They're coming creeping from the corner, and all I know is that I don't feel safe//I feel the tapping on my shoulder, I turn around in an alarming state//But am I losing my mind? I really think so//Not a creature in sight, but what you don't know is that my breathing gets faster and so does my heartbeat, I wish this was over, I wish that this was a dream, but//I created a monster, a hell within my head, nowhere to go, I'm out on my own, oh I'm so scared//I created a monster, a beast inside my brain, nowhere to go, I'm out on my own, my mind impaired, to wake me from my nightmare~
"Are you ready to die?" she whispered under her breath, giving a near-sultry tone to the prospect of annihilation. Her captives, one female, one male, both frantically shook their heads in protest. "Who will it be? Who will it be?" The hammer of the pistol was pulled back, the muzzle pressed against each of their heads in turn. "One..." First hers... "Two..." Then his... "My mother told me to pick the very best one and..." The blonde girl kneeling with her hands behind her back flinched hard. "You... Are..." She pushed the muzzle against the dark-haired man's temple, "It." His jaw locked and eyes twisted shut. He whimpered. Something metallic clattered against the ground, but he could barely make it out through the piercing ring of his ears. A solid four inch diameter of plaster trickled away off the far wall, a bullet in its center. "Not today, not today, not today..." Hot tears trailed down his face.
"Why are you doing this to us? ...Is someone making you do this? Is that it? Do you not have a choice?" He squirmed, struggling to undo his handcuffs. "You want ransom? I've got plenty of money. Or... What else? Is it... Is it fucking pills or somethin' like that, huh? You an addict? Cause... Cause I can get you your drugs. Or--put you in rehab, if that's what you want." He grunted with effort, but the cuffs weren't coming off unless he was willing to break a thumb. "Or maybe... Maybe you're just fucking crazy. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.... Maybe you're just a FUCKING LUNATIC--UH!" Ice cold metal whipped him in the face, sending him straight to the ground. Tangy metallic blood dribbled down his chin and he could have sworn she broke his jaw, if not knocked out a few teeth.
"DON'T YOU SAY ANYTHING ABOUT ME!" Elyssa's face twisted into pure evil, just barely meeting the requirement to be called human. "YOU PIECE OF TRASH!" The hard sole of her flats slammed into his ribs without mercy. "YOU'RE HERE BECAUSE YOU'RE A MISERABLE, DISGUSTING EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING!" A firm couple of stomps further traumatized his already aching face. Matt fought the urge to slip into unconsciousness as his left eye swelled shut. "No, no sleeping. I'm talking to you." Elyssa gripped Matt's hair, staring at him. "Matt..." she crooned in his ear, "I want you to say it." Her foot gently teased his cock through his jeans.
"Say what?!" It came out, an ugly hiss in a puddle of blood-tinged drool.
"It, you disgusting little INGRATE!" Elyssa's mouth curled into a tooth-bearing smile far too wide for a human face. Matt's body locked in place. A short, breathless squeak exited his lips as Elyssa brutally ground her sole into his most important body parts. "You are vile"
Matt was in far too much pain to form a coherent sentence anymore.
"Wh...." The blonde sweetheart piped up, having been freed from her gag, "What'd he do to make you hate him so much?? What do I have to do with this?"
"Oh, Ami..." Elyssa spoke with the smoothness of honey. "I just wanted to protect you. He's a bad man. Very bad. See, he had a little fucking... hussy..." Teeth-clenching anger slipped into Elyssa's tone, "On the side. So I'm just making sure they break up. For good. For your sake."
Wait, something doesn't feel right. No, something seems wrong.//And I've been feeling this way//For far too long.//As my vision gets blurred my skin's getting colder//Appearing young while I'm growing older//I collapse to the floor and scream "Can anybody save me from myself?!"
"You fucking psycho bitch..." Matt was sitting up now, gasping for breath and combatting the searing pain of his damaged goods. "Stop telling lies, you fucking jealous crazy cunt--!"
"YOU'RE LYING!" Elyssa screeched.
"I..." Matt mumbled, taken aback, "I'm not lying. Ami, baby, you know you're the only girl for me, right?"
"I'm not a liar! I'm not!" He continued adamantly.
"What's this then?! HUH?!" Elyssa dug into the pocket of her jeans, pulling out a pale, writhing... thing. Matt's face fell.
"L... Lily, wh... What the f--"
"Oh. So you know her."
"What the fuck did you do to her?!"
"The same thing I'm going to do to you, Matthew."
"M-Matt..." Vertigo tried to pull Ami down, but she refused to give in. "Matt... Matt... Who's... Lily?"
"I'll tell you." Elyssa's grip on the sobbing purple-haired harlot was merciless and unrelenting. "She's Matt's other girlfriend. Because you weren't enough for him. He had to go out, and find some whore to satisfy his urges. Disgusting. I'd never treat you like that, Ami. Never."
"B... But... M-m-maybe she didn't know, right? R-right?" Ami tried to reason.
"No." A piercing cry came from Elyssa's fingers. Matt watched the surreal display in mute horror. "No. She's a regular Jezebel. She knew. She knew. And she didn't care. What a disgusting little whore. I can see why you were into her, Matt. Because she's garbage just like you." Elyssa paused, shoving Matt onto his back with a foot. "Now, since you love girls so much that you'd be willing to fuck them over... What do you say to the idea of fucking me?"
"N...No." Matt grimaced in disgust at the mere proposition of screwing the psycho. "I'm not gonna fuck you."
"Oh." Elyssa smirked, fiddling with the button on his jeans and forcibly removing them. "So now is the time you decide to have standards? I don't think so." Elyssa pulled down her own jeans and pushed her panties to the side. "Have you ever fantasised about having two girls at once? Tell the truth, for once in your miserable life."
"I..." Matt's voice caught in his throat. What the fuck was she getting at? "Y-Yes. I have."
"Good." Elyssa beamed. "Because you're about to live it." Matt shot a worried glance at Ami.
"Y-You're... You're not gonna... M-make Ami do anything, are you?" He had that much of a heart, at least...
"No, of course not! I'm not like you, I'd never hurt Ami. We're gonna have one last hurrah with your little slut here."
"I don't want you to hurt anyone." Ami whimpered. "Please... Just let us all go... I... I'll break up with him. He's no good for me. Is that what you want me to say?"
"Ami, that's not enough." Elyssa casually slid Lily into herself. "He needs to be punished. He won't care if you just break it off. He didn't love you enough to stay true. I need to knock it into his head. And I'm going to do that..." Elyssa managed to take Matt's cock inside her by force, "By fucking them to death."
"Wh--What the fuck are you doing?! Get off me!" Matt tried to push Elyssa off but failed.
"Wow." Elyssa rocked her hips. "You got something other guys only dream of. You got your wish, and now you're gonna fucking complain about it? Wow. You really iare ungrateful." Her gaze was wide. Glossy, unblinking, like she had forsaken any sanity left in her. "C'mon, don't be a fucking dick, show Lily how much you love her! You never hesitated banging her before. Y'know. All those times you were betraying Ami." The tiny woman was now firmly pinned against Matt's cock and Elyssa's vaginal wall.
"What are you... trying to accomplish here?" Matt groaned. Lily was struggling as much as she could in a much-needed bid for air, which only stimulated the two further and led that much closer to her demise.
"I'm making you pay." The answer was simple, curt, and concise. "I'm making you pay." She gripped his shoulders, digging until she drew blood. "If you're not gonna kill her by fucking me, I'll ride you until you do."
Lily was in hell. She couldn't move. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't see. Unbearable pressure and heat bore down on her chest and the sloshing of sexual fluid filled her ears. This was most definitely number one on her "Top Ten Worst Life Experiences" list. Maybe they'd pull her out when they were done? Then she'd apologize, swear to cut contact with all three of them, move across the country, and continue her life. Yeah.
Oh fuck no.
If it was hard to breathe before, it was impossible now. The force of their unconsensual fucking had broken something. Lily wasn't sure what, but suspected a rib or a few ribs, given the sudden uptake in breathing difficulty. A bit of her own blood splattered against her face. Fuck. Did she puncture something? Though, at the rate they were going at it, Lily assumed it wouldn't be long before all her internal organs were forced out of her mouth or she was smushed to paste against her boyfriend's cock and mixed together with his spunk that ended up impregnating his psychotic rapist. What a morbid thought. Even so, Lily figured it appropriate as a mixture of precum and vaginal secretion slowly drained into her sinuses and started to drown her.
She wasn't getting out of there.
"I think she's dying!" Elyssa didn't bother trying to hide the sadistic pleasure in her voice. "You can cum in me now. I know you want to." Matt rapidly shook his head. "You not cumming isn't saving her. Lily's already dead, alright? So cum in me." Elyssa rocked her hips. "Cum in me."
"F-F-Fuck... Fffuck you..."
"Cum in me. Now."
A wicked smile unfurled across Elyssa's cheeks. She didn't resemble anything close to human anymore as she giddily pried herself off of Matt. His mouth, chipped teeth, bleeding gums and all was pried open. Not like he had the strength to resist. Flexing her inner muscles, a stream of pinkish fluid composed of his own semen and what remained of his ex dribbled from inside of her, forcing its way into his mouth and down his throat.
"No... No, no, no, no, no, no, no..."
"SHE'S DEAD!" Elyssa practically screamed with joy. "THAT LITTLE CUNT IS DEAD!" Matt could have sworn Elyssa's teeth had grown a bit sharper. "And now... It's time for you." She lunged at Matt like some rabid predatory animal.
Walking to the ledge, I find myself looking down//Frozen still with fear//Now I'm plunging to the ground//If only I knew how to fly then I could convince myself this isn't my time to die
The cuffs were gone, but that hardly mattered. Matt stared up. She stared down, a deranged gaze with murderous intent. He may as well have been a cockroach to her. Locked in a staring contest, he was vaguely aware of the warm piss running down his leg. He was sitting in her hand... Her fucking hand...
Instead I'm rocketing faster
His stomach flipped, then plummeted as gravity pulled him down...
And faster
Matt stopped breathing. The wind rushed his face and creeping ground filled his vision.
I dive-bomb to the floor
Any second now... Any second now he'd smash into the hard wood floor and land on his neck...
And when my body crashes to the pavement, I'm right back where I was before
He woke up in Elyssa's palm.
"I'm not letting you go that easy, bastard. An asshole piece of shit like you deserves something worse." Matt grimaced. "I think Ami's got a cute ass, don't you?"
"Y... Yeah." The answer was feeble. He had nearly become a stain from a five-foot-something drop, possibly had impregnated a woman who would raise a potential child to be just as psychotic as her, and had watched Lily be utterly obliterated in one hate-filled whirlwind. There was even no telling what the crazy cunt would do to Ami after this was all over...
"And that's... exactly where an "asshole piece of shit" like you should be!" Elyssa's tone grew into a epiphany. "What a great idea!" Elyssa tenderly touched Ami on the shoulder. "Ami... Ami... Ami... This might... Hurt a little, okay? But I promise, it's for your sake."
".... Why...?" the feeble squeak barely audible on Ami's lips. "Why... why would you do something like this?"
"Why?" Elyssa's lip quivered. "You.... You don't know?"
Ami shook her head.
"Because you..." Elyssa rolled her neck uncomfortably. " Because you... Because... you... are everything to me." She clenched her fist, threatening to crush Matt in her grasp. "You're everything to me, Mimi." A perverse smile flashed across Elyssa's lips. "Because WE were EVERYTHING." A small crunch resonated from her fist. "Because EVERYTHING was PERFECT until HE CAME ALONG!!!!" Elyssa shrieked at the top of her lungs in a trembling voice that cracked halfway through. "All he ever did--all he ever does is lie and cheat! And me...." Elyssa's fist trembled as she lowered it beneath Ami's waist, "You never even cast a second glance my way." Matt's muffled screams of agony from a gory protruding femur suddenly cut to absolute silence as his miniscule body found itself forcibly inserted into his girlfriend's rectum, a trail of blood following him the entire way. "You only... had eyes for him." Elyssa panted. "I only had eyes for you. But now...Now we can be together! We can be together like we were always meant to!"
"No..."Ami whimpered in horror. A wave of nausea pulsed through her and she grimaced as Matt struggled through his final pained and anguished moments squirming inside her.
"NO?!" Elyssa snarled. "Do you realize what I've done for our love?! Do you realize what I've sacrificed?! Th-the taboos, the crimes?!"
Ami swallowed, Matt having finally gone limp.
"No." She responded, quietly yet with a barb of potent poison. "I'd rather fucking die than be with somebody like you." Elyssa exhaled airily, raising an eyebrow and twisting her face into a glower.
"Fine... That's fine. That's fine. It's fine." A half formed chuckle exited Elyssa's throat, the sort someone does at a funeral. "Just... promise me one thing, though."
I've created a monster, a hell within my head, nowhere to go, I'm out on my own, oh I'm so sca-a-a-ared
Elyssa's fingers danced over the grip of the discarded pistol, picking it up in a singular fluid motion. "Promise me if you see Matt again, don't ever look his way."
Ami flinched, but wasn't nearly fast enough.
"Such a shame.."
I created a monster, a hell within my head, nowhere to go, I'm out on my own, oh I'm so scared, no, no-o-o-o-o whoa
After a few hours of intense scrubbing with bleach, you could hardly tell there had been a pool of blood and brain matter scattered across the floor. Elyssa looked into her once-love's dulled eyes, observing her body essentially rapidly collapse in on itself. Scooping up what remained, Elyssa slipped it quietly between her teeth and bit down.
"It's the only way. Now no one will find out. I'm sorry, Ami." Elyssa swallowed the mass of meat. "I'm sorry."
Elyssa rushed to the bathroom, plastic shopping bag in hand. //I've created a monster, a beast inside my brain// Her stomach flipped with nausea as she withdrew the box from within, quickly opening its contents. //nowhere to go I'm not on my own, my mind impaired// Elyssa slid the small stick between her legs.
After five minutes, she checked the stick again. //to wake me from my nightmare// Two small but telling pink lines had formed on the base of the stick. //Awake me from my nightmare//
Elyssa smiled.
Awake me from my nightmare
She was pregnant.
Awake me from my nightmare