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"Well, it's about time I learnt to control these things for precision movements, rather than just jumping into my Freedom Fields bedroom window, or using them to go in and out of Wildstar," said Ann, "So tonight I felt like a far more extensive training session. That will do for enough practicing the speeds in the vertical direction. To fall faster, you just reduce the amount of current flowing into the anti-gravity triangles, but not too much, of course. To rise faster, you just increase it. Now I want to try some other directional vectors."

Ann had learnt about directional vectors, including the meanings of the words themselves, as part of the early lessons in moving cursors around the computer screen by pressing the correct buttons.

There were occasional moments when Wendell wished that a tiny set of exolimbs and anti-gravity triangles could have been created for him too, but most of the time he was glad that he could ride snuggled against Ann’s soft neck. She was his special friend from a new dimension, which he was enjoying seeing from his tiny perspective.

"Now I will try using it to leap from building to building. If I jump up at an angle and use the devices at the same time, they will amplify my angular outward leap and help me to reach the roof of that building over there."

Ann practiced the technique successfully, using several different heights and angles.

"Jumping giant jellybeans!" said Ann, "This really works very well!"

Ann practiced for about twenty minutes, before she had satisfied herself that she knew every possible leap in North Sydney had been achieved successfully at least once, and with enough confidence to know that she could not mess it up.

"I cannot have any lucky landings. They must all be planned and then done according to plans."

There are people who believe that the absence of a plan is the freedom from the frustration of divergence from one's plans, but Ann believed in having a plan and working towards it. If she jumped and failed to reach a building, then she would have to float upwards and make another attempt. There were even a few times when she jumped not nearly far enough and ended up floating down to the street, with no other choice but to do that and then walk across to the side of a building, float upwards and have another attempt at it.

"It's a good thing that these bracelets can help me to ride the horizontal magnetic currents of the air, if I really want to go for short flights," thought Ann, "but I should still learn to jump like this, relying only on my own agility training skills, and the anti-gravity powers of the triangles."

Ann chose a tall building and sat down on the edge of it, with her legs dangling over the side of the building.

"Hmm, nine o'clock. Tomorrow is the last day of school term two, and of the Computer Contact lessons for this time anyway, and here I am sitting on top of a building. I have had so much practice using these bracelets, since I first met Butler One, that I have fully overcome my natural fear of heights. I don't know why I was the one to find all these gadgets in a spaceship in a forest near an orphanage, but I do think that I should train myself, rather than just relying on special gadgets to do everything for me," thought Ann.

Ann turned on her communicator.

"Hey, Butler One, land on the roof and come out to join me."

"Coming and landing, Miss O’Malley."

Wildstar stopped quietly on the roof, and Butler One emerged from the top of Wildstar and floated down to the roof. Then he rolled towards Ann and stopped.

"I know that your electronic brain can't really enjoy it, Butler One," said Ann, "but the lights and the water out in Sydney Harbour are beautiful. Let's sit here and watch it for a while, before we go back to Freedom Fields."


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