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You decide to continue leaning against the bowl like you have been all night.


“What about the rest of us?” someone else asks.


“Don’t worry little friends. We’ll get to you as soon as we can. George here is just going first since he asked so nicely a moment ago and I’m saving… a place for him.” Carrying George in one hand in front of her belly, she walks around the bar and disappears out of sight.


It’s not until a short while later that the music is turned down and the obvious sounds of people cleaning up can be heard throughout the bar.

A moment later the bowl is pulled out from under the counter. The guys who were standing fall to their feet as the bowl is placed on the counter.


“Okay girls. We can’t save these given the renovations are going to keep us closed until next weekend. I’m going to take some home. You can either eat the rest here or take some home with you. Do it wherever you want as long as they are gone by next week. Remember, I don’t want to hear about anyone keeping any pets. We have a legal contract to think about and it doesn’t cover anything but consumption.”


The voice belongs to a woman; a remarkably attractive blonde whom you notice is looking down at all of you in the bowl. Wow, this place really is full of beautiful ladies!


She tilts the bowl to one side and suddenly you all pitch over, tumbling down the side of the bowl and towards what looks like a Tupperware container.  With only seconds to react you decided to take action!

You can either:


[Try to stay in the bowl]  [go to chapter 47]


[Slide down the inverted side of the bowl into the Tupperware dish with Landon] [go to chapter 115]


readers, do you think we should compress these to several chapters a page or continue in this way. are the notes too distracting? I really don't know. I just know I'm trying to make this navigatable.

If you’re here for one of the crush related deaths (or are trying to avoid them because you don’t like that sort of thing) they are located in the following ending choices


  1. 1,2,3,4,5,105,104,121,9,20,24,75,78,83,86 END foot crush
  2. 1,2,3,4,5,105,104,121,9,20,24,75,78,83,84 END foot crush
  3. 1,2,3,4,5,105,104,121,9,20,24,75,77,82 END  foot crush
  4. 1,2,3,4,5,105,104,121,9,20,24,75,77,81,90,91 END butt crush
  5. 1,2,3,4,5,105,104,121,9,20,24,75,77,81,89,92,91 END butt crush


The story so far, (obvious ripoff Star Wars music plays) The silhouette of the orchestra can be seen in the distance. Just imagine the text is scrolling through space as you read it and try to keep up. I hope your imagination doesn’t make it move to fast.


You’ve wanted to go to Forbidden Dish for a long time. Your friends decided to come with you. You aren’t sure they know what the deal is, but you let them come anyway. If you aren’t familiar with Forbidden Dish, most things will be explained throughout the story, but it still wouldn’t hurt my feelings any if you read the other stories. If you like this story you will undoubtedly want to read the others. They are available on girlfood and oishi1’s individual portfolios. Feel free to explore. Let us know what characters you liked and what could use more or less detail. I’m adding this to the story notes on short chapters because the dealio will only accept chapters of five hundred words or more and I don’t want to make it hard to poke around



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