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One late afternoon, I was hanging out with my friend Daisy at her house. We were siting on her couch playing some Sonic the Hedgehog on her 70 inch flat screen TV and drinking a few cans of soda. Our stomachs started to growl and we both looked at each other as we said, "We need something to snack on before the pizzas get here in a few hours."

"Wanna go get some popcorn from the kitchen?" Daisy asked.

"Sure!" I replied.

I got up off the couch and headed toward the kitchen. When I got into the kitchen, I went to the cabinet where the big bowls were and got one out, putting it on the counter. Then I walked over to the pantry to get the bag of popcorn out. Afterwards, I walked over to the cabinet where the smaller bowls were and got one of those out and went over to the refrigerator and got the butter out, scooped out a spoonful of butter, put it in the smaller bowl, put it in the microwave, and heated it up for about 10 seconds. After that was done, I put the bag of popcorn in the microwave and heated it up for 5 minutes and then took it out after it dinged and emptied the bag of popcorn into the large bowl. I took the small bowl of melted butter and poured it on the popcorn and then put some salt on it. I was just about to pick up the bowl of popcorn and go back into the living room, when I felt something crawling on the back of my neck. I went to go swat it, but when my hand came towards the back of my neck, the little bug moved. I went to go swat it again, but before I could swat it, it bit me.

"OUCH!!!" I yelled. I got a napkin and grabbed the little bug where it bit me and saw that it was a black spider the size of a grape.

"What happened?" Daisy asked with concern.

"A spider bit me on the back of my neck!"

"Ouch! Sorry that happened to you. Hope nothing bad happens from the bite." She said.

"Thank you! I'm sure I'll be fine," I said back to her.

I crumpled up the napkin and threw it away. I was about to pick up the bowl of popcorn, but then all of a sudden, I felt lightheaded. My head was spinning, so I leaned on the counter and that just made it worse, so I sat on one of the bar stools and I started to feel better. I sat there and closed my eyes for a few minutes just to make sure I didn't faint and fall on the floor. I felt this strange tingling sensation throughout my whole body, but I figured that was just my head feeling better, so I didn't think anything of it. I opened my eyes after sitting there for a few minutes and everything was bigger than when I sat down! I looked at myself and saw that I was about one-sixth of an inch tall! I thought to myself, "How did this happen to me? I bet it was that spider that bit me!" I got up from the stool and hopped onto the counter and started looking for something to climb up onto the bowl of popcorn, so I could yell for Daisy and get her to come into the kitchen. I saw the salt shaker and the spoon that I had used to scoop out the butter. I moved the salt shaker close to the edge of the bowl and leaned the spoon against the salt shaker. I got on the spoon and stepped into some of the butter that was still on the spoon and I tried to scrape off as much of it as I could. I started to climb up the handle of the spoon and I was a little wobbly at first, but then got my balance back. After a while of climbing up, I finally made it to the end of the spoon. I started to step onto the rim of the bowl, but then I felt the spoon start to slip. Before I went down with the spoon, I grabbed the edge of the bowl and hung there for a few seconds and then pulled myself up on the rim of the bowl. I got up and started to yell for Daisy, but was quickly cut off and slipped on the rim and fell into the bowl of popcorn. Thankfully the popcorn cushioned my fall and I didn't go splat on the bottom of the bowl.

"That damn butter made me slip and fall before I could yell for help! My grandma always told me butter was a bad ingredient! Well, she was fucking right, god damnit!"

"Alex? Are you okay?" Daisy yelled. She waited a few seconds and yelled again. "Alex is everything alright?" She waited a few more seconds and still heard nothing.

She got up from the couch and went into the kitchen to see what was going on. When she got into the kitchen, I was no where in sight. "Hmm? Must've gone out to go get some more soda and didn't tell me, oh well, I'm sure he'll be back soon. Oh good, the popcorn is done!" she said to herself. She picked up the bowl and went back into the living room. When she picked up the bowl, it felt like the whole earth shook!

"Hey Daisy, I'm down here in the popcorn!" I yelled at her.

But she didn't hear me because her head was facing the TV and her hand was reaching down right where I was. As I watched her ginormous hand reach down for me, I jumped out of the way before she could snatch me up with her handful of popcorn. I watched in amazement at how much popcorn she could stuff her face in with. She shoveled in handful after handful of popcorn into her mouth. Before I knew it, the popcorn was halfway gone! I stood up and felt my clothes and they were all wet from the butter.

"Yuck! Now I'm all soggy and sticky! Great, just great!" I said to myself. After I was done seeing how soggy and sticky I was, I had noticed that Daisy was almost done eating all of the popcorn.

"Gee pal, thanks for saving me some!" I yelled at her. But of course she couldn't hear me due to me being so tiny that my pleas were like the sound of a faint buzzing sound. In no time, Daisy had eaten all of the popcorn and had let out a loud burp. She then looked down and saw that there was some leftover butter and said to herself, "Ooh, better not let that go to waste." She lifted up the bowl and in doing so, I was jostled and fell into the puddle of butter with a splash!

"Whoa!" I yelled.

As I lifted my head from the puddle of butter, I saw her face coming towards me. I tried to yell at her to stop, but before I could even get the words out, she opened her mouth and her slimy, saliva coated tongue sprung out and licked up the butter, along with me in it, like a sponge with one lick and then retreated back inside her mouth and her lips sealed shut like a steel door! She jostled the butter and myself around in her mouth. I felt like I was in a washing machine. She finally stopped and I was able to get up but then the ground shifted and the butter and myself were flung to the back of her throat like a slingshot. Thankfully I landed on her tonsil and I clung to it for dear life and I watched the butter slide down her slick, yet, slimy throat beneath my feet. I jumped back onto her tongue and walked up to the front of her mouth to yell and to get her attention but before I could get the words out, her tongue started to twitch. Before I knew it, I landed on my back and was jostled this way and that on her slimy, stinky saliva coated tongue. It was tasting every inch of me as if I were some leftover butter, licking all over me! After a while, it finally stopped and I yelled "Daisy, I'm inside of your mouth! You've been tasting me for God knows how long! Can you even hear me? If you can, please spit me out so I can take a fucking shower! I smell and feel nasty from your saliva!" She obviously couldn't hear me because she then started to taste me again and was making moaning noises. I was licked and jostled every which way, lathered up in slimy, sticky saliva. It felt like this would go on forever when she lifted me up to her palate and licked the back of me and then lowered me a little, but then tilted her tongue into the form of a slide and I slid down her tongue. As I was sliding down, I yelled "Noooooooooooo!!!!!!" and then dropped right down into her throat and with one loud, audible "GULP," I was squeezed down her throat and landed in her stomach with a SPLASH! She then let out a soft, petite burp and said "Man, that popcorn and extra butter hit the spot! Can't wait till the pizzas get here! I sure hope Alex is okay and gets back here before the pizzas get here, because I sure as hell ain't waitin for him."


To be continued...

Chapter End Notes:

Thanks for reading this story part 1 of my two-parter vore story! Leave a review and tell me what you think!

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