Chapter 6
The Steve Problem and the Party
I woke up to birds chirping and a lawn mower running in the distance. I was still packed in their tits loosely. I looked toward their faces, they were sleeping cheek to cheek. What a beautiful sight. Bonnie woke up first.
Bonnie rolled over and sat up. Clearing the cobwebs from her mind, she looked at me and said,”Good morning little man, did you sleep ok?”
I said,”Very good night. I was so relaxed, especially after having a shower with both of you.”
Nikki woke up, propped up on her elbow. I fell out from between her tits and bounced on the mattress. Nikki chuckled and said,”Good morning.”
I said,”Good morning to the most beautiful two ladies on Earth.” Nikki picked me up, pushed my face into her lips for a kiss. Once she pulled me away, Bonnie leaned in and kissed me also. What a great way to wake up.
Bonnie said,”I’m going for a cup of coffee, would you two like some?”
I shook my head yes. Nikki said,”Please.” Bonnie walked out of the bedroom. Nikki laid her head back on the pillow. I sat staring at her face. She was smiling, after a while, she said,”You’re staring, what are you looking at?”
I said,”A gorgeous woman who makes me happier than I thought possible. Thank you!”
She was petting my head with her pointer finger. She said,”No need to thank me, I’m in love with you. I don’t know if I can give you back to your parents. Maybe I can talk them into letting you with me. Would you like that?”
I said,”I’d love that! Even if you can’t, I’ll be back in a year and a half when I turn eighteen. Then I’ll be yours.”
Bonnie came back in and said,”Hey, who am I, chopped liver?” She sat the coffee on the nightstand. Mine was in a medicine cup again.
I said,” I belong to both of you. Sorry I didn’t mean to let you out.”
Bonnie said,”That’s ok, I was just harassing you. I think it’s time for Steve to reappear.” Bonnie went into the bathroom. She flopped on the toilet.
Steve was awakened by the sudden jolt. He started to move downward at an angle. He was totally impacted by her shit. His path turned straight down. Stopped, waiting, he was wondering if that was it, would he have to stay longer. After a few minutes, he was moving down. His face scraped the side of her rectum on the way out. Her sphincter pinched down on Steve as he was out of her up to his waste. He felt her turd squishing then breaking free, pulling away from his head and upper body. Leaving his upper body dangling from her huge ass hole. Her ass hole pushed and contracted several times, trying to break it’s living dingleberry free. With a sudden rush of putrid air and the flapping of her anus, Steve was pushed free and fell into the toilet, face planting on one of her turds. The cold water quickly shocked him back to his senses. By this point, Steve, thinking he was going to die, elated he didn’t, then smashing face first into the shit he thought he was free from, is completely off the deep end angry...
Bonnie wiped herself clean, got up and offered Steve paper to pull him out. Steve was now furious. He grabbed the paper and she let him down on the edge of the sink. As soon as his feet touched, he was stomping around, waving his arms. He was red in the face and screaming at Bonnie.
Bonnie said,” I can’t hear you.” She turned her head and leaned in close. Then she heard him.
Steve yelled,” You stupid fuckin bitch, are you trying to kill me? You and your worthless fuckin sister can go fuck yourselves. I’m gonna go to the police and tell them what you crazy fuckin cunts have been doing to two minors.”
Bonnie recoiled in shock. Then she was so angry she saw red. She walked away and went to Nikki’s craft supplies. She found a small mason jar and a wooden spoon. She said,”Perfect.” She stormed back into the bedroom.
Nikki said,” Bonnie? What’s wrong?”
Bonnie said,” I’ll tell you in a minute.” She returned to Steve, picked him up and threw him in the jar. She said,”You little piece of shit, you're going to get what you deserve for threatening us.”
She turned to the toilet, took the wooden spoon and spooned her shit from the toilet to the jar. She completely packed it full and screwed the lid on tight. She cleaned off the jar and spoon. She washed her hands.
Bonnie walked into the bedroom and said,”This little shit was going to turn us into the police and destroy everything we have!”
Nikki said,”No, he can’t do that! What are you going to do with him.”
Bonnie said,” He’s packed him in this jar with my shit. I was going to bury it in the back yard as long as no one objects?”
Nikki said,”Everyone thinks he’s dead anyway, go ahead. I don’t have a problem with it.” They both looked at me.
I said,”I never liked him. He was hanging with Brian all the time and they used to pick on me. I hated both of them. He was a bully and always in trouble. He probably would’ve killed someone if he hadn’t shrunk. I think you’re doing the world a favor.”
Bonnie took him out back. Grabbed a shovel and neatly peeled back some sod. Laid a tarp down to put the soil on. She dug a hole about two feet deep. She picked up the jar, starting to have second thoughts because she loved to play with him. She rolled the jar looking at it. She saw his face, angry and red. He was flipping her the bird.
Bonnie said,”You little bastard!” She put the jar in the hole. She filled the dirt back in, packing it as she did. Rolled the sod back in place and watered the area so no trace remained. She said,”One less ass hole in the world.”
Bonnie put away everything and went back in the house. She kept wondering if she over reacted, she replayed the events. She was sure he would’ve messed up everything, she decided she did the right thing.
Bonnie walked into the kitchen, Nikki was making breakfast. Nikki said,”Did you bury our problem deep?”
Bonnie said,”Yup, no one will find him.”
Nikki said,” Good, do you want some breakfast?”
Bonnie said,” No, I’m not hungry.” She went to the living room.
I said to Nikki,” I think she’s upset, you want to see if we can cheer her up?”
Nikki said,” That sounds like a good idea. I’ve never seen her that aggressive before. I think it really made her protective of us when he threatened everything we have, everything we ever dreamed of. I’d feel the same way.”
We finished breakfast, Nikki was cleaning up. I went to the living room. Bonnie looked deep in thought. I rubbed my hands on the top of her foot and kissed it. I startled her, she leaned forward. She had tears in her eyes. She picked me up and pressed me to her with both hands, hugging my little body as best she could. She held me there for a long time. Finally she broke the silence,” I don’t ever want to lose you. Nikki and you are my world.”
I said,” I’m not going anywhere if I can help it. I feel the same way about you and Nikki.”
Nikki walked in on us and said,” What’s all this sad stuff?” Pointing at Bonnie she said,” We have our fantasy guy right there.” Pointing at me now she continued,” You have two women that love you who just happen to be your fantasy women. So are we going to feel sorry for a creep that would’ve taken that all from us or are we going to have a blast with each other? Hmmmm?”
I said,” We want to have fun, right?”
Bonnie laughed and said,” Right!”
Nikki said,” How about if we each invite one person over tonight for a small party. Introduce Dougy to our best friends. What do you think?”
Bonnie said,” Sounds like a good idea. I’ll definitely invite Jenna.”
Nikki said,” I’ll call Mandy, she’s a lot of fun. It’s settled. Four women, what will Dougy do with us all.” She winked at me.
I said,” Don’t it bother you, me with other women?”
Nikki said,” Not stepping on you. That actually turns me on. Sex, that’s a different story. Me and Bonnie only for that.”
I said,” Ok, do I get to invite someone?”
Nikki said,” Sure, who do you want to come over tonight?”
I said,” I’d like to have Ms.Cordell tonight.”
Nikki said,” Jane? She’s my next door neighbor. Sure I’ll call her. She’ll be glad to see you’re ok. Do you want us to ask the girls to wear nylons for you?”
My dick jumped to attention. I said,” That would be awesome!”
Bonnie asked,” Do you need me to go to the store to pick up some stuff for tonight?”
Nikki said,” That would be great, wine, coolers and some snacks. Here’s two fifties.” Bonnie threw on some clothes and called Jenna.
Bonnie said,” Jenna sounds excited to meet you. I’ll be back in a little while.”
Nikki called Mandy and Jane. Nikki said,” Mandy and Jane are coming. Both were happy to wear nylons. Especially after I told them you have a foot fetish. Jane didn’t seem surprised.”
I said,” Probably because I stare at her feet a lot. She’s caught me a few times.”
Nikki said,” Well, that makes sense. Ok, I’m going to clean the house up. You can watch tv. Do you need anything?”
I said,”No, thank you.” Nikki went about cleaning the house. I think I was watching her more than the tv. Still in a t-shirt and panties. I watched her for over an hour, until she put shorts and a bra on.
Bonnie came home, she brought the groceries into the kitchen. She put everything away. She asked me,” Are you hungry? I think I’m going to have a salad.”
I said,” Salad really sounds good.”
Bonnie said,” We’ll share, that way you can have as much as you want.”
I said,” Ok.” Bonnie made salad for her and I, also one for Nikki. We enjoyed our lunch together and Nikki cleaned it up afterwards. They finished cleaning the house. The place was spotless.
Nikki said,” We should get dressed. Something nice for our little man. Do you want to help pick our clothes?”
I said,” I’d love to!” Nikki picked me up, took me to the bedroom and put me on the bed. After trying on several outfits, she put on this red dress that made my mouth fall open. I said,” That’s the one, you’re gorgeous.”
Nikki twirled and said,” Look, I have red pumps to match.”
Bonnie said,” I think there is another dress like that.” Bonnie came out wearing a blue dress like the red one. She had blue pumps to match. Bonnie asked,” What do you think?”
I said,” I think you’re gorgeous too. I’m a very lucky guy!”
Nikki said,” They’ll soon be here. Do you mind being naked or do you want something to cover yourself?”
I said,” After being without clothes for so long now, it doesn’t bother me anymore.”
Bonnie asked me,” Do you want to wait in here or be in the living room as they get here?”
I said,” Put me in the living room. I think it’ll be fun.” Bonnie picked me up and took me to the living room.
Bonnie asked,” Couch or end table?”
I said,” Floor!”
Bonnie laughed, shrugged and said,” Ok, this should get interesting pretty quickly.” She put me on the floor. She knocked me down with her pump and said,” This is what you got to look forward to.” My field of view was then dominated by the sole of her pump. The sole was cold as it pressed into me. Stepping on me, I was gone from sight. Pushing me into the soft carpet. She twisted a little. I felt her weight roll up my body as she started to take a step. Then it was gone. Tilting my head back, I watched her ass wiggle as she walked to the kitchen. My dick was bouncing up and down from excitement.
I stood up and walked to the edge of the couch. I sat down on the carpet and waited for the evening to begin.
The doorbell rang, Nikki went to answer it. Nikki said,” Hi Jenna, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you. How have you been?”
Jenna said,” I’ve been pretty good. Goodness, I forget how tall you girls are. I’m six foot and you make me feel short.”
Nikki laughed and said,” I have heels on to add to it. I like being taller than most people.”
Jenna said,” I know what you mean, I like it too, that’s why I wear heels. I hope your friend likes these big size twelves.”
Nikki said,” Don’t worry, he loves mine and mine are much bigger. Would you like a drink? Wine? Black Ice or Triple Berry cooler?”
Jenna said,” I’ll take a glass of wine, thank you.” Nikki went to the kitchen. Jenna came into the living room and sat on the couch. Her black pumps just missed stepping on me. She’s a beautiful woman in her early forties. Long blonde hair and blue eyes. Slender build with breasts on the larger side. She had a sultry voice that kept my attention when she would talk. She was wearing a cute short black dress that showed her shapely legs.
Staring at her shoes that were so close I could feel her warmth, I was wondering what her feet looked like. Didn’t wonder long, her heels came out of both shoes. She had a tangy smell mixed leather. Listening to my favorite sound, nylon sliding out of a shoe. She put her feet on top of her shoes and wiggled her toes. Absolutely gorgeous feet. Narrow heel, wide at the front and medium length toes with bright red polish. Slight bunions on both feet. Her toenails were on the larger side and a little long. It looked awesome the way her nails pushed out the suntan nylon. The ring toe was close to the length of the middle toe and slightly curved. It made her little toe look short but actually wasn’t. Jenna’s feet were perfectly pedicured and looked very soft, yet had so much character, I was awestruck.
I made my way alongside her shoe and laid down. I lay as still as I could. Jenna looked down and saw me. She yelled out to Nikki and Bonnie,”
Hey, someone left a little naked doll on the floor.”
Nikki called back,” We don’t have any dolls.”
Nikki and Bonnie chuckled. “ You probably found our foot massager.” They chuckled again.
Jenna was talking to herself,” Foot massager? Looks funny for rubbing your feet on. What the hell, I’ll try it.”
I watched Jenna’s foot lift and move directly over me. The bottom was just as beautiful as the top. Jenna’s toes flexed slightly as she lowered her foot. My dick shot up to attention. The ball of her foot splayed across my chest, it was so warm and damp. The tangy odor filled my nostrils. I breathed in deeply trying to get as much as I could. Her heel continued its descent until it settled into the carpet. Her toes were still flexed slightly as my head protruded from under the ball of her foot. I was burning the image of her beautiful toes into my memory. The wrinkles at the base of her toes, the size and smell of them. Jenna’s foot moved back and forward on me, pushing down, she was trying to massage her foot.
When she moved back it caused my dick to flip and point towards my knees as the nylon continued to rub on it. Her toes slid over my face until I saw her protruding nails above my head. The ball of her foot was down to my groin when it changed direction, her massive toes raised preparing to engulf her new found massager. My dick spun and pointed up. She stopped when my head was under the base of her toes. Pushing down, she pinched my head with her toes and released. She flexed her toes up, pushed back down, pinching my head with toes. Jenna did this several times. Jenna pushed her foot forward till my head disappeared under the ball of her foot. Pushing down again, she twisted her foot, concentrating her effort on my face. My dick was being lightly rubbed by the nylon stretched across her high arch.
Nikki and Bonnie came into the living room. Jenna said,” Where is this fella you wanted me to meet?”
They laughed and Bonnie said,” Well, he’s under your foot.”
Jenna said,” What do you mean?” She rolled her foot on its side and flexed her toes. She bent down to get a good look and I waved at her.
She jumped straight up and landed on the couch with a scream. Jenna said,” What the hell is going on?” Nikki and Bonnie were laughing so hard they had trouble answering.
Nikki finally got out,” This is little Dougy, he had an accident.”
Jenna said,” Obviously! I could’ve killed him!”
Bonnie said,” Trust me, it’s almost impossible to hurt him. Nikki had him in her shoe for a three mile walk.”
Jenna said,” Sorry little guy, if I knew you were real I wouldn’t have rubbed my foot on you. That had to be gross.”
I said,” It’s very nice to meet you. Don’t worry about rubbing your foot on me, I loved it.”
Nikki said,” I told you he would love your feet.”
Jenna said,” I guess. What happened to him?”
Bonnie said,” We’ll explain after everyone is here. They should be here soon.” The doorbell rang.
Nikki answered the door. It’s Jane (Ms.Cordell). Nikki said,” Hi Jane, come in. Can I get you something to drink? Wine or a cooler?”
Jane said,” Wine please. Where’s Doug at?” She’s wearing a short gray skirt and button down white blouse with white pumps and nude nylons.
“ He’s over with Bonnie and Jenna.” Nikki continued,” We’ll tell you what happened after Mandy gets here. She’s the last one.”
Jane said,” Ok.” Jane came over,” What on God’s green earth happened? Aren’t you afraid they’ll step on you? You’re so, so, tiny…”
I said,” They can’t hurt me, don’t worry.”
Jane said,” What do you mean they won’t hurt you? Accidents happen, especially as little as you are. They could easily overlook you.”
I said,” I didn’t say won’t, I said can’t. Bonnie, can you show her what I’m talking about?” The doorbell rang again.
Bonnie said,” Hold that thought, I’ll be right back.” Bonnie went to the door and let Mandy in. Bonnie said to Mandy,” Come in, we’re about to do a demonstration with Dougy.”
I was lying on the floor waiting for Bonnie. Mandy walked over to the rest of us. She obviously didn’t see me. She looked almost as tall as Jenna. Auburn hair, green eyes, athletic build, especially her legs. Hot pink sleeveless dress that ended just above the knee. She looked to be in her early thirties. Beautiful no matter how you look at her. I watched her pink sling back pass over me with a distinct eleven on the bottom. As her other foot passed over me, Jane yelled,” Watch out!”
Mandy being startled and not knowing what to watch out for, started to back up. Her heel landed on my face. First time I felt that kind of pressure. Still no pain, just a lot of pressure as the half moon shaped tread of her spike settled on my face flattening my nose. Her other foot moved a short step back. Mandy’s heel lifted and moved away, but was quickly replaced by the front of the same shoe. The cold smooth sole came down quickly with me almost dead center. All of her weight was on me once more. This time it was much more pleasant.
Mandy’s shoe left quickly and I heard her say,” What the hell is that?”
Bonnie said,” Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.” As Mandy backed away, Bonnie quickly came over. She raised her foot quickly. I saw it coming her huge sixteen size pump descended in the blink of an eye. Her sole slammed into me with such force the floor shook. She aggressively pushed down and twisted, trying to drive the point home. Meanwhile my dick is getting hard again.
Jane screamed,” You crushed him!” She was crying.
Bonnie felt bad,” No, Jane, look, he’s not hurt. Honest, he’s perfectly fine!” Bonnie took her foot off of me.
I sat up and waved to Jane,” I’m ok. No one can hurt me, I actually enjoy being stepped on.”
Jane wiping the tears,” Are you serious? How is this possible?”
I said,” I’m not sure, it has to do something with the way I shrank. Dr.Anson still hasn’t figured it out yet. I can’t be crushed and I can hold my breath for weeks.”
Jane said,” You little stinker, I should step on you for scaring me like that.”
I walk to her feet, lie down in front of her and say,” Go ahead.” Jane slips her foot out of her white pump. Her foot moves overtop of me. Her foot is wide, meaty with medium length toes and a very high arch. Through the nude nylon mesh I can see she has a french pedicure. She’s not tall like the rest, only about five and a half feet tall. I noticed before she wore a size nine shoe. She has dark brown hair and blue eyes. Voluptuous build, quite beautiful for a woman in her early fifties.
Jane slowly lowered her foot. Her heel touched down first as she continued to lower the front. My now throbbing dick pushed into the taut nylon of her arch. The ball of her foot landed on my chest. I was left staring up at her flexed toes. I could see her smiling at me.
Jane said,” Your about to find out what it’s like to be a beetle in my way.” Beetle? Did she know about the beetle she crushed and how much it turned me on? I must suck at hiding my thoughts from someone so inquisitive.
Her toes pushed down on my face. Her feet were warm and smelled of perfume. She was so gentle, slowly letting her weight rest on me. She kicked off the other shoe. My face was pushed up between her pointer and middle toe. I saw the toes of the other foot settle in over me, darkness fell around me. Her foot felt amazing. A perfect mix between soft and firm. She stood like that a few minutes.
Light came as her foot on top moved off. The foot on me raised slightly, moved forward so the ball of her foot was on my face. Slowly she twisted with just enough pressure the nylon slid easily. She was moving her foot down my body as she was twisting. Her toes were brushing over my face. The ball of her foot reached my dick and slowly twisted it underneath. I was so close to blowing my load on my teacher's foot when she stopped. She covered the bottom of my face with her big toe.
She looked at me like she wanted something. I pulled my arms from underneath her gorgeous foot, grabbed hold of it as best I could and kissed her big toe. When I looked up at her, she had her hand over her mouth like she was shocked.
She took her foot off of me. She saw my dick bobbing from excitement. She moved her hand from her mouth and said,” I can’t believe how exciting this is. I can see how this could be really fun. I think you liked my feet?”
I said,” Oh my, your feet are gorgeous.”
Mandy said,” I want to step on him.” She took her shoes off.
Nikki said,” Go ahead.”
Mandy said,” Sorry, my feet are pretty stinky. Is that ok?”
Nikki looked at me and asked,” Is that ok with you?”
I looked at Mandy’s feet with suntan nylons. She had slightly longer toes, medium arch with purple nails. Her toenails were medium size except the big toe, it was larger, longer and came to almost a point, giving the appearance of a claw. Beautiful feet matched the woman they were attached to. I said,” It’s definitely ok with me.”
Mandy made her way to me. Her foot quickly came over me. The ball of her foot pushed down on my chest. She pushed down hard with her toes, my head pushed between her big toe and pointer toe. Her foot was cool and slightly sweaty. Her nylon was stretched tight over my face as she rubbed my head between each toe crevice. I felt like she was using me to clean between her toes. My face and hair were covered with sweat and grime that had a cheesy odor mixed with leather.
After finishing between the toes of both feet, Mandy’s foot moved forward so my upper body was under her heel. She brought her weight down on me, lifting her other foot and rubbing my dick with her big toe.
Mandy would push down and twist, rub up and down and claw at my dick with her big toenail. Also she was raising her heel and dropping it rhythmically. Mandy pushed her toenail down and twisted it, I couldn’t take anymore. I gave her purple toe claw three white stripes till I was done.
Mandy noticed my dick went soft. She noticed my handy work on her toenail. She said,” That was my thank you for letting me play with you.” She moved her foot back so my head was between the big toe and pointer toe. Letting her weight rest on me, she bent over and wiped my cum from her big toe with her finger. She stood up and said,” Thanks for the treat.” She sucked the cum off her finger.
All I could think was ‘Wow this night is just getting started.’ Jenna said,” Can I play with you now that I know you're a real person?”
I said,” Absolutely!” I looked back at Nikki and Bonnie, they both looked like this was making them horny. They had that hungry look. I think I’m in for a long night.
Jenna sat on the couch, motioned for me to come over and point to the spot between her feet. She took her shoes off and said,” You need to finish my foot massage.” I walked over and laid down between her feet.
She slid her feet together, pinching me between them. Holding me between her big toes, she rolled her feet on their sides bringing her soles together. She released me and I fell midway. She pressed her soles together, me in between with my head sticking out past her toes. I look up at her, she is licking her lips. Jane catches my eye, she almost looks angry or jealous, not sure which.
Jenna works her toes to pull me completely into her foot sandwich. Now my chest is pinched between the balls of her feet and my head sticking out from her flexed toes. Wow, what gorgeous feet, my dick is hard again. Her toes close and squeeze my head as she rubs back and forth. My dick is being rubbed on the softest spot of the arch, right below the ball.
Jenna separates her feet allowing me to fall to the floor. She uses her foot to turn me sideways to her. Jenna’s foot comes down and starts rolling me back and forth under her foot. She says,” Oh, that feels good.”
Jenna repeats rolling me with the other foot. Now I’m dizzy from being rolled. She stops and covers me with the toes of both feet. She pushes down and clamps me in her toes. Picks me up slightly, drops me and repeats several times.
Jenna looks down at me and says,” I wonder if you’ll fit…” She picks me up and puts me in her shoe. Her odor immediately increased. My dick could cut diamonds now. I watch her foot cover the opening. Her toes raise a little to accept her new toy. Her pointer toe is right over my face as she’s working to get her heel in. As her heel slides in, it gets really cramped in her shoe.
Jenna stands up, putting her weight on me. She wiggles and works her foot trying to make her shoe accommodate it’s passenger. She’s standing still, all of her weight on me. I feel her foot slowly forming over me. The temperature in her shoe is rising. The sweat and odor are increasing. I take a deep breath, loving every second. After she feels the tightness of her shoe subside, she walks around the living room. Each step her weight rolls up my body to a concentration on my chest and face. I can feel the muscles working in her foot. Sweat is starting to soak me. My dick is pushing into the nylon and rubbing her arch with each step.
Jenna said,” He feels really good, I could keep him in there all day. Can I have him for a while to massage my feet? I’ll bring him back in a few days.”
Nikki said,” No, my brother definitely wouldn’t like that. Sorry...You can come over to our house to use him if you want?”
Jenna said,” We’ll see, I probably will.” Jenna took her shoe off, pulled me out and put me on the floor.
Bonnie said,” I have an idea, Mandy, you sit on that end of the couch. Jenna, you sit on that end. Jane, you can sit in the middle. Nikki and I will pull the ottomans over to sit on. Dougy will be surrounded…”
I watched as her idea came to fruition. They all took their shoes off. The smells were incredible to say the least, being surrounded by ten feet. Standing in the middle, I was so excited I thought I would hyperventilate. Their toes came for me at once. I was engulfed in a pile of nylon covered toes. They all were pushing and shifting trying to get a piece of me. Being smushed between different feet every second. My dick was being pulled every direction, rubbed and smashed.
I came so hard I collapsed. I could hear them laughing, they were enjoying what they were doing to me, I think I was enjoying it more. Once I fell through the toes to the floor, it was like a game of hungry hippos only it was hungry toes. Nikki almost had me, just my head was sticking out from her toes. Jenna’s toes slammed down on my head, hooking her nylon under my chin and pulled me from under Nikki’s foot. Jenna’s other foot came forward to claim her prize. Mandy’s foot came from the side and beat Jenna’s foot to it.
Being sideways under Mandy’s toes, she clamped down to get the leverage needed to pull my head from under Jenna’s toes. I rolled from under Mandy’s toes when she tried to pull me to her. Bonnie’s toes covered my upper body with my head just under the ball of her foot. Mandy, Jane and Jenna’s feet kept covering the bottom of me trying to pull me from Bonnie’s foot hold. Bonnie was leaning forward to put as much holding pressure as she could on me. They were aggressively thumping and pulling at my dick and legs. This time, I came so hard, the rest pale in comparison. I passed out.
If this is a dream, I never want to wake up. I woke up in the same position, figuring I wasn’t out for long. Jenna had my one leg, Jane the other. Mandy’s foot came overtop and pinched my dick between Jenna’s big toenail and the ball of Mandy’s foot. They all three pulled and Bonnie’s grip wasn’t strong enough to hold me. Damn, my dick is hard again, I can’t believe it.
Just as all three women released to get a better hold on me, Nikki’s foot claimed me completely, no visible piece could be seen. I lay there and relax as they tried to get Nikki’s foot to move. I needed this to get my bearings. I think Nikki knew it.
Nikki said,” I won! How about hide and seek. Dougy can lie on the floor and we have to find him with our toes without looking down. The first one to five times finding him wins him for a day.” I think the wine is getting to her...I think she’s too confident she’ll win.
They put the ottomans back and everyone turns to face away from the center. Nikki said,” Go ahead Dougy, find a spot and lay down. I’ll count to ten.” I quickly ran to the center of them and laid down. Nikki got to ten and said,” Go!”
Lying there looking up at these five giantess searching for me is a very surreal moment in my life. Jane is so close, her heel lands on my hand but she doesn’t feel it. She moves away. Jenna is close. Jenna’s big toe lands on my face, she realizes it’s me and steps on me. I’m under her arch as she yells,” Found him!”
This game continued for a while. Score now is: Nikki four, Jenna four, Jane four, Bonnie three and Mandy one. Nikki yelled,” Go!” By now they were quite aggressively looking for me. Jenna, Jane and Nikki were all pretty close. I watch Jenna’s foot come overhead and stomp down on me.
Jenna yelled,” I got him, I got him! He’s mine for a day.” Nikki let out a disgusted humph…
Bonnie whispered to Nikki,” Are you going to let her take him. Hard to say what she’ll do to him?”
Nikki whispered back,” I don’t want to think about it. I shouldn’t have offered him as a prize. A bet is a bet though, I can’t go back on it...”
Nikki said to Jenna,” Ok, I want him back by eight tomorrow night.”
Jenna said,” Ok, I’ll have him back.” Jenna picked me up and said,” Come on little man, we’re going to have some fun.” Jenna headed for the door, waved and said,” Goodbye everyone!”
Jenna put me in the cup holder in her car and began driving home. She asked me,” I know you like feet, what else do you like?”
I said,” I tend to like whatever a woman decides she wants to do with me.”
Jenna said,” So, you like anything I want to do to you?”
I said,” Yup, within reason. I don’t have a death wish. You would really have to be trying to hurt me.”
Jenna smiled and said,” Don’t worry, I don’t want to hurt you. I just want to have fun with you.”
I was wondering what she had in store for me. I guess I’ll find out soon enough.