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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Sibblings always fight, but to Lisa and Sira it is a little different than usual. But we're getting ahead of ourselves. First there is Lisa, an attractive 18 year old girl who stands at 6 foot tall, has brown curly hair, a caramel colored skin and a nice round butt. Then there is Sira, an also attractive girl, 17 years if age with brown straight hair, but with little curves. But what devines her most is the fact that she is the size of an ant. She has always been this way, ever since she was born. The girls fight a lot, but to Sira's horror her sister gets a little over excited when they fight.

It all started with Sira's birth. Having a tiny daughter was difficult for their parents and so most of their time was spent on Sira. Lisa disliked it and eventually started to hold a grudge against her ant-sized sister. But the relationship between them really got worse when Lisa was 14, and Sira 13. Despite being tiny Sira had convinced her parents that she was capable of roaming the house freely. So one day, with both their parents gone, Lisa was walking through the house barefoot. She walked from the bathroom through the hallway when she saw her tiny sister walking across the floor. Lisa felt her angre return, thinking about the little time her parents had for her because of her bug sized sister. With this in mind she walked over to her sister and placed her bare feet besides her.

"Hi Lisa!" Sira yelled looking up, only to see her sister's gigantic foot rise over her. Lisa lifted her foot over her and stepped on her. An evil smile spread across Lisa's face as she lifted up her foot, only to find Sira stuck to her sole. She laughed and plucked her off her foot. "Squashed like the ant you are." Lisa grinned. But Sira started twitching in her hand. "W...why?" She muttered. It took a while for Sira to fully recover, but she did. She looked at her enourmous sister in horror as she grin

ned down at her again. "Maybe you are fun after all!" Lisa said.
Lisa sat on the couch with her little sister in her hand threathning her with her fingers. The moment her parents arrived she put Sira down at her feet. "Mom! Dad!" Sira yelled "You don't believe what Lisa did to me!" Just as she said that, Lisa started tapping the ground behind Sira with her toes, creating earthquakes around Sira as a warning. "I offered to share my room with her!" Lisa said.

And that's how Sira's life full of her sister torment started. 4 Years later, their parents barely ever come home from work and the girls are often home alone together. Lisa got a boyfriend, who has a size fetish and will always encourage Lisa to torment het tiny sister more. Sira got into a special school for people tiny like her, but nobody dared to talk to her because they all know way too well what Lisa does to her.

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