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"Oh, sweet jumping JELLYFISH, is that...is that the giant ROBOT thing that everyone was talking about?!" Undyne gasped, putting her hands over her mouth and trembling in terror as she and Alphys sat together with their backs pressed firmly against one of the forest's many trees as they witnessed the colossal metallic beauty that was Mettaton kneeling majestically on the ground and eating the living crap out of the local Snowdin Town power generator, chewing up the hard, solid metal with his dainty little celebrity teeth and swallowing it in big chunks while Alphys and Undyne screamed loudly for him to stop.

"It's time to STOP! It's time to STOP, okay?!" Alphys ran up behind him and yelled angrily at Mettaton as he worked his way down to the very center of the power generator and readied himself to begin chewing on its figurative "bone marrow", so to speak.

"Where the hell are your parents? Who ARE your parents?!" Undyne yelled at Mettaton, who turned his head off to the side and glanced curiously at her and Alphys in response.

"I'm gonna call Child Protective Services! IT'S TIME TO STOP!" Alphys yelled as Undyne climbed up onto Mettaton's back and made her way up to his head, where she immediately began viciously biting and pulling and yanking his hair in anger, much to his annoyance and dismay.

"GWAAAAAAH!" Undyne (and her skeleton) shrieked in agony as Mettaton bit down on the exposed power core, electrocuting both her and himself in the process and causing him to temporarily shut down from the resulting massive electrical overload to his internal systems.

"Boy, I sure know what I'M having for dinner tonight!" Alphys snidely teased the crisply fried Undyne with an incredibly smug and glaring smirk, cradling her in her arms and licking her lips.

"Oh, SHUT up!" Undyne laughed, giggling and wiggling adorably in Alphys' arms while Mettaton suddenly recovered from his recent self-electrocution and woke up!

"PLEASE don't eat me! I'm too CHEWY!" Alphys got down on her knees and cried and sobbed and begged on Mettaton's behalf, setting Undyne (who was already trying not to laugh from the absolute spectacle that the poor girl was making of herself) down onto the ground, crawling over to his handsomely high-heeled feet and wetly smooching them in servitude.

"Not to mention, she's also WAY too freaking CUTE!" Undyne laughed, running over to the now-thoroughly-humiliated Alphys and pinching and stretching her chubby, dorky, rosy little cheeks.

"CUTE?" Mettaton scratched his head and asked curiously.

"Yes indeed, she is absolutely nothing SHORT of the very definition of CUTE!" Undyne giggled as she cuddled and squeezed Alphys' chubby little dinosaur body and held it out in front of her while it fidgeted about, twiddled its fingers together, wagged its tail nervously and wiggled its feet about...and then immediately wet itself, blushed brightly from head to toe, shamefully buried its head in its dainty little paws and began humiliatedly whimpering like a sad and scared little puppy from the mere physical contact of Undyne's lips with its precious little face, of course.

"AWW!" Mettaton purred like an innocent little kitten, pressing his palms together and resting his cheek on the combined set of hands as he immediately saved the heart-meltingly adorable Alphyne shipping into his memory banks while Undyne playfully ruffled up Alphys' quills.

"EEE! STOP IT!" Alphys squeaked and giggled, wiggling her legs frantically as Undyne took the opportunity to reach in with one of her fingernails and tickle the adorable lizard nerd's equally adorable little feet...then flip her upside down and begin lovingly licking them, just for kicks.

"Wow, these little beauties actually taste quite DELICIOUS for some odd reason!" Undyne laughed and stammered embarrassedly, dangling Alphys by the tail with one hand and gently massaging her gorgeously soft and scaly soles with the other as she continued licking them even further, causing the poor lizard girl to burst out into hysterical tears of laughter.

"UNDY-HY-HY-HYNE, STAH-HAH-HAHP IT! YOU'RE TOTALLY HUMILIATING ME-HEE-HEE-HEE!" Alphys nearly died laughing as she accidentally kicked Undyne right in the face with her frantically-waving-up-and-down, knocking her over onto the ground and giving her a nosebleed.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry, are you okay?!" Alphys cried, kneeling onto the ground, lifting Undyne's upper torso upright and glaring worriedly and passionately into her loving eyes as she woke up.

"Oh, don't worry about the nosebleed, you silly goose; why, I had already gotten it just from the mere SIGHT of those wonderful soles of yours!" Undyne laughed, patting Alphys on the head.

"Geeze, I sure hope the REST of my fanbase doesn't turn out like this after seeing what already happened to Toriel..." Alphys muttered somewhat disgustedly to herself as she looked up and faced the giant nervously, struggling with all of her might to come up with something to say.

"Psst, psst, psst!" Undyne whispered into Alphys' ear, glancing off to the left and then right of herself to make sure that no one was watching them and seeing what was happening at the moment.

"Umm...w-why don't you come and live with us for a little w-while?" Alphys stammered awkwardly, interlocking her hands together and quivering her knees intimidatedly.

"Yeah, let's take you HOME with us, whaddaya say to THAT?!" Undyne laughed triumphantly as she scooped Alphys up into her arms and ran back through the forest at full speed to the foster home where she and Alphys had started their recent journey, with Mettaton following along eagerly behind them.

"My, my, how incredibly INTERESTING!" Flowey cackled evilly, hiding in a nearby clearing and rubbing his leaves together as he transformed back into his Asriel form and dialed up Asgore on the phone.

"Alright, so...have you managed to find any new information on Mettaton?" Asgore asked Asriel over the phone, drinking a massive, heaping sip of coffee from his #1 MR. DAD GUY mug.

"Well, from what I've seen so far, not really, other than the fact that he apparently likes to eat metal. Oh, and also, Alphys and Undyne just recently found him and are now taking him to god-knows-where-in-the-forest with them; just thought maybe you'd like to know." Asriel explained in a remarkably deadpan tone, pinching and rubbing his thumbs and fingers together in boredom.

"Oh, come on, don't play dumb with your own father; you know EXACTLY where those two are taking him. In fact, I'd wager that you actually know VERY well where they're taking him!" Asgore groaned and shook his head in disappointment while Asriel had a sudden eureka moment!

"OF COURSE! HOW COULD I BE SO FREAKING BLIND?! Man, I really should have KNOWN that they'd be taking him to Toriel's new foster home in Snowdin...since after all, that DOES just so happen to be the place where they currently freaking LIVE! GAH, STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!" Asriel ranted angrily at himself, bashing his head against a nearby tree in frustration.

"Well, absolute ignorance of yours aside, I would strongly advise not being RUDE with this operation, if you can avoid doing so. Therefore, I'm ordering you to please at least wait until next morning before you start interrogating the poor girl, okay?" Asgore commanded him sternly, hanging up the phone and leaving Asriel cackling evilly to himself yet again.

"Oh, you'd better NOT believe that I'm going to just sit and WAIT all the way until next FREAKING morning for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of THIS utterly magnificent caliber and magnitude! No sirree, I'm doing this right freaking NOW!" Flowey laughed dementedly with a sadistic grin on his face as he burrowed into the ground and made his way over to Toriel's house as slowly as possible, still giving Alphys and Undyne ample time to do their nightly business...time, of course, that they were naturally spending in the front yard with Mettaton.

"Alright, so, can you perhaps tell us where you actually CAME from, and maybe even potentially WHY, perhaps?" Alphys asked Mettaton curiously, shaking her clipboard nervously and nibbling anxiously on her pencil as she glanced to the left and right of her in a very paranoid fashion.

"You just said 'perhaps' twice." Undyne groaned and sighed, glaring exhaustedly at her.

"I KNOW..." Alphys groaned and shrugged equally exhaustedly, her eyelids beginning to develop bulbous, drooping bags from how tired she already clearly was at the moment.

"..." Mettaton responded, pointing his finger straight up toward the sky.

"Space, I assume?" Alphys sighed, rolling her eyes ever-so-slightly at how incredibly generic and clichéd the whole prospect really was in retrospect as she twirled her pencil and struggled to stay awake.

"SPACE..." Mettaton responded as if it was literally his first time hearing the word while vague memories of all the shiny and sparkling wonders that he had seen scattered throughout space on his journey from whichever planet he came from to Earth suddenly came flooding back to him.

"Tell me, Mister Giant, sir; is there anything in particular that you would especially like to be someday?" Undyne asked Mettaton teasingly, already knowing exactly what he was about to say.

"STAR?" Mettaton replied, scratching his head and trying to recall whether or not 'star' was actually the right word for what he was referring to as he drew a cute little five-pointed-star shape in one of the leftover patches of snow from the fall and winter seasons with his finger.

"Um...hopefully, that can be arranged someday, in some way or another!" Alphys blushed and stammered embarrassedly as all kinds of thoughts immediately began running through her mind.

"Say, speaking of stars...you ever heard of Mew Mew Kissy Cutie?" Undyne asked Mettaton, who merely shrugged and shook his head due to the fact that he simply had no idea what Undyne was talking about and (like most people on Earth, for that matter) didn't really care.

"Well, you should definitely check it out sometime; in fact, I do believe I've got the original manga right here in my pocket!" Alphys explained as she reached into her magical coat pockets, pulled out the incredibly massive Volume 1 book of the original series (nearly half of which was comprised mainly of formulaic, forgettable filler of the highest degree) and blew a heaping cloud of dust off of it, causing Undyne to choke and cough and sputter in disgust.

"MANGA?" Mettaton scratched his head in confusion.

"Well, anyway, I may not have read it in a very long time, but basically, this series chronicles the playful and often mischievous adventures of an adorable young teenage catgirl celebrity named Moumou as she spreads joy and happiness all across the entire world!" Alphys explained somewhat embarrassedly, realizing how incredibly corny this series' premise was.

"CELEBRITY...STAR..." Mettaton whispered dramatically as he posed flamboyantly, threw his head back, and gazed straight up into the starry night sky through a precariously ginormous sinkhole that the previous giant handsome robot before him had presumably left in Snowdin's ceiling.

"Um, uh-huh, right...well, anyway, the point of the matter is this; unless I'm horribly mistaken or something, it would appear to me and Undyne that Moumou is indeed the type of person you secretly want to be, judging from your outward appearance alone." Alphys explained, tapping her foot and jotting down an extensive multitude of notes on her clipboard as she spoke.

"So tell us, partner; are you UP for the CHALLENGE or are you really just the little THREE-YEAR-OLD you act like?!" Undyne asked him ferociously as she grabbed a ten-foot-tall tree sprout and violently yanked it right out of the ground, just because she could.

"TREE..." Mettaton moaned with pleasure as he effortlessly uprooted a fully grown, thirty-foot-tall evergreen tree and ate it like it was nothing, causing both Alphys and Undyne to stop dead in their tracks and freeze solid in place, with their jaws all but literally dropping straight to the ground.


"Um, OKAY, Undyne, you can pick your jaw back up and snap out of it now!" Alphys reminded Undyne annoyedly, waving her hand in front of the awestruck fish lady's utterly disbelieving face. "Um, hello, Earth to Undyne, HELLO? This is my freaking FOOT speaking, you know!"

"MMM..." Undyne murred and blushed with delight as Alphys stuck one of her cute little lizard feet into her mouth and let her suck on it for the next few minutes as she asked Mettaton one last very important question regarding his potential ability to hide from authorities.

"So tell me, Mettaton...OOH, that feels so good...is there anything that you could perhaps, OHHHHH, I don't know, like, TRANSFORM into or something?" Alphys moaned and stammered in an awkward mixture of pleasure and embarrassment as Undyne lovingly sucked on her dainty little toes.

"Okay, that's freaking ENOUGH, you disgusting little freakshow!" Alphys hissed disgustedly at Undyne, abruptly removing her now-soggy foot from the fish lady's wetly salivating mouth and slapping her across the face while Mettaton racked his CPU for a suitable answer to Alphys' question.
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