the car is switched off, you feel sickening movement again as you seem to swing back and forth. You have a pretty good idea of where you are now but you can do nothing but wait some more as you hear the sound of a shower running, then more movement.


Finally, after what seems like eternity, blinding light stabs into your prison.


Lindsay’s face is above you.


“Evening,” says Lindsay. She reaches in and pulls you out. You’re in a tidy little bedroom. She sets you on a dresser with a mirror over it. The mirror has numerous pictures of your captor with various friends. The one nearest you is of her with a powerful looking fellow on what appears to be the top of a cityscape. It looks familiar; perhaps Stockholm? You can’t be sure.


It’s not important. You turn back to face Lindsay.


“What the hell did you put me in your make-up bag for?” you shout.

“Oh, sorry. I know that was probably no fun. But I had to get you out of there somehow.”


“Why? What do you have planned for me,” you say, uncertain if this is a good or bad development.


“We have something special between us,” says Lindsay. “Something that we couldn’t share at the restaurant. Something I could only do with you here.”


“What’s that?” you ask.


Lindsay grins. “A midnight snack.”


Before you know it you’re popped into her mouth. It closes behind you. You’re tossed easily around her mouth. Just as you think she is about to gulp you down her mouth opens wide again. You find yourself staring out her mouth and into the reflection of the remarkably beautiful woman with her mouth open. You are clearly visible in her mouth. Then the mouth closes.



You slide down her throat easily and are pushed through a ring of muscle into her stomach. It’s fairly full of what you realized are other men like you.


They’re all dead.


You begin to struggle to keep yourself on the surface as the constant motion of the stomach (and perhaps Lindsay walking around) always seems to try to force your below the surface and under the floating bodies of victims being digested.


Suddenly a loud noise sounds above you and the walls of the stomach press violently inward. Bodies are shoved into you. Water and acid are forced into your mouth and your nose.


You always wondered what it was like to be inside a woman’s stomach when she burped. Now you know.


It’s not long before you lose consciousness.





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