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Twelve days at sea. Twelve long, restless days since the last port. The crew of the Dauntless milled about idly on the wooden deck, the hull creaking as it bobbed on the water’s surface. A pair of men made their rounds to swab the deck, keeping the wood from cracking in the midday sun.

No ships in sight, no land on the horizon, and no wind for the past two days. Roberts muttered curses under his breath as the mop swished back and forth in front of him. His calloused fingers wrapped around the handle, the calloused skin immune to splinters from years of work. Sweat trickled down his face, pooling and dripping from the tip of his nose as he paced back and forth. He wiped his forearm across his brow, brushing a blonde curl from his view. A bandana clad head poked up a few meters in front of him, startling Roberts as he retracted the mop to his side.

“Upper deck, get your grub! Cook ain’t gonna wait all day for your sorry asses!”

Roberts didn’t have to be told twice. The mop toppled to the deck as Roberts sprinted for hatch leading below. Another man, with shoulders broad as a barrel, filed onto the stairs behind Roberts as he hustled into the shaded underbelly of the Dauntless. The air filled with the scent of stale saltwater and rugged men, and Roberts paused for a moment to allow his eyes to adjust to the dimmed lighting.

“Move it, maggot,” a crewman growled, shoving his way past Roberts. The sounds of the galley clattered below as the hatch was opened, followed by a low thud as it snapped shut behind the larger man. Roberts sighed and adjusted the sackcloth shirt hanging from his shoulders, then descended further into the ship. The smell of seawater was replaced by the rich aromas of salted meat and warm mead.

Roberts scooted past the rows of men as they gorged themselves on their meals. Quietly grabbing a wooden platter, he grabbed a handful of meat and potatoes, and a pint of what he hoped was ale. A quick swig sent a shudder down his spine, his gag reflex fighting his forceful swallows. It probably was ale... at least it was a few months ago when they plundered it from that frigate. Roberts sighed, and chomped down on the food before him, hoping there would be a fresh round of rations coming with the next ambush.

“Seven months now,” he mumbled to himself, thinking of the time he had left with the crew. While they didn’t fly the Jolly Roger, Roberts knew this crew was at best a conglomerate of mercenaries and thieves, but more likely they were all just ruthless pirates. He had made no attempt to fight whenever they found a lonely vessel, or pillaged a seaside village, preferring to stay behind and mind the boat. While his conscription to the crew was not unpleasant, he did feel like a prisoner at times when the action ceased. The menial tasks of swabbing the deck, flushing out the latrines, and other unsanitary duties usually fell to him, though the crew never berated him for it. In a strange way, Roberts felt like some of them respected him... or perhaps pitied him when they learned of his predicament.

Seven months in, five to go, before the captain would consider Roberts’ service complete. The money promised was secondary to him at this point, as Roberts simply wanted to move on with his life, and leave the sea behind. His desire to travel the open ocean and see the world had withered within the first month, as hollowed out villages were burned into his mind as they smoldered in ruin.

The sea swelled, causing the Dauntless to list to starboard. Roberts snatched his potato from the platter just before it tumbled to the grimy floorboards, sacrificing his ale as it splashed across his thighs. The racket of curses and shouts filled the cramped space, as men hollered at each other over spilled food and drink.

As the ship settled, the commotion in the mess hall suddenly grew quiet. The clanging of a bell echoed through the hull. One, two, three, four clangs, followed by a pause, then repeated once more. A hush fell over the crew, as they waited for the message.

“Man overboard! Man overboard!”

Without further provocation, the crew sprang from their seats, scrambling to the top deck as they hauled themselves up the stairways. Roberts slipped his potato into his pocket, before dashing up with the rest of the crew. His eyes tingled at the harsh rays of the sun, and he felt the midday heat sweep over him as daylight poached his skin.

The crew fanned out across the deck, all eyes scanning the wavy blue surface. Near the stern, one of the men cried out “Man overboard! Hard to port!”

Roberts scooped up a coil of rope, passing it off to the nearest crew member and shuffling out of the way. His hands gripped the railing as the Dauntless began to veer left, the deck tilting dangerously to one side. Roberts snaked his arm into the netting of the foremast, the angle of the deck becoming hazardously steep. Finally, they leveled out, and Roberts could see a pair of flailing arms in the distance.

“Pull her around! Bring him along the port side!”

Several men rushed to the port railing, ropes at the ready. Roberts felt his heart pounding as the distant cries of the man grew louder. But... he wasn’t shouting for help...

“Save yourselves!” The man’s cries carried across the waves, his voice partly overwhelmed by the splashing against the hull. “It’s still here!”

Roberts cupped a hand to his ear, not quite understanding the cries. What in the blazes was he going on about? Had heatstroke fried the poor man’s brain, or was the mead truly that strong? He scooted closer to the bow, peering over the railing as the waves fluttered by the Dauntless.

The man’s shouting became more audible, and hysterical. “Turn back! Turn back!”

The crew began to glance at each other, one by one hearing the frantic shouts from the ocean. Suddenly, the man let out a shriek, and disappeared from view. Roberts scrambled onto the bow, peering out at the waves where the man just was. He was floating just seconds ago, then seemed to suddenly vanish, as if he lost the ability to swim.

Roberts squinted at the water, a darker blue slithering beneath the gentle waves. He rubbed his eyes, and the illusion was gone. ‘Maybe there was something in the mead after all,’ he thought to himself, dismissing the shadow as his mind playing tricks on him. Some of the crew seemed to have seen it too, but all shrugged it off and continued to look for the missing man.

The ship suddenly lurched sideways, sending several men staggering across the deck. Roberts felt his arm yank hard as the rope broke his fall, wincing in pain. The shouts of the crew were a mixture of fear and confusion; what just happened? The sails were all but still, and there had hardly been a breeze since the night before. The waters were too deep for it to be submerged rocks, and it had been almost a fortnight since they had last spotted land. Murmurs of cursed waters and spirits rustled through the crew as they staggered away from the edge of the ship.

A murky blur darted beneath the waves, this time only a few meters in front of the bow. There was no mistaking it this time, Roberts knew there was something down there. Perhaps a whale had rammed the Dauntless, causing the unexplained turbulence. Roberts shouted, and pointed in the direction of the fleeting shadow.

“Off the starboard bow! Beneath the surface!”

The crew responded to Roberts’ shout by spreading out along the starboard side. As the last man grabbed the railing, the shadow returned, heading straight for the ship. Roberts clenched the rope with both fists as the Dauntless rose slightly, the mysterious form passing beneath the ship. Shouts of fear rose from the crew, as they stepped back and began to scramble across the deck. Roberts turned to face the helm, and was startled to see the captain holding the wheel. A man rarely seen outside of his quarters, save for battles or the ensuing celebrations of the crew’s plunder. The captain’s voice was coarse, but bellowed across the Dauntless with an unmistakable air of authority.

“Men, to your stations!”

The gruff shout seemed to install a sense of cohesion in the men, as they morphed from a scattering of men into a veteran crew. Some headed for the armory, retrieving their long guns, while others ran below deck. A series of wooden clacks could be heard throughout the ship, as the cannon bay windows were opened. Roberts reached for his hip, feeling the pistol tapping against his thigh. The flint hammer locked into place with a metallic click as he thumbed over the weapon. His knife was poised in his right fist, the blade pointed down and curved inward towards his ribs like a raven’s claw. He shifted backwards, and dropped down to the deck below, crouching into a roll and sprinting across the deck. As he reached the base of the mainsail, the sound of churning water drew his attention, and that of all the crew.

The sea foamed for a moment along the starboard side of the Dauntless, before a geyser of saltwater burst into the sky. The sun reflected off the myriad of droplets, casting a glittery haze across the Dauntless. As the water settled, the silhouette of an enormous creature hovered less than a hundred meters from the ship.

The crew halted in their tracks, staring at the ominous figure as it swayed with the tide. The creature resembled a woman, its body visible from the navel and up. A thin row of glimmering scales were hidden just beneath the waves, but the creature’s torso was wrapped in pale skin, glistening in the sunlight as rivulets of water rolled down the colossal being. Two pert breasts filled the beast’s chest, partially obscured by a mane of jet black hair. The creature’s face looked... human, albeit several time larger than Roberts. A pair of sapphire eyes darted back and forth in their sockets, and the creature’s thin, pale lips pursed shut beneath a relatively small button nose. Its ears protruded from under the locks of hair, coming to a soft point, and the creature’s forehead was almost level with the crow’s nest perched high above the deck.

Roberts was paralyzed by the terrifying beauty of the enormous creature. The crew muttered amongst themselves in hushed tones. Some called it a siren or mermaid, given the delicate and innocent features that formed the towering creature. Others of the crew whispered that it was a naga, due to its sheer size. Roberts listened halfheartedly to the mumbled hypotheses, his focus not leaving the watched as the green eyes flicked back and forth, his heart thudding in his chest as he felt the creature’s gaze lock with his own. He was terrified, but felt strangely calm, watching the creature tilt its head to the side ever so slightly. It seemed curious, as if the sight of the Dauntless and her crew was something it had never encountered before.

The feeling of calm evaporated as the naga opened its mouth. The air was filled with the wails of none other than the man who had fallen overboard. He was perched on the tip of the creature’s tongue, fighting to maintain his balance on the undulating muscle as he crawled towards the entrance of the mouth. The thin lips began to stretch towards the pointed ears, as if the creature were smiling. Robert felt his blood run cold. That creature wasn’t curious about the Dauntless or its crew. It was playing with them.

Like a biological bear trip, the naga’s teeth snapped shut, exposing the razor sharp fangs to the crew for the first time. The man inside the monster’s mouth shrieked as he was tossed backwards by the undulating muscle beneath him. The crew stared in horror as the sounds of their mate’s screams were suddenly silenced, drowned out by the unmistakable sound of swallowing. A small bulge slipped down the creature’s neck, disappearing behind the collarbones.

The air was still for several seconds, the crew in shock at what they just witnessed. The creature blinked once, and cocked it’s head to the side, as if daring the Dauntless to respond. The silence was broken by the gravelly voice of the captain.

“Fire starboard cannons!” He bellowed from the quarterdeck, saber drawn and pointed towards the towering beast.

The air filled with the deafening crack of cannon fire, as pillars of thick white smoke bloomed from the hull towards the naga. Hot metal balls tore through the sky, whizzing past the creature as it recoiled from the sound. One of the searing projectiles found its mark, grazing the beast as it curved its body to dive. An ear piercing shriek rang out as it submerged beneath the waves, the sea foaming as a slender tail with emerald scales snapped into view for an instant. Water sprayed towards the Dauntless, droplets splattering across the main deck as the crew shielded their eyes.

Roberts glanced nervously across the ocean as the sea calmed. The waters around the Dauntless were void of movement, save for the gentle waves lapping against the hull. Murmurs from the crew floated across the deck, mixed with the sound of metal rolling into place as the cannons reloaded below deck. A shout from the captain caught the attention of the entire crew.

“Portside, prepare to fire!”

All eyes directed to the sea, focused on a swelling wave that was rapidly approaching the Dauntless. Roberts braced against the foremast as the creature leapt from the water, arms outstretched towards the ship.


Another volley of thunder rang out across the waters, plumes of smoke billowing out towards the monster. The naga emerged from the smoke a second later, shrieking as another cannonball impacted against it. This time, the projectile deflected off the scales around the beast’s hip, careening away from the ship. Roberts watched as an enormous hand latched onto the port side railing. While the hand itself looked feminine, the fingernails were sharp talons that punctured the deck. The Dauntless listed sharply to port, throwing the crew off balance as the weight of the creature tugged at the ship.

Two brave crew members charged at the beast with their swords drawn, rushing down the tilted deck towards the claw gripping the deck. The naga’s face rose above the surface as they closed the distance, mouth agape. Razor sharp teeth gleamed with saltwater and saliva, with a pair of fangs jutting out a few inches longer than the rest. One of the men charging towards the beast shouted and raised his sword, aiming for the knuckles curled around the splintered railing. Before he could swing, however, the creature let out a shrill cry, deafening the two men and throwing them off balance. They dropped their weapons, clamping their hands over their ears in agony.

The monster lunged towards the men, it’s gaping maw stretching wider to expose every deadly tooth that lined its jaws. A slender, pink tongue darted out towards one of the men, scooping him up as he screamed in terror. In an instant, the ivory daggers snapped shut, and an audible gulp resounded above the sounds of the waves and shouting crew members. The screams of the doomed crew member quickly faded away as a struggling lump descended along the creature’s throat. Before anyone could react, the naga released it grip on the Dauntless, slipping back under the waves.

Roberts gripped his pistol with white knuckles, his limbs trembling as adrenaline coursed through his veins. The air was eerily quiet, she for the creak of the boat as it rose and fell with the waves. His gaze darted back and forth across the water, waiting for the inevitable.

The wait was short. A moment after disappearing from view, the naga breached the surface once more, this time at the stern of the ship. The Dauntless lurched as a colossal weight slammed into the quarterdeck, splintering timber like they were toothpicks. Several of the crew were thrown about as the shock wave rippled through the ship. Roberts stumbled forward onto his hands and knees, his pistol discharging as his shoulder slammed into the deck. He cursed the gods as he fumbled to reload, trying to ignore the shadow that loomed over the stern.

The Dauntless’ bow rose above the waves, the deck tilted towards stern at a dangerous angle. Barrels and crew members tumbled across the deck as the naga rested its weight against the quarterdeck. Its breasts pressed against the rear railing, the crunch of wood cracking beneath the weight as the creature leaned further onto the ship. Two surprisingly dexterous hands swatted across the ship, snatching up crew members and tossing them into the waiting cavern of its mouth.

On the main deck, the captain raised his arm towards the sky, lining up his pistol with the beast’s head. A solitary shot rang out as a puff of smoke ejected from the thick barrel in his hands. The bullet whizzed through the air, pelting the creature’s skin just beneath its left eye. The shriek of pain wreaked havoc on the crew, causing everyone to cover their ears. Some of the unfortunate ones who were closest felt a painful pop, followed by a terrifying silence as their hearing was destroyed.

A sly grin cracked cross the captain’s face, despite the throbbing in his eardrums. He watched as the monster recoiled, a thin line of blood trickling down its cheekbone. His smile faded as the naga’s face turned back to face him, its blue eyes locking with his, a feral rage burning behind them. The captain took a single step back before a massive hand slammed down on top of him. The sickening crunch of bone mixed with the sounds of splintering wood, echoing across the deck. The creature’s palm retracted, revealing a dark red stain on its palm. A hand-shaped crater in the deck was left behind, the mangled body of the captain at the epicenter. The hand returned to quickly scoop up the lifeless form, raising it towards it mouth.

Roberts winced as he cupped his palms over his ears, trying to block out the ringing inside his head. The sound of his captain being crushed in a single blow was etched into his brain, and he felt a wave of nausea as the mangled corpse fell from the naga’s grip, dropping into its waiting maw. Shaking the traumatic images from his mind, he glanced around as his pistol rattled across the deck. It slid dangerously close to the damaged hull where the railing was absent. Scurrying to his feet, Roberts shuffled across the steep surface, snatching the weapon up as it teetered over the edge of the Dauntless. Before he could raise it to fire, the massive weight of the naga slammed across the deck, shattering beams like they were fine chinaware.

The Dauntless buckled under the load, the bow and stern rising up as the monster tore through the ship with ease. High above, the forward and aft masts crashed together, raining down a hail of splinters as they disintegrated from the impact against each other. Shouts from the crew to abandon ship were mixed in with the roar of the ocean as the waters were churned into a foamy broth, fragments of the Dauntless circulating in the turbulent waves.

Roberts watched in horror as the bow began to list dangerously to the side, water flooding into the lower deck from the gaping wound left by the naga. He braced against the railing as the bow rolled to its side, the deck now almost vertical by his side. His muscles burned as he clung to the railing for dear life, white frosted waves crashing against the deck as the bow slowly sank into the sea.

A hundred meters away, the stern was crumbling quickly. As soon as the naga surfaced, it began tearing into the wooden compartments in search of hidden crew members. The wails of men being reduced to nothing more than a mouthful for the beautiful creature carried across the waves to Roberts and this remaining on the bow, a growing sense of dread and terror welling inside them. The stern was almost picked clean, and they were surely next. Roberts jerked his head to the side at the crack of a pistol tore through the air, followed by a splash below. One of the men went out on their terms at least, he thought to himself as he glanced at the pistol strapped back to his hip. He pondered if he would make the same decision soon...

Another jarring lurch ripped through what remained of the Dauntless’ bow. Roberts felt the force of the creature slam against the hull once more, launching him from the railing as he reached for a rope. The frigid waters threatened to shock the air from his lungs as his muscles tensed from the chill. Struggling to the surface, Roberts emerged a few meters from what was left of the Dauntless. The creature had turned to the bow for more crew to eat, the stern picked clean. Nothing was left of it except a floating pile of wood and cloth sails. Soon, the bow would suffer the same fate, given the ferocity of the naga as it ripped through wall after wall. Roberts was in horrified awe, somewhat fascinated at how methodical the creature was at picking apart the ship. He slowly treaded water towards a floating barrel, cowering behind it as the monster sifted through the remnants of the Dauntless. Ignoring the inscription “GUNPOWDER” emblazoned across the wooden planks, Roberts hugged the barrel as a makeshift life raft, giving his aching muscles a much needed respite.

After several minutes, the naga had sifted through the debris, and sunk beneath the surface with a splash. Droplets of water showered over Roberts and the few remaining crew, scattered across the carnage of their decimated ship. A tense silence fell over the sea as the waves settled, and Roberts heard a few men cry out to each other. It sounded like only three or four others had avoided the creature besides Roberts. Over sixty men were gone within minutes, a thousand shards of wood the only evidence they even existed.

The afternoon dragged out at a torturously slow pace, the sun beginning it’s evening descent. The remainder of the crew were petrified of making any unnecessary movements or noise, fearful that the creature would notice and return. As the edge of the sun kissed the horizon, the debris field had spread out over several hundred meters. The survivors had drifted apart, the larger segments of the ship spaced about haphazardly amongst the waves. A short cry for help rippled across the surface, startling Roberts out of a daze.

Weighing the risk of the monster below, Roberts began paddling towards one of the voices. The barrel bobbed alongside him as he clung to it, his feet slowly treading water as he propelled himself towards the despaired voice. As he rounded a chunk of driftwood, his blood ran cold. A violent jet of water rose up in front of him, the screams of another doomed crew member being quickly silenced as the naga’s teeth snapped shut. The beast crashed back into the surface, sending a swell towards Roberts. He trembled as he glanced at the water, the ominous shadow darting beneath him. The blur began to take shape, and Roberts let out a blood curdling scream as the creature’s face came into focus, its mouth wide open.

Time seemed to slow for Roberts as the naga breached the water’s surface. A row of razor sharp teeth rose on either side of him, glistening with seawater. To his left, a rough and bumpy tongue twice the length of his body began to curl over him, a deadly pink canopy of muscle. Below him, darkness. Roberts glanced up at the sun one last time, its rays peeking between the corner of the creature’s lips and tongue, before closing his eyes as the teeth snapped shut like a steel trap. The undulating muscle descended on him, forcing him under and towards the waiting gullet. A resounding gulp shook him, and Roberts held his breath as he felt a suction pulling him deeper into the blackness.

The space around Roberts filled with warm fluid, thicker than seawater. He gagged as the beast’s saliva splashed around him, followed by a forceful tug around his entire body. The pull was strong and sudden, forcing Roberts down a long, slimy chute. A deep thudding echoed through the fleshy walls as he descended down the esophagus, slowly fading into the background as his feet pressed against a firm, slick surface. The ground beneath him quickly fluttered open, dropping Roberts into a dark cavern.

He shouted briefly as he fell, landing below in a pool of vile liquid. His skin immediately began to tingle, his breathing becoming quickly labored as the acidic atmosphere started to attack his lungs. The naga’s stomach was pitch black, and Roberts thought he could hear the faint moans of dying men over the gurgling noises throughout the darkness. Roberts flinched as something bumped against his arm, the wooden barrel of gunpowder floating in the acids beside him. The wood sizzled softly, and Robert’s mind began to scramble as his skin became increasingly irritated. The pain was quickly escalating to the point of being unbearable, and Roberts fumbled at the strap on his waist. His pistol was still there!

Lifting his weapon above the surface of the stomach acids, Roberts heard the strap splash into the thick soup, the remaining strands of rope dissolving within seconds. His hands burned as he felt along the length of the weapon, the metal already starting to give way to corrosion in the caustic fluids. He clumsily pulled the hammer back, the latch already eroded from the acids. As soon as he released his thumb, the hammer snapped forward, emitting a shower of sparks from the pistol. Roberts caught a glimpse of the horrific stomach, the furrowed walls undulating in the dark as the first stages of digestion was underway. He snapped the hammer again, another flicker of light showing the barrel bobbing gently a meter or two away. He knew what he was going to do.

Madness and pain overriding his logic, Roberts drifted over to the barrel and clawed at the fizzled boards. His nerves were raw, his legs beginning to weaken as the layers of skin eroded away, exposing his muscles to a new level of pain. Wincing as the agony continued to increase, Roberts gave one final tug to the barrel, peeling an acid-soaked plank loose. Black sand poured out into his blistered hand, and Roberts strained to lift the pistol up to the hole he had made. His consciousness was beginning to fade, the pain and lack of fresh air growing to unbearable levels. Before the toxic environment of the naga’s belly overwhelmed him, he pulled back the hammer one more time, letting it loose against the draining gunpowder. His eyes lit up for an instant, before the blast ripped through his body.

On the surface of the ocean, the naga let out a long, guttural groan. It’s stomach distended for a moment, and the feminine beast opened its maw to allow a small puff of smoke to escape. The rumbling belch echoed across the waves as the creature smacked its lips a few times, the aftertaste of black powder a new and not quite pleasant flavor to its palette. In one swift motion, the naga dove beneath the surface once more, its body a terrifying beauty that faded away into the depths of the ocean. A scattered field of wooden debris was the only remnant of the Dauntless, another ship that would be chalked up as lost to the perils of the sea.
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