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As she arrived to practice room four, she found the door wide open. He sat inside, preparing his saxophone reed and music stand. Two chairs sat parallel, facing two stands with several pages held on each. He turned as she came into the chamber, grinning as Cindy approached. She notched the small 'occupied' sign onto the door and then shut it firmly behind. She sat into her chair and unpacked her low-brass behemoth from its casing. It was finally time to play, thought Cindy, and she couldn't be more excited. As her lips pressed to mouthpiece, her tongue brought forward the thick wad of sticky red gum. It slid through her lips and into her instrument. She smiled as it descended the first rung of the convoluted piping. He looked at her with his steely blue eyes. Her's gleamed in response and a grin spread on her face.

'I was hoping to attempt something a little different today' she offered. 'You know, I've always wanted to try playing something with a little more impact, something that absolutely envelops the listener with its fullness. And I've been worked hard, but I really wanted to test it with you first.'

'Sounds great, want me to just sit back for a while then?' he responded. She nodded shyly. As a smile crept across his face, she wondered if he was thinking that she was going to finally open up for him. Finally going to expose herself, and that maybe he would able to enhance their relationship, bring himself closer to her. That would all happen later, she mused, he would get to see everything he wanted and more. She tried control her excitement as her lungs compressed air into the golden mouthpiece, exhaling forcefully. No sound escaped; a large slick piece of gum was still hidden deep inside the complex loops of brass. But she felt it shift and slide forwards, expanding slightly as her air nudged it through its confines. He looked perplexed, watching her cheeks expand and her lips constrict to no avail. She inhaled and exhaled repeatedly, through her nose and out her mouth. The gum slid further. It would reach the wide spout soon, she knew, the vibrations inside the tuba alerted her. With a final blast, the gum appeared, stretched wide at the precipice. Her next exhalation forced air into its sticky interior, and a large deep pink bubble began to take form. With rapid energy, she continued to fill the globe, and it expanded gratefully, reaching nearly 7 feet in diameter before finally slipping from the end of her tuba and floating into the confined airspace of the practice room. A short deep blast heralded its release and sent it coasting towards the stunned boy facing her. His eyes were wide in surprise, but she had expected that response. She let her instrument rest back into its case, as the bubble stuck itself against his t-shirt, rounded edge molded against his left arm and shoulder. He stood up with a cry.

'What the hell is this thing?' he shouted at her.

'Its a bubble, silly. And its special. It tends to engulf whatever I wish it to. And that something gets to be my little prize.'

'Get it off me! I don't want to be eaten by some gigantic bubble!' he yelped. The young man turned himself towards the exit and bolted. The large bubble globbed onto his arm slowly advanced itself to being swallowing his torso. He reached the doorknob and twisted, but Cindy had already considered that her perfect little toy might not want to play. She twirled the key on her finger as she gracefully advanced. Cindy reached her hands out to press on the side of the gargantuan pink sphere. She licked her lips as her pressure caused the bubble to hasten its acceptance of his savory form. The bubble had engulfed his torso and left leg. His head was sucked inside shortly after. His hand continued to jostle the locked doorknob furiously, but to no avail. Cindy loved watching him struggle against his inevitable consumption. She could feel the tingling return to her nipples, and she let her breasts rest against the gummy edge of the prison. With a slow and deliberate motion, she slipped her hand underneath her skirt, and slid it into her panties. Her fingertips reached her clit, and she began to pleasure herself. Finally, his right arm, then wrist, then hand were absorbed. A slurping sound marked his complete entrapment as the bubble closed itself around his entirety, still intact and inflated to its full breadth. Cindy could see through the translucent exterior, her little captive visible in a pinkish red glossy haze. The bubble shook as he kicked and pounded against its walls, satisfying vibrations gliding into her breasts and stimulating her already firm nipples. Her vulva responded with an increased downpour. She brought her lips in close to the sticky surface and began to lick seductively.

'My my, you do taste delectable, my treat. I do hope you are willing to play with me even more. We just need to have you at a more manageable size.' she teased. Watching her prey thrash only made her feel more powerful, his helplessness fueling her sexual appetite. With each passing of her tongue, she could taste the succulent strawberry sweetness. With each continued lick, the globe shrunk. Slowly, she watched it condense, squeezing its contents down to a diminutive size as it collapsed. As the ball finally reached a size that fit atop her palm, she lifted it up and stood tall. Her hand still rubbed rhythmically along her pussy, her panties now a sobbing mess of scented secretion that offered no intent to cease its flow. Cindy could feel a primal satisfaction, that of a dominant completely mastering its puny servant, like a tiger eyeing its inevitable meal. The passion set her eyes ablaze, and they beamed into the small container at the tiny occupant. The ball still rocked gently with his futile efforts to claw and dent the cell in which he remained. She let her lips open around it, jaw widening to bare her teeth. It wouldn't fit inside just yet, but she let him stare down into her maw, let him glimpse her soft palette and uvula that wait above the dark passage to her belly. She imagined his fearful gaze as he realized his inevitable fate. Rows of teeth, dripping with saliva that pooled on her soft tongue and slid into a strong muscled esophagus. She swallowed forcefully, mouth still open wide, letting a rush of saliva descend into her throat. Cindy pictured her prey pressing against the pink walls to no avail. Of course, she had no intent to eat her little toy, but her saliva did glaze its surface just enough to resume its constriction, down to the size of small pool ball, still resting gently on her palm.


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