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Chapter 16 - Officially shrinking

"You two looks exactly the same. Just slightly smaller and slightly bi.. umm.. taller.." added Susan while correcting herself having almost using the wrong word to describe her friend's condition.

"It''s okay Sue. I can feel that I've been gaining a lot. Let's just measure it to make sure." Emily said reassuring her friend that she'd made peace with her changing body.

"Good idea." Kevin said as he immediately stepped on the digital scale. "Whoa. It says I'm only 144 pounds now. Are you sure this is accurate?" Kevin asked Susan.

"That is a scientific grade equipment. It is way more accurate that your typical bathroom scale. I could even show the decimals if you want." Susan answered.

"Um you don't need to. That's already enough information." Kevin said as he stepped down from the scale, looking noticeably disappointed.

"My turn." Emily hopped on the scale to confont the new reality that is she might be more than 100 pounds now. "One-eighteen! that's like, a lot. Why did I gain that much when I only grew 4 inches?" Emily asked curiously.

"Well it's simple physics. Your weight increases exponentially as you get taller. Especially it looks like you, um, expanded in all directions." Susan answered cheekily.

"Gee thanks for giving such vivid detail, Sue." said Emily.

"Well, you wanted the truth so.. There you go." replied Susan doubling down on her comment.

The good doctor took both of their blood sample after the measurements to be tested in the lab.

"Well that's it. Other than the shrinking and growing, you both seems perfectly healthy. You should call me back after a few days. You know how busy I am. Probably your results will be here by then. Anything else?" said Susan to them after the session.

"I have one little question though.." said Kevin. "Do you think I would shrink to, say.. doll size? or even worse, eventually shrink to nothing?"

"Honestly I can't say for sure.. Theoretically there's a possibility for that to happen.. Besides, I think personally Emma wouldn't mind having a dollsized husband that she can carry around the house, don't you Em?" Susan replied sharing a look of mutual agreement between her and Emily.


"Good morning.. What can I help you with?" Kevin and Emily was immediately greeted by a store employee as they stepped into a clothing store. Kevin wasn't sure if she really is tall or he just couldn't judge people's height properly due to his shrinking situation. To be fair, she was wearing a pretty big platform heels that boosted her stature by about 5 inches so she's probably just slightly above average height for a girl. Emily immediately went off looking around on her own leaving Kevin with the salesgirl.

"May I ask, how long have you two been together? I'm Karen by the way." she said introducing herself.

"Hi. I'm Kevin. we're actually 7 years happily married." Kevin answered.

"Whoa you're married? For 7 years? Did you guys get married when you're like 16 or something?" she asked, scanning his body with her eyes from head to toe.

"Hahaha.. Actually, I met my wife in college and we got married on my 27th birthday." Kevin answered. "Wow.. I honestly wouldn't have guessed that you're in your 30s.. You guys look like a young couple probably in your early 20s. I'm only 21 myself and I feel old looking at both of you." Karen said enthusiastically.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Kevin answered.

"It is.. Anyway, male clothes is this way, I'm guessing you wear like a men's medium or small. Anything else?" Karen asked.

"Thanks Karen. I can take it from here." Kevin replied.

"Cool.. have fun. I'm gonna go help out your wife." said the salesgirl as she left to help out Emily.

"Karen's nice." Emily said to her husband as they both walked out with a bag full of clothes.

"Yeah she is. So you guys are what, best friends now?" Kevin replied.

"Well no but she is really helpful and kinda easy to talk to. Can you believe she's only 21 years old?" Emily said.

"Yeah she looked so mature. People nowadays grow up so fast.." Kevin responded.

"I guess everyone's kinda growing up from your perspective huh?" Emily replied.

"Oh by the way, I wear a 32C now." Emily said happily.

"Can't wait to play with those at home.." Kevin said with a sly smile referring to his wife's new and improved pair of melons.

"Do you think I would look good in platform heels like Karen?" Emily asked her husband.

"Well, wear whatever makes you feel sexy honey.. I don't mind it.." said Kevin.

"Don't mind what?" Emily asked, a bit confused as to what Kevin was talking about. "You being taller than me. I actually kinda like it." Kevin answered.

"Really? Well okay then don't be surprised if I have to look down at you when I come home with a big pair of new heels. Besides, I probably won't need heels anyway.. I might already be taller than you by tomorrow.." said Emily which sent tingles down her husband's spine.

Kevin felt kinda turned on at the idea of having a wife that he would literally have to look up to.. but at the same time worried about what's in store for their relationship as he can feel the roles start to switch little by little..


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