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You had been sittin here for about an hour, you had deduced your situation by now, you were the left shoe in a pair of fully black running shoes. A few customers came by up till now, most ignored you, one girl, a blonde, picked up your partner, bud diddnt touch you before placing it back beside you. After another 20 or so minutes another girl came over, she was around 19 you guessed, she had long brunette hair and a prety face, a small nose stud on the left. Her hand reached for you, fingers curling into your mouth as she lifted. She carried you over to a seat, sitting down and placing you next to her foot, thats when you saw her shoes. They were once white, pristine, but this girl had had her way with them, now they were stained, brown and green from grass, blues and yellows from god knows where. She began untying the shoe you would soon replace. She slipped it off her foot revealing a reasonably clean sock, only dirty on the bottom. Her foot lifted over you as her hands lifted and stretched you open, contact. Her foot began sliding down the sole of your bodg, to you, your tongue. The taste was unbeleivable, saltyer than anything youd ever had, with another, more horrid taste somewhere in there too. *puff* the girls foot settled into you, you suddenly realised something, you couldnt breathe. You sat there for ages as she put on your partner then got her phone out to begin texting, the whole time your body screamed for air, but didn't get it. You couldnt die from a lack of oxygen in your new form but, your brain diddnt know that so you continued in agony to try and breathe. Eventually the brunette above put her phone away, but instead of standing up to test you were comfy she immediately began untying you. As her foot left your body you could breathe again. She walked over and dropped you back on the shelf with your partner before grabbing a pair next to you and walking back to the chair again, you diddnt see her again so you assumed she had sentenced that pair to a life at her feet.

About half an hour later and a few similar encounters with some beautiful women and some, not so much, you were greeted by the face of a black haired woman, maybe 22-23, she had a name badge attatched to her dark shirt, "ayla". She quickly grabbed you, you began taking massive breaths preparing for her foot to enter you. She got to the seat and dropped you unceremoniously to the floor, you landed and looked up, she was magnificent, her legs were the best you had seen all day, and her breasts large enough to block her gorgeous face from your view, your eyes were quickly drawn down her black leggings to the massive boot standing an inch from you, small insects mashed to its treads, ayla probably never even noticed. She sat down removing her boots revealing her black socks, they looked clean but it was hard to tell with the colour. Her hand grabbed you, pulling you towards her foot, it lifted temporarily before slaming into you, immediately knocking the air you had spent so long collecting, before you could breathe in again her foot had slid along your tongue and was fully inside you. The taste was awefull, clearly her boots diddnt let her foot breathe much so all the sweat was stuck to her sock. Your lungs burned as you looked up the length of her leg, suddenly she stood up, and your lungs nearly burst, you were so compressed by her prety fit form. You could see to below her breasts but her face once again was blocked by them, you could see the outline of a half finished pack of gum straining between pocked and tit. You were quickly rocketed forwards as ayla began walking, "crash" she slammed you into the ground, transferring all her weight onto you as her other foot swung forwards, the only 2 things you could think as you looked up at her were "fuck this hurts" and "wow, her ass is..." your thoughts were cut off by ayla taking another step. Eventually she sat and took you off, she carried you to the till after re-entering her boots, she paid for you, making her officially your owner now, and quickly dropped you into a bag, sealing you in darkness...

Chapter End Notes:

What should ayla do with you first? Go for a run, a house party, go clubbing? Suggestions are encouraging.

The next story will run along side this and will please the fans of giant male interaction.

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