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Heidi hummed happily as she walked around the bookstore. She had a fairly pleasant day so far. After being paid a little extra, she managed to pay all bills for the month and was still at her normal size! 

Usually her rent payment left her under 3 feet tall for at least a couple weeks. But thanks to her taking a few extra shifts, she was still her natural 5’4”. Which meant it would be fine if she splurged a little bit and got a new book, right? 

Looking around, most of the books here seemed a bit expensive. 4 inches for a mystery novel. 6 inches for a complete young adult adventure series. The most expensive she had seen so far was an eight feet of height for a signed copy of a poetry book. 

That was definitely off the table. Even trying to buy that would make her Pop. When those lacking size try to pay off too much, they’re shrunken so small that they cease to exist. Some think they might become bacteria sized...but no one knew for sure. 

She also couldn’t risk getting something over a single foot. Considering how far away payday was, she couldn’t risk becoming a Mute. People shrunken under 1 foot tall have their rights stripped away as human beings. Most become pets to normal folk. Some get grown back by someone generous. Others...aren’t even noticed underfoot. 

Considering she could order the same books online for 1-2 inches each, it seemed like a waste of her precious height. But...she couldn’t do that. The feeling of paper, the smell of ink...there was no replacing genuine books!

As the dark haired woman browsed, her jaw dropped when she saw it. A copy of “My Tasty Valentine!” She swiped it off the shelf and looked it over. The author only released a small number of these to the public! 

Running her fingers over the leather cover of the novel, she couldn’t help but feel giddy. A leather bound hardback copy of a rare book? There was no way she could afford this...which means someone else would probably swipe it up. 

Heidi couldn’t contain a high pitch squeal as she saw the price tag. 5 inches?! It only cost 5 inches?! Even though it should be one of the most expensive items in the store?! She needed to buy this, and she needed it now! 

Tucking the book under her arm, the nerdy woman made a beeline straight for the cash register. It seemed only one woman was working right now, but the other customers were still browsing so there wasn’t a line. 

Walking up, Heidi couldn’t help but notice the cashier. It was a woman in her mid to late thirties wearing a long sleeved sweater that hugged her plump form and a long white skirt. She was pretty for sure...but the first thing Heidi noticed was her height. 

She was standing on top of a high stool, and was still barely reaching the counter. She couldn’t have been more than a foot and a half tall! The poor dear was so close to becoming a Mute...maybe she should give a big tip…

“Oh my~ Good afternoon! Did you find everything you were looking for?” the cashier greeted in a caring tone. Her soft voice felt comforting, despite coming from such a small source.
“Yes, that and more!” Heidi answered with an excited smile. She placed the book on the counter and slid it over close to the small blonde. 

“Oh~ This is our very last copy. And such a good price on it too! You must be as lucky as you are pretty” she complimented as she scanned the barcode. Heidi felt a small blush reach her cheeks at the woman’s words. 

“W-well, I don’t know about that…” she mumbled back, scratching the back of her head. 

The reader beeped, and she swiped her card without bothering to look down. A few seconds later, she felt herself shrinking slowly. But...she also noticed the blonde growing. That’s odd, shouldn’t the size be stored in the register? 

“Thank you for your purchase~ oh, where are my manners?! I’m Kate, the owner of this store” she said enthusiastically as she grew. 

Heidi reached to collect her new book...only to find her arm coming up short. Wait...why was she still shrinking?! The book was clearly marked for only 5 inches, right? She had already lost a foot at least!

“Oh?” Kate said, noticing the customer dwindling in size. She herself was growing at a steady pace. “This is odd…” she mumbled, looking at the purchase. Scratching at the price tag, a bit of ink smudged off the tag. 

Heidi gasped as she saw the true price wasn’t 5”...it was 5’!!!
“Um, I don’t suppose we could cancel this transaction?!” she asked in a panic as her head fell below the counter level.
“Sorry dear, but all sales are final!” Kate stated firmly. The nerdy girl whimpered a bit as she wondered for a moment if she would Pop and finally fade from existence. 

But thankfully, she came to a stop. But less fortunately, she was now less than 6 inches tall! In all her life, she had never gotten so small before! Her breath caught in her throat as a shadow was cast over her. 

Up above, Kate was now over 6 feet tall. She looked over the counter and smiled kindly at her tiny customer.
“Oh dear, this isn’t good” she noted, getting up from her seat and walking around the counter. 

As she saw the black flats of the store owner approaching, Heidi turned to run away. This was very bad! She was less than a foot tall now...not even legally a person anymore! There was no telling what Kate would do to her now! 

But even as she ran as fast as she could, it was pointless. Her little legs were no match for the tall woman. Soft, long fingers wrapped around her waist and hoisted her into the air at startling speeds. 

“Hey now, it’s alright! I’m not gonna hurt you, little cutie~” Kate cooed, gently stroking her hair. “You’re a loyal customer of mine, right? There’s no way I would let you get hurt!” she said encouragingly.

“R-really?” Heidi asked, surprised. “I thought for sure you would...I dunno, try to keep me as a pet or something…” she mumbled.

sound tempting. It would be nice having such a cute little pet around here!” she giggled. Heidi’s heart dropped...until she felt a pair of soft lips against the top of her head. 

“But like I said, I’m not like that at all. In fact, I’ll help you out” she stated.
“Y-you will! Are you going to loan me some size?!” Heidi asked.

“Oh no, of course not. I don’t make much money here, you know?” she stated sternly. “But...I can hire you part time. Pay you by the day. Help you at least get back to ‘human’ size” she offered. 

“Oh...um, yeah. Sure, why not!” Heidi replied. It wasn’t a loan...but at least she could get some size back! 

“Oh, that’s great to hear! I’ll give you an orientation after the store closes!” she exclaimed happily, hugging Heidi to her chest. The shrunken girl blushed deeply as she felt the warm soft orbs behind the thick sweater press against her entire body. 

“Wait...aren’t you open for another 4 hours? What should I do until then?” Heidi asked. She didn’t really want to be left out in the open and risk being taken by a customer…

“Oh! Right! Let’s see…I know! You can just stick around with me! It might help you learn to use the register” she stated proudly, carrying the 5 inch tall woman around the counter. 

As she sat back down at her stool, she looked around a bit for a good place to set her down. Someplace safe, secure, and preferably cozy. But there was nowhere on the counter that met that criteria…

“Oh!” she exclaimed, getting an idea. “Here, sweetie. Let’s get you comfy while we work” she said with a giggle. Heidi was a little confused by her reaction...until she saw the older woman pulling the front of her sweater. The shrunken woman’s cheeks flushed a dark red at the sight of the enormous breasts just below her. 

“Wh-what are you doing?!” she exclaimed.
“Well, you need to sit somewhere people won’t swipe you up! This way, I can keep you safe, and you can watch what I’m doing. Plus, I can guarantee it’s more comfortable than the counter~” she said with a wink, dropping Heidi. 

The small woman yelped as she felt herself falling, but it only lasted a moment. Then she hit something impossibly warm, soft, and smooth. She quickly sunk into that ‘something’ up to her shoulders in an instant. 

Her entire body felt hot as the blood rushed to her cheeks. She was stuck chest deep in Kate’s cleavage!
“Comfy dear?” she asked in a kind tone.
“...y-yes…” she admitted, feeling extremely embarrassed. The older woman giggled in glee at her honesty, squeezing her breasts together a bit. The air was forced from her lungs, but it didn’t hurt the shrunken girl.
“Glad to hear it! Let me show you how to work the counter” Kate exclaimed. 

She started pointing out the various points about how to ring up an order and collect the proper size. It was hard to focus from her cleavage, but Heidi was trying her best. The warm, soft skin touching her everywhere, and the gentle beating of her heart somewhere behind her made it an extremely comfortable spot. 

Several customers came to ring up an order while Kate was explaining everything. Two of them noticed her head poking out between the luscious breasts and smirked. Heidi felt burning shame from their gazes, but Kate hardly seemed to notice people ogling her chest. 

Eventually, the comfort of Kate’s cleavage got to Heidi. Her eyes felt heavy. Her mind was foggy. Kate’s explanations seemed to soothe her mind as her eyes began to slowly close…

“Jeez, are you even listening to me?” Kate asked in a sharp tone. Heidi’s eyes burst open as she looked directly upwards. The store owner had her cheeks puffed out in a cute pout as she stared down at the small woman. 

“You’re still in training and you’re already sleeping on the job?” Kate asked in a disappointed voice.
“S-sorry, it’s just-!” Heidi called up. But before she could finish the sentence, two fingers reached into her cleavage and pulled the dark haired girl free.

“I won’t have any excuses young lady!” Kate exclaimed, cutting her off. “If you don’t want to listen to your instructions, maybe I’ll switch you over to a new task until you’re ready to learn!” 

New task? What could she possibly do at such a small size? Kate suddenly stood up and stretched out her legs. Then a playful grin spread across her face. 

“Heidi...if you don’t want to learn how to use the register, I might as well take advantage of your size. The cushion on this stool just isn’t good enough for me to sit all day. Maybe you can help me with that?” she asked playfully. 

The small woman’s eyes bulged as Kate lowered her onto the stool. The cushion on it was still radiating heat from being sat on for hours. 

“K-kate! You can’t really be planning on sitting on me!” Heidi yelled up at her new boss. But the only response she was given was her plump rear slowly beginning to lower onto the seat. 

Heidi screamed and ran around for a few seconds, trying to think of a way off the stool. But those few seconds was all it took for her monumental butt to crash down into her. Heidi swiftly found herself buried beneath the white skirt. 

As her weight settled on top of her, the dark haired girl could feel Kate’s soft cheeks squishing against her. It felt as if the weight of the world was pressing her into the soft cushion, immobilizing her. 

The heat, the pressure, the slightly musky scent she was forced to inhale… 

She would never admit it aloud, but Heidi suddenly found herself enjoying this new assignment~ 

Meanwhile, Kate was humming happily to herself as she felt the presence of the small girl beneath her. Reaching under the counter, she pulled out another copy of ‘My Hungry Valentine.’ Pulling out her label maker, she began to change the price on the book to 5” instead of 5’. This was one of the perks of owning her own business. 

Gaining new toys to tease and enjoy for a while, as well as reliable employees that grew attached to her. She could tell that this new girl was going to be a fun toy to have around~ 


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