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It probably says something about you that the thought of your friend still being alive inside her aroused you. You feel no worry for him, reasoning that he probably wanted it or he wouldn't have been in that bowl. Still holding onto her belly, you follow her to the back of the restaurant. She hands you the papers and smiles at you as you sign them. You are too busy watching her to pay attention to what you are signing. You try to stand in a way that makes your arousal less obvious, but she's leaning against you, making things complicated. She casually slides the papers away, filing them without taking her eyes off of you the whole time. She gently guides you into the booth, leans in next to your ear, and whispers, "Hold still," then shuts the booth. She presses against the glass and smiles at you, as you stare at the way her body conforms to the clear glass. You feel about ready to blow, when she points to a red button on a nearby machine, then makes her way over, walking with a sensual sway. She lingers over the button, tracing the edge with her finger while watching your reaction. Taking your silence for consent, she pushes the button. In a flash, your world changes.




She gently lifts you from your clothes and takes you to a private room. She kicks the door shut, then locks it. She gives you a kiss that nearly encompasses your whole body before setting you down on the ground and picking out music on the jukebox, "I've never tried this before, but I bet I can get you off the floor without using my hands or feet," She says. This you've gotta see.




"Go for it," you say, nearly breathless trying to take her in completely with your eyes. The music starts. Somebody is singing in a language you don't understand to a high pitched string instrument. She dances slowly above you, obscuring her face with her breasts and making it where all you can see is her inviting belly and her soft breasts. After a while she bends down and makes kissy motions toward you. Her feet stay firmly planted, but her hips sway. She goes back up and dances again, then ducks back down. This time she manages to get her head below her waist and is only about a couple of feet away from you. She smiles down as you gape, not quite sure what to do, "Hey there scrumptious," She then goes back up and stretches as she dances.




After a bit more dancing she leans down again. Her purple hair splays against the ground forming a canopy around you making it where all you can see is her face. Her knees are bent, but most of the work has been done by her waist. Her tongue slowly comes out and draws across your chest and face. She moves slightly. You think she's about to go up, but instead she bends a little more and surrounds your upper body with her mouth. She closes her lips around your hips and stands up. Before you have time to say or do anything, she swallows. You travel down her warm wet esophagus feeling a pleasant rubbing sensation against your strained member as you go. You release just before you plop into her stomach. You've made it! After all of those times you backed out, you've finally achieved your dream.










Adela smiles, satisfied with her new trick. She can't wait to try it out again. She can still feel her two little snacks moving around inside her, and hopes she can get a few more before the movement stops.






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