“Ooowe! Stop it Jane. I give up.”
“Say it.” Jane tells me as she squeezes her arms and legs around me tighter as we roll about on the ground. “Say it.” she demands.
“I win.” I say as I feel the life being crushed out of me, only to feel Jane somehow squeeze her tentacles around me even tighter.
“Say it.” Jane demands once again.
“Uuuh, youuu…you win.” I admit in defeat and the crushing force of Jane’s arms and legs immediately end, though she keeps me in her grips as we lay on our sides barefoot in the Summer’s grass. For the record, neither I nor any other boy at school has yet to pin her; but a few boys did wind up with black eyes from her for getting to feely.
“See, it’s not so hard to admit I’m stronger and better than you.” Jane tells me as she brings me in closer to her body. I curl myself so I fit as snuggly as possible with my back against her belly, my head tucked beneath her ponderous breasts as I assume the fetal position within her clutches. In response Jane pulls me in tighter.
“Please….please Jane.” I plead meekly with her.
Jane lets go of me with her arms, reaches down to her hips and pulls her t-shirt out from her cut-off jean shorts. I feel the shirt being brought up behind my back, then when it gets to above my head and beneath Jane’s breasts, she pulls it over me and back down to her waist. After I’m fully enclosed she tucks her shirt back in to her jean shorts cocooning me within then wraps her arms around me, bringing me in close once again.
“Thanks Jane.” I say as I feel the heat of her body around me.
I love the moments like this. Being friends with Jane has always been fun; but when I feel her, her body, her strength, her warmness, and smell the sweetness of her skin and the kindness of her heart I am my happiest. We grew up together and I love her deeply; not as a girlfriend nor a lover, rather the most beautiful person in the world. It’s Jane that makes me feel safe, even when she demolishes me in wrestling like she just did.
I think Jane feels the same about me. She’s the roughest girl in school and tougher than every boy in our grade and the next one above us. Her body developed fully at an early age; but she would rather beat a couple of guys at their favorite sport than enjoy a movie or an ice cream with any of them. Somehow the two of us just hit it off together right off the bat. She provides me with the feeling of being safe I lack from my usually absent parents. I provide her that gentle plaything missing from her strong, hard world. Between the two of us a natural caring is shared. One we both treasure deeply.
“Are you ok?” she asks.
“I’m scared.” I confess to her.
“There there, as long as I have you, I’ll protect you from the mean, cruel world.” Jane says to comfort me as she curls up into a fetal position with me trapped inside, bringing me completely up off the ground and scrunching me into a tight little ball.
I begin to cry.
“You’re afraid of not being with me, aren’t you?” she asks me.
“yes” I can barely answer her, she understands me so well.
“Perhaps someday I might keep you all to myself. Would you like that?”
“REALLY?” my joy unbound.
“We’ll see.” she tells me in her kindest tone. “But for now, I want to take a walk up to the old mine. And YOU’RE going with me.” Jane pulls out her t-shirt that she had just tucked into her jean shorts and fastens two knots at the base, one above each of her hips.
Jane stands up, a big bulge where her taught tummy usually is, made even more bizarre looking with her two massive mammaries resting heavily upon me. The two knots she just made have narrowed the bottom of her t-shirt, trapping me inside.
“Ah haha. I know you’re down there, but I can’t see you under my chest. Am I that big or are you that tiny.” Jane laughs as she grabs me with her hands on each side and shakes me “HO HO HO, Merry Christmas!” she laughs.
“Hhha hhha hhha” I laugh at her joke and what a site she must look like with me bundled up inside her t-shirt.
“I like you like this. I’m going to have to figure out how to stuff you inside the rest of my clothing.”
“It’s A Deal!” I agree without hesitation.
“Hush now, behave in there.” Jane playfully scolds me as she begins the two mile hike up the mountain towards the old, abandoned mines.
“I said quiet. What now belly boy?”
“Can I kiss your tummy? Please, I’ll be good.” I once again plead. I feel Jane softly put her hands on me.
“Say it.” she demands.
“Jane won. You beat me, again as always.” I profess.
“Ok, you ‘MAY’ kiss my tummy; but you are NOT allowed to stop until I tell you too. You may begin.”
I put my lips to Jane’s taught, well defined, muscular abs and gentle as a feather; I reverently kiss, and kiss, and kiss, and kiss…..
It’s wonderful being tucked inside Jane’s t-shirt. I feel my best friend’s strong body next to me, protecting me, nurturing me with little trickles of sweat to drink with each of my kisses. So close like this I really get to smell Jane’s fragrance, just as I do when she puts me in a headlock or scissor-squeeze. Tomgirl be damned, Jane smells delicious.
Jane feels her friend’s kisses upon her stomach, so gentle, like baby’s breath. She walks on, fully aware it is neither lust nor malice her captive’s kisses convey, rather affection for one’s closest companion on Earth. Jane smiles at the tender display of adoration of her. Jane looks down but without bending forward she cannot see the bulge of her friend’s body beneath her breasts. She wonders which she looks like more, pregnant of having over eaten. Both images make her happy, not as happy as having her best friend so close and helplessly captive in her t-shirt. Ideas of other articles of her clothing to imprison her friend within swirling about her mind as she carelessly walks along the trail.
Jane makes quick work of the climb up the gently sloping mountainside; the added load of her trapped friend having no effect on her ability to hike any long distance. As she approaches the mining site the ground collapses under her feet. From sunlight to ever growing darkness Jane plummets down the pit till the cold splash of water surrounds her.
‘SHIT! A sink hole! Must swim back up to surface. OH NO! He Can’t Breath!’ the thoughts race through Jane’s mind. Jane looks about and sees a small circle of light, realizing that’s the entrance to the hole she just fell down she hurriedly swims towards it. Breaking the surface Jane gulps in fresh air. Rolling onto her back into a floating position she is able to bring her friend out of the water to catch a breath.
“JANE!” I scream out.
“I have you, you’re still with me.” Jane tells me as she looks about in the darkness for a way out. “Are you injured?”
“I swallowed a bunch of water. I think I breathed some in too. I feel lite headed.”
“Me too. Don’t be scared.” Jane says to calm me down.
“I’m not scared. You have me.”
“So devoted.” Jane sighs delightedly. “I think I can climb out. I’ll take you out so you can follow me up.”
“bu….but….but I can’t. Please save me Jane. Please! Save me Jane!” I break down in tears.
“I’ll save you…..I’ll save you.” Jane comforts me.
Jane reaches up the side of the hole and finds it’s quit rocky, providing her with hand and footholds which she uses to climb up. ‘Must have fallen fifty feet or more.’ she calculates to herself. After three minutes of climbing Jane reaches the top and climbs out. She unties the knots on the sides of her t-shirt and lifting it up, I fall out unto the ground.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” she asks.
“Yeah, you? Are you ok?” I ask, to which Jane shakes her head yes.
Jane wrings her t-shirt to get the water out but only a few drops fall from it, ‘It must be hotter than it felt down there. I’m almost dry. Hmmm, so is he.’ she thinks to herself.
“Can you breathe ok? You said you breathed some in.”
“I thought I did” I answer a bit bewildered “But I didn’t feel gagged. I guess I only swallowed a little.”
“He hehe, looks like we fell down the world’s only dry-water well. All the water with none of the wetness.” Jane jokes to which we both laugh.
Just then we feel the ground rumbling and run a few yards away from the hole. We both look back as the sides of the hole collapse which brings down a section of the mountainside upon it. In seconds the hole is filled and covered with thousands of tons of dirt and rock.
Jane and I look at one another. My eyes water and my vision blurs, I see stars around Jane.
“Something’s not right. I feel…..I feel…..I feel good?”
“That’s was strange.” Jane says “I just saw fireworks…..around you…..I felt weird, but now, I feel good too. I feel real good.”
“Do you think there could have been something in the water down there? I swallowed some of it. Like I said, I thought I breathed some in, only I didn’t drown.”
“More likely there was something in the air, or rather lack of air. Carbon dioxide. We probably breathed in a bunch of it, now the fresh air is giving us an oxygen rush.” Jane reasons to me.
I look at Jane, then fall to my knees before her. “Jane, you saved my life. I’m alive because of you. My life belongs to you.”
Jane smiles “I got you in trouble by bringing you up here. I’m sorry. I should have been more careful.”
“No Jane, it wasn’t your fault. You did everything right, while I did nothing.”
“Let’s call it even.” Jane offers.
I lower my head “Jane, you really did save me. In some cultures that means my life is your’s now. I don’t…..I don’t mind Jane.”
“Look at me.” Jane tells me. “Look Up At Me Damnit!” she demands.
I raise my head and look up at Jane staring down at me over her large breasts.
“I can’t own you. You’re a free soul; and you belong to your parents, your family, not to me.” Jane notices the look of heartbreak on my face. “I tell you what, since I carried you up the mountain, I’ll let you carry me back down the mountain. That will make us even. Sound good to you horsey?”
“Ewhhaw! Ewhhaw!” I answer back eagerly.
“What the heck was that? Horsey’s go neighhhh, neighhhh. Only a jackass goes HeHaw HeHaw, and you didn’t even get that right, which means you don’t even get to be a jackass, only an ass.”
Jane and I once again stare at one another for a drawn out moment. We both know what the other is thinking.
“Ewhhaw Ewhhaw Ewhhaw Ewhhah Ewhhah” I repeat hoping she won’t change her mind.
“You’re not getting your way that easy. It’s ‘DUMBASS’ for you.” Jane announces triumphantly.
“Ewhhah, YOUR dumbass, Ewhhah.”
Jane puts her hands on her hips, arms akimbo she is looking down at me. “You want to be mine, I know, I want you to be mine too. You’re the best friend I ever had. Best friends forever. I care about you, and I know you care about me too.” Jane shakes her head in an incredulous manner “I’m giving in just this once, for you, for our friendship because I know you want to make things even. Though you owe me for all those lost wrestling matches.” Rubbing her fingernails on her t-shirt above her breasts, then looking at them in a mocking highbrow manner, “Ok” Jane nonchalantly says “I shall allow you to be MY Dumbass?”
“Ewhhaw Ewhhaw Ewhhaw Ewhhah Ewhhah” I bray out.
“Damn, look at the size of that smile. I think I’m going to ride you the long way back, I will make that smile of your’s smaller.” Jane laughs down at me. “Turn around.”
I spin around without hesitation, a second or two goes by then I feel Jane’s left leg pass over my left shoulder followed by her right leg over my right shoulder. A moment later I feel the crotch of Jane’s jean shorts on the back of my neck along with all of her weight as her feet dangle in the air.
“Up!” Jane commands me.
I stand up; but strangely I do so before I put any real thought behind it. I feel Jane doing something to her jean shorts as their slight moistness from the water in the pit dampens the back of my neck. I hear the sound of Jane’s leather belt as she pulls it off.
Jane pulls the end of her belt through the buckle, making a loop which she then passes over his head until the front of the loop is in his mouth gagging him. She pulls the loose end tight causing the loop to enter his mouth further as a bit and slips the prong through the next tightest belt hole. With the buckle and loose end at the back of his head, Jane has effectively bridled him.
“Giddy Up MY Dumbass.” She commands as she kicks her heels into his lower thighs.
Instantly I walk forward, yet again before I even realize I’m going to do so. We travel forth, Jane controlling my every direction with her leather belt bridle. The weight on my back is heavy, not so much because Jane weighs a lot, and her solidly muscled body does weigh a bit as I have learned from our wrestling matches, but rather because I am not all that strong. Remarkably, although I feel her crushing weight bearing down upon me, forcing me to strain under my well-earned burden, I carry her as if she were the one lifting me up.
“Is my dumbass doing ok?”
“Ewhhaw Ewhhaw Ewhhaw Ewhhah Ewhhah” I mumble through my bit.
“Does my dumbass need a break?”
“Haw Haw” I bray out in a panic ‘Please keep riding me! Please don’t stop.’ I pray in my head. It may be a bizarre quid pro quo, I owe Jane for carrying me up the mountain so lovingly tucked happily inside her t-shirt and this seems like a nice thank you for her.
“Huh, strange, a bunch of dumbass gibberish but I know you said no, please keep riding. Weird.” Jane shakes her head confused. “Ok MY Dumbass, keep going.”
Jane stays true to her word. At the divide in the path, she tugs on my bridle and off we go on the longer trail. “Ewhhah Ewhhah Ewhhah”
“You’re welcome my dumbass.” Jane answers me “Giddy Up, Trot for me.”
With no reservation or conscience objection on my part, I begin a faster paced trot, and it feels remarkable natural.
Jane leans forward and looks down over her ample bosom bouncing and heaving up and down with his trotting, she sees the top of her friend’s head, ‘How is he able to do this? Like he belongs?…..belongs?…..belongs down there?.....belongs beneath me?.....Belongs To Me!!!...Belongs to me, yes, and owning him feels remarkable natural.’ Jane lifts her head back up and scans the vast countryside before her. ‘It’s still early morning, I know what he wants, so for him I think I’ll make it an all-day of riding.’
“Giddy Up My dumbass, now we’re both happy.”
The day is beautiful. One of those Summer days one feels will never end. I run at a trot over the country trails and across flower strewn meadows; Jane bouncing up and down upon my shoulders. My every move directed by Jane.
With Jane’s bare legs laying along each side of my head I can only see forward. It doesn’t take the two of us long to work out an unspoken set of riding commands. When Jane squeezes my head between her legs, I slow down until she stops or I stop completely. A few kicks of her bare heels into my thighs and I speed up and continue to do so until she stops “spurring” me on. Direction, Jane simply turns my head anyway she wants me to go by pulling on her belt strap. Aside from an occasional “Giddy Up” from Jane, it’s all unspoken command.
‘Odd, Jane completely trained me as her ass, or rather her dumbass yet never told me what to do, I just do it.’ I realize to myself.
I can only imagine it’s my joy of having the greatest friend in the world riding me that is giving me the energy and stamina to run with her atop of me.
‘Usually her weight alone is enough to crush me in one of our wrestling matches. Today, today is different. Today Jane is riding me and I will not let her be disappointed in my performance. Though it’s more than that. It’s as if I do it because, well because I’m to do it.’ I somehow realize.
With my head squeezed between Jane’s bare legs, I take in their smoothness and her most wonderful scent. The constant feel of her inner thighs and her beautiful fragrance wear away at my conscious mind. Soon my body responds to Jane’s commands without me so much as noticing; my mind is enraptured by the essence of Jane’s body riding atop of me.
‘I’m so happy to be beneath Jane and be ridden by her. I wish everybody in the entire world could see us, I’d be so proud of her, so honored. I wonder if Jane thinks of us this way whenever she walks around with me cocooned inside one of her shirts.’ my mind wonders. Not having to think, not even having to TRY to think, rather only to respond to Jane’s commands frees my mind and I run with Jane upon me as my spirit is truly unbound for the first time.
The sun is hanging low in the afternoon sky. With the exception of a few short sections of trail where Jane wanted to take in the view, she had her friend trotting rather fast the entire day. Now, with her toes dragging along the ground for the past hour or more, they both reach his family’s oddly quiet, lightless house.
“Whoa my dumbass” Jane commands as she pulls back on the belt she’s fastened around her friend’s head and squeezes her legs tightly together upon his head. Once he stops Jane orders “Down.”
‘Good, no one will notice us.’ Jane thinks to herself as she dismounts her friend and stands up ‘Strange, when I got on his shoulders this morning I didn’t have to stand up so…..’ her mind stops mid-thought. “UH-HUH” Jane gasps ‘He shrunk! He’s smaller! What the heck happened to himmm……Wait, I said I’d make his smile smaller…..and in a roundabout way…..I did…..I said I’d ride him the long way all day long…..and I did…..’
“Stand up.” Jane commands me and my body quickly responds as if lifted by the power of her voice alone. “Turn around.” to which I turn around and come face to belly with Jane, Jane’s belly, not face to shoulder as usual; but to her belly.
I look up to see Jane leaning forward to see past her chest down at me, then I look to see what she is standing on, nothing. I notice my loose fitting clothes for the first time, then I look back up at Jane, her eyes wide in disbelief.
“Jane.....I…..I think…..I think I shrunk.”
“I know, I think that I shrunk you.”
"But.....but how.....why?" I ask frightened. I rush forward and wrap myself around Jane for comfort. She hugs me close.
“I’m not sure…..but I have an idea how and……well I think we both know why.” Jane says softly.