Dan fidgeted uncomfortably in the armchair of the psychiatrist's office.
"So..." The smartly dressed, professional woman in front of him pushed her glasses up her nose. "How are you today, Dan?"
"M'fine." Dan mumbled, sickly pallor defying his curt answer.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, yeah... But the nightmares have been... gettin' more frequent--if I were superstitious I'd say they might be a warning..." Dan half-heartedly joked.
"Nightmares?" Fuck. The psychiatrist couldn't help but lean forward. "In our last session, you never said anything about nightmares." She checked her notes. "Would you be willing to share them with me?"
"No." He internally flinched, the single syllable coming out much more hostile than intended.
"Okay. You don't have to if you don't want." She quickly tapped at her desktop. "Have you been taking your medication?"
"... Yeah." Dan lied. "I think it's really helping me. I'm starting to see the world less clouded, one where there aren't any monsters."
"Good. Remember, if anything happens, just call."
Dan stepped out from the office, determined to get the damn pills and go home. As if by cosmic chance, his bandmate, Chris, happened to be nearby.
"Dan? Dan, I gotta show you something!"
"Mm?" Dan groaned, rubbing his eyes.
"I drafted some art for our next album cover!" The long haired man hastily shoved a paper into Dan's hands. "What do you think?"
"I..." He glanced down at the paper. A petite figure was depicted, stringy hair hanging down to her shoulders. An inky, thick substance obscured any facial features from view, save a wicked smirk stained in blood and entrails. But the worst part... Her fingers clutched a flailing, doll-sized humanoid while others cowered, pleading or running for their lives. More appropriate for black metal than an indie band.
"... Is what I went through just a joke to you?" Dan asked slowly. "Because it's really not funny."
"No, Dan, no it's not funny." Chris replied as Dan shoved the paper back in his hands. "I just thought it would... maybe help a little, I don't know. Dan..." Chris started, slightly exasperated as Dan gave him a small glare, eyebrow cocked. "You're clearly not okay. After they found you, you just... You look half dead. You're not taking your meds. Look how pale you are, look at the circles under your eyes! You're clearly not getting enough sleep. Jesus Christ, what did you take to fuck you up this badly?!"
"I didn't take anything!" Dan snapped. "I already told you, my parents, Will, Kyle, those damned doctors, I told you what happened."
"Dan... Look." Chris took in a deep breath. "Your health is important to me, to all of us. I know that your delusions may seem real in the moment, but if you just take your pills--"
"It. Wasn't. A. Delusion." He stated through gritted teeth.
"Okay." Chris held up a hand, relenting to his agitated friend. "You know, maybe you're right, alright?" He said, more to placate Dan than anything else. Dan's eyes narrowed.
"You don't actually believe me." He spit callously, weeks of sleepless nights and paranoia breaking the dam that held his attitude in check. "You just want to make me think I've got some... somebody who understands, but no. No. It's all just lies, just lies because you all think I've lost my mind and that I'm gonna do something rash if you don't play along. I get it. But it doesn't matter what you think. Because, in spite of what those doctors tell you, or whatever the fuck you decide is wrong with me, she's still here. She's still here, watching me... wanting me, waiting for me, and not even an entire bottle of whatever goddamn bullshit pills they shove down my throat is gonna make her stop." Dan rubbed a hand over one eye. "I have to go." He shouldered his way past Chris, effortlessly merging into the bustling crowd.
"Dan--" Chris started, "Dan, come back--"
Dan stared attentively at the other side of his window. The thing he thought he had finally escaped from was back. The thing everyone thought was just a hallucination, a nightmare, a horrid fantasy, was real, and it followed him here. His eyes narrowed as she cocked her head, extending her arms at the elbow in some sort of... pleading motion, as if trying to entice him to come with her.
Dan shot an anxious glance at the clock on the wall. Midnight. She had to leave by sunup, she just had to.
...love you...
Barely audible, in fact so quiet Dan at first thought he was imagining things, came through the window. The moon's glow glinted off two glossy, grey-white spheres, illuminating them ever-so-slightly in the darkness. They were... her...
"NO!" Dan shouted as something slithered on the ground towards the window. "Wh... Why would she... Why isn't anyone else seeing this?! Surely someone should be up at this hour?"
Dan nearly jumped out of his skin. A finger easily the size of a grown man plus a foot slid down the glass, its ear grating shriek practically taunting Dan with how easily she could end what she no doubt considered at best a formality, and at worst a silly little game. Would tonight be the night she would-- "No." Trembling, Dan shook his head, banishing the thought. "C-Chris is right, Chris is always right and I'm just being s-silly and stupid, and--"
Dan cringed as the smashing of glass assaulted his ears while bits of it raining down assaulted his body. He pushed himself onto his elbows and regarded the intruder in horror. Three long, slender appendages coated in slimy trails of blood and dagger sized spears of glass scuttled forward like spider legs hewn from flesh and bone.
...Love you...
A giggle this time. Dan sucked in air through clenched teeth in a panic, lying prone on his back as a river of coalesced blood slid down the finger approaching him and splashed across his tattered shirt.
"Go away..." He pleaded, silently, desperately. "Go away..."
"Stop it." Dan mewled. "S....Stop it, please..."
Dan closed his eyes
Tensed his muscles
And prepared for the worst.
The monster's finger stroked his cheek affectionately, smearing it with blood, withdrew, then...
Dan laid there for a moment, not entirely certain it was safe to get up. But when no bloodied hands or glass shards or gnashing teeth came, he found the courage and strength to stand. He surveyed the damage. Blood and glass mingled and smeared along the ground and the window which she had come through was utterly wrecked. Dan sniffled and sighed, collecting himself as his red Converse crunched over shattered glass.
After 15 minutes a tarp had been pinned over the gaping hole, various pieces of heavy furniture helping to keep it closed until morning. No murderer or burglar that could potentially climb through the opportunistic hole could even hold a candle to what he'd already endured. Glass had been swept, though the bloodstains still remained. All he wanted was sleep. He trudged to the bathroom with some fresh clothes and a small first aid kit. Ignoring his entirely dishevelled apperance, he peeled the blood soaked shirt from his body, poking a hand through a large tear that had been made.
"... And I liked that one, too..." Dan lamented, dropping it to the floor. He checked himself over in the mirror. Thankfully nothing worse than a few superficial cuts, though some contained glass that had to be extracted with tweezers. Dan dressed his wounds while he ran water for a hot bath, partially for his own relaxation, partially to get the large imprint of sticky, foreign blood off his chest. No telling what sort of diseases those monsters carry...
The nightmare was almost over. He reached into the drawer of his nightable and grabbed an orange bottle, clutching it as if it held the promise he would live to see tomorrow. The second medication he'd been prescribed, the one that dulled his ability to perceive her, had found itself in the outside bin the moment he'd arrived home that evening. Dan shook out two powder-blue pills, swallowing them with a mouthful of water and collapsing into bed in an utterly exhausted and traumatized heap. Sleep finally, mercifully came to him for the first time in several weeks, deep and dreamless. For once, in a long, long time, Dan felt the barest bit at ease despite what he had seen tonight.
He awoke groggily, barely able to open his eyes. The only thing that forced him out of bed was the unbearable pressure in his bladder. Dan rubbed his eyes, shuffling his way to the bathroom and considering his options for food. Lesson learned: two pills were too many.
As he relieved his bladder, his eyes lazily drifted over the shirt he had worn the other night. That was strange. Upon finishing his business, he bent down and picked up what should have been little more than a tattered rag stiff with blood. But it was immaculate, not a shred nor tear to be found, soft and comfortable as any other day he may have picked it up. Dan's stomach plummeted. His insides twisted with confusion, an offputting combination of relief and horror brewing in his mind. Had he really imagined it all? Was he really just insane? Dan stumbled out of the bathroom, nearly tripping over his own feet. No blood stained the floor. Grunting with effort, he slid every piece of furniture out of place and tore down the tarp covering the window.
"... N-No..." Dan whimpered, running a hand across the full unshattered pane of glass. "... No..." He closed his eyes, mind locked in turmoil. So it wasn't real. He wasn't at risk of being snatched away and tortured at the mercy of a monster. But... But that meant... "I-I'm not--" Dan swallowed hard, panting. "I'm not, I'm not, I'm not..."
But that meant he'd gone mad.
Silent, scalding tears trailed down Dan's cheeks.
"I'm not crazy!"
"Who said you were?" Dan's heart lept into his throat. He could have sworn he just...
"K... Kyle...? Is that you?"
"Yeah. I just came to check up on you. Are you feeling okay?"
There it was again.
Two voices. One Kyle's, the other clearly female, ever so slightly out of sync. Dan closed his eyes and turned around.
"No. I'm not okay." said Dan through clenched teeth. "I'm going insane. I'm going insane and I don't know what to do."
"Christ... What happened in here?" Dan opened his eyes, greeted with Kyle staring in what could only be described as horrified shock. "Fucking hell, is that blood?! Dan, what the fuck happened?! Are you okay?! Why is there blood everywhere?!"
"Blood?" A twinge of pain rippled through Dan's forearm. "There's not... There isn't any blood, Kyle." Dan explained in an even, cool tone, as though parroting, almost mockingly, what his friends and doctors would tell him every time he had what they referred to as a "delusional episode". "There isn't any blood, how could there be? I was just hallucinating. Sick. Now's really not the time to be engaging me in my--"
"Dan, look." Kyle grabbed Dan by his shoulders, forcibly turning him around.
Soaked into the carpet and splattered across the floorboards were at least two liters of blood, now dried into a reddish-brown crust.
"Did you hurt someone?" Kyle asked, worriedly eyeing his friend. "It looks like a fucking murder scene in here, how much blood is that?! Can people even live without that much blood?!"
"I-It wa-... I-It w-was--" Dan groaned softly. "It's hers. The blood... it's hers."
"Hers? What..." Kyle frantically tried to decrypt the message. "Who her?"
"You know! Her!" Dan screamed shrilly, clutching fistfuls of his own hair and unrestrained burning tears cascading down his cheeks.
"Oh." a tone of recognition entered Kyle's voice, leading to exasperation. "Oh Dan, please tell me we're not doing this again..." Dan glared daggers in Kyle's direction.
"So..." He pointed accusingly at Kyle, "You'd rather believe that I--ME--am some sort of goddamned murderous psychopath rather than even entertain the idea that giant cunt is real, and following me, and fucking wants me back?!"
"Dan, quiet, the neighbors are gonna hear--"
"I DON'T CARE!" Dan heaved, doubled over and close to vomiting.
"Really, they might get the police involv--"
"You know what?!" Dan shrieked, "It's so easy for you all to just write me off as insane, wash your hands, and be done with it! But answer me this, Kyle. Answer. Me. This. I didn't hurt anyone. Go on, tear the house apart, you won't find any body. I didn't hurt myself. Clearly, I didn't, because at best I'd be ridiculously weak and at worst dead. So Kyle, I have to ask," an angry, sardonic grin spread across Dan's lips, "Where did that blood come from?"
"I don't know."
"It's not mine." Dan crossed his arms, daring Kyle to accuse him of murder. "It's not a person's, either." Dan furrowed his brow and smirked. "You know what? Fine then. The truth is, it's not blood. No, I must've spilled something last night and forgotten about it." His head lolled to one side, eyes wide. "Sorry for the trouble." Dan said, mockingly playing up the "mentally unwell" angle to purposefully get a rise out of the other man. "Now that that's settled, could you leave? I've got a lot of cleaning to do."
"Dan, wait--"
"Go ahead, report this to the police, if you'd like. If it tests positive for blood, it's animal blood. Maybe I bought a few liters of lamb's blood from a butcher, I am crazy, after all." Dan spit the word. "Or maybe it's oxblood ink and I'm just a clumsy yet avid writer. Or maybe I'm trying to drink my problems away and on the second bottle, I tripped. All my red wine soaked into the carpet and floor and I was too drunk to notice. But yeah, you're awfully trustworthy if you immediately jump to murderer." Dan hissed. "I'll see you later, I suppose. But for now, if you would kindly get out of my house..."
"Alright." Kyle responded, exasperated and intensly worried what would happen once he left Dan alone. "Okay. I'm going." He backed into the kitchen and out the back door from which he'd entered. "Just..." Kyle gripped one hand on the door frame. "Just... promise me one thing."
"P... Promise... me... that you're not gonna hurt yourself once I leave." Kyle was almost begging. Dan stared incredulously.
"No, Kyle. No, I'm not gonna hurt myself. I'm not that sort of person." Kyle took a good, long look at his friend. Sickly pale, wild hair, manic eyes. Insomniac. If one observed closely enough, they would see his muscles quivering ever-so-slightly, not as a result from pain, but fear.
"... I'm not sure I believe you."
"... If you try to have me locked up for my own safety, it won't matter." Dan responded darkly, practicially reading Kyle's mind. "She'll be back. And even if they do manage to come take me away in time, she'll just be sitting here waiting for me to come home. I'm..." Dan choked up, tears splattering against his hand which clutched the doorknob in a death grip, "I'm a dead man either way."
"GO AWAY!" Dan screamed, slamming the door shut, Kyle pulling back and narrowly avoiding broken fingers. "WHY CAN'T YOU ALL JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?! I DON'T WANT YOUR HELP. I don't NEED your HELP. So STOP!" The doorknob rattled in Dan's grip, slick with tears. "Just... Stop..." He finally deadbolted the door, trudging back into the living room and collapsing into a sobbing wreck on the bloodstained carpet. "What... am I... gonna do?"
Daaaannnnyyyy... Dan? Wake up!
Dan's eyes snapped open, frantically searching the dark in a panic. There was nothing.
The air around him was stiflingly, uncomfortably warm. Dan took a deep breath in a futile attempt to calm himself and choked on it. Moisture cloyed his lungs and throat, as though he were attempting to breathe while being suffocated by a plastic bag. Dan tried to move, but found it impossible to control anything from the neck down.
What's happening?
Where am I?
Who was... calling me?
The smell assaulted Dan like a freight train, and suddenly he knew exactly where he was.
Dan gagged in revulsion as an invisible trail of slimy feminine fluid dripped down his body. Something beyond his cotton prison pressed into Dan's back, slamming him screaming between a smothering fleshy cleft of labia.
"You didn't think I'd actually let you get away, did you? Did you? DID YOU?!" A voice--her voice--responded from beyond the darkness, distant and nearby, inside and outside his head, screaming and accusitory but a tender whisper all the same, echoingly hollow and grating like steel against enamel.
Dan clenched his teeth, straining against the aural assault slamming into his skull, rebar against an old oil drum. Dan's body was thrust upward, limp limbs crackling and popping upon contact with the wall of flesh. Though unresponsive, Dan found he was still very much susceptible to pain.
It's not real... It's not real, it's not real, it's not real...
Dan's skull smashed into her clitoris at a dangerous angle while her fingers forced his body deeper into her hungry cunt. Dan couldn't even scream, her sexual fluid clogging his nose and throat threatening to drown him. A desperate whimper-whine managed to escape him and a few tears of visceral stomach-churning terror as her screaming maddened assault turned into raucous cackling laughter, driving a metaphorical power drill through his ear canal into his brain.
"It... hurts..." Dan managed to mewl out with great effort. "It hurts... It hurts it hurts ithurtsithurtsithurtsithurtsithurtsITHURTSITHURTSITHURTSITHUR--"
and then all of a sudden
it didn't hurt anymore.
The invisible, powerful fingers of the giantess beyond Dan's panty prison snapped the vertabrae of Dan's neck with as little effort as squashing a bug. His "dead" body couldn't see her sadistic smirk when his agonized screaming stopped as she drew her finger upwards, smashing his skull and once pretty face into a pulpy mess of tiny bone fragments, torn skin, pinkish-red blood and brain mashed into slime. Eyeballs, tongue, and teeth reduced to a gooey indistinguishable streak among the rest. She continued to drag her finger upwards, staining his ruined hair and her panties with the remnants of his face, smearing it across her clitoris as his limp body jostled beneath, held on only by a few threads of skin and intact ligaments. As she came to a climax with the sticky strings of goo migling with her sexual fluid, what little support Dan's body had gave way. His ruined, slimy, headless corpse plummeted into the gusset of her panties to be thrown away like trash when she got up for her post-orgasm pee.
Dan awoke, screaming muffled from his lying facedown on the carpet, the iron-tinged taste of monster blood filling his mouth and coating his tongue, only adding to the maelstrom of unpleasant sensations. Dan quickly pushed himself into a sit and tried desperatly to spit the taste out of his mouth. After heaving once and having a thin stream of diluted stomach acid drip onto his shirt, he collected himself to think as straight as he could. He sobbed, pushing himself to his feet and stumbling into the kitchen on trembling legs. He glanced at the clock. 2:00 PM. Dan sighed heavily, setting water to boil for a cup of tea. His shaking fingers grabbed a package of slightly-overripe raspberries from the refrigerator and placed it on the counter. Dan's stomach growled.
Well, at least that's something, He thought. He wouldn't die of starvation anytime soon. Dan slipped a few in his mouth and chewed. There had to be a way to end this, there just had to. Unfortunately... the only way currently seemed to be death. Dan slammed his hand against the laminate countertop, accidentally crushing a berry beneath his palm. He chewed his lip in slight annoyance, grasping another raspberry between his fingers only to have it plummet to the floor, splattering against the tile below.
and then
everything went to Hell.
Dan's vision faltered for a moment, VCR artifacts crackling across his eyes. He looked down and to his horror, writhing in a puddle of blood
was himself.
The tiny creature made no noise, at least none that he could hear. It floundered desperately to stand up, to run, to do anything but sit there and take the death doled out by the massive... thing in front of it. Dan observed, eyes wide and mouth agape as he bent down to get a better look at the pathetic creature. As Dan lowered himself, he happened to glance at the countertop where he had smashed the "raspberry". Dan slammed his clean hand over his mouth when confronted with two human legs floating in a sticky puddle of viscera.
And then
Dan found he was salivating.
He turned his hand dirtied by raspberry juice, finding his palm soaked with red and tiny bits of flesh and organs, along with two miraculously intact arms. Dan gagged, then swallowed hard, never taking his eyes off the stains of blood. Even worse,
he was still salivating.
One half of his brain screamed that this was sick, was wrong, how-dare-you-say-you're-any-better-than-her, that he was a psychopath.
but the other
the other was starving.
Dan poked his tongue out from between his lips and dragged it across his palm, taking in everything until it was clean, then pulled his tongue back into his mouth to consider the taste.
A shrill scream echoed from the floor. Dan scowled down at his tiny self for ruining his moment, despite the fact the helpless thing probably thought he'd be eaten, too. Dan's eyes narrowed, bare toes hovering over the half dead little thing, the representation of everything he was, every weakness when she was there. Pathetic. Worthless. It was no wonder she tortured him every chance she got.
"Shut up." Dan commanded cooly yet with an edge of harshness before popping his own tiny body beneath his foot, pulping it against the once pristine tile.
Dan screamed, throat shredded from the agonized howl as his skin split, bones thrust through the opening. His ribs cracked, penetrating his lungs in a dozen different places, his lower jaw crushed into powder and his entire body folded into itself in the span of a second before it finally exploded like the world's sickest party balloon.
Dan once again found himself on the floor, drenched in sweat and coated in thin, light pink vomit. Crying, Dan ignored the whistling kettle and dragged himself on his stomach across the floor, into the living room, and up the stairs. In his room his fingers desperately grasped for that orange bottle.
Shuddering hands cracked the top off the bottle, dumping an entire month's worth of pills onto the floor. Dan quickly picked one up, swallowing it without water. And another, and another, and another, and another. Dan wailed, slamming his forehead into the floor. Pain radiated from the point of impact, fuzzing his vision.
"Leave me alone... why won't you just.... leave me alone?!" Dan clenched his teeth with an anguished growl and slammed his head into the floor again. One. Two. Three. Four, plus the very first, one for every pill he had swallowed. He breathed raggedly, vision swimming as an intense manufactured calm bricked up his brain, leaving him incapable of thinking, incapable of feeling. "That's what I need..." Dan murmured as he laid on the cold wooden floor, heaving a heavy sigh. "That's what I need."
That's right, sweetheart. It'll all be over soon...
A sinister giggle echoed around him, rattling his bones. Dan paled, trembling, pupils dilated from the adrenaline rush as if that would help the man hopeless to save himself.
"Fuck..." Dan whimpered. "No... no... no... fuck, God no..."
Just outside Dan's window lay a massive pair of pink lips curled into a smile, teeth bared and tongue dripping with saliva.
Come ooouuuttt, Dan... Don't you wanna play with me anymore?
"GO AWAY!" Dan screamed. "You're not REAL! LEAVE ME ALONE! J-just... Fffucking..." Dan managed to stand on shaking legs, bent at the waist and heaving breaths as if he had finished a marathon. In a single, swift motion, Dan grabbed his nightstand by its legs, his muscles bulging slightly, and hurled it over his shoulder with all the strength his adrenaline riddled body and mind would allow. It smashed through the window and slammed into the giant cunt's mouth, shattering on impact with her teeth. "GO!" Breathing deeply, halfway to hyperventilating, Dan gave in fully to his madness. "WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" He roared. "IT'S THE MIDDLE OF THE GODDAMN DAY! People can see you." enunciated Dan. "Don't tell me you're actually that fucking stupid." He chuckled a bit, quickly becoming reckless with loss of his sanity. Her monstrous tongue quickly swiped across her lower lip, collecting a bead of blood that had been drawn by the splintered wood thrown at her face.
"Feel better?" she asked. Dan's fists trembled with rage.
"Why won't you leave me alone?!"
"Ehe!" the giggle was sharp. "Because you left me!" her disposition quickly became sour. "You escaped, somehow. But I. Found. You." She teasingly enunciated each syllable. "No one gets away from me. Never. Never."
Dan's fingers desperately searched blindly for something else he could defend himself with while not taking his eyes off the thing in front of him, lest she disappear and leave him insane another night.
"Or..." She rolled her neck, the popping of vertabrae making Dan's stomach churn given the terror he'd experienced just a few hours before. "Maybe I'm not real. Maybe you're right. Maybe you really are juuussstttt...." The word hissed as she changed her position so Dan could see her eyes, "Insane." Dan let out a discomforted whine as his heart slammed against his ribs. "Yep. That's you. Just absolutely insane. You've gone completely mad and there's no way back. You ought to be in a ward, strapped to a bed and drugged for your own safety."
"N...No..." He whimpered. "I-I'm not... I'm not..."
"Then I'm real?" she pouted theatrically. "But you just said--"
"I KNOW WHAT I SAID!" Dan put his face in his hands and screamed.
"So... am I real, or..." She poked her tongue through the broken window, just barely grimacing at the minscule cuts left on the sensitive muscle. However, Dan's horrified look at the blend of saliva and blood pooling and dribbling down the organ as she salivated uncontrollably delighted her. He recoiled in disgust and sheer terror, resisting the urge to scream as the warm, slimy musculature made contact, trailing his body with a glistening sheen of pale red. Even as they disconnected she continued to salivate, a large puddle of blood tinged saliva forming on Dan's floor as she pulled her tongue from the window. "... not?" She smiled as Dan stared back in utter horror, frantically wiping spit out of his hair and off his clothes.
"If you're..." Dan swallowed hard, terrified out of his wits but running out of options, "I-If you're going to eat me, fucking do it! I'm sick of waiting around in paranoia! I can't live like this anymore!"
"... You didn't answer my question."
"I-I don't know. Are you?"
"Am I?" She stared back with a challenging expression. A dark, reddish brown substance the color of grasshopper spit bubbled up from her right eye's tear ducts, staining her corneas with the afterimage of little circles as they popped. A thin line filled the space between her eye and eyelid like blood racing to fill a newly opened cut. "Am I real Danny?" The liquid beaded at the center of her waterline, sliding over her eyelid and down her cheek in a single, unnatural tear. "Am I real?"
Dan found himself prone on his back staring at her, a perfect mirror of the night before. Paralyzed with fear, he couldn't even crawl away as she placed her finger to her cheek, allowing the strange fluid to pool on it. Sliding her finger through the window, she smiled as the revolting liquid dribbled onto Dan's chest and eventually, into his mouth.
Dan's throat closed involuntarily, the taste of corpse juice left to fester in the dirt invading him like a parasite. Whatever that was, not a single word in his vocabulary did it justice.
"What..." Dan coughed, "What... is that stuff?"
"Why don't we have... a little fun together? Y'know, since I'm here?"
"I don't want anything--" Dan choked out, coughing and spitting in desperation to get the repulsive taste out of his mouth, "--to do with you! Fuck off!"
"No." Her teeth were stained red, breath smelling the same way the liquid tasted. Rancid air washed over Dan as she laughed while removing his jeans and he tried his hardest not to puke.
It's not real, it's not real, it's not real, it's not real...
The rusty red froth spewed seamlessly from her gums and dripped down her lower lip. She pulled her fingers out of the room momentarily to collect it while Dan frantically attempted escape but ultimately found himself going nowhere. Her grin was wide as another bead of gunk raced down her fingertip and onto his cock.
"Don't..." Dan begged. "Don't..."
"Shhh. It'll all be okay..." She gently caressed his him from his messy dark brown hair all the way to his bony hips.
"I d--I don't want this--" Dan gagged as the fluid formed thin filmy strings as she masturbated him, connecting their skin together by filth.
"You're no fun..." She said, but continued regardless.
"Wh-Why... are you.... doing this... to me?" Dan stammered in tears through the sticky, slimy cacophony. "Wh-Why do you wanna hurt me so bad?"
She didn't respond, instead sliding the index finger of her left hand into the room and placing her fingernail firmly against his Adam's apple. Dan anxiously whined. She smiled wide, thin brown tar leaking from between her already ruined teeth.
"I'm sorry..." whimpered Dan as she went faster and faster. "I'm so, so sorry, whatever it was I did to make you hate me, just please... stop...? Please?"
The finger on his manhood quickly withdrew and Dan gave a tentative sigh of relief.
"Finally it's over... Thank God..."
The finger against his throat, poised to deliver the killing blow, however, didn't budge. Her tongue once again slipped through, drenched in foul-smelling combination of bloody saliva and mystery liquid. Dan cringed as it touched his feet, sending bolts of electricity to his spine. She quickly worked her way up his legs to where she'd left off. Dan groaned, physical and mental resistance degrading despite every one of his senses being assaulted by horrible stimuli.
"Hey Dan..." She whispered, rotten breath fully engulfing him, "I'm going to make you cum. And then I'm going to kill you."
Dan's blood crawled through his veins. In complete spite of his terror, the moment that heralded his death was fast approaching.
Silent, stinging tears trailed down his cheeks as that wonderful, horrible feeling spread through his limbic system and, staring at the nail which seemed more like the blade of a guillotine, Dan anticipated the severance of his head from his shoulders. Dan's heart, spiked with unearthly amounts of adrenaline, quivered in his chest--
and everything turned black.
"Dan?" Kyle called, closing the door behind him. "Dan, are you in here? Nobody's seen you for a couple days and... we got worried, so I just came to check up on you--" The stench of rot hit him full force. On the counter lay a package of what may have been fruit at some point, now fuzzy white and swarmed by a horde of ever-buzzing flies. Not good... "Dan?" Kyle shouted, exiting the kitchen and making his way up the stairs. A new, putrid smell, foreboding in every sense, rushed to meet him. Kyle felt vomit rising in the back of his throat. "D... Dan?"
Kyle's jaw dropped and he stared in abject horror at what lie in Dan's room. It was Dan, or at least it used to be, if he ignored the milky irises and deep blue bruises mottling his pallid skin which had already begun leaking the fluids of putrification.
No marks indicating any sort of foul play were found on Dan's body, his cause of death ultimately being ruled natural. Cardiac arrest, they had said, brought on by a combination of benzodiazepine overdose and stress.
Kyle laid in his bed, sleepless ever since he'd found that rotting corpse. The night that he, Dan's friends, and Dan's family had relinquished his body to the ground...
That's when Kyle started to hear it.
Quiet, almost indistinct but not quite.