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Almost a full week had past since the last death in the group. The trio was still alive, though their moral was barely intact. They were hungry, starving to death, and still without any real plan of becoming normal.

Matt was trying to maintain a positive outlook on life, spending any time he was not scavenging for crumbs staring longingly at his one time girlfriend, letting his mind fly back to a time when he didn’t have to worry about death. She really was beautiful.

Still, she would crush him without a thought. Just like Johnny, just like the others. He wasn’t meant to live at this size, and with each passing day he started to fear that he was never going to grow back to normal.

The day opened like most, sunlight flooding into the store, the door opening and closing as the employees meandered inside. They had started scavenging early, picking up a single crumb of what they could only assume was a bread, but finding nothing after.

“Come on,” Brian begged, his unblinking eyes watching a single cookie placed precariously on the edge of one of the tables, a few giants standing near by. A single bump could send it falling down, feeding them for at least another week. But so far there wasn’t any luck.

“Just shut up,” Nicholas answered, slapping him on the back of the head. “It isn’t going to fall just because you want it to.”

“I’m just-”

“Hungry, you’ve said that before. Now shut up.” Matt remained silent, wishing not to aggravate Nicholas any more than he already had. The man had never been pleasant to be around, but he was starting to act worse, violent at times.

A woman slammed her foot down before the group, the ground shaking from the massive impact. She was wearing a pair of high heels, the white leather new and beautiful. No cracks or creases, and not a spot of dirt darkening the surface. They might have been brand new.

Matt took a moment to appreciate the delicate design. A pointed toe, though not so much as it appeared aggressive. Seductive would have been a far better word to use. Her heel rose up a few inches above the ground, a single pole of glistening white jutting down to support her entire body weight, the tip resting on a thin square of durable rubber already dirtied with whatever grime dusted the cold sidewalks outside.

The giantess was fidgeting a bit as she did whatever she was doing, sliding her foot around every so often, leaning onto her toes, sometimes tapping her heel. In a past life, when death wasn’t looming with every motion, Matt might have found this woman, this situation, to be uncontrollably arousing.

“Think she would help us?” Brian asked longingly, his voice, like his mind, somewhere else.

“What?” Nicholas answered with disgust. “No.”

Matt shrugged. “She might, if she could see us.”

“She isn’t going to see us, stop thinking there’s a chance,” was Nicholas’s curt response.

“She might. We have to at least keep up-”

“No, we don’t. We have to be realistic about this shit. We are going to die like this.”

“Don’t say things like that.”

“Why not? It's true.”

“Guys,” Brian interjected. “I think I might know her.”

“Really?” Matt asked, Nicholas rolling his eyes.

“Yeah, we worked together. He name is…” he paused thinking. “Mabel? Yeah, yeah, it's Mabel.”

“Who gives a fuck?” Asked Nicholas, moving away.

“I’m going to talk to her.”

“No, Brian you can’t,” Matt started, but the man was already running forward. “Brian!”

“Let him go,” Nicholas said as Matt rushed forward, coming to the edge of the table before stopping. “One less mouth.”

“Mabel!” Brian shouted, rushing into the sunlight of the store, begging for the giantess above him to look down. “Please, Mabel, it's me!”

Matt could only watch as his friend continued to do everything in his power to make the giantess look down, all of it failing. She was simply too large to notice the bug at her feet. Still, despite her foot slowly moving in erratic, unpredictable patterns, despite the impossibility of the situation, Brian continued to beg. “Please, it's me!”

“Brian, come back!” Matt shouted, Nicholas laughing behind him. He didn’t want to see another one of his friends die. Not like this. He couldn’t stop thinking of Johnny rushing to the underside of that girl’s boot, simply licking the food off of her sole. If he did nothing things would end the same, another carcass left on the floor. “Please,”

Brian looked back for a moment, his face devoid of anything other than longing. “No, I think she might-” his sentence suddenly halted as a shadow fell upon him. He looked up just in time to see the small rubber sole on the end of the giantess’ heel.

It slammed down, first pushing Brian to the cold floor, his face smashing against the tile, then digging downwards into his back, impaling him through. His screams echoed through the air.

Matt’s hands went up and covered his mouth, his eyes going wide at the sight. The giantess’ heel was just thin enough to pass through without actually killing the man. He was still alive, screaming, thrashing, blood spilling out of the open wound in unholy amounts. “Help!” He shouted over and over, the haunting words echoing through Matt’s mind.

“He deserves it,” Nicholas muttered close by. “Idiot should have known.”

“Please!” Brian continued to shout. The giantess then shifted her weight, spinning her foot around so she was facing a new direction, dragging the man’s body as she did so. A massive trail of blood and gore followed in a long arc. “Oh god!” Brain screamed, somehow still alive.

Matt could only stare in horror as he continued to fight for life, his organs slipping out of the massive wound. Soon enough to woman moved, stepping away from the table, Brain’s body still impaled, still stuck. His screams were audible for a while after that, until the woman had left the store.

“Gross,” Nicholas said once silence had returned. “Guess it's just you and me now, hugh?”

Matt could only remain silent, those screams echoing in his mind.


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