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"Hey, you know how they always say that it's discipline that begets love?" Sans asked Papyrus while the two of them lazily laid together atop the sofa in their double-decker house and watched TV.

"Well, not really, but OH MY GOD, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING?!" Papyrus suddenly screamed for dear life as Mettaton diagonally sliced their entire house in twain with one of his arm-lasers and peeked inside through the roof (and the wall, of course, because why not?)

"GODDAMNIT, PAPYRUS, RUN OUT OF HERE AND FLEE FROM F%#&ING TOWN AS FAST AS YOU CAN! WHAT IN THE SEVEN SOULS (GAAAH!) ARE YOU FREAKING WAITING FOR?!" Sans screamed at Papyrus in horror, telekinetically grabbing him by the hand and dragging him out of the house just as Mettaton's ginormous stilleto made its footfall atop it and kicked it into shreds.

"DESTROY! DESTROY! DESTROY!" Mettaton chanted, his antennae glowing bright red as he grabbed an explosive tank shell from one of the tanks that was firing on him and tossed it right back at the battalion, then opened up his chest and poured out a myriad of cluster bomblets that scattered all over the general area around him and blew up every single thing in sight!

"Eat LEAD, motherf%#&er!" one of the nearby jet pilots growled ferociously as he swooped in and foolishly attempted to shower Mettaton with a storm of bullets as literally every single one of said bullets just went CLANK and CLINK and CLUNK against his inhumanly powerful armor.

"OH, SH-" the pilot began to yell, his transmission suddenly being cut short in mid-word as Mettaton swung one of his arm cannons and punched the poor dumbass' plane right out of the air!

"JUST FREAKING DIE ALREADY!" an entire squadron of twelve jet pilots screamed infuriatedly at him in a fit of rage as he immediately took to the skies, with the planes chasing straight after him!

"HYDRA STORM, MOTHERF%#&ER!" the pilots yelled in fury as they used their combined arsenals to shoot several gigantic barrages of missiles directly at Mettaton, who reflexively barrel-rolled right out of the way of the first dozen, used his holographic shielding ability to block the next dozen, then used his literal dozen of tentacles to grab the last dozen in mid-flight with impossibly fast and precise movements and throw them right back at the pilots that fired them, causing all twelve of their jets to explode like f%#&ed-up fireworks in the sky while Alphys and Undyne clung for dear life to the hand and foot handles on the backs of Mettaton's shoulders, screaming and crying in horror as Mettaton landed right in the middle of the Snowdin Town part of the city, positioned himself into a T-pose and fired his laser beams while leaning and spinning his torso around and around in a lightning-fast circular motion, effectively decimating just about every single thing around him as everyone in the town ran screaming for their lives.

"Mettaton, what the hell's gotten INTO you?! This has got to be the absolute SINGLE most absolutely UNACCEPTABLE freaking thing that I have ever witnessed ANYONE doing in my entire godforsaken life, and I've watched literally every single bestiality-themed hentai episode of Mew Mew Kissy Cutie at least seven times over! In laymen's terms, you should be absolutely freaking ASHAMED of yourself!" Alphys screamed into Mettaton's right ear while the giant was busy grabbing the remains of the battalion of tanks that he had just destroyed and gluttonously eating them.

"Mettaton, I freaking love fighting just as much as probably the next stereotypically masculine redheaded fish-bimbo, but this isn't fighting; it's just pure freaking MASS GENOCIDE!" Undyne screamed into Mettaton's left ear while the giant was busy shooting out his Sephiroth wings like giant laser-guided boomerangs and simultaneously slicing the propellers right off of an entire fleet of helicopters as they all came crashing straight to the ground and exploded into bits!

"KILL! DESTROY! EXTERMINATE!" Mettaton chanted as a second (and sadly the last remaining) battalion of tanks came rolling up to him in yet another foolishly straight horizontal line formation, prompting him to completely annihilate the middle two with his eye lasers and then leap into the air and handsomely crush the outer two simultaneously beneath his massive stilletos as he continued violently rampaging through the town and surrounding city, mercilessly crushing everything in his path in one fell million-ton metal sweep.

"ARF! BARK! WOOF!" Greater Dog roared angrily at Mettaton, brandishing his adorably dog-faced spear at the beast and focusing several tons of his innermost canine strength into his also adorably dog-face-decorated armor while the beast just stood there and stared blankly at him before finally lifting his stilleto-heeled foot up into the air and bringing it right down on top of the poor dog warrior, squashing his armor into a disfigured metal pancake as he luckily jumped out just in time, revealing his even more fluffy and adorable non-anthropomorphic true self!

"UM...YIP?" the poor dog stammered, trembling and wetting himself in fear as Mettaton's massive stilleto-heeled came down onto him as well, squashing him into nothing more than a big gory bloodstain on the snow-speckled ground as he took off yet again and flew right over to Toriel's house, where Toriel, Burgerpants, Asgore and Asriel were all gathered together in an intense discussion about the nature of the current situation and how to possibly take care of it.

"Alright, for the LAST freaking time, LOOK, old man; that son of yours that you literally treat like your goddamned colonial-era SLAVE is f%#&ing RIGHT, you know!" Burgerpants ranted angrily at Asgore, smacking him across his face. "See how you've already lost literally EVERY single goddamned vehicle in your ENTIRE f#&%ing FLEET because you just couldn't STOP F&%#ING ATTACKING to save your goddamned LIFE?! I'm not even joking here, this sh*t is f%#&ing SERIOUS!"

"Father, the giant is approaching!" Asriel warned Asgore, pointing at the enormous metal object that was rapidly flying toward them, presumably with his best friends Alphys and Undyne in tow.

"For God's sake, father, WHAT IN THE SEVEN HELLS ARE WE GOING TO FREAKING DO NOW?! WE'RE ALL COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY FREAKING HOPELESS NOW, ALL THANKS TO YOU AND YOUR STUPID, SELFISH JOKE OF A MILITARY PLAN!" Asriel screamed furiously at Asgore, grabbing him by the collar and just barely resisting the urge to headbutt him right in the face.

"Well, son, I really hate to say this, but I'm afraid we've been left with no other choice; the only way out of this situation at this point is for us to make the absolute WORST decision possible!" Asgore sighed and shrugged miserably as he pulled out a rather unsettlingly single-buttoned handheld command device from his robe and reluctantly placed his finger over the big, red and shiny LAUNCH button.

"Oh, don't you f%#&ing DARE...GODDAMNIT, WOMAN, LET ME THE F#%& AT HIM!" Burgerpants screamed and cried in a fit of suppressed rage and sadness as Toriel narrowly restrained him from pouncing onto Asgore and attempting to grab the remote and bite it clean in half...which, the way that he was planning to do it, would have resulted in him pressing the button anyway even if it had worked.

"For f%#&'s sake, honey; there has to be at least SOME other way of handling this!" Toriel yelled angrily at Asgore. "In fact, why don't we just follow Burgerpants' advice and go pacifist on this sh*t for the time being? I mean, after all, it's not like we really do have any other hope here!"

"Quite frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn WHAT you think!" Asgore laughed maniacally as he slammed his thumb right down on the LAUNCH button with all of his might, breaking the remote into pieces and sending the entire city of Snowdin into nuclear-alert mode as a massive nuclear missile was launched straight up into the air and headed straight for the Snowdin entrance hole, where it would then travel up into outer space and come hurtling straight back down into the Underground, decimating and completely wiping out everyone and everything there!

"CAUTION ALL SNOWDIN CITIZENS: EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY! A BOMB HAS BEEN ARMED! THIS IS NOT A DRILL; I REPEAT, THIS IS NOT A DRILL! WOULD EVERYONE PLEASE PACK THEIR SH*T UP AND EVACUATE RIGHT FREAKING NOW BEFORE WE END UP HAVING TO SHANK A BITCH?!" Doggo announced over the Snowdin intercom system while all of the civilians just stayed right where they were, knowing that there was probably not going to be any sort of escape from such a bomb as this anyway...unless they somehow managed to flee the Underground, which of course was highly unlikely even with the massive holes in its ceiling.

(Also, they knew that he was the type of guy that wouldn't know if they were standing still.)

"METTATON DOES NOT COME IN PEACE!" Mettaton informed Burgerpants and the Dreemurrs in a disturbingly monotone voice as he immediately set his sights firmly on mother Toriel!

"METTATON, FOR GOD'S SAKE, NO; DON'T DO THIS, PLEASE, I'M BEGGING YOU!" Alphys screamed and cried desperately into Mettaton's right ear, covering her mouth with her hands and trembling helplessly in absolute shock and terror while Toriel did the same.

"SHE'S OUR MOTHER! WE LIKE TORIEL! WE FREAKING LOVE HER, DON'T YOU REMEMBER?!" Undyne screamed and cried hopelessly into Mettaton's left ear, burying her face in his shoulder and sobbing hysterically as the giant charged up his arm-laser and was just about to fire it at Toriel, when all of a sudden, Asgore lunged in from the side and shoved her out of the way!

"Listen up, you heartless bag of BOLTS; monsters have f%#&ing FEELINGS and FAMILIES, just like YOU probably did back on whatever the hell your stupid home planet was! They are NOT just your mindless f#%&ing LIVESTOCK!" Asgore yelled angrily at Mettaton, shaking his fist at him.

"LIVESTOCK DETECTED! COMMENCING FIRE!" Mettaton commanded himself as Burgerpants desperately attempted to push Asgore out of the way, but was too skinny and weak to properly do so!

"Oh, for crying out loud!" Asgore sighed and shook his head as he casually walked off to the side in the general direction that Burgerpants was trying to push him, putting the poor cat face-to-face with what had now become his absolute worst metallic nightmare incarnate!

"Um...S-SAYONARA, M-MOTHERF%#&ER?!" Burgerpants trembled and stammered in terror, twiddling his fingers, crossing his legs awkwardly and wetting himself in terror in a profoundly Alphys-like (read: adorkable) fashion as Mettaton glared disapprovingly at him.

"F#%& YOU, ASSHOLE!" Mettaton laughed at Burgerpants' expense as he fired one of his alternate arm-lasers directly at the poor cat, stripping literally every last bit of hair and clothing from his body and rendering him pink, naked, afraid, deeply humiliated and also highly shocked to still be alive!

"AIEEEEEE!" Burgerpants screamed like a little girl as he looked down at himself and saw how disturbingly handsome and muscular his bony-limbed, completely hairless and sickly-pink body still managed to be while Alphys and Undyne began masturbating furiously in response.

"Um...I really DO look like the Pink Panther right now, don't I?" Burgerpants stammered embarrassedly with an awkward grin on his face, blushing brightly and bending his right knee awkwardly against his left leg and loosely wrapping his tail around his spindly legs and covering his crotch humiliatedly with his oddly-specifically laser-proof work hat while everyone around him busted out laughing.

"YES, YOU DO, ALRIGHT..." Alphys and Undyne moaned and drooled with pleasure as they both creamed themselves and immediately began formulating a plan to take advantage of the unexpected turn of events while Mettaton tried to decide what his next target would be!
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