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You choose to be eaten by Kim.

You go upstairs and find her taking a sip of water at a bar that is so covered in black lights that it looks like a scene from a vampire movie. You eventually find the girl from the employee rundown. She is certainly attractive enough to have been in pictures. You approach her.


“Hey there,” you say.


“What’ll it be?” asks Kim.


“Me. Or rather, would you like to eat me?” you say.


Suddenly she seems a lot more interested in you than she was a moment ago. “I’ve never turned anyone down before. Want a drink while you fill out the obligatory legal release?”


You tell her your drink of choice and thank her when she brings it over along with a fresh copy of the release form. She finds a pen near the register, clicks the top a few times, scrawls on the back of a receipt to be sure it writes, then hands it over to you.

You take a sip of your drink before settling down to read the legal form.


Unfortunately it’s so full of clauses, legalese, addendums and sub paragraphs that it makes little sense to you. You start initialing and signing on the highlighted areas of the paper.


“All done,” you say, sliding the paper over.


“Just a sec,” she says, holding up a finger as she types on her phone. “About… to eat… a customer. TTYL.” She puts her phone away with an expression of finality. Then she looks up at you. “Great. Let’s get you in my belly, where you belong.”

Kim grabs you and pulls you towards the shrinking booths.


You step into the shrinking booth which reminds you more of a Star Trek transporter pad than some sort of shrinking device. Kim closes the door behind you and then nods to the girl operating the shrinking device.


“Are you sure you want to be eaten?” says the girl operating the device in a board tone. You reason that it must be boring to have to ask that a thousand times every night.


“Yes, I’m sure,” you say although she doesn’t really appear to be listening all that hard. She blows a bubble with her gum. It pops with a snapping sound. Then she presses a button and she and Kim disappear in a flash of white.

Your eyes are still smarting from the light when Kim brings you to the private room. It was like the most powerful flash bulb in history.


“What kind of music do you like?” asks Kim.


“I really like…” you say.


Suddenly the song “Radar Love,” beings playing on Kim’s phone. “Sorry,” she says and picks it up. “I told you I’m with a customer. Is this an emergency? Then what?”

You watch the beautiful woman who is about to eat you talk on the phone. The whole feeling is surreal. She’ll go on with her life and probably won’t even give you a second thought in a moment.


You suddenly don’t want to be eaten any more.


“I think I left them in the fridge. Okay? Okay, okay. I gotta get back to work right now. Can I call you in a few minutes? Okay bye.” She closes her phone and then looks back at you.


“Sorry,” she says apologetically. “Sometimes I think my husband would forget his head if it weren’t attached to his neck. Now where were we? Have you chosen a song you wanted me to dance to?”


“Well,” you say. “The thing is while you were on the phone I was reflecting on whether or not I would care to go through with this. I think I would rather be regrown if it’s not too much trouble.”


“You’re saying you don’t want me to eat you anymore?” asks Kim.


“Nothing against you!” you say hurriedly. “If I did want to be eaten it would be by you. You’re quite pretty and extremely nice. But I can’t do it.”


This seems to please Kim greatly.


“Well aren’t you polite?” she is getting closer, her eyes sparkling. “You are just so nice I could… eat you up.”


“Ha, ha, ha. Good one Kim,” you say, taking a step or two back. “I don’t want to be eaten anymore. I’m not joking.”


“I’m not either,” says Kim. She grabs you and holds you before her face.

“Lemme go!” you shout.


“I intend to let you go. To my stomach,” says Kim. She holds you over her mouth.


“Don’t!” you scream.


“I prefer unwilling men to…”


She is interrupted by the sound of “Radar Love,” on her phone.


“Oh. My. Gawd,” says Kim. “You would think he could survive without me for, like, five minutes!”


Unfortunately for you, Kim isn’t showing any signs of answering the phone.

“Umm. You better pick it up,” you urge, trying to buy yourself time. “It might be important.”


“Don’t worry,” says Kim with a malicious grin. “I’ll call him right back once you are in my belly.”


“Ahhh!” you scream as Kim opens her mouth wide and lowers you maddeningly slowly into her gaping mouth. You go in feet first. Then slide all the way down into her mouth, her tongue below you.


Her mouth closes, cutting off the “Radar Love,” jingle on her phone. She toys with you a moment on her tongue. Then she swallows and you’re taken into her throat and down her esophagus.  You imagine it must be what being squeezed out of a tube of toothpaste feels like.


At the end of her esophagus you are squeezed through a ring of thick muscles, then fall into her stomach.


Her stomach is a turbulent sea. It’s already in full digestion mode. After treading water for a moment you find out why; there are a few other guys in here with you but they are not moving. You try to pull yourself out of her belly juices by climbing Kim’s stomach walls to the extent you can. Of course Kim is walking around and the walls are slick so you have little luck in minimizing your exposure to the hydrochloric acids that are beginning to irritate your skin.


“HEY HONEY. YEAH I JUST ATE A GUY. HE CHANGED HIS MIND BUT I DIDN’T. JUST LIKE I LIKE THEM. HE WAS GOOD. NO I CAN STILL FEEL HIM. OKAY CALL YOU LATER. BYE.” You realize that she must have just called her husband back. She is already talking about you in the past tense. You struggle some more.


Suddenly the stomach gets even more turbid as there are regular thudding motions. You realize Kim is walking somewhere. You know that she is back out in the bar when you can hear “Angel in the Centerfold,” playing. It must be pretty loud for you to hear it in here.


The world becomes a sickening slosh of motion that tosses you against both Kim’s stomach lining and the other bodies in here with you. (This was caused by Kim shaking her hips from side to side during an instrumental part of the song. This was observed by another patron who will soon be joining you in Kim’s belly, but you won’t last that long.)


You gasp and gulp in stomach juices. You sink below the surface, struggling against the stomach wall, trying to push off. These final few flurries of motion will be the last that Kim feels you struggle.




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