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You open the fridge and pull the cover off of the macaroni.  As you do so, you feel another headrush overtake you and you lose your senses for a few moments.  There is a feeling of tumbling through space, but that ends with a plop as you come to.

            You feel cold and wet.  Looking around, you see yourself surrounded by large pieces of pasta covered by a white goo.  You stand up with difficulty, and notice that you are about a tenth of the size of a piece of macaroni!  You are almost microscopic, and stuck in about an acre’s worth of salad!  You stumble around, trying to reach the edge, but you don’t get far before you fall down in to a macaroni tube. 

            Just then, you hear loud, echoing footsteps, and your sister Rachel’s voice; “Oh, who left the fridge door open again?!”

            You look out through your periscope view from the macaroni and see Rachel, and she’s absolutely colossal!  She looks around, then down at you.  Your heart leaps with joy at discovery before you realize she’s just looking for a snack before cheerleading practice.  She sniffs at the bowl that you’re stuck in and you get an amazing view of her nose before she pulls away. 

            “Smells all right...” she mutters, and sets you down on the counter.  She disappears, and then reappears a moment later, fork in hand! 

            You scream as loud and as long as you can, but she doesn’t notice a thing.  The fork plunges down somewhere in your prison, and comes out with what must be a dozen tons of salad on it!  You can only watch as this massive amount of food fits easily in to your little sister’s mouth.  She chews a bit, and swallows. 

            Realizing that you have got to get out as soon as possible before you’re just a bit of energy in Rachel’s body, you start desperately clambering up the gooey pasta tube.  You barely get halfway up when Rachel starts moving her fork around in her salad, sending you and your piece of pasta tumbling!  You hear a loud rumbling with gushy undertones as your pasta is sent to the bottom of the whole mix!  Opening your eyes, you don’t see much, but you feel pressed almost all over by the sauce.  Wading through it, you come to the end of the tube, and it seems to be blocked by a small chunk of potato. 


            You feel and hear more bites leave the bowl and go down your sister’s gullet
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