Chapter 8
Tying it Up
Marissa returned home after a long night of dominatrix role playing. Exhausted, she flopped on her bed for some much needed sleep. Steve was still inside her wondering when he would get out.
After sleeping till one in the afternoon, Marissa felt refreshed. She made a cup of coffee and was going through her emails. There were offers from a few porn sites to work for them professionally with her little man. She’s really beginning to think she’s on to something.
Marissa went to the bathroom figuring it’s time to get Steve out. She was wondering if he was still alive and thinking what a horrible way to die. She sat on the toilet, bearing down to move things along. Steve felt his world churn and began to move. Getting tighter as he moved downward. He felt the cool air on his lower legs. The coolness moved up his body and finally to his face. Opening his eyes, he was still stuck to her turd, he watched as her giant sphincter pinched it off just above him. Splash down!
The cold water was quite a shock. Steve pulled himself free and bobbed in the water. Waiting for her to finish. Once she wiped, she stood, reached in and grabbed him by the head. She flushed the toilet, dropped him in the sink. Turning on the water, freezing Steve again in the process, she pumped soap in her hand, picked Steve up and washed him and her hands at the same time. Rinsed and repeated. She didn’t speak to him, just grabbed him like her belonging.
Marissa took him to the computer desk, dropped him on top. She rooted in the garbage to retrieve a plastic coke bottle. She took the cap off and stuffed Steve in the opening. There was still a little coke left which Steve was glad to drink.
Marissa was startled by a loud knock on the door. Looking through the peephole, there were two large men in uniform. She said,”Who is it?”
Brian answered,”Head of security operations for Cyrex, my name is Brian this is my associate Eric.”
“What do you want?”
Brian said,”We believe you’re in possession of an accident victim from our facility, we’re here to collect him. Give him to us and no charges will be filed against you.”
The door slowly opened, Marissa looked sheepishly at the two imposing men. Brian was smiling at her, while Eric had the look of death in his eyes. Marissa said,” I don’t know what you’re talking about and as you can see, I’m the only one here.”
Eric reached for her throat, Brian stopped him and said,” Give her a chance, then you can have at her.” Looking at Marissa he continued,” He was shrunken very small, give him to us or Eric will ask you next…” Eric broke into a grin.
“Ok, ok, he’s on the desk in the coke bottle.” She was shaking and scared.
Brian said,” Thank you, now you’re going to have a case of amnesia about this incident or Eric is going to pay you a visit. Are we clear?” Marissa shook her head sheepishly.
Eric collected Steve and walked out. Brian said,” Have a nice day.” He closed the door behind him as he left. Eric put the coke bottle with Steve in his breast pocket inside his jacket. Once they reached the black suburban with tinted windows, Eric retrieved a clear plastic carrying case. He dumped Steve out onto a towel, then placed him gently in the case.
Eric asked,” Are you hungry or thirsty?” Steve shook his head yes. Eric put some crackers in and a cap full of water. “That should hold you till we get back to the lab.”
Steve shook his head and said,”Thank you.” They drove to Cyrex. Once there, the men took Steve to Dr. Anson’s lab.
Steve remained in the lab. Never seeing his friends or family. For they all thought he was dead.
Doug remained in Nikki’s loving care. Bonnie found love and was married. Still Bonnie would find special time with Doug. As well as Jenn, spending many nights with her. Doug’s heart belonged to Nikki. Diane never did recover from her nervous breakdown.
It was a few years before Diane could even see Doug without bursting into tears. Mark was always there for Diane.