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Now cruising beyond light speed Cashel being held close to Zara’s chest looked up to see her smile as she appeared cheerful over the fact someone had busted her out. What concerned Cashel however is no one has yet cared explain where they were going and he couldn’t help doubting they simply did this from the goodness of their hearts. Because if they were simply the terrorist he heard about he surely thought they would have started bragging and patting themselves on the back for their righteous cause by now.


Looking down at her tiny friend in distress Zara wondered if those controlling the ship were going to speak to her again. Sensing his general anxiety she cleared her throat and soft in tone asked, “Are you okay?”


“Yeah! It’s so ho…….” Cashel blurted out before correcting himself, “I-I…...mean it’s nice and warm in your hands.”


Giggling Zara thought his sexual tension was cute and saw fit to indulge him even more as she stuffed him between the flesh of her breast. While laughing she then teased, “Here’s a soft gift to those raging hormones of yours.”


The word soft echoed throughout Cashel’s mind as he struggled within the wedge of Zara’s hills of light blue flesh. Drowning in bliss he thought it must be heaven as his body took in the sensation of Zara’s soft skin nearly enveloping him. Looking out at ragged piece of cloth that held her breast together Cashel wondered how perky they would be if she took it off. Resisting the powerful urge to unleash his boner upon the smooth blue flesh that squeezed him Cashel thought about how quickly she was getting sexual with him. He wondered if her tail could actually sense his super charged hormones or if he was simply too obvious.


In any case he shouldn't have been surprised considering the Devex often used miniature class humanoids as sex toy’s and with everything he learned on the tour Cashel guessed the females were most eager in doing just that. Not that he was going to complain or protest her sexual curiosity here. He just didn’t want her to get all worked up while in this confined space.


Watching as the black cube entered the Iris 10 system with two other interstellar craft captain Edwards ordered, “Hit and blip them now!”


Unaware of the battle soon to occur Zara looking around randomly while growing a tad impatient asked, “I really am thankful for you all saving me, but can someone please tell me where you are taking me?”


No response was given however and Cashel could tell Zara felt anxiety over this lack of communication. In fact he wondered if she actually could sense something was off as her tail seemed to wag erratically. Then just when things couldn’t get any more eerie a red light flooded the room as a computerized voice said, “Warning hull breached by unknown quantum disruption.”


In the cockpit of the cube shaped craft the woman going by the name of Raven shouted, “Shit! It’s those fucking Devex loving terrorist! All hands to battle stations!”


“Damnit!” A man huffed as he then yelled, “Call up those mother fucking lizards! We need the buyer here right now to back us up!”


Though quantum entanglement Edward’s materialized inside the cockpit and with one shot from his plasma rife melted the woman’s entire head off her body. Then before the guard coming into the room could react Edward shot him in the gut leaving a bloody mess in his wake as he walked over the bodies into the hallway. Hearing screams ahead he knew other members of his strike team had beamed in successfully.


Meanwhile sealed in the massive room designed to hold a Devex for transport. Zara having spotted a tiny door reached toward it with her hand and used her finger to try knocking upon it. Feeling a tiny shock in response to her action Zara became angry as she complained, “We have been here for hour’s and no one has said a word to us since leaving the planet! I have no idea where you are taking us, but I feel unconformable being stuck in here without knowing anything. All I want is someone here to tell us something!”


This was the most upset Cashel had seen Zara yet and it gave him chills despite how warm his current arrangement in her breast was. He really didn’t like what was going on now and feared they weren’t the terrorist after all. As that thought repeated inside his mind Cashel felt crazy as a loon bird for being afraid they weren’t the infamous terrorist. Really he couldn’t help chucking at how absurd it was to worry about those transporting them weren’t terrorist despite how logical that fear actually was.


As the main captive onboard grew ever more impatient Edward’s met up with other member’s of his strike team and cleared the lower deck of crew member's. Walking down this last hallway he then spotted a frightened man holding up his hands. Sticking his plasma rife in the terrified young man’s mouth Edwards asked. “Tell me why I shouldn’t just blow your head clean off scumbag?”


Feeling the end of the deadly weapon leave his mouth the young man begged, “Please don’t kill me…. I am not a bad person! This isn’t what I normally do for a living. The only reason I signed onto this bounty hunt contract is because my wife is dying and I needed money to pay for advanced treatment.”


Pinning the scared young man to the wall Edwards argued, “So if I kidnapped your wife and sold her to thugs that were going to rape the living shit out of her before publicly chopping her head clean off you would forgive such a person because they needed fucking money? Is that what I am hearing right now?”


“That’s not the same thing……...” The Young man struggled to retort as he knew what could easily happen to the Devex on the ship if handed over to those whom contracted her capture.


“Sounds like you want to die my friend.” Edwards replied awaiting a more detailed rebuttal from the young man.


Confused as to what answer would please him the young man asked,“I don’t even understand…...why are you people even doing this and what right do you even have to kill me in cold blood?”


Thinking for a moment Edwards grinned and then explained, “What right do I have? That’s an interesting question and deserves a well thought out research paper like the intergalactic government’s wrote about the Devex before outlawing independent research in the name of protecting democracy against disinformation. I mean after all you worked for people trying to sell a person and because of your relationship to a ruthless gang I should consider you guilty of all their collective crimes right? But you know what, it’s not really my place to judge……..”


Grabbing the young man Edwards dragged him toward a doorway at the end of the hall. He knew exactly what kind of creature awaited him behind it. Upon opening the door Edwards then right before shoving the young man into the vast space said, “It’s hers”


After sealing the door behind the young man Edwards went over to a glass panel and interfaced with it to find the ships intercom. Once he selected the correct option Edwards speaking over it to the whole ship announced, “We have liberated one more soul in the name of fundamental individual rights and equal liberty for all sentient beings! Our victory is a righteous one before the creator of this universal simulation because our fight for Devex right’s isn’t about petty luxury's or forgotten speeches, but their very right to live. To be forgiven of their ancestor’s transgressions just as anyone else is. To be acknowledged not as mindless evil creatures that kill without reason, but people with hopes just like us, dreams just like us, fears just like us and loved ones they miss with deep aching sorrow we all can understand. This is our glorious mission and together one release at a time we shall accomplish this noble goal.”


Hearing this broadcast Cashel felt relieved knowing people most likely to help Zara had control of the ship. Then embarrassment struck him remembering they weren’t exactly alone and that being caught in between Zara’s breast wouldn’t be something he felt conformable explaining at the moment. Nuzzled in deep within her bosom he tried to climb out as he then looked up to Zara and asked, “I feel like my legs are falling asleep so can you please pull me out of here?”


“Sorry…... about that” Zara blushed as she then fished Cashel out of her bountiful mounts and placed him back into her hand.


Beating on the door the young man tried to get out of the Devex containment department as cold blooded fear drove him on the edge of panic. He then stopped once a loud boom entered his ears and upon turning around he saw the giant female Devex looking down upon him. Her long blue tail wagged almost furiously as she towered over him even while sitting upon her crossed legs. There wasn’t anywhere to hide or conceal himself and even if there was he knew she could still find him in such a tight space. So like the coward he was the young man stood frozen in place as terror locked down both his mind and body from action.


Sensing a new life form inside the room with her Zara’s instinct’s compelled her to look in the direction the movement her tail detected. Swallowing her pooling fluids marking a wetting of her predatory appetite she by reflex began flicking her tongue. Trying her best to suppress dangerous urges Zara took a deep breath as she then carefully moved her hand over the quiet still young man. Easily capturing him before his panic caused him to attempt fleeing Zara slowly lifted him up to her face.


“Oh fuck…..FUCK ME…….just chew me up first!” The young man screamed as he signed himself over to becoming her prey.


Seeing the guy in her other hand Cashel felt embarrassed as he remembered how closely his similar reaction was to the current unfolding cries for a quick death. What set this situation apart from his own encounter however was that Zara seemed a tad aggravated and her yellow tinted eye’s seemed to glare unto her captive. After a tense few moments Cashel then said, “She isn’t like that so please just tell us what is going on.”


Despite hearing Cashel the young man seemed unwilling to answer. Zara didn’t like this one bit and made her disapproval very clear as she then warned, “I don’t know who you are or wish to hurt you, but we both demand to know where this ship is going right now or else I might need to.”


Frightened out of his wits the young man lied, “I-I……….we just wanted to………...S-Set you free.”


Hearing this over the intercom Edward’s then opened a two way commutation link between his current location and the Devex containment section. Upon doing this he over the intercom into where Zara was held shouted, “NO! He is lying! He was part of a bounty hunting smuggling ring trying to sell you Zara, to some Bellogorg connected to their government and they planned to publicly execute you just for being a Devex! For his grave transgressions against you I believe it’s your right to decide his fate and deliver justice to him as you see fit!”


Though angry with the young man within her grip Zara felt deep guilt as she was reminded of how much hate there was against her kind because of what so many of them did. Trying her best to atone for crimes others of her kind committed Zara put the young smuggler carefully upon the ground and then filled with remorse said, “I have no right to complain about those who want me dead. What my people did was evil and I am a monster born from the same kind of genetics as them. It wasn’t right of me to take the little guy with me just because I didn’t want to be alone. For that and for what my people have done I am forever sorry.”


Watching the color of Zara’s eye’s shift from yellow to blue Cashel wondered if her eye’s actually reflected her emotional state to some degree. And if that was the case then did that mean she felt such deep guilt that her own existence was tormenting her. It angered him that she blamed herself for things she had no control over and sought to correct this as he asserted, “You aren’t a monster Zara! Sparing me and even this man that was sending you to your death should be proof enough of that. Please don’t apologize for who you are because it’s not fair and especially don’t apologize for taking me with you because it was all my idea. I am the one who really wanted to come with you and even now I don’t regret trying to do what I thought was right.”


Unlocking the doorway between the hallway and the Devex containment section Edward’s stepped though after realizing Zara appeared safe to interact with. Then he standing before the colossal Zara in person added, “Don’t believe the fucking brain washing Zara! What many others of your kind did isn’t who you are and no one should ever to be judged by anyone’s actions other than their own. It will take a long time to recover from 12 years of being taught self hatred, but we can show you it’s not right and that you can embrace being your own person without the baggage of guilt for things you never did.”


Blushing Zara felt overwhelmed by those supporting her as she had grown accustom to being an object subjected to unyielding despise and boiling hate. Shedding tears Zara smiled and then replied, “Thank you both for giving me a chance and I promise that your faith in me won’t be misplaced.”


“Speaking of being given a chance” Edward’s began as he then explained, “We plan on taking you to a remote world that has good prey for you that isn’t sentient. There is an existing small dark age civilization, but it’s on a different land mass than where you will be. For now you will be the only one of your kind on that world, but if our movement is successful you may have to share with other Devex.”


“So where are the other Devex I heard about on the news that you guy’s have busted out of containment departments?” Cashel asked worried about Zara’s safety while sitting in her hand


Hearing plasma weapon fire in the hallway Edward’s eye’s widened upon realizing he lost track of that young man he threw in here. Then when one of his guy’s signaled hostile down he breathed a sigh of relief and answered, “We have put them each on their own world to avoid putting all our eggs in one basket.”


“I can’t wait to see my new home!” Zara beamed as she then wagged her tail and asked, “Is there a way for me to see what it’s like before getting there?”


Taken back Cashel couldn’t believe how trusting Zara seemed as the fine tint of her eye’s shifted from blue to bright green. As Edward’s introduced himself and got men to set up a massive holo projector he wondered if Zara’s emotional state influenced the pigmentation of her eyes. Then looking at the projected image Cashel stared with wonder as the lush rain forest back dropped into a vast mountain of towering mega trees easily reaching half a mile in height each. Next a simple room with a set of massive stairs and three huge sleeping mats displayed. After this a creature with fangs and long neck appeared with a recorded voice explaining this very rare 140 foot long herbivore was the most dangerous creature on that world. Then a different much less harmful looking creature 60 feet in length was displayed and the recorded voice proclaimed this as good common prey for a Devex.


Once the basic recording ended the holo projector shut off and Edward’s asked, “Hey Zara, can I borrow your friend there for a little while so we can talk?”


Looking up at her face Cashel knew Zara felt unconformable with the idea, but he needed to learn whatever he could from Edwards so he said, “I will be fine, because they are the good kind of terrorist.”


“I know you will” Zara replied as she lowered Cashel onto the floor and gave a closed mouth smile knowing her pointed teeth can frighten some people.


Turning back to arch his neck up Cashel gawked in awe of how massive Zara’s entire body was compared to him. If Edwards didn’t tug him with the suggestion to move along he would have simply kept on staring at her perfect figure and thought of swimming in her colossal mountain’s of soft flesh. Going though a doorway into the hallway Cashel then asked, “Why did you want to see me?”


After sealing the door shut and therefor ensuring Zara’s tail couldn’t sense them Edwards said, “Let’s just say it’s uncommon for a Devex to become infatuated with someone that isn’t their own kind.”


“What the hell does that mean?” Cashel asked while becoming flustered thinking of when he was between Zara’s perky smooth breast.


Laughing Edward’s thought his denial was amusing and replied, “It means she has become attached to you in a caring almost nurturing way that normally just doesn’t happen.”


“She cares about everyone and feels emotions on a level I had no idea Devex could have.” Cashel responded thinking of how the public including himself has always been taught otherwise


Wishing to change the subject Edwards said, “I will let that go for now, but I must know if you really want to stay with her or not. Because our mission out here is liberation of all Devex. We fight to win liberty and in exchange we sacrifice our security, peace and safety every single day. The Liberty Of Vanguard Enlightenment won’t tolerate cowardice or lack of conviction on this matter. If you wish to go home now is the time to speak up. Because once I put Zara on that planet with you that’s just it and I can’t promise you will ever leave.”


Hearing Edwards say the name of their organization Cashel remembered why he struggled to recall the name. Still walking down the hallway past a number of men stationed at random points Cashel then felt hesitation building within him as he thought about being stuck on a world many light years away from home with a Devex. He cared deeply for Zara, but knowing he would be abandoning his parent’s long term without even letting them know he was alright seemed wrong to him. Racking though his brain Cashel then said, “I really do want to be with her, but if I give an online address can you send a video message to my parent’s just so they know I’m not dead.”


“No” Edward’s replied as he then said, “The stakes for Zara are far too high and taking the risk of a message that might be traced isn’t an option.”


“Holy shit that guy has parent’s! I didn’t think people got birthing permits anymore.” A man remarked to his friend standing by a door in the hallway.


Pondering Edward’s logic Cashel agreed that sending a message could put Zara’s life in danger. After talking with the so called enlightened terrorist for some time he returned to where Zara was being held. Looking up at her massive pale blue face he noticed she again kept her lips sealed shut while smiling at him to conceal her rows of massive pointed teeth. While he found them quite intimidating Cashel also thought the massive sharp triangle’s were beautiful in their own right and when stepping onto her smooth hand wanted to reassure her that he accepted everything she was. But didn’t feel conformable enough to bring the subject up out of the blue.


So then after a few more hour’s of being held within Zara’s clutches the massive black six sided interstellar craft entered the Vorbis star system. Cashel wondered if he could even survive on an alien world with such massive creatures and knew that he would depend on Zara to protect him. And despite knowing his parent’s couldn’t be contacted without risking Zara’s safety Cashel still felt pangs of guilt over allowing them to fear the worst actually happened to him.


Meanwhile Zara grew ever more excited as Edward’s announced entering the system her new home was located in. She mistakenly bumped the sides of the ship with her arm shifting around while wagging her tail. It just wasn’t possible for her to resist beaming with joy as thought’s of finally being free overtook every fiber of her being.


Upon entering orbit of a planet named Vorix that was twice the diameter earth while only having enough mass to increase gravitational forces by %40 more than earth. Captain Edwards ordered landing on a remote landmass next to where an underground housing unit had been constructed for the Devex. His crew obeyed without hesitance as they worked together like a well oiled machine and landed the massive craft five hundred feet away from the entrance to the bunker designed to conceal and house up to three Devex.


Upon opening the massive heavy jointed doors Zara’s eye’s took in the lush bounty of plant life that blanketed the entire ground around her as she poked her head out. Unable to contain her excitement a moment longer she rushed out with Cashel in hand and then realized her foot sank deeply into the wet ground beneath her. Wagging her tail Zara’s mind built a complex picture of her surroundings as nerve endings on the long sensitive appendage sent pluses to her brain. Flickering her tonuge Zara then sensed prey and hearing a deep growl rumbling from her belly she bubbled, “I am free! I am free at last! So much space and wild food! This is the best day of my life!”


Feeling like his stomach was about to give hell from enduring Zara’s sudden movement’s Cashel then moaned, “I feel sick”


Realizing the trouble she had caused her new friend within her grip Zara brought Cashel up toward her lips carefully and gave him a light peck of a kiss that covered his entire body momentarily. Then she tried apologizing for getting out of hand and said, “Sorry about that it’s just I couldn't help it.”


After having just been lifted up by her and then briefly embraced by her set of massive wet lips big enough to swallow him whole Cashel felt dazed. Then after hearing those words he gazed down upon her mountainous set of curves. Almost like she had read his mind her massive hand proceeded to dangle him over the wedge between her perky breast. And finally Cashel got what he lusted over upon being carefully nuzzled between her soft blue colossal knockers held together by simple dirty white cloth.


Looking up out the window's at the sight before them Edward’s crew laughed while making remark’s of when a possible attempt of mating between them would occur. Even captain Edward himself appeared quite amused if only for a moment before telling them to knock it off. Then using there ship broadcasting system that both Zara and Cashel could hear Edward’s said, “She really likes you there bud.”


Though Zara didn’t seem fazed by this in the slightest Cashel felt quite embarrassed as he knew Edward’s was teasing him. Trying his best to suppress those emotion’s he asked, “S-So what about the bunker here and what else do we need to know?”


“The door’s will open now and after going in to check it out come back out here to ask your remaining question’s” Edward’s replied as his focus snapped right back into serious matter's.

What seemed to be like the rest of the soft grounds around them reveled it’s true nature as the cloaking field dropped. It was a set of metal door’s that appeared on the ground as they in short order started to slide open. As Zara carried him tucked within her breast inside the bunker Cashel gulped at the shear magnitude of scale at work here as his eye’s scanned the underground room. Each of the three mats despite being very basic must have cost more than a neighborhood of houses. Then looking at the desk and accommodating padded chair he wondered how they even manged to get that built.


Curious about the mat Zara then sat near it and brought the fabric up to her face. As the soft cozy texture rubbed against her face Zara began purring as she greatly appreciated having a conformable place to sleep. It was a luxury she had almost forgotten existed since being captured as a young child. This brought back memories of her sleeping in the bed her parent's got for her right before sickness wiped most of her kind out. Now conflicted with emotion's Zara began crying tears of both happiness and remorse while hoping this world could give her a fresh start to enjoy life.


It wasn’t long until they back came out and then watched as the black cube prepared for lift off. After being told a few answers to some lingering question’s captain Edward’s wished them luck before giving the order to launch into space. Unknown to both Zara and Cashel however they already were plotting there next release of a Devex.

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