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"We're staying above the tracks and heading in the city direction," said Arella.

Below them a red train stopped at Gordon station.

"That's it. Now I know why we're up here," said Arella, "We're on a mission. There's a bomb on the North Shore line somewhere, and we're the ones who have to find it."

"On the train line?"
"No Ann, anywhere. It might be near the railway line, but it could be anywhere. The train line is just a way of letting us know that it's on the North Shore line."

"So how do we work out where it is?"

"We need to find out who planted it and why. We should find a ransom note soon," said Arella.

"There's a piece of paper on the top of that church steeple," said Ann, "I'll reach out and grab it as we go past."

She seized the message and read it:


                        THIS IS OUR MESSAGE:

                        THERE MUST BE NO MORE GIGGLING GIRLS.

                        WE THINK THAT GIRLS GIGGLE TOO MUCH.

                        IF THE MAYOR OF KURINGAI DOES NOT

                        PROMISE THAT THERE WILL BE NO MORE

                        FOOLISH GIGGLING, THEN WE WILL LEAVE

                        THE BOMB TO EXPLODE.



                                                (Legion Of Sensible Adults).





                        WILL BE PUT IN PRISON, FOR THREE AND A HALF




"It was night when we left the St Ives that I know," thought Ann.

"We'll have to help find that bomb, but we're the ones in the most danger," said Arella.

"Yes, because we're young girls, and we giggle sometimes."

"I wonder where the Legion Of Sensible Adults can be found."

"I think that you should let the police arrest you and be put into jail. That would make this legion happy. I could keep searching, and you could still use your mindreading powers in jail" said Ann.

"No. It works better if you be arrested. Just trust me Ann. I know what we should do now."

"Alright. I can be arrested and then use the exolimbs under my costume to break out of jail," thought Ann.

The two girls went to the Kuringai Council chambers and requested the urgent attention of the mayor.

"It's about the bomb threat," said Ann.


*          *          *          *


"It might work. I'll arrange to have you picked up for giggling in the middle of St Ives Shopping Centre. Word will spread of your arrest and imprisonment. Meanwhile, let's hope your friend can find the Legion Of Sensible Adults, as well as the bomb," said the mayor of Kuringai.

It never occurred to Ann to wonder how they had suddenly appeared outside the Council chambers, or what had happened to the balloon. It was as though they were at the Council chambers as soon as they had formulated their plan.

Ann was soon at the shopping mall, where she looked at a poster and forced herself to giggle loudly. The mayor had tipped off a television station, so that Ann was arrested in front of a news camera. Plans were made to show the arrest on the evening news program, as well as a promise from the mayor to abide by the demands of the Legion Of Sensible Adults.


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