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Author's Chapter Notes:

Sorry for the wait, I likely will not post on weekends.

This chapter is a bit longer than the others and features a good bit of butt action and some other things.


Hope you enjoy!



You exit the transport pod and step into the bathroom habitat that is mounted to the wall next to the door in the apartment’s bathroom. This habitat includes a combination bathtub/shower, a large sink with a mirror and a medicine cabinet, as well as a nice jacuzzi tub that allows you to relax with a bit of privacy. Additionally the glass panels that make up the sides of this habitat are capable of becoming non-transparent with the flip of a switch located at the entrance to the container. You very much enjoyed the fact that this living system that your father had provided for you, allowing you to feel a bit more like a regular person by providing tiny miniature rooms all through the apartment. Having to eat, sleep and shit all in the same space makes you feel more like a hamster than a person.


You undress and step into you minature shower and take a nice long, hot shower. You were hoping you could wash away the sweat from your hair, and the unpleasant memories of tonight from your mind. 


After a good amount of time just soaking up the hot water you hear the main door to the apartment slam shut and a lot of loud footsteps coming through the house. You were hoping that Ashley and Alexis had finally finished their date and that odd woman was finally out of the house. 


Moments later, however, the door to the bathroom swings open and you see the silhouette of a woman enter the bathroom through the privacy glass of your enclosure. Stepping out of the shower and wrapping up with a towel, you decide to hit the switch on the privacy glass to see who had come into the bathroom. 


After slipping the switch, the glass returned to its fully transparent form you could finally see that it was Megan who had returned from her night out and was getting ready to take a shower of her own. 


You were turning away to reactivate the privacy glass when you couldn't help but let your gaze linger for a second longer. You had to admit, despite all the grief she had given you over the years, your younger sister was certainly beautiful.

She had shiny, straight, golden hair that hung down just below her shoulders, when it wasn’t tied up in a ponytail. While quite a petite young woman, you couldn’t help but notice that she had distinct muscle definition in her arms and her legs. Not to mention a toned ass that “drove every guy on campus crazy” as she was so fond of saying. 


Suddenly the beautiful blonde giantess spun around and you were face to face (or face to nipple) with two ample, perky breasts. The sight of Megan’t enormous (to you) tits caught you very much by surprise, which is why you didn't even notice that your enormous sister was now looking directly at you.


“What the fuck are you doing in here you little creep?” Megan snapped at you.


You were ripped from your trance by her aggressive tone, and decided that now was a good time to activate the privacy glass and retreat back to your main room. “Oh sorry, I was just showering. I’ll get out” you stammer, trying to cover your retreat. 


“You aren’t going anywhere you little shit!” Megan barks at you, her words slightly slurred. Then the giantess tears back the roof of your miniature bathroom and quickly reaches in and pulls you out of the enclosure. 


This was the second time you had been picked up without being asked permission and it was making you feel uncomfortable. When this happened half an hour ago, you got pushed up your sisters ass and you didn't want a repeat of that. Looking at Megan you realize that she is standing naked directly in front of the toilet. You REALLY didn’t want a repeat!


“Meg wait I was already in the shower, when you walked in on me.” you try to defend yourself. 


“Oh really, this is my fault then is it? You little fucker, you think you're the goddamn boss around here. I’m sick of it.” Megan moves you closer to her face and you can see the anger in her eyes. You can also detect a pretty strong odor of alcohol on her breath.


“Wait Megan are you drunk right now? You know you aren’t allowed to drink, you're underage!” you scold. For some reason you seem to have forgotten the predicament that you’re in, and assume Megan will start listening to you know that you know she broke some rules.


“Fuck you, you little shit! I’m not the one spying on people in the shower. So if you wanna see me in the shower so bad, then I’m bringing you with me.” Megan reaches into the shower and turns on the water. She then closes her fist around you while she finishes getting ready and steps into the steaming water. 


When Megan’s fist opens again, you are now standing in her palm directly in front of her gargantuan nipple. 


“Grab on” she orders you, glaring down with a grin that makes you even more uncomfortable.


“No Megan. This is so fucking weird, im not grabbing your tit.” you reply trying to save some of your dignity.


“Listen shrimp, you can either hang onto my nipple while I lather my hair, or I can shove you up my ass. I really don’t care what you choose, but I can promise you that my ass is not the nicest smelling place on earth right now. So grab my fucking nipple.” She barks out with a sense of authority that you’ve never heard from her before.


“Megan I am not grabbing your  fuc-” your sentence gets cut short as it turns out that Megan wasn’t bluffing after all. “HOLY SHIIITT!” you scream as the sudden acceleration gives you mild whiplash.


You are now staring directly at you “little” sisters titanic ass. The two massive mounds of flesh are noticeably whiter than the rest of her skin, and you can see the water trickling down around the cheeks.


“NO MEGAN PLEASE DON'T”T DO THIS! THIS IS SO FUCKED UP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON”T!” you scream, pleading with her not to plunge you between her firm mounds into the dark, stinking crevasse between.


You are held an inch away from her crack but you don’t get pushed in, and she seems to have stopped moving.


“Oh thank you, thank Christ. Megan please put me bac-”



Out of nowhere, a noxious wind blows past you for what feels like an eternity. The smell is downright foul, reeking of both sweat and rancid eggs. You're unsure of how your night ended up this way, but you had hoped to never again smell one of Megan’s infamously raunchy farts. 


The giant hand that was forcing you to breath deeply of Megan’s anal surprise, now brings you back up to your tormentors face. She is giggling at your misfortune and loving every second of it. 


“Hahahaha how was that for you bug boy? That’s pretty smelly from where I’m standing, I bet you were thrilled to have a front row seat. Hahahahaha!” Megan is clearly drunk enough to not care about the eventual repercussions of her actions.


Before you can open your mouth to speak, Megan says “OH wait I’ve got one more!”


In the blink of an eye you are once again brought around to your bratty sister’s round bottom. This time, however, Megan pushes your face a little bit closer so that your head is now part way inside her crack. The smells here are just as unpleasant as the fart was out there, with the added problem of a vice-like pressure smushing your head. 


Unable to voice your objections because your head is in her ass crack, you struggle for all that you are worth before a quiet hissing noise passes by you, followed by another wave of Megan’s ripe fart stench.

Your sister holds your head between her cheeks for what feels like an eternity, letting you really soak up the stink. Eventually you are pulled out of her ass and brought one more to her face.


“Do you feel like holding onto my nipple now? Hahahaa” Megan laughs even more at your shrunken plight. Here she was coming home from a fun night of drinking, dancing, and late night fast food, and you, her “big and strong” older brother was being heat blasted by her booty bombs. 


“Yes just put me on your fucking nipple and get this over with.” you shout up, utterly defeated. You cannot wait to reunite with Ashley and watch Megan get her recompense. 


“Okie doke” Megan replies before closing her fist again, and returning you to get back side.


“No, no, no, no! I said I’ll hold onto the nipple. Please don’t do this!” you shout up, either to Megan or a God that you're certain doesn’t exist. 


A second later you are pushed all the way in between your little sisters buttcheeks and brough face to face with her large sweating asshole. The heat and the pressure make it very uncomfortable for you but the worst part is definitely the smell. Her asshole opened up just the slightest bit, and released a small toot, directly onto your face. Almost as if to say, “I win, loser.”


After what felt like forever Megan pulls you out from between her cheeks and holds you in front of her face. 


“How was it in there big bro? Be honest with me… did it smell good? Does it make you want to spend the night in there? Hahaha” Megan continues to toy with you. Then she brings you up to her nose to see exactly how bad her ass does smell.


For a moment you’re afraid that you’re going to get sucked up into her nose, but for once you’re glad she has such a firm grip on you. However, you now see her face contort into a weird shape, surely as a reaction to the stench that she had just subjected you to.


Strangely though she holds this face for a couple of seconds until she closes her eyes and tilts her head back.



Out of pure habit she puts her hand in front of her face to cover the spray and you are suddenly sprayed with a heavy dose of mucus. Slimy clear snot is now coating your entire body and you very briefly consider just jumping out of Megan’s hand rather than putting up with this.


“Hahahahahaha thats a good little tissue boy. Maybe I should use you to clean all of my boogies out from now on.” Megan is so delighted with your condition that the nearly falls over in the shower while laughing. 


“Woah, I better be careful. I don’t want to smash you. If you were crushed, who would be around to tell me how nice my farts are hahahaha!”


Megan then wipes you off in her armpit to clean all the snot off of you and reaches out of the shower.


“You can sit right here until I’m finished and then I’ll decide how to punish you” she says as she grabs the gym bag sitting in the corner of the room and opens it up.

As she lowers you down into the bag you can see the exact outfit she was wearing earlier today, when she tried to make you smell her feet. Near the opening of the bag you can smell the incredibly intense stink of the sweat from her unwashed practice clothes and fight like crazy to escape her fist. 


Unfortunately you are no match for the blonde goddess and she drops you carelessly into the skinty pits of her sweaty torture chamber. Then before she steps back into the shower, she reaches down into the jeans she was wearing when she left tonight and pulled out a light purple thong. As she moves it towards the bag, you notice that it has a face printed directly on the back of the thong. 


“At least my face wasn’t the only one she farted on tonight.” you say in your head. Not bothering to laugh at your own morbid humor. As Meg tosses the used thong into the bag with you, you notice a slight skidmark in the back, and shudder as you consider the thought “What if I WAS the face on the back of this thong”


You curl up on what you think may be the least disgusting bit of clothing as you wait for Megan to finish showering, or for Ashley to come looking for you.

Chapter End Notes:

Max is in for a long night!


Hope you enjoyed, and as always leave a review for what you did/didn't like.


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