As Ash fought to escape sleep's embrace, Luna's forearm felt heavy on his chest. It was Monday, two days after her ascension, two days after she'd doubled in size over the course of just hours.
Ash remembered their life before. They fell in love in a life of relative normalcy. Equals, surrounded by a world of women twice their size. Men like Ash made up less than 1% of society. "Tinys", women who elected to remain unascended, were even more rare.
Today, Luna was anything but tiny. Her body stretched eleven feet from head to toe. Her forearm was substantial enough he had to shove it off his chest to sit up.
Around him, the bed was a mess. Half the blankets piled at the foot, the sheets and other half strewn over him haphazardly. Next to him, Luna lie face down. She was covered only in an unfamiliar sporty gray two piece sleeping outfit. Across the room, the shades were open, bright sunlight streaming across the room. Autumn colored leaves outside the window obscured city homes across the street.
As his eyes found the clock, he startled, "What happened to the alarm!? I've got to go, I'm going to be late!" He lifted himself, intending to bound out of bed but finding himself crashing back down. Luna had firmed her grip, her hand wrapping around his entire hip, easily holding him. She obviously hadn't been sleeping.
"I turned it off." Luna shifted onto her side, casually pulling him in. A moment later, Ash felt even more dwarfed by her. While his shoulder sank into her chest, his feet only stretched far enough to brush the top of her thigh. She smiled down from above his head. "You weren't feeling well last night and needed sleep. You can call in sick." She brushed her hand down his cheek, and then down his chest, dragging the sheet with it.
"Luna!" Ash looked up, knowing fully well her intentions. "Come on, I've got to get to work." Truthfully, Ash didn't want to rush to work, but it was hard enough for him to compete. Ascended women never got sick, they hardly slept, and they did most any job better than a man. Any job that didn't involve crawling into small spaces anyway. He had worked hard to become a copy-writer for the TV news show SportsBox, and he intended to stay there. Luna, on the other hand, had a week of paid "induction-leave" from her paralegal position.
"You don't *have* to work." Luna traced her fingers across his chest. "Now that I'm Ascended, I'll make double or triple my old salary. I'm going to be taking care of you, and I take that job *very* seriously." Luna's hand slipped under the sheet, threatening to raise the stakes.
"Luna!" Ash deftly slid to the side, escaping her grasp. The sheet was pinned under her, so he found himself standing naked by the bed, showing off his half stiffy. "I don't want to quit my job. What would I do all day?" Ash's attention darted around, looking for something to cover up with, coming up empty.
Luna slid her legs over the edge of the bed, spreadding them suggestively. "I dunno, maybe you could sleep all day, and play with me all night." Ash resisted the distraction as he continued to look for his underwear. In one smooth motion, Luna stood and cradled him in her arms, giving him no choice but to pay attention. "I know you don't want to quit today. I just want you to know it's an option." After a momentary pause, she took a few steps, carrying him through the bathroom door. "Now, if you're going to work, you're going to need a shower. You smell like sex."
As Ash's feet hit the floor, he felt a chill, both from the cold tile, and from being next to Luna. Her crotch was at eye level, her powerful legs extending from there to the floor. The sight immediately started to instigate more rise out of him, exactly what he was trying to avoid. He rationalized that it was because this was so new, he just wasn't use to seeing her like this. Even so, he couldn't help tilting his head back as he scanned up her body in slow motion.
Meanwhile, Luna stood patient, resting a hand on her hip, watching her husband take her in. Days ago, she thought ascension was a sacrifice to save her life, to kill the tumor that was killing her. Right now, the awe in her husband's eyes made her wonder why she had ever been against being woman sized. She loved the way her body commanded his attention. She loved knowing just one kiss would glimmer him into submission. Both thoughts fueled the ever-present arousal that had also come with her ascension.
If Ash wanted to work today, she wasn't going to stop him, but she also wasn't going to make it easy. Luna peeled her top over her head, then reached for her bottoms. She made a dramatic show, slowly dragging them down, only bending at the waist. For his part, Ash didn't move or miss a moment. By the time she finished, both her hair and panties were on the floor, her body impressively bent in half. She paused, looking *up* at him, posing for him.
"Luna, you are *not* helping." Despite his resistance, Ash couldn't help reaching out to touch her in equal parts awe and lust. Her hip was just above his head, so he started there, brushing down her side. He still struggled to accept that this was the same woman he'd known his whole life. Each of her legs was now longer than he was tall. Each of her thighs was as substantial as his chest. Then there was her beauty. She'd been pretty before, but ascended she was unbelievably hot. Every where he looked, her body showed off striking curves. At the moment, the shapes of her firm breasts and firmer-abs were drawing the most attention.
Ash wasn't just admiring her in lust, he was rethinking his whole view of ascension. In the past, he dismissed the un-aging perfection as fake, cookie-cutter, not real, not meaningful. However, painted onto Luna overnight like a new skin, it suddenly didn't seem so bad. His hand found a path to her front, cupping against her breast. It was surreal how she was similar but different, so different. When she was a tiny, her breasts were a pleasant bit more than a handful. Ascended, the same shape dwarfed his hand, twice as tall and twice as wide.
Ash remembered how last week he'd been six inches taller than her. Now she was five *feet* taller than him. She was a whole lot bigger, and stronger, and from what Regan said, smarter. Smarter. Suddenly he remembered Luna's agenda, her ascended libido. He made a show of smacking her bare ass. "Luna! You're just trying to get me to take off work!"
She smiled, "and so what if I am? Since you don't need to work at all, you certainly don't need to work *today*." She stared towards his upside-down cock, now at full attention. She tried to resist, but she couldn't. She reached two fingers around it, and used a gentle twisting to slowly coax him towards her mouth. "Or at least you can be late. I don't think anyone would mind, under the circumstances." She wouldn't be playing with him if she didn't know he was enjoying it. At least that was her rationalization.
Ash felt an un-winnable situation. Each moment, her fingers drew his pelvis closer. He didn't want to resist it, he wanted to shove his cock into her mouth until he came. However, he knew the powerful affects of ascended saliva. Last night, after she kissed him, he pleaded to have sex, then passed out and woke up this morning late for work. Ascended saliva wasn't as potent on skin, but he wasn't ready to test it. He used all his will and both hands to press himself away, summoning a determined tone. "No, Luna. I'm showering, then I'm going to work."
Luna righted herself. His words seemed somehow more cute than stern, coming from his little body. "Alright Ash, then you better get that shower running." She followed him with slow deliberate steps, holding the door open as he stepped inside. When she was a tiny, the shower knobs used to be above her head, now they were only above his. She smugly posed against the wall as he climbed up the booster step and started wresting with the knobs. "I can do that for you, you know," she teased.
"Luna, I do this every morning, I've got it." Ash could feel the water streaming down behind him. Little sprinkles on his back helping him judge the temperature. He reached a hand out into the cold stream to help squelch his erection as he waited for the water to warm up. He tried his best to avoid looking at his sexy wife, posing naked at the shower door, looking amused.
"You know Ash, when we were both tiny, it made sense for us to struggle. But now things have changed. Our situation has changed. I can take care of you now." Luna didn't wait for the water to warm up, stepping in behind him. Thanks to ascension, she hardly felt the cold of the stream on her belly. She reached around him, setting the knobs where they should be.
Ash felt the water reaching a more acceptable temperature, but he didn't turn around. He stood, hands to the wall, waiting, thinking. Some part of him felt a rush being around his newly ascended wife, at how she asserted herself. But this was only the second day, and she was already running the shower for him. How long before her jokes about him quitting his job were not jokes? How long before her request for him to sleep all day and play with her all night would not be a request? His voice fought the sound of running water. "What if I don't want things to change? What if I liked things the way they were?"
Luna felt the words cut her to the bone. How could things not change? They knew things would be different. They talked about it before she ascended, and he promised. He promised, he would stay with her. Looking down at her husband, she felt more determined than ever. Deep in her core, she knew everything would be okay. Ash would keep his job; they would learn to enjoy her ascension; and somehow they would love each other even more. But how?
Suddenly Luna felt the world slow down, water droplets falling in slow motion as her mind raced. Future possibilities began to play out at hyper-speed. Her mind raced through the options of what she would say and how Ash would respond. After exploring many options, solutions fell together like puzzle pieces. She knew exactly what to do. When the water started streaming in front of her again, she felt an overwhelming clarity. The experience had been such a rush, she wanted to do it again, but toying with her ascension would have to wait. Now it was time to please her man and get him to work.
"Ash, I didn't like things the way they were. I *loved* things the way they were. You know what I love more?" She rested a hand on his back. "You. We have to accept reality. I'm the same person, but I have changed. I can reach the shower-knobs, I can reach the kitchen cabinets, I can drive a car without a booster. I'm your Guardian now. These are good things, for *us*. I want to make you some promises, but for that I need you to turn around."
Even though Ash was reluctant, she was right. These were all good changes. The days since she'd ascended had been fantastic. So why was he so bent out of shape? He didn't even know. He didn't want to turn around, but he felt her coaxing him and gave in. First he noticed the water hitting her belly, highlighting lines of definition on her tummy and arms. Her breasts sat high and firm on her chest, sparkles of spray glistening across their shape. She was so sexy, he forgot himself. Finally he found her face on the far side of the shower-stream.
"Ash, I *promise* you can keep working." He felt a wave of relief, making it obvious what he'd been upset about. Ten minutes ago she'd teased him about quitting his job, and it had stuck in him like a thorn. With just a few words, she'd pulled out that thorn. Her hand settled on his left side, the sensation half-unfamiliar. At her new size, her hand wrapped over his entire hip and then some.
"I *promise* that while things will change, we will figure out those changes, *together*." She stared down into his eyes with sincerity. Her blonde hair was still mostly dry and framing her face. Small tears welled up in him as he smiled. He set a hand on her arm, and hoped the shower would hide them. He was about to speak up when she started again.
"AND," her voice melodramatic, "I *promise* *never* to glimmer you into skipping work, or shopping, or wearing my underwear." She sneered her nose in a funny way, "Not that they would fit you!" Ash's smile turned into a shared burst of laughter.
"Luna, you stinker!" His response was equally playful. He reached out to swat her, and had to lean on her arm to keep from falling off the booster stool. His fingers, at the apex of his swipe, only dragged across her belly. Not exactly what he had in mind, though she giggled at his attempt.
"Ohh, I haven't even begun to be a stinker." Both arms held her hair up as she stepped into the spray, leaning and turning to wet everything below her face. Ash stared up, in awe of her shape, her entire body glistening wet. She seemed to be flaunting herself, as she taunted down, "if you're going to make it to work, we need to get washing."
Ash tore himself away, and stepped down off the booster. Walking into the stream, he reached for a tiny-sized soap in the tiny-sized soap-holder. Standing on the floor, and maneuvering around her , made Luna seem even more imposing. He put a hand on her for balance, and found it felt more like leaning against a tree than touching his wife.
Above, Luna had grabbed a normal-sized soap bar, and vigorously rubbed the bar with her hands. After they were good and lathered, she she leaned down, reaching for Ash. With one hand in front and one hand in back, she started soaping him up. When he looked up in surprise, she offered a prepared answer with her smirk, "This is faster." It wasn't the reason she was doing it, but with each of her hands spanning his entire torso, it was true.
She cleaned each of his arms between her thumb and forefinger. Then she wrapped one hand around each leg and scrubbed them a few times. She was careful not to set him off, and not to get her hair too wet. "See. All done."
Ash loved the sensation of her huge hands, slippery with soap, rubbing him all over. Especially when she bumped his still hard manhood. He waited with anticipation, sure she was going to pleasure him. When she stopped short, he felt like he became even smaller. His tiny-sized erection perhaps not drawing enough attention. His voice became timid, "Luna, honey, could I get a little... more attention."
Luna smiled down at him, holding her soapy hands together. "What's this? Mister punctual wants a little hanky panky? Even if it makes you late?" She paused long enough for him to nod a few times. Even before Ash nodded his head, her soapy hands were descending towards him. When she finished bending over, her breasts hung just a few feet in front of him. Her hands came to rest against his chest and back. In front, the base of her palm was at his sternum while the tip of her index finger was at his belly button. Then she began to slowly slide her digits down. Behind him, he felt a large finger on each butt-cheek, and another pressing against the crack. In front, her fingers dramatically slid alongside his erection.
Luna held him in the palms of her hands, and she loved it. Sandwiched in her grasp, she slowly slid her fingers over his crotch, careful to merely graze his erection. After ten strokes or so, she felt his footing soften. She didn't want him to fall, so she cradled him with the back hand. Her grasp wasn't secure enough to lift him, but it was enough to keep him from falling.
Ash found himself seated back into her hand, her index finger tweaking him between the legs. He looked to the left to see her breasts hanging, almost within reach. With her teasing him so much, he couldn't resist. He wanted to touch her. He reached out, swatting at air. They were inches too far away.
The whole scene was making Luna so hot, she was finding it hard to resist just putting him inside her for a Healing. It would be easy, it would only take seconds, and as his wife it was her right. However, she vowed never to do that, never to force him. Regan waited a weeks for a Healing, Addison hardly ever had one. She could make it more than ten hours.
Then she noticed his arm waving. First she wondered if she was hurting him, but she wasn't. Was he trying to get her attention? Then she realized what he was doing, that he was trying to touch her, and he couldn't reach because she was literally holding him in her hands. Before she could catch herself, she started laughing.
"Ohh honey, I'm sorry." A few more chuckles leaked out. "There is just something really... funny about that." She was still laughing. In fact, the more she thought about the more she laughed, and the more she laughed, the more she thought about it. Suddenly, she felt bad and tried to explain, "I'm bent over figuring out how to give you this sexy new hand-job ... and you're swatting away ... because you can't even reach me." That just brought on another bough of laughs. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'll stop."
Ash honestly didn't know what she thought was so funny. They were having a moment, and intimate moment, and he was just trying to touch her. As it continued, all her laughing seriously killed the mood. If she was still tiny sized, he would have just finished his shower and gone to work. However, he was trapped in her hands, and she was still letting out little giggles. He pushed forcefully against her wrist, enough to let her know he wanted out, that he didn't like being laughed at.
"Ohh, honey, no. I'm not laughing at you." Luna gently resisted him, keeping him in her hands. "I'm laughing at me. Days ago I was small for a tiny, now I'm so huge I have to re-learn everything. *We* have to re-learn everything, even how to give you some attention in the shower. We can do this. I'm not sending my man to work unsatisfied." Suddenly she was incredibly aroused, and she wasn't sure if it was more because of how he asserted himself, or how easily she resisted it. At least her laughing fit was over.
Apparently Ash's arousal wasn't completely gone, as just a few seconds of her fingers against him was bringing him back to life. Still, this was not the rushed shower he expected. "Alright, we can do this. But let's make it quick, I'm already going to be late, and we still need to do you."
"Ohh, don't worry about me. You can rock my world tonight." Ash noticed her bend over further, her head, her lips, her breasts lowering another foot, now close enough to touch. "Why don't you see if that fixes your little *problem*." Ash reached out, rubbing his left hand across a dangling breast. He lifted his hand, pushing up into it, doing the best it could to fondle her. Then he took her large nipple in his fingers and gently squeezed.
Luna found the sensations unfamiliar, more like being tickled or poked than what she had felt when she was a tiny. However, knowing it felt that way because of how little Ash was gave her a little rush. Then he grabbed her nipple, and she had to steady herself. It literally sent waves of sensation through her spine. The sexy moan that followed was completely involuntary, "oooh, Ash."
Now she had two reasons to bring this to a close quickly. Ash needed to get to work, and if she let this go on much longer, she wasn't sure she could control her own desires. She placed the head of his cock between her thumb and forefinger, and started to roll and rub against it as gently as she could. She knew he enjoyed it, because she felt him wobble and let go of her nipple.
Ash's legs suddenly felt weak. Whatever she was doing to him down below was amazing. He didn't want it to stop, and in a moment he was going to fall. He reached out for her arm, holding on to brace himself as best he could. She taunted him from above, "So you like that do you? Looks like we figured something out. What if I do it a little like this?" Ash felt a pulse of sensation from his cock, interfering with his ability to feel, to stand, to think. His legs wavered. "I think I'm going to call that my new button. Here Ash, let me push the button."
Luna felt such a rush at his reaction. She had the head of his cock in the crease of two fingers, with her thumb rubbing against it. If she gave her hand just a little twist, she could feel him get weak. With her other hand bracing him from the back, and him holding onto her forearm, each time she did it she could feel his body fall against her support.
She twisted. She felt him spasm. She twisted. One of his feet briefly slipped out from under him. She needed to make sure he didn't get hurt. One last squeeze, twist, squeeze, twist, and she felt him spasm strongly, as he climaxed between her fingers.
After a moment's rest, she brought her back hand around, because it was still a little soapy, and rubbed him clean. "Mission accomplished. Now, finish up so I can drive you to work." Luna stood back to her full height, using the soap to wash her hands before the quickest wash of her body she'd ever done.
Ash had planned to drive himself to work, in *his* car, but as he finished rinsing beneath Luna, he decided some battles might not be worth fighting.
Story Notes:
Condoned continuation of "Luna's Ascension" by SpookyTaco.
Two notable changes. #1, Ash is a sports copy writer, not a computer programmer like he was in the original. #2, men are injected with the live virus at age 18, and there is no "near age" restriction.