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Matthew grunted as he lifted a second backpack and strung it over his free shoulder, lightening the load of his crying younger sibling that wouldn't stop complaining. The sirens once blaring have gone silent, now the only remains of the disaster was the light rhythmic thumbing of the ground beneath them. Matthew tried to turn his cellphone no once more and when that didn't work tried to re-seat the battery. Still no luck. This wasn't surprising but desperation had him try and try to get some communication working. Almost the entire city was without power after... it arrived in the dead of the night. Really, it was only a matter of time before this happened. Matthew grabbed his little sister's hand again and continued their trek through the darkness.

Relying on what little light the moon he had and the glow of fires deeper in the city, Matthew led his charge through the streets. They had joined up with a few other people who were all fleeing from the devastation. Every now and again a car that was still running sped by as the group shouted for a lift, a cry that always went unanswered. His sister had ceased her crying and started to stagger as exhaustion swept over the child, she yawned and waddled with closed eyes. Matthew debated abandoning their stuff and carrying her instead, might make better time. One of the caravan members ahead of him shouted that they've come to an on-ramp for I-95, they could use this to get out of the city faster. The thumping ever continued, sometimes interrupted by a strong rumbling that threatened to knock folks off of their feet. Matthew agreed that speed was their best bet and followed.

Once upon the elevated highway, they saw it. The towering monstrosity in the silhouette of a giant girl, centered in the heart of the destruction. It was bent over grabbing at something below. Matthew stopped and stared before someone pushed him and told him to get a move on. It was not a half hour later where things took a turn for the worst. By this point he had abandoned his backpacks and was carrying his sister on his back when a strong light illuminated the caravan. Matthew turned to look at the source and it was the eyes of the monster, they were like two suns cutting through the darkness just to reveal them. That was when it started towards them, destroying everything it stepped on. The group started to run, sprint. Dropping everything they couldn't carry. This was when Matthew tripped on something they left behind. He held tight onto his sister to make sure he hit the ground instead of her.

Matthew was climbing to his feet when a foot came down. A giant foot, right down on top of the people that ran ahead. It tore straight through the highway and killed everyone instantly. Matthew's shock only allowed him to stare at what could have been him and his sister. The ankle before him was a metallic grey colour. His eyes trailed up the body, taking in the sight before him. A giant nude girl, her skin covered in overlapping metal. No, that was her skin. Being the young man he was, Matthew took note that despite looking like a girl she lacked nipples and a sex. Only as the foot raised out of the rubble did he notice the other girl on his back screaming and crying for him to run, and so he did. Ran back the way he came, he would find another way out. He ignore that the light followed him, ignored it as long as he could until a giant metal hand came from above. The fingers crashed through the asphalt and abandoned cars alike, caging the pair inside. The fingers closed and lifted everything inside high into the air. Matthew felt his ears pop and head get dizzy. He was pressed up against a car door and could only hope that his sibling wasn't crushed against asphalt behind him.

Matthew's world flipped as the giant hand rotated and opened in front of the mechanical monstrosity's face. The debris surrounding him spread out and some fell from a staggering height towards the ground. He raised his arm to block the light shining down on him from it's eyes. He turned around to see his sister curled up and crying on the giant's palm. His relief may have been misplaced. The giant started moving as he reached out to his sister to try and comfort her. He didn't get to utter a word before two metallic fingers lifted him off the palm and even higher up. He twisted his torso as much as he could to see where he was going and he didn't like it. The monster's mouth opened wide to receive him as the fingers deposited their cargo. His last thought before being swallowed whole was wondering why a robot needed a tongue.

It was like a slide, a very steep slide. Matthew yelled and tried to grab onto anything he could but all he could do was fall in total darkness. Fall and fall he did until he heard a sound of something opening beneath him and he was dropped off of the slide. He splashed into a warm liquid. Quickly swimming to the surface, took in as much air as he could. The liquid sloshed as the mechanical girl moved. A green light lit up beneath him, revealing a spherical cavern. Above there was another light, this one more varied. A flat screen television bolted to the wall? The image moved a bit before Matthew realised what he was looking at, a stylised 2D animation of the giant girl, though looking more human. The Avatar on the screen was in a pose with her arms outstretched, one closer to the screen than the other.

"Welcome!" A cheerfully cute voice shouted through unseen speakers. "To My stomach!" Matthew stared in bewilderment as he tread 'water'. In a more machine-like voice she continued. "Identifying person... Identifying person... AHAHA just kidding you aren't worth knowing the name of." She broke back into her first voice while giggling.

The Avatar waited a few moments before scrunching up her face in annoyance. "Come on, you're supposed to say something. Preferably praise for Me but I won't hold it against you if you start screaming or begging to be spared." She said.
"Your stomach? So I've been eaten?" The shaken young man mumbled, though apparently this was loud enough for her to pick up.
"Yeah! I figured that'd be obvious at this point."
"Why? Aren't you a machine!?" Now it was his turn to shout, anger at his situation bubbling.
The Avatar shook her finger at him. "There's no such thing as infinite energy, so I efficiently turn human matter into more energy!"
He once again was without words, so he was going to be turned into energy for this evil entity?
She spoke again, "I see you are curious to know more-" He wasn't. "so I'll tell you! Basically an average adult will be converted into juuust about one hour of run time!"
"One hour? My life is worth just one hour!?" He cried out.
The Avatar gestured her hand in a so-so manner. "A little less, but you should be thankful! My efficient systems will make you into something much greater than you ever could have been on your own! Of course you could be something more..." She paused and at one end of the cavern metal parted way to reveal a small room just above the waterline.

"You see, this is the one part of Me that isn't perfect. I know, sad but true. My main stomach will only convert you at a 50% efficient rate but if you enter this chamber I can 'digest' you at 100% efficient and get almost two hours out of you!" The Avatar's cute voice pitched the idea like it was a trip to a theme park.
Matthew stared at the dark chamber as the liquid splashed against its edges. "Why would I ever do that? Better to let you shut down as soon as possible."
She laughed and laughed at that. "Fine, how about this?" The image flickered away and he saw now an image of the outside, and the giant was looking at the palm of its hand. On it, along with a few remaining debris was his little sister. "Close to you? I was thinking of eating her too but she won't give Me nearly as much as you. If you sacrifice yourself to Me I promise I'll spare her."
Matthew stared intently at the screen before it flickered back to the Avatar with an extremely smug look on her face.
He went to shout before she interrupted him. "I'll give you 5 minutes to think it over. You could pray to your God for salvation, but I won't answer them."

With that, the screen turned off leaving only the green glow from beneath lighting up the spherical cavern. Matthew splashed his fist in the liquid in anger. He was already dead, if he could save his little sister even at the cost of giving this monster an extra hour of life then he didn't have a choice. It would just eat more people to get that hour anyways, he figured. The liquid started heating up, almost as an incentive to get out of it and into the 'safe' chamber.
"Fine!" He shouted. "Spare her life and I'm yours!" He started to swim towards the chamber.
"It's a deal." the Avatar's voice responded though the screen remained blank. Matthew climbed inside and was clad to get out of the now boiling liquid. There was only enough room for him to stand up with his arms at his side. He leaned back against the back wall and almost jumped as metal started shutting him in, leaving only his head visible to the outside chamber. He was about to close his eyes and wait for his death when he head a splash. Looking at the figure that emerged from the liquid was his little sister. He started to scream her name before the final slot of metal shut him into darkness. Left alone and as an even more painfully hot liquid poured in, he could only cry.

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