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“My name is Kara I come from a land of Giant Woman. We are a small society but we get along well enough. I am a gatherer. I go out and collect food to bring back to the group. I specialize in little fellows like you.”

“Don’t you eat any fruit or vegetables?”

“Yes but I love eating your kind so that’s why I asked for this job. You’re so much fun to chase. It’s great to feel you wiggle as you go down too!

She smiled widely and I could see past her slightly parted white teeth to where the professors had disappeared.


I spent the night sleeping, or rather, lying on her stomach. It was disconcerting to think of the digested bodies of my friends coursing their way through the digestive system beneath me.


We awoke and the giantess inserted me into her bosom. (She was scantly clad and I had a clear view of the world around me as I slipped in to her supporter bra.) She picked up the basket and we started off. She talked to me most of the way until, as we were walking along the beech she chanced to espy  a sailing vessel. A very large triple masted square rigger. She put the basket down and started into the water immediately.


I couldn’t see her expression but the sailors on deck watched in awe as she approached. Their lovesick faces were unmistakable as she now came towards them.

“Look a giant maiden.”

“Isn’t she the wonder of the seas?”

“God she is beautiful.”

“Look there’s a man in her bra! Do you think she will give us rides?”


I tried to signal that they were in grave danger but they weren’t paying much attention to me. She picked up one man on deck and placed him in her bra about a hundred feet from me. The men onboard looked sick with envy and some were reaching up to her asking for a turn.


She reached out and grabbed another man who looked extatic at the prospect of being her new intrest, but she quickly brought him up to her mouth. I lost site of him but had a good view of the bottom of her mouth and the unmistakable swallowing motion it made. The first sailor had been eaten.


Amid cries on deck she grabbed the spritsail and began to drag the heavy craft over to the beach. One man fail from the cross trees (the very top of the mast) and she caught him in her open mouth and swallowed him whole.


Soon she had the ship beached and was gathering up all the men pouring out of her. Not a soul did I see escape her hands, which fed her ravenous mouth or placed the men into the basket.  

Soon all were killed or captured and we resumed our trek across the beach, leaving the hollow wreck of the ship and the footprints of a thousand petrified sailors and one giantess.


Her belly gurgled. It must have been swelling with the mass of bully boys within it.


Finally we made camp for the night and she and I went for a walk on the beech. I was running along side her as she slowed her steps so I could keep up.


“Such a nice night, is it not Edward Sharpp?”

“Yes Kara! The sunset is beautiful.” I looked at the rose colored sky sinking in the west.

She sat down atop of a giant cluster of rocks and looked over the waves. God she was pretty. Her hair was blowing in the breeze and her as her manor of dress was minimal and simply to accent the curves of her supremely fit body, she cast a spell that would have enthralled the most faithful of men.


“Kara you are beautiful too!” I blurted without thinking.

She looked towards me and her face softened.

“You are a nice person Edward Sharpp.” She smiled and I nearly fell to the sand as my knees almost gave out under her benevolent and kind gaze.


Then we both took to looking out at see and observing a silence only broken by the wind and the gentle lap of waves on the white sand. I stole glances at her from time to time.


Slowly and without looking at what she was doing, she reached for the man whom she had placed in her bra earlier that day and brought him to her lips. He did not cry, perhaps because she was squeezing him to hard, but opened those large pink lips and brought him inside.

She had my full attention as she appeared to roll the man around in her mouth before swallowing. All the while she was looking out to sea, not even thinking of the horrible fate she was subjecting my fellow man to. I couldn’t look away from her when she, after a moment looked towards me again and smiled a strikingly beautiful smile at me with those pretty pink lips. How could someone so pretty be so ignorant to the suffering of others?


I asked her on the walk back to camp.

“Why do you eat people?”

“Because you are easy food and you taste good.”

“What about me? Aren’t we friends?”

“Yes, but I wasn’t friends with all the other people I have eaten.”

“But you could have been!” I countered.

“You could have been eaten,” she said. “You still could be!”

I dropped the matter and watched silently as she ate her fill of the men in the basket.


Before dropping off to sleep she smiled at me.

“We’ll be returning home tomorrow. Don’t worry. I won’t submit you with the rest of the food. You’ll be safe with me.”

I hoped she was right.

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