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Everything seemed hazy. The lights blurred, his head pounded. He rubbed his neck absentmindedly. What had happened last night? Then it all came back to him. The game, the joy, the walk, the car. Everything.

            He looked around, his vision slowly returning, panic quickly taking hold. He didn’t recognize his surroundings. In fact, it seemed unreal. There was a window before him, but it looked so far away. There was a bed, and what looked to be a dresser, but something was wrong. Where was he?

            “Well good morning,” a voice came booming down, its source unknown. Tyler quickly turned, his eyes wide. “Up here,” the voice said happily. Tyler looked up, his mouth dropping. His vision, almost all of it, was centered on the gigantic, aw inspiring face. Chase’s face.

            Tyler glanced around again, realization coming to him. He had been jumped last night, shrunken, probably by an illegal mini-mizer, and kidnapped.

            “How?” Tyler whispered to himself, shaking his head. He took a few seconds to breath, slowing his heartbeat, calming himself. Now was not the time for rash actions. If he was going to get out of this, he needed to be in control. “Why did you shrink me Chase?” he practically screamed back.

            The giant shifted around, crouching in front of the shrunken boy. It appeared that he had been placed on some sort of table, for he was now at eye level. “Why?” Chase repeated playfully, his smirk concerning. “Well, let me put it to you this way. I’ve been looking for a new toy, and who could possibly be better than the star of the football team?”

            “Wait,” Tyler said, hesitantly backing away a few steps. “Toy?”

            “Yep.” Chase said, almost menacingly.

            “W… what do you mean toy?” How was this happening?

            Chase rolled his eyes once, then reached over for his shrunken victim. Tyler tried to turn and run, but Chase’s massive hand was easily able to grab him, picking him up by his shirt, bringing him close to his enormous, yet beautiful, face.

            “I guess a more accurate word might be slave.” He lowered Tyler down the floor then, placing him right next to one of his massive feet. “A foot slave to be specific.”

            “No!” Tyler yelled, flabbergasted by entire experience. There was no way he was being anyone’s slave, especially not Chase’s!

            “Fine, its your choice,” the giant responded casually. “You can either start rubbing my foot like a good little slave,” that evil smirk returned again, “Or you can be crushed under it. Your choice.”

            Tyler could not respond, the gravity of the situation finally dawning on him. How the hell did his life come to this? Everything was so perfect yesterday, now everything was falling apart.

            So, without any other options, he gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, steadied himself, and walked over to Chase’s massive foot.

            “That’s it,” the giant said down as Tyler placed one tentative hand onto the massive wall of smelly flesh. “What a good little toy you’ll make.” The laugh that followed was sincere, if not a little evil.

            Tyler shook his head as he continued rubbing his hands over the rough, warm flesh. The smell was already getting to him, along with the humiliation of it all. “Not for long,” he whispered, plans of escape, foolhardy as they might be, already taking shape.

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