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"Actually, I was wondering if you wanted something to go with those oysters?" You say showing them your red band. Their eyes light up.



"Oh, look, Laura, he has one of those red band thingies. I think he wants us to, like, eat him or something," Liz says.

"Yeah, we totally should. We've been here for like thirty minutes and haven't eaten anybody yet. We were just about to order a dozen tinies. You should totally let us eat you," Laura says.


You agree and when Jacky comes by, they place their order. Jacky doesn’t make eye contact with you the whole way to the booth. When you get there, she gathers eleven other volunteers and lines all of you up. She had the others sign consent forms, but just edited yours where appropriate.


Without formality or any real interaction besides guiding you one at a time into the booth, Jacky shrinks everybody and places you into a large bowl. You try to make a few jokes, but she seems completely focused on her duty. She is friendlier with the others than she is with you, and you note you are the only one who isn’t asked if you are sure before the button is pressed.


While you are all still dazed and recovering, she brings you to the bar and sets you in front of the two women. This is it! You’re still not sure if you’re ready though.


“Here you go, one dozen men. Will there be anything else?” Jacky asks.


“Nah, we’re good,” Liz says. As Jacky walks away Liz asks Laura, “So, who goes first?”


Laura picks up one of the other tiny men and stares at him dubiously, “How about we both take a shot, then swallow one at the same time?”


Liz grabs the man standing to your right, “Ok, one, two, three!” They both down a shot then shove a tiny man into their mouths. They swallow them and grab another tiny man apiece. It was all happening so fast. You still aren’t sure if you are ready, “I can’t believe we just did that! Woooo!” Liz screams. Laura follows suit, then they pound down another tiny.


“I’m not sure I’m r-“ You start to say, before Liz lifts you up.


“This is great! Wooo!” Your eardrums shatter. You now have severe tinnitus and feel dizzy as she shoves you into her mouth. All you can hear is ringing, and in the darkness you cannot see a thing. You can smell the alcohol on her breath and feel the hot moisture around you. Before you can get comfortable though you shoot down the tube surrounded by liquor.


You slide down pretty fast with your liquid lubricant and land in a tangled squirming mass. Everything is slippery and wiggly, then the burning starts. As you struggle to get out of the acid more people fall on you and push you down deeper. As you black out, your last thoughts are, “This is nothing like I expected,”




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