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Upon impact, Joe blacked out for what must have been a very brief moment. As his eyes fluttered open, he was met with the blurred image of Kelly's foot gliding towards him. Panicking, he clawed backwards as far as he could. Looking around as he moved, he saw: a black incline in front of him, black walls around him and a black ceiling above him. The only area that wasn't black was the hole above the incline that currently had a foot invading it.

Realising he was trapped in Kelly's shoe, he moved back as far as he could, pressing against the front of the shoe, as the foot edged closer and closer; the space getting darker and darker as it did. As her foot reached the front of the heel, Joe found her bare toes looming over his tiny body. 

Having now put one heel on, Kelly quickly bent over and slid the other one over her foot. She began walking to the meeting room. The toes ominously hovered above Joe before Kelly took her first step. Suddenly, as she did so, those predator-like toes crashed down on top of him.

Crushed with each step and relieved with each lift of her foot, Joe tried to scramble to some sort of safe space within the heel but could find no such place. Kelly continued walking to the meeting room, noticing something in her heel but not bothering to query it.

Now in the meeting room, Kelly planted her rear upon a chair and waited patiently for it to begin. Relieved that Kelly had stopped walking, Joe took a moment to breathe and recover from his beating.

He couldn't help but remark on the beauty of Kelly's feet: her smooth and flawless skin, her red painted nails, even the scent was aromatic. His appreciation for her feet was short lived as he, now stood in the gap between her big toe and her index toe, watched as her toes began to curl. 

And curl they did, eventually curling to the full extent of wrapping themselves around his body. Kelly, bored with the meeting thus far, decided the object in her shoe would be suitable for curing her boredom. She began playing with it with her toes, grabbing and releasing it, rubbing it against the ball of her foot.

Joe had no idea what was going on, did Kelly know he was in her shoe? Why was she crushing and toying with him? He tried to escape each time her toes released him, but each movement of his was quickly met with the crushing pressure of her toes contracting over him again and again. 

Joe lost track of time in this torturous position. He assumed it must’ve been 30 minutes or so because at this point, from all the crunches Kelly’s toes had done, she had began to sweat. With each curl, Joe would find himself subject to the salty excretions of her feet. He wailed out for help, only to be met by a mouthful of her sweat upon each wail.

Soon the meeting was over. All rising and exchanging handshakes, one by one they exited the room and returned to their desks. As Kelly’s long and slender legs straightened, she felt the object beneath her toes being crushed under her weight. She liked this feeling and so with each step she made, she ensured that a little extra force was pushed down on that foot.

Quickly returning to her desk, Kelly planted her behind back in her chair and turned on her PC. Remembering the tiny object in her heel, she slid it to investigate. Relieved from the pressure of the heel, she aired out her foot which had a relatively bad stench emanating from it now. Still curious about what she had been toying with for so long, she peered inside.

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