Did you know Pandaren have traveled to distant lands long before there continent was discovered? Very few do but they have visited faraway places seeking adventure and treasure… And alcohol. One of them traveled so far she found a distant kingdom. She was greeted with curiosity and awe, there people had never seen such a creature.
Her plan was to see the world for what it was but the kingdoms so far did not compare to this one. The stone architecture was beauty in her eyes, unmatched by the Mogu who crafted there civilization in Pandaria. She fell in love with it immediately.
Having purchased a place to live she settled down in the kingdom. As the years passed she had been living well. Selling varies Ale’s and products she had become quite a popular saleswoman. One day she was working with her brew and a strange customer arrived.
She did not know what he was. Having large horns from his forehead, long fur running down his exposed back. Three digit hands and even hooves? He was a strange creature indeed. The Pandaren greeted him kindly getting to know him, finding out what he was.
After finding out he was a race known as Tauren she was surprised to learn of such a race. They were a magical race in her eyes. So large and imposing, but he spoke gently and kind. He was as big as a Mogu, but had the heart of a Pandaren. Soon she felt something she had been missing for a long time. Intimacy.
Having talked with the Tauren for many hours he finally had to go. She was saddened and wanted him to stay a bit longer but he explained that his race was not welcomed where she lived. This statement confused and saddened her further.
Promising to be back he left. It had been weeks since she had seen the Tauren and she started growing sadder and sadder. After months of not seeing him she decided to move back to Pandaria, the loneliness was getting overpowering.
The week before she had planned to return she saw a familiar customer. It was the Tauren! Running up she tackled him in a big hug kissing him furiously. The Tauren was surprised but enjoyed it none the less. After telling him her feeling’s she begged he stay longer than before.
She couldn’t bare the thought of not seeing him for months once more. Agreeing with her that he did miss her, even if it was only for a day, he stayed with her in her home for a while. Days turned to weeks. Weeks to months. There love was unmatched.
Soon much to her surprise she was pregnant. The thought of her getting pregnant was wonderful but odd indeed. The Tauren took it well knowing he would have a son or daughter to follow in his footsteps warmed his heart.
Soon the Pandaren gave birth to a beautiful girl. She was full Pandaren but was slightly larger than most babies of her race but she didn’t care. Life continued for a few years normally. The Tauren eventually had to leave as he was still not welcomed in their land but would come back every week.
There relation was not perfect but it worked fine and she was happy, until one day. She was greeted by a large group of human guards from the large city she had fallen in love with. They had all looked at her ale and cheered obviously a little tipsy.
The sight was not uncommon in her line of work. She had just kegged a batch for them and they were leaving when her breath caught in her throat. As the guards turned around there eyes widened as they so a Tauren of all things walking up the path leading to her home.
With cries of war they all drew arms and charged the Tauren. Screaming the Pandaren rushed down to defend her love but once the humans saw this they treated her like any horde. The Tauren after putting up a fight had been over powered and killed by the guards.
Crying in grief the Pandaren attacked the guards in fury killing one of them on the spot. This was an act of treason as far as they were concerned and executed her on the spot. As they pulled their dead and the couple back to the house they were shocked once more.
Inside crawling to the entrance was a little Pandaren child. One of the guards looked at the creature and drew his sword preparing to cut it down. He was halted by the captain however. “This child be it a atrocity spawn of the horde is not one. Take her back to Stormwind with us; we must report this at once.”
His remaining men begrudgingly agreed and took the screaming child with them. As they entered the city and spoke to the king telling the tale of their assault of the horde entering their territory they told him of the Pandaren casualty. After seeing the child the king thought for a moment.
“You were right captain. She may be that hordes child but she is not one of them, any older and we would have to execute her to. Take her to the orphanage. Maybe she can have a better life.” He spoke with authority not questioned.
After saluting the captain himself went to the orphanage, child in arm. After explaining the situation, leaving out small details the matron looked at her with disgust. “I will not take such a creature here. She is an abomination” She matron spat venom looking at the crying child.
“This is the kings will and he has ordered you to take authority of her. Once she reaches an age she can venture on her own you may do as you please with her but until then.” He pushed the child into her arms making her cry further. “She is your responsibility. Remember, the guards will be watching.” He said glaring at her before walking away.
The matron cursed under her breath looking at the small Pandaren. Deciding she was forced to so this she tugged the child’s arm harshly and lead her down the hallway to one of the rooms. “Looks like you get to be with the other odd balls” She muttered.
After opening the door she shoved the Pandaren to the floor and closed the door, not caring about the cries the child made. In the room where varies children all looking at her oddly. There were a few young elf girls in the corner eyeing her. On one of the bunks a tiny gnome looked over the ledge confused. And on one of the lower bunks were a couple dwarfs playing a game.
Looking around confused she looked at the beds in the room seeing only one not occupied. Slowly she took a step making everyone stop and watch her once more. Carefully she made her way over to the bed farthest from everyone and sat on it holding her head to her knee’s crying.
For the most part a few sad looks where given by the elves but the rest didn’t care and went back to what they were doing. The Pandaren cub cried heavily into her knee’s not understanding what was going on. “You’re on my bed you know.” Spoke a quiet voice. The Pandaren jumped back scared looking around. The few children looking giggled as they saw her.
Crawling out from under the bed was a small child. It was a little Draenei girl. “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you” she spoke softly. “The matron is mean so I hide when I see her.” She said softly looking at the Pandaren. Realizing she was still there she tried crawling off but a hand grabbed her hand.
“Hey its ok you don’t have to get up, I was just pointing it out” the Draenei giggled before sitting on the bed next to her. The room went back to its usual business, sept for the Draenei and the Pandaren. “So what are you?” She asked confused leaning her head to the side.
After a moment of no response the Draenei pouted a bit. “Hey come on you can talk to me, you’re not the only strange one here” She giggled and moved the little tentacles under her cheeks. The Pandaren watched her for a moment and let out a little giggle. “See I knew you would warm up to me” she smiled.
“What’s your name?” The Draenei asked. The Pandaren looked down shaking her head. “You have none?” She asked confused. The Pandaren nodded sadly and started to cry again. Thinking fast the Draenei rubbed her hand. “W-well since you have none… how about I call you Fire? Mine is Ember, that way they match.”
Ember smiled at the Pandaren happily. The Pandaren sniffled a few times and wiped her tears away before smiling gently and giving a tiny nod of approval. “Great, I’ve always wanted to have a sister” Ember giggled.
For the first time since coming to the odd building she let herself smile warmly and nod happily.
~ 8 years later. ~
“That is it! I’ve had it with you little monster’s!” Shrieked the orphan matron in rage. “You have been nothing but trouble you since the very day you arrived on my doorstep” She said with venom as she pointed at Fire.
“And you! You little alien reject, have been worse since she arrived!” She screamed loudly making all the other children cry and run from her. “I have tried my hardest to be the best possible caretaker for mistakes like you but no more!”
“Will you relax matron we didn’t even do anything that bad, it was just a whole in the wall.” Ember scoffed. “J-just a h-h… HOLE! THESE ARE STONE WALLS AND YOU MADE A CHASM TO THE YARD!” She shrieked.
“She’s over reacting a bit don’t you think fire?” The Pandaren giggled and nodded her head. “We were digging for a few weeks now why didn’t you say anything sooner?” Fire asked with a smirk. The matron lost it at this point gripping both of them by their hair and tugging them with her.
“The king will hear of this and I’ll be damned if I let you abominations of nature stay here one more day!” She ranted pushing both girls into the old room and slamming the door hard. “Well that went better than last time” An elf giggled watching the two pick themselves up off the ground.
Another elf poked her head from under the blanket of the other elf. “Yea I thought she would have whipped you two again” laughed the other one. “To bad I always like watching a good show” Laughed a dwarf. “Ayy it would have been a festive start to today!” Laughed the other dwarf on the bed.
“Not all of us get off on pain” The elf said snidely. “No yee like your fun under the covers with the other ladies dontchya” The dwarf snapped back. “ I bet she’s begged every lass here for a taste” The other dwarf piped in slapping her knee’s.
“I never ask you hairy little midgets” The elf smirked seeing the rage all over there face’s. “Geez will you guys give it a rest, man you’re like oil and water.” Ember said tiredly rubbing her head where she was tugged. “Guess she was gentler with me fire, last time it was my horn she pulled on.”
“Yea lucky you, at least you didn’t have your hair pulled out” Fire said annoyed feeling her braid tugged out of place. “It’s not my fault you gave her a rope to grab on to. “Ember laughed. “Technically it is since you braded it, quite lovely I might add” Fire giggled.
“Oiy get a room ye two, none of us want to watch yee making out again.” The dwarf said snidely. “I wouldn’t mind it” Smirked the elf. “Me ether” Said another voice, a third elf said popping her head out from under the blanket. “Man you three are flexible, that’s a twin bed” Giggled fire.
“Lose a few pounds and maybe you can do what we can” One of the elf smirked seeing Fire down her head in embarrassment. “Shut up bitch you’re just jealous of her perfect ass flatty!” Ember said angered. “They’re all flat; it’s what wee elf’s lack” Laughed the dwarfs making all three elves get on their feet.
“Apparently on all sides” Ember said snidely before groping her chest. “You see these? There called breasts, most women have them but I’m guessing with the mosquito bites you have you’ve never noticed” The other girls in the room cried out with laughter making the elves plush profusely.
“W-we s… still children! Elf’s d-don’t age like you, you mortal’s” The Night elf said defensively. “Yea your fun child sized for a hundred years then you might grow a half a cup.” Fire giggled. “SHUT UP FATTY!” Screamed the elf as she tackled the Pandaren to the floor. Soon a large fight broke out breaking many, many things.
~ 3 years later ~
Both Ember and Fire where 14 now and causing just as much trouble if not more as they grew. They enjoyed the simple things in life. Fighting with others, breaking things, pissing off the matron any way they could, and of course sex.
Since children they had often found pleasure in each other’s company, but about a year ago they were wandering the streets of Stormwind and saw a group of humans making out and causing quite a show. Their eyes were glued to the scene, not in disgust or curiosity, but with baited breath.
After watching the great acts of pleasure the humans had done Ember knew she had to try them out. One night when the other rooms inhabitants where with others leaving the room all to themselves they explored what they learned. And the rest is history.
Currently they were making out on their single bed they had shared since children. Suddenly the door shot open making them break the kiss, much to their annoyance. It was the matron who was smiling? “Oh Ember guess what day it is?”
“The day you got laid? You seem kind of happy from your usually crabby self.” Ember smirked seeing the matrons smile vanish. “Little bitch, she muttered.” No today is the day you came in now 15 years ago. By order of the king once you are of age to fight, which you most certainly are now” She waved her hand around the battered room. “I get to throw your ass out!” She laughed happily.
“Pack your things you little cetin and get out of my Orphanage, oh wait you don’t have anything you actually own do you? Hehe then just get your ass out.” Her voice was low and cold as she spoke before shutting the door behind her.
A slight frown crossed Embers’ face. “What’s wrong sis? I thought you dreamed of the day they let you out of here?” Fire whispered softly. “I did, I mean I do but… Where will I go?” She said somewhat lost in thought. “You mean we sis, Where will we go” Fire corrected making Ember smile.
“Of course I meant we, where family after all… more than that” She giggled giving her a quick peck. After grabbing the bits of clothes they had and other odds and ends they exited the room heading down the steps to the entrance where the matron was waiting.
“And what may I ask you are doing little Fire” She said with distaste. Before she could reply ember piped in. “You remember what you said? Take what’s yours? Well fires mine and I’m here’s” Ember grinned making the matron frown.
“Two birds one stone, oh this day just gets better and better.” The matron sang out. “By all means get your asses out I don’t care about you little mistakes of nature. As they were about to leave the matron sighed and reached into her blouse. “Catch” She barely said tossing a tiny sack at Ember.
“What’s this?” Ember asked confused. “By order of the bloody king all children leaving get a coin sack to start off with, I don’t think you deserve a copper but the kings law is firm on it” She muttered out. “Just don’t go begging for another one, that cretin is leaving of her own accord.” She pointed towards fire.
“Don’t worry, we wouldn’t beg for your shit” She spat back angered at the matron’s words. “Good riddance” The matron muttered slamming the door behind her. Ember looked at the tiny blue sack and was tempted to toss it to the side of the ally but knew it would help them.
“What a bitch, we won’t have to see her anymore sis” Fire said softly. “Yea that’s for sure” Ember smiled. Curiosity got the better of ember and she opened the small ouch. Inside where 3 gold coins. “I bet the greedy bitch took some” Fire deadpanned.
“Don’t worry; we were saving for this remember?” Ember smiled seeing Fire’s face light up. They had been out each day collecting spare copper and silver where ever they went for when they would need. “With these we have about 20 gold in all” Ember chirped happily.
“That takes care of room and board at inns for months; we’ll have to think of other ways from now on through to make money.” Ember said softly. “It will all work out sis don’t worry” Fire said softly kissing her sister. “Agreed, now let’s get the hell out of here” Ember smirked and they left.
~ Longest Prolog you ever read END ~
“Current date, Outside of Stormwind city, Elwynn Forest.”
“Hey Ember you awake down there?” Fire called from the upstairs landing of their basement. With no response Fire sighed and walked down to the humid basement. It had been a couple years since they had left there hell known as the orphanage and they were currently living in a small cottage on the outskirts of Elwynn Forest.
Knowing they needed money they booth took on trade skills. Fire becoming a Cook, serving at local inn’s and restaurants when she found work in Stormwind. Ember had chosen a different trade though. She had been fascinated with the local plants in the gardens of Stormwind as a child and applied her talents as an Alchemist.
While Fire was cooking and serving tables during the day. Ember would be under their house in the dark, humid cellar making potions or elixirs to sell. Fire wanted her to not stay down there to long but she insisted she needed space to work. The only place fire didn’t want to go was the cellar so she made her base down there.
“Come on Ember wake up” Fire called down. With a sigh she descended the steps to look for her sister. It was dark but there was faint light from the candles. Once at the bottom she saw Ember sleeping with her head on the table, a small pool of drool dripping off the edge.
Fire giggled and walked next to Ember. “HEY WAKE UP!” Fire shouted startling Ember awake as her head shot up. Looking around at what was wrong she saw the giggling face of her sister. “FIRE! That’s not funny you almost gave me a heart attack!” She screamed.
“It’s not my fault you don’t wake up when I call you” Fire pouted. “I’m just tired is all. Mostly because someone kept me awake all last night” Ember blushed rubbing her hand on the wetting panties. “Someone other than me kept you awake dear sister? How naughty” Fire teased. “Like time I checked you were asleep in my arms by midnight.” Fire giggled at Ember.
“I was asleep till I was groped and played with till 4 am like a life sized doll” Ember retorted. “You didn’t say stop!” Fire shot back. “Anyways you remember what we discussed last night… after pillow talk that is.” Ember chuckled.
“Mmm how could I forget? Just imagining it now turns me on so much.” Fire bit her lower lip rubbing her hand against her clothed crotch. “Hmm well what would you say if I found a way to make it happen?” Ember smirked making Fire’s jaw fall to the floor.
“Y-you mean it?!? You’re not screwing with me right sis b-because that would just be cruel!” Fire stuttered. With a smirk ember pulled some vials towards them. “I think it will work, I tested it actually on some plants and low and behold it worked, but it might work differently on living creatures.” Ember shrugged.
“I’ll risk it, the benefits out way the disadvantages.” Fire laughed making ember smile. “I Agreed.” “Just give me a few more minutes it’s almost finished.” Turning around Ember started milling some herbs together into a tray.
“AWW a few minutes that’s like an eternity” Whined Fire. “Hmm want to play while we wait?” Fire grinned leaning her head on Ember’s shoulder. “A-As much as that s-sounds fun we should wait for the drink to be finished.” Ember smirked. With a long sigh fire waited watching her mill the last of the herbs together.
“And it’s complete” Ember chirped happily. Getting a sigh of relief from Fire. Handing her the new elixir in a small vial Ember grinned happily at Fire. “Don’t forget Fire, once we drink this there’s no going back, any second thoughts wou-“She was cut off mid speech as fire finished drinking the last of the elixir.
“Nope I’m good” She chirped happily making Ember sigh. “To think you’re a handful now. With a grin Ember downed hers next tossing the vials onto the table. Ember watched fire amused as she bounced with joy up and down.
“Umm sis… when does it take effect? I don’t feel different.” Fire questioned. Grinning Ember reached forward and locked lips with Fire. Caught off guard she stuttered a moment but moaned into the kiss. Suddenly a glow surrounded them.
Once Ember broke the kiss she watched Fire twitching a bit. “It was extracted from a special root, when used right it’s an excellent aphrodisiac.” Ember explained making Fire grin wildly. “So you mean every time we...” she trailed off letting Ember nod in excitement.
“OH SIS YOU’RE SUCH A GENIUS!” Fire cried glomping Ember. “I know” ember laughed basking in pride. “Time to have that drink kick in.” Ember grinned pushing Fire to the floor laying to top of her pulling her in a deep kiss.
Soon the familiar glow surrounded the sisters. They continued to kiss passionately until a snap was heard. Breaking the kiss Fire looked down and frowned. “You could have warned me you know. Those where my favorite panties.” Fire pouted lifting up the torn fabric.
“What did you think would happen, we drank it not showered in it” Ember laughed. “Plus you won’t need it anyway.” Grinned Ember. Fire shrugged and tossed the tattered rag to the side. “Now where were we?” Fire smiled seductively.
“Right here” Ember whispered in her ear and started to nibble on it, causing Fire to moan happily. Slowly she slipped her hand down towards Fire’s waist and started to rub. “Hmm so wet already? We’ve only just begun dear sister” Ember giggled.
“Agreed” Ember grinned pulling her sister’s breast to her mouth and sucking lightly. Soon the glow increased with their moans. Ember continued to finger her before adding a second, and then a third. Fire was screaming with please now.
Deciding not to be left out Fire smirked and reached between her own legs passing Embers dripping hand and reached for her dripping pussy. “Let’s increase this a bit” Fire grinned and pinched Ember’s clit causing her to arch her back and scream in pleasure.
Soon the walks around them began to crack. The sisters stopped there movement and looked around. “Hmm m-maybe we s-shouldn’t have used it in here.” Ember thought out loud. “Well it’s not like well be coming back to this trashy hole in the ground.” Fire pointed out. “Let’s let you have the honor of breaking this in.” Fire grinned and pinched her clit roughly causing her screams to bellow through the room. Suddenly the ceiling gave way as her shoulders tore through the first floor.
Pulling Fire back into the sitting position Ember straddled her and continued to make out with her. Soon her three fingers turned into her whole hand. As she fisted her sister Fire sucked on her dangling breasts while she continued to rub and pinch her clit.
Soon there heads bumped the roof. Craning their heads slightly a grin formed on both there face’s. “It’s time” Ember smirked. “Agreed” Fire smiled. Furiously they pushed their legs and started to scissor with each other. There moans increased loudly as they felt themselves being pushed further into the walls and the roof. Finally they both screamed there orgasm and their bodies shot out of the house sending wood and stone everywhere. As they lay on the ground panting they looked around and smiled. The tree’s where barely over their heads. While sitting.
Fire being the first to recover stood up carefully still a bit wobbly from her release and looked around. “S-sis... it’s so… Beautiful.” Fire said happily looking at the forest from a new perspective. Leaning down Fire helped Ember to her feet and let them look at their new size.
Ember guessed based on the tree’s being at her thighs she was 50 feet tall. Ember was only an inch or two off in height but was almost the same. “You were right Fire, it’s beautiful… And soon it won’t be” Ember grinned evilly.
“Hey sis? Is it too early to find some toys?” Fire asked innocently. “Why it’s never too late to find toys dear sister.” Ember smiled warmly and gave her a deep kiss. “Hmm but where to go first.” Ember thought out loud. “Fire grinned at her sister and pointed in a direction.
“Well we could practice a bit with are no size’s. Goldshire or more Pornshire is that way. Or maybe we can go to a city and play with everything! Stormwind of course would be the closest but maybe not the best toy chest. We could try something like Ironforge. Or we can be good little alliance and go pay Undercity a visit, or we…” She was cut off as Ember kissed her once again.
“Let’s scale to size first, well try a small town then move on” Ember said happily causing Fire’s eyes to shine with excitement. “Yeeee you’re the best sister anyone can have!” Fire laughed and hugged Ember. “I know” She grinned back before looking north towards Goldshire.
“Ready sis?” Fire chirped happily. “Why of Course dear sister, let’s set the sky’s aflame” They both giggled at the saying. Soon they started walking towards the unsuspecting town. The fun had only just begun…
To Be Continued…