Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Lisa openen her brown eyes and slowly sat up in her bed. She stretched her arms and got out of bed. She walked into the kitchen and saw her boyfriend Ivar had already had breakfast and was ready to go. Lisa walked over to him, her beautiful bare feet on the kitchen floor, her flowing dark brown hair and her caramel colored skin. She winked at her boyfriend and kissed him. He stood up from his chair, ready to go to work. "Have a good day sweetie!" Lisa said. "I hope so" Ivar answered "I have to show the new coworker around." "Well isn't that fun?" Lisa said "Maybe you and him can be friends!" "Her." Ivar said "It's a woman." Lisa felt threatened. HER man showing a new girl around all day long?
She better not try anything! "See you later honey." Ivar said and kissed Lisa on her forehead before he walked out of the door.
All day long Lisa was feeling at unease. "If that bitch tries anything she's dead!" She muttered to herself. She spent the whole day having vengeful thoughts about what she would do if that new girl would hit on her boyfriend. She went to the website of the boyfriends company and found a blog post about the new employee. She looked at the post and immediately saw the photo of a beautiful woman. She read the first part of her bio and gritted her teeth "Shit! She's a model?" She looked at the pictures of the post and saw pictures of the woman, who accordingly to the blog is named Tara, modeling with common objects which were much bigger than here.
She saw pictures of Tara holding a pencil bigger than her, wearing a ring like a hoop, bathing in a coffee mug etcetera. "Stupid artsy photo's." Lisa muttered.
In the afternoon Lisa picked up the phone and called Ivar. "Hey sweetie!" Lisa chirped. "Hey honey!" Ivar answered. "I was wondering how showing the new girl around is going." Lisa said. "Oh good!" Ivar said "She's pretty great!" Lisa gritted her teeth again. "That's... wonderful." She said trying to sound happy. "You're pretty great yourself too!" She heard a quite yet feminine voice mutter on the background. "Awh!" Ivar said. We have to have a little talk bitch! Lisa thought. "Why don't you invite her over for dinner tonight?" She said. "Alright!" Ivar said and after talking a bit on the background he said "Ok, she's coming too. See you tonight hun!" After saying goodbye Lisa hung up the phone. "Yes, I'll see you tonight." She said.
That evening Lisa looked at the clock and saw it was 6:15PM. That moment she heard keys fiddling in the lock. There here! She thought. On her high black heels she walked over to the door to welcome them. She did her best to look stunning. High black heels on her feet, a tight light blue jeans hugging her shapely legs and butt and a tight tank top squeezing her boobs and upper body, but leaving her belly exposed. Her hair was curled and draped around her face. She stood in front of the door, her blood boiling, about the meet the girl that was seducing her man! Ivar walked in, his hand up holding something. He smiled at Lisa. "Hey hun! This is Tara!" He held up a tiny two inch girl to Lisa's chest height. "Nice to meet you!" Chirped the tiny girl with a smile and a wave.
Lisa smiled back at her with a smile that was a combination of both victory and mischieve. "Yes." she said "Nice to meet you indeed."
Story Notes:
This story again features my OC's