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You feel a sudden tightening in your pants as her stomach growls, "So, what do you say? Wanna step inside or just stare at it?" She asks. As strange as she is, you find her bluntness refreshing, plus she is hot.




"Let's do this," You say, trying to match her enthusiasm. You make your way to the booth line. She is talking a mile a minute about pretty much anything that pops into her head. You can't help but laugh, but you have the feeling that she's a small doses person.




"I'm Ronni, by the way," She says as she pulls you against her body. You tell her your name, "Tell me, do you feel like a snack?" You stare at her in confusion, until she grins, then you get the joke.




"I guess," you say.




"Come on, you can do better than that! Say it with confidence. Be a proud treat!" She says, "Tell me you're ready to get in my Belly!"




You stare down at her taught midriff and remember the rumbling from earlier, "I'm ready to get in your belly!" you shout just as the music dies. Everybody stares at you and you feel kind of stupid.




"Oww!" She cheers. Cheers and whistles, even a smattering of applause, can be heard before the next song starts. You actually feel a lot better now, "So, does the thought of me eating you do anything for you?" She asks before reaching down and grabbing you, squeezing lightly, "Yep. I hope it's all you hoped for, because this is a one-way trip. I have no gag reflex," She says giving you a lurid smile. While it feels kind of awkward being groped in public, you've already done your share of groping tonight and can't complain. You reach the booth and climb in, feeling jittery and aroused at the same time. You still aren't sure what will win out. When the operator asks if you are sure, you surprise yourself by telling her you are. It feels almost like someone else said it for you. There is a flash of light and you are in Ronni's hand before you have time to think about it though.




While you are still recovering, Ronni takes you back out to the club. "Zombie Nation" is playing and people are dancing. She joins the fray seemingly oblivious to your sensitivity to her rapid motions. She sees another guy with a red band and lures him to the side to talk to him, "What do you say, after I finish this here appetizer, I take you back for seconds?" she asks.




"What? I was kind of hoping I'd be the only one," you say, but the music drowns you out.




The other man's already rubbing her belly as she runs her tongue across your body. She's not even looking at you anymore. Her focus is on the one that hasn't quite taken the bait yet. You try to complain again, but she already put you into her mouth. You are deafened by a blast of sound as she talks with her mouth full. You cannot understand the rest of the conversation, but while she's talking, she pauses to swallow, and you are propelled into darkness.




It almost feels like a greased up waterslide until the splashdown. You land in a mixture of alchohol and stomach acid as you fight to hold your breath. You've made a big mistake! You have to tell her somehow! You bang on the stomach walls and they become active, banging back from all sides. After you have been fighting for a while, someone lands next to you accidentally elbowing you in the stomach. You let out your air and reflexively breathe back in. What you take in hurts more than the elbow did. It burns from the inside, and your new roommate’s struggles only make it harder to stay afloat. Before you pass out from the pain you think you feel another person fall next to you, but you can't be sure. It was a busy night for Ronni, but for you it is just






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