Chapter 4
Field Trip...Everything Changes
Its Tuesday morning, our field trip to Cyrex is today. Cyrex is known for cutting edge technology in quantum physics and radiation.
When we arrived, they took us to a conference room for a presentation. Amazing how much they are working on. They are even creating antimatter.
After the presentation, we were taken on a tour in small groups. It was Tina, Nadine, Steve, Brian and me. Also Ms.Cordell decided to go with my group.
We were walking through the quantum particle accelerator room when everything started shaking, little at first. Ever increasing intensity till it was hard to even stand. Outside, a five hundred kilovolt transmission line broke and fell across the thirteen thousand eight hundred volt line to the facility. The inrush of power caused several pieces of equipment to fire at once. From the quake, it caused the power of these machines to converge on the very spot I was standing.
I saw the upper half of Brian vaporize as some of the power passed through him. Steve was standing by Brian. He was completely gone. Only a reddish gray cloud remained. I was next...
I thought I was dead. The pain, the burning feeling was so intense that I passed out. I dont know how long I was out.
I woke up to hearing my mom crying and my dad talking to someone. My dad said,What do you mean you cant fix this? Hes going to be this small the rest of his life? I was lying on what I thought was a huge bed or a room with a mattress floor. I was covered but was totally naked.
I thought for sure pieces of my body had to be missing or burnt. I quickly did a self check. Thats a relief, everything is where its supposed to be and intact. Now, where the hell am I. Mom looked in the bassinet warmer I was in.
I saw mom, something was way off. I yelled,What the hell is going on! Where am I! I realized my voice didnt sound the same, kind of squeaky. Mom disappeared from sight and she really started crying.
My dad moved into view. I could tell he was upset, torn between me and consoling mom. He said,The earthquake caused an accident. Brian and Steve were killed. are much smaller than you were. They cant figure out what happened or why youre still alive, but you are.
I asked,How small am I? Is Ms. Cordell ok?
Dr. Anson looked in at me and said,Youre approximately four and three sixteenth inches tall. No one else sustained any injuries.
My dad snapped,So what can you do about this?
Dr. Anson said,Nothing...we tried to get a skin, hair, and blood sample from him. Our instruments broke or bent, we couldnt even cut a piece of hair. She scratched her head and continued,We took x-rays, ultrasounds, nothing penetrates him. When the fire started where he was, the automatic halon extinguisher system put out the fire. He was left in the room for two hours. There was no oxygen. Yet hes still alive. We cant test him, we just dont know what to do with him. He seems perfectly normal through observation, just severely reduced in mass.
Dad looked puzzled by her statements. He asked,You can do nothing? Nothing at all?
Dr. Anson said,Unfortunately no. We can keep him for observation if you like. As I said though, he seemed normal, just much smaller.
Dad asked,What should we give him to eat or drink?
Dr. Anson said,Whatever he wants.
Dad said,Is there somewhere we can take him to help fix this?
Dr. Anson said,We are the best, there is nothing anyone can do, sorry. At least I dont think you have to worry about hurting him.
Dad said,What do you mean?
Dr. Anson said,It appears that not only did he shrink, he became dense. At his size, he should weigh a few ounces. Hes almost a pound. Very sharp stainless steel medical instruments couldnt penetrate his skin. He didnt have oxygen for over two hours. What happened to him made him very resilient. As I said, there is nothing we can do for him. At least at this point in time. Were definitely going to pursue how this happened. So with understanding comes hope.
Dad was irritated, I guess if you cant do anything, well take him home.
Dr Anson said,His normal surroundings would probably be best for him.
I was asked to get in a small plastic box with clear sides. My dad took me to the car. Mom followed, still sobbing. The car ride was very quiet except mom crying. Once at home dad took me to my room and put me on my desk with the things I had with me that day.
I heard a lot of crying and yelling, incoherent talk. After a while of this, my dad came to my room, he was on the phone,Hey Nikki, Ive got a serious problem. Doug was in an accident today...Yeah, hes alright as he can be. He somehow shrank...A little over four inches. Can you look after him for a while? Diane is a mess. She cant stop crying...Thanks sis, Ill bring him over.
Im thinking, Im in for a very interesting time. Dad picked me up and took me to the car. He said,Im sorry son, Ive got to have some time to get your mom straightened out. Shes really taking this hard. Are you ok?
I said, I actually feel really good. Just have a lot of anxiety.
Dad said,Yeah, I guess you would be anxious. Im going to leave you with Nikki for a while, till I get your mom straightened out. Are you ok with that?
I said,Yeah, I really like Nikki. We pulled in at Nikkis house. She opened the door before we got there. Her eyes darted until she found me. She looked really excited. What a goddess! A different anxiety was starting. She was wearing a white t-shirt with black yoga pants, I could see the tan nylons and the white slip on sneakers that really smell.
Nikki said, Hi Mark, is Dougy ok? Is he fragile?
Dad said,He says he feels great. I dont think hes fragile. They tried to get samples and couldnt penetrate his skin. You dont need to worry about him getting hurt too much, I guess. They wanted him to stay for observation but I told them no.
Nikki said,Dont worry, Ill take real good care of him. Leave him with me as long as you want. Go and take care of Diane.
Dad said,Thanks Nikki. He gave her a hug and left.
Nikki closed the door, took me to the couch and opened the door on the carrier. Sat staring at me with her hand over her mouth.
I stepped out and said,Well, tell me what youre thinking?
After taking her hand away from her mouth, Nikki said, I cant believe Im looking at my fantasy. I never in a million years thought
I said,I know what you mean. We both wished for it.
Nikki said,Soooo, do you know what you can take, like holding your breath or pressure?
I said,Im not sure. I think my body is pretty strong from what the doctor was saying.
Nikki said,Do you want to find out?
The question Ive been waiting for, I said,Ok, lets see. You said no holding back, that I get the full Nikki.
Nikki had a wild look, she said,Remember, you asked for it. She reached out for me. Her fingers wrapped around me. In her fist the only part sticking out was my head. She was rubbing my head with her thumb. She held me up to her face and said,Test number one.
She began squeezing me in her fist. Slowly increasing pressure and closely monitoring my reactions. Her fist began to shake from the exertion. I said,Is that all youre strength?
Nikki said,Thats all I have. She released the pressure. She carried me to the bedroom. She said,Test two, wave you hand if it hurts, ok?
I said,Ok.
She put me on the floor. I laid on my back. Arms straight out and my legs comfortably spread apart. Dick sticking straight at attention. That still works
Looking up, shes smiling, this beautiful goddess, I see her leg moving. Im quickly overshadowed by her massive white sneaker. She lines up and lowers it onto me. Slowly she applies her weight. I quickly realized I cant wave my hand. Both arms are completely under. I feel the pressure keep increasing. Im pressed into the soft sole until it reaches the floor, sealing me off so I cant even see light. She has all of her weight on me.
She removed her foot from me and said,Im sorry! I forgot about your hand that was supposed to be out. Are you ok?
I said, I dont think you need to worry about it. That felt really good to me. I dont think you can hurt me at all!
Nikki said,Good to know. So, no holding back, do what I want to you?
I said,Yes please. I no sooner got the words out, she stomped on me hard. Raising up her heel, she twisted on me like she was trying to crush me. After being twisted and rolled under her sneaker, she relented. She moved her foot away, looking at me. I gave her a thumbs up.
The assault began. Stomping as hard as she could, so hard it shook the floor. Twisting me under the ball of her foot with all of her weight on me. I almost blew a load when she was twisting on me. Once again, she stopped and checked me. She asked,Are you ok?
I said,Definitely, I almost came.
Nikki said,Now, Im not worried about hurting you. I was trying to crush you. You took it all like it was nothing. How about I take my shoes off and see how you like my sweaty feet at this size?
I said,Please!
Nikki said,Do you remember what I did to the little man in the kitchen when you said it was you?
I said,Oh yeah, that was awesome.
Nikki, smiling, said softly,Its your turn. I heard her heel pop out of her shoe and the now louder nylon hiss as her foot slid out of her shoe. Her flexed toes passed over, sweat was glistening in the evening light. The ball of her foot landed on my hard dick. The smell overtook me, so strong I tasted it. Smell of leather from her work shoes, rubber from her sneakers combine with her strong bitter, vinegary odor. She continued her decent. Her heel was on the floor as she continued to step on me. The damp heat coming from her foot was intense to say the least.
I watched her toes start to lower. The nylon under her toes formed over my face until her foot finally sealed me to the floor. She stood on me a while, enjoying the feeling of a living person under her beautiful foot.
Nikki raised up twisted me under the ball of her foot. Once satisfied, she wrapped her toes around me. Picked me up and and dropped me in her sneaker.
Her foot followed me in the opening. I quickly moved to lay on my back. Her toes passed over my legs to the knees where it got tighter. She started scrunching, pulling her foot over me and into the shoe. Being pressed into the memory foam insole, dampness squished out over my backside.
Her toes hit my dick and scrunched. The nylon continued its journey over me. Completely under after pinching my head in her toes. Her foot wiggled side to side, her heel dropped in.
She stepped on me. I was encased in memory foam insole and her nylon foot. Heat was increasing along with the odor. I felt her weight roll up my body until her toes were smashed into my face. All pressure was gone as I was launched forward. Her weight slammed back down on me, rolling up my body again. Each step caused sweat to squish around me. Slightly salty and a little slimy. Her pace picked up. She stopped, standing on me, I heard the faint sound of a door opening.
With a quick launch forward, we were walking again. Heat started to really increase. Like a sauna. Each step was smearing me around between her foot and insole.
I kept sliding until my whole body was under her toes. I was close to blowing a load again, when she stopped. She took her heel out and used her toes to pull me to the heel section of her sneaker. I saw daylight, were outside.
Her heel pushed its way wiggling back in on top of my lower body. My head was under her arch. She started walking. Her heel was slamming on my dick. After a couple of steps, I climaxed. The nylon heel kept slamming into me. I was spent, yet her foot didnt stop.
I was limp which made my migration forward in her shoe pretty quick. By the time my head was under her toes, I was hard again. Shortly after my body was completely packed under her toes again. I was soaked in sweat. It was a little stingy to my eyes. The odor was the most intense I have ever smelled. Her toes kept up the assault until I came again.
Going limp again, I slid under the pads of her toes. The most intense rubbing of my body by far. Each step her toes would pull across my body so that I was almost back in the crevice under her toes. Then launched forward, quickly slowing down, that moved me forward under her toe pads again.
A couple of minutes of this, I came again. A few minutes later, I came again, only it felt like nothing came out, but the feeling was extreme and lasted a while. The whole time shes walking, oblivious to whats happening under her toes.
After a few more minutes, my dick was hard. She stopped, took her shoe off. Lying in her shoe motionless, she said,Are you ok?
I sat up and said,Im spent, I came four times. I think, I cant remember. Thats the most erotic experience I could imagine! I stood up, looked out of her shoe. Were at the park. Nikkis sitting on a bench.
Nikki said,Well, in that case my other foot is lonely. Maybe you can give it attention on the way back? Her sneakers were sitting together her legs were crossed. The foot that was on me is bouncing in the air. Her other foot still in the sneaker with her heel out.
I climbed over the edge and into the other sneaker. Familiar smell. Standing, I felt her heel, I ran my hands down her arch. I laid down, I pushed my head tight against where her foot and insole separate. She lowered her heel and worked it back into her shoe. My face was pushed into the softest spot on her foot, where the ball meets the arch.
Heat was starting to climb and sweating resumed. She sat there a little while. I rubbed my face in the nylon covering that soft spot. I loved every minute of where I was.
Nikki stood up and started to walk back home. This shoe seemed tighter. I wasnt moving around as much. I slid forward enough that my head was under the ball of her foot. Every step forced sweat up my nose and in my mouth.
She stopped again, popped her foot loose and adjusted me. Head was under her toes and the rest was mainly under the ball. She worked her heel in and started walking again.
The feeling was incredible. I was hard but was unable to climax again. I love everything about this woman. I hope Im able to stay with her permanently.
Nikki arrived at home. She went to the bedroom, sat on the bed. She took her shoes off. I lay there, exhausted. I look out from her shoe. She looks positively pleased with herself.
I climbed out of her shoe. I was standing between her feet looking up at her. I say to her,Youre absolutely gorgeous.
Nikki said,Aaawww, thank you sweety. Ill give you one more special thing before we get a shower. Her feet raise up and turn soles towards me. She brings them together with me in the middle. Nikki rubs her feet together, grinding me between them. After a few minutes of this I blew another load. I didnt think it was possible. She flexed her toes. My head and shoulders popped out from in between. I leaned my head forward and kissed the base of her toes. She clamped her toes shut on me and rubbed some more.
After a few more minutes, she let me down to the floor. She stood up and started to undress. She would step on me when she pulled her yoga pants off each leg, repeating the process with her pantyhose, finally her underwear. She stepped on me barefoot while she took her top and bra off. My head was between hers toes. The view was breathtaking. Her crotch, her tits bouncing and her blonde hair swinging around were all in my sights.
She looked at my tiny face between her toes and chuckled. She said,Are you ready for a shower? I think I stink, I can smell myself. I know you stink. You smell like my sweaty feet. Here, take a whiff of this.
Nikki moved her foot, picking me up in her hand. She rubbed my head on her sweaty puss. Making sure my head was pushed in her a little to get the full effect. Her puss was wet, probably from her thinking about me in her shoe.
Nikki said, I bet this really stinks. She slid me through her ass crack until she pushed my head in her asshole. She clenched on my head. Slowly pulling me until I was free. Holding me up, she blew me a kiss and headed to the bathroom.
Nikki started the shower and said,I bet youre going to love this. She retrieved the scrunchy and used the loop to hang it to tie me fast to it. She stepped in the shower, squirted soap on the scrunchy. She squeezed and rubbed me and the scrunchy to make suds. She held the scrunchy with me facing out. She said,Here we go.
She rubbed me over her neck, down each shoulder and arm. Then through her armpits and onto her breasts. Spending some time on her tits, she rubbed my face on each nipple. Repeating using my crotch. In between and underneath. Down to her tight stomach. Finally into her shaved crotch. Rubbing me over every square inch of her huge puss.
I probably wouldve came, if I had any left. I cant believe its only been a few hours with Nikki. I was rubbed on her puss until she was satisfied it was clean. Her ass was next. After rubbing over those wondrous mounds of ass cheek, she shoved me into her crack. Up against this huge ass hole, being rubbed around on it. Through the folds and a little into her ass hole.
Nikki moved onto her legs. Up and down each thigh. Knee, behind the knees, over her calf muscles. The tops of her feet. She dropped the scrunchy on the shower floor. Stepping on it and me, rubbing her feet to wash them. She was rinsing off at the same too. She stepped on me and the scrunchy until no more suds came out.
She picked me up, untied me. She said,How did you like your shower?
I said, I love showering with you! She put me to her lips. Her kiss had my head buried completely in her lips. With sucking smacking sounds she pulled me back out of her lips.
She dried off, put on a dark blue t-shirt and white panties. She said,How about watching some tv?
I said,Ok, sounds relaxing. Nikki carried me to the living room and put me at the end of the couch. She sat at the other end. She put her feet up close to me. She turned the tv on and searched for something to watch. She found Antman and said,This looks interesting.
I walked to her feet. I rubbed her bare feet. Caressing them and rubbing my face on them. I looked between her toes, Nikki was watching me intently, smiling. I was kissing her toes until she flexed them out of reach. I moved on to kissing and rubbing her arch and heel.
Nikki asked,Do you want to sleep with my feet tonight?
I said,Id love to.
Nikki said,Ok, I have an idea to keep you in place so you dont get lost under the covers. She went to the bedroom and returned carrying a pair of knee high nylons. She sat down, picked me up and dropped me in the opening of one of the knee highs. I bounced when I hit the toe section. She rolled the nylon, her toes entered, pushing me under them. She stripped the nylon up her leg and over her calf.
Nikki adjusted my position with her hand. My face was peeking out between her big toe and the one next to it. She flexed, I was bent, my upper body followed her toes while my lower body stayed with the rest of her foot. She proceeded to point her toes, pinching my head in them.
When done she said,There, I think youll stay put. She put her foot with me under it on the floor and crossed her legs. She put the other knee high on. She finished watching the movie. Tapping me with her foot, squeezing my head and flexing her toes while the movie was on.
She yawned and said,Are you ready for bed?
I said,Yup, Im exhausted.
Nikki said,Youre going to need your sleep. Tomorrow is Thursday, when I told Bonnie about you, she took off all four days. Shes really going to be excited to see what happened to you. She stood up and walked on me to the bedroom. She went to the bathroom. Sat on the toilet. I heard her peeing. She asked me,Do you have to pee?
I said,No, I think our walk has me a little dehydrated.
Nikki said,Im sorry, do you need a drink.
I said,Nope, I drank enough foot sweat and shower water. Im ok.
Nikki smiled and said,Ok. Time for bed then. She got up, flushed and washed her hands. She walked on me to the bed, got under the covers and said,Good night my little man.
I said,Good night my gorgeous goddess. She chuckled and turned out the light. She brought her feet together so the top of the other foot was against my back sandwiching me between them. This was actually incredibly comfortable. It wasnt long I was asleep.
In the morning I was awakened to Nikki taking off the knee high I was in. Once out, she picked me up and put me in her white sneaker and shoved the pantyhose she was wearing yesterday on top of me. She said,You can sleep a little longer. Ill be back to get you later.
She left the room. Inhaling deeply her odor, I went back to sleep. A little while later I was awakened again, this time by Nikki talking to someone else. The other woman sounded kind of like Nikki but her voice was a little lower and more sultry. It dawned on me, Bonnie! I pushed the pantyhose out of Nikkis sneaker.
I looked up and was awestruck by her. Bonnie and Nikki were standing close and looking at me. I looked at Bonnie and said,Wow, youre gorgeous! I didnt think it was possible to have two women this gorgeous.
Bonnie laughed and said,Well, thank you. You look very handsome to me too. Nice to meet you, my name is Bonnie.
I said, Im very glad to meet you. Im Doug.
Bonnie said,Unfortunately for you, Im like Nikki, youre my fantasy man. So youll have to forgive me if I get excited around you.
I said,Nothing to forgive, Im sure Ill enjoy it. Now Im really checking her out. A little shorter than Nikki with bigger tits and a bigger ass. Black hair and ice blue eyes. Blue flower print yoga pants, white t-shirt, same white sneakers as Nikki, except hers look noticeably wider and same tan nylons. My dick was standing at attention.
Nikki said, I think he likes you. Look
Bonnie said,Good, I think were all going to enjoy this weekend.
I said,Weekend? Youll be here all weekend?
Bonnie said,Is that ok?
I said,Hell yeah! I think Im the luckiest guy on the planet!
Nikki said,Before we get into anything like that, how about some breakfast?
I said,Yeah, Im kind of hungry.
Bonnie said,Now hold on a second, one question before we do anything else. Whats his limits? I dont want to hurt him.
Nikki said,I havent found his limit yet. I stomped on him, tried to crush him and went for a three mile walk with him in my sneakers and he loved it. I heard he can hold his breath for at least two hours. We havent tested that one yet.
Bonnie had a shocked look and said,This just got a whole lot more interesting.
Nikki said,Im going to get his breakfast ready. Can you see if he needs to go potty and bring him to the kitchen when hes done?
Bonnie said,Sure, I can do that. Nikki went to the kitchen. Nikki was no sooner out of sight, Bonnie picked me up, held me to her face for a good look. Shes even more beautiful close up. She carried me to the bathroom and stood me on the toilet seat. I quickly peed.
Bonnie had a mischievous grin. She said ,I need to go too. She pulled down her pants. I had an awesome view of her crotch as it passed overhead. Her pussy lips were huge, double the size of Nikkis plus. I could see every detail as she kept shaved just like her sister. She sat and started to go. I watched the urine run from her like a waterfall crashing into the toilet water below. Finished, she tore off some toilet paper and handed it to me. She said,You dont mind do you?
I said,Not at all. I took the toilet paper. She rolled her crotch up and slid forward a little to give me access. I started wiping her huge puss. I heard mmmm escape her lips. I wiped it all and dropped the toilet paper in the toilet. I could help myself. I grabbed those lips, pulled them and kissed her clit. She jumped from my touch. I fell in the toilet.
She laughed and said,Im sorry, I wasnt expecting you to do that. She picked me out of the cold yellow toilet water. Putting me in the sink. She washed me and her hands. She flushed the toilet and said,Im gonna have a lot of fun with you. She dried her hands and me.
She asked,How do you want me to take you to breakfast? I immediately looked at her sneakers. She said,In my shoe it is. She grabbed me from the sink and sat down on the toilet. She slid her foot out of her sneaker and put me in it. You could tell they were sisters. Bonnies toes were a little shorter than Nikkis but still long. Higher arches and somewhat wider. Even her heel was a little wider. Very powerful looking foot. I laid down just as I did for Nikki. Smell was similar to her sister. Very hot and sweaty inside. Her foot entered and worked its way over me. Until her toes passed over my head. She wiggled her heel back in.
She stood up, putting all of her weight on me, she started to wiggle her toes. She was rubbing my face with her sweaty nyloned toes. She was definitely enjoying the feeling of me in her shoe.
Bonnie slowly walked to the kitchen. She loved the feeling of me squishing into her sole. Once in the kitchen, she stood one me with the other sneaker resting on top. Her foot was a little softer and felt awesome standing on me.
Nikki said,Wheres Doug? Did you stick him somewhere already?
Bonnie said,Sorry sis, I couldnt help myself. Hes in my shoe. He really feels good in there.
Nikki said, I know, I just wanted to keep him in mine yesterday. He slept with my feet last night because he wanted to.
Bonnie said,He really likes feet that much? I wonder if he would like being in my pussy or up my ass? You know Ive got to sis, I cant help it.
Nikki said,Ive thought about it. I think hell definitely enjoy it. I couldnt hear what was being said. It was muffled by the feet on me. Nikki said,You should let him out to eat. There is a piece of bagel and cream cheese on the table with a small medicine cup of coffee. Im going to put my clothes on from yesterday. He said he loves the smell, so Ill give it to him.
Bonnie said,Ok, if I have to. She walked to the table, sat down and took her shoe off. She plucked me from her shoe and put me on the table. She said,Heres your breakfast. I started to eat. She put her shoe back on. She saw my hard on and said, I guess you like my feet.
I said,Of course, theyre beautiful, just like you.
Bonnie said,Awe, youre so sweet. Thank you.
Nikki returned dressed in the same clothes she had on last night. She asked us,So, what do you want to do first?
Author's Chapter Notes:
Meeting Bonnie in this chapter.
Chapter End Notes:
As always, any suggestions or constructive criticism is appreciated.