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Story Notes:
WARNING: This story includes textual evidence of a MALE GIANT. If one does not find interest in this, I advise not reading. If one does, this story is for you! Thanks.
The golden sun set low as the night crept upon the quiet town of Borah. The only sounds to be heard were the rattling of many chains and the deep moaning of tiredness and regret among the people. A low whispering wind swept down below the steep mountain side. The chained people are sinners of the world of Megalympia. They make up some of the world's worst criminals: murderers, rapists, child molesters, and questioning the authority of the deities. All of them being taken to the town prison to wait.
The officer stops the chain gang with a sign of a halt with his left hand; painted slightly with the grease of the chain he was pulling. He wraps the chain around the wooden, splintery post outside of the petite prison where the other criminals are waiting. The officer knocks three times on the old wooden door,
"Knock, knock, knock"
A husky guard slides open the small iron door to check who has come. As soon as he sees the officer, he asks,"Is that the last of them?"
"Aye, it is. Now all to do is wait for the sign, bring the rest out here."
The husky man did as he was asked, and brought out four more chain gangs, totaling at thirty men and women. All of them sinners of their world. "Should be getting about that time..." Said the officer. All of a sudden a heavy gust of wind consumed the whispering breeze and a white, illuminating light shot far into the now starry sky between both moons; Alatar and Ogestra. "Aha, it's time," the officer announced to the now wide-eyed prisoners that were building up a sense of fear in their guts.
"Listen here you lousy scum! You are now hereby the slaves of our deities. For your actions of crime upon our world, you are sentenced to the temple of our deities just as every other criminal, to worship them and serve them as they please! So, with out further due, we are off to the Temple of Megalympia!"
The official turned around and took the chain off the post and positioned four guards to carry the other chains. Five more guards were following behind. Now, in the early time of the night, many feet were trudging up the inclined path as they made their way from the town of Borah; slowly fading away as they walked and walked onto the beginning of the Path of Regret...
The long walk was exhausting for the mortals, for they were getting fatigued. The wind was getting stronger, heavily blowing debris of dirt and leaves into their faces. Its forceful gusts pushing against them making their hike a greater challenge. The leaves were massive, none like those of below the mountain. The trees were getting larger and larger as they went further and further up. They were reaching hundreds of feet into the air now, and gradually getting larger. The giant evergreens were swaying back and forth in the dark night making loud noises as the wind swayed them, and pinecones the size of hay bales were crashing onto the ground. The sounds of the great mountain were beautiful. Its grand size and silent noises of nothing, but heavy wind created an eerie, yet beautiful environment. The chattering of chains could barely be heard as the heavy wind roared louder and louder.
No one ever speaks among the Path of Regret, for the mortals consider it a moment of silence for them to give their last prayers to their deities. Prayers that their deities will have mercy on their souls. It is set in stone however, once one enters the temple, one will never come back. The soft breathing of mumbles are being made for the whole trip. The criminal mortals hoping their prayers will be at least slightly taken into consideration. All the people's feet were aching as the top seemed to be getting closer. Temperatures were colder, but not freezing. The wind was the strongest it had been yet. And the trees... The tops aren't even in sight. These trees were now thousands of feet in the air, penetrating the high night sky, surprisingly not touching the moons. The road had become wider, hundreds of feet wider as they come to what seemed to be the last incline. The mortals felt very small as they got to this point. The road went from being only eight feet wide to hundreds and hundreds of feet wide. The trees were the largest things they had ever seen, only seeing the bases of them and that was all. Small rocks along the path were now boulders that were extremely titanic. No matter how intimidating it seemed, they still were forced to move on as the officer and the guards tugged the chains. The group is fully sweating, the chains are squeaking loudly, for all the grease is gone. Sweat, blood, and dirt drip and blow off the panting people as they reach the very top over the last incline where a gigantic blast of wind blows them completely clean. The forceful wind caused all the mortals to look down and try to keep their balance, and as they slowly pull their heads back up... behold; a gargantuan golden gate...
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