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She pauses and blushes a little, "I know this will sound like an empty gesture considering...you know, what will happen to you and all, but I really appreciate this,"


You stare in wonder at her flushed face, her parted lips, and her nervous tongue, "I, um, yeah," You manage to say. To be fair most of your blood isn't in your brain anymore, "I think this is something we'll both enjoy,"


"Well, I'm going to get, um, down to business, so I need you to be gone. I don't think I can do it with an audience," She says. You are about to ask her if she'll at least try when you are lifted and dropped into her mouth. You slide against her tongue and accidentally kick her uvula. She gags a bit and repositions you rather roughly with her tongue, giving off a giggle, "Sorry," She booms with her mouth full. As you try to get comfortable she slowly starts to moan and slide you around in her mouth. You are unable to find a comfortable position. Every time you adjust yourself and try to relax, she moves you somewhere else. You try to call out and get her to calm down, but she can't hear you over her own moans.


You notice that you are sliding toward her throat. Her lips are parted just enough to let in a little light accentuating the depth and permanence of the hole you are being drawn toward by her elevating tongue. When her tongue reaches full height it blocks the light out completely. You slide on the wet, slick surface and make a desperate grab for her uvula, unfortunately when someone swallows, it draws up, so you were unsuccessful. Your legs slip into the deadly hole up to your knees. She coughs a little and it tightens suddenly. Pain shoots through you, and you hear a crack. You cry out, but before you can react or find out what happened you plummet through the wet tube. You wait for your eyes to adjust, but they never do. Every time you try to move your legs you feel a pain in your right one. It might even be broken for all you know, but that is the least of your worries.


When you plop into her stomach, you find that it may be a more prominent worry than you realized because you land on your bad leg. Fortunately, the ground is soft and spongy, and there's plenty of liquid around. Unfortunately, you still fell and pain is shooting through you from your leg up. You try to swim with your good leg, until the burning starts, then all you can do is try to shield your softer parts from the acid and flail at the stomach walls. You've changed your mind. You have to find a way to tell her. You pound with all your might hoping to get a response, but the one you get is not what you were hoping for. All of the effort you are putting into getting her to let you out only serves to enhance her pleasure and make her want to keep you. She's thankful for your "thoughtful" contribution to a most wonderful day, even if you did give up before she was quite done.




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