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You nod to Danielle:

“I’m ready. Thank you for being so nice.”


She nods at you and smiles the warmest of smiles. “Thanks for being a delicious treat.”


She gently lowers you into her mouth, giving you time to savor the sensation. Her tongue cushions your fall while simultaneously preventing you from sliding down her throat before she is ready. Her breath and mouth are warm, moist and inviting. It’s almost as if you are where you’re supposed to be.


Her mouth closes around you, feeling warm in comparison with the cooler air of the private room.


Her lips close around your torso and her fingers release your legs as she sucks you the rest of the way into her mouth like a piece of spaghetti. Her tongue is warm and wet but very busy beneath you. You’re pressed gently into the roof of her mouth. Fortunately for you, you take a moment to breathe in deeply because a second later, and to your delight, Danielle swallows you whole.


The sensation of being forced down someone’s esophagus is difficult to explain. Very warm, living, muscular flesh is all around your body, forcefully and somewhat uncomfortably pressing on your body in every direction but the one you’re going. There’s almost no friction against the slick walls of her esophagus. Then you reach the entrance of her stomach, pressed quite painfully into the ring of muscles above it, your spine arching the wrong way as the esophagus works to push you into the stomach while the valve to let you in is still opening. Then suddenly, you’re freefalling and splash into what to you is a very deep pool of warm, foul smelling liquid. You struggle around, bumping into several solid things which by feel are very clearly bodies. They aren’t moving. You wonder how long they have been in here. You wonder how long you have left.


A jarring, rhythmic bumping along with a defined swaying from side to side seems to be taking place. You suddenly realize that Danielle must be walking back to the main part of the club. And you’re going with her, in her belly. You remember how sexy she looked when she first walked by you; her round, muscular bottom straining those pants, her flat belly. Well now you’re inside her belly, like you wanted. Nothing more than food. You wonder who is admiring her belly from the outside and wanting to get in. Well you can hardly warn them now.


 The music in the club is loud enough that as Danielle walks out onto the floor, you can hear the music being played over the speakers, granted the sound is severely muffled from inside Danielle’s stomach but you can hear it just the same. You’re surprised to realize that you even recognize the song. Appropriately enough it’s ‘Swallowed,’ by Bush. It hits you that the music is no longer for you. It’s for the people that aren’t food, like Danielle. It’s weird, but that’s the first time you thought of yourself as food.  Five minutes ago people outside this stomach, hell the owner of this stomach, were ready to bring you any meal or drink you wanted. Now no one is concerned with your comfort anymore.


You’re short on breath but you’re also becoming vaguely aware of a burning sensation all around you. You swim to the side of the stomach and see if you can climb it. Like the esophagus, the walls are slick. They also have some give to them which makes for poor climbing.


“HE WAS GOOD,” comes Danielle’s voice, over the sound of music and her own gurgling stomach. “HE TASTED PRETTY GOOD ANYWAY. NOPE. COMPLIED THE WHOLE WAY DOWN. OH I FEEL HIM WIGGLING…YEAH IT FEELS GOOD WHEN THEY SQUIRM.” You realize she must be talking to another bartender or waitress, shouting to make herself heard over the noise.  You reason that you probably wouldn’t have heard her otherwise.


Suddenly three hollow impacts shudder the stomach. It sounds like someone is outside is knocking, wanting to come in. Being right up next to her stomach wall, you are somewhat stunned by the impacts. “NO. NOT YET. WHAT WAS IT THAT YOU WANTED TO DRINK HUN? YOU WANT ME TO EAT YOU? SURE I DO. I JUST ATE A GUY A MOMENT AGO ACTUALLY. HE WAS PRETTY GOOD BUT HE WON’T LAST. WHAT DO YOU SAY I BRING YOU THE PAPERWORK?”


She was talking about if she could feel you in her stomach. She sounds like she is now talking to a guy who asked about being eaten. You’re seriously straining to hold your breath now and her stomach acids are beginning to burn. You start to thrash more and more, struggling involuntarily rather than anything controlled. Just then, the rhythmic motion begins again as Danielle is obviously going to find the shrinking paperwork.


Your world is awash with burning acids and churning stomach walls. You loose track of what your consumer is saying, doing, through the agony of not being able to breath and the pain of the stomach acids. While thrashing about you come across another body, floating lifeless with you in the acid. Whomever he was, he is now very dead. You realized that soon you will be too and renew your struggles to pull yourself out of her stomach acids by climbing up the slick walls. You are unsuccessful.


“DOWN YOU GO,” she says, suddenly coming to a halt that sloshes you up and down her stomach wall. You struggle even more now. A moment later someone falls into the stomach. “OH HE WAS EVEN BETTER THAN THAT LAST GUY,” you hear Danielle say. You begin to squirm about as the new arrival tries his best to climb out of her stomach acids as well. In the tight confines of her belly, the two of you are pushed against each other. You both press back, trying to escape. Of course you are incapable of escape now. The new arrival shouts but you remain silent. You don’t have enough air left in your lungs as it is.


The stomach takes a terrible lurch as Danielle starts walking. The motion begins again as you try to breathe. Unfortunately there is almost no air in the stomach.



Danielle is talking to someone again. You wonder who but of course you have no way of knowing. Is there someone else in the person to whom she is speaking that is listening to your conversation right now? There’s no way to find that out either. It’s not long before you pass out due to a lack of oxygen.


 In six hours, you’ve been completely processed by the stomach, in another twelve, most of you has become a part of her body. 15% of you has become blood plasma and red and white cells. 22% of you has become part of her bones. 10% of you is now part of her hair and finger and toenails.  57% of you has become muscle, predominantly a part of her buttocks but also about 2% a part of her legs and 1% a part of the muscles that focus her eyes. What hasn’t been absorbed, 6% of you, is expelled from her body in another five hours.


Two days later, when walking down the street wearing jeans and a t-shirt, guys admire how pretty Danielle is, particularly how good her bottom looks in the tight jeans. She never once thinks of the contribution you made to it except in a very general way, grouped in with many of the others that she’s eaten. 




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