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Author's Chapter Notes:

Vore, mouth play, fear play

Sharon woke up in a strange space, wearing strange clothing. Where am I? She reached down to touch the odd bra and underwear she was wearing and found it ropy and slightly sticky. The ground underneath her bare back and legs was rough and… Maybe brown? Hard to see. There was only a little bit of light leaking in through a slit high up on the wall to her left, just enough to show the general box shape of the room and the silhouette of four other people.

She saw the others begin to stir as she sat up. How did I get here? Where was I before? She closed her eyes briefly and tried to concentrate. I’d just dropped off my paycheck at the bank, then I was headed to the grocery store. Wait. Did I ever get back in my car?

“Where am I?” a panicked woman’s voice asked, echoing Sharon’s own thoughts.

A chorus of “I don’t know” responded, Sharon’s voice simply one of the crowd. It sounded like all four of the others were women as well, although she couldn’t be sure from just their voices.

Before anyone could say anything else, the slit of light lengthened to several feet, then widened suddenly. Blinded by the sudden bright light, Sharon cried out and covered her eyes with her hands, the sound of the others’ pained cries creating a chorus with her own.

“Mmmmm, hello little ones,” a deep, hoarse voice thundered. A gust of hot air, smelling of blood and sugar, blew into the room along with the words. “I see we’re finally awake.”

Sharon squinted up at the light, her eyes tearing as they tried to adjust to the sudden change. First all she could make out was a wall of light brownish pink; a few seconds later, fuzzy shadows and a long pink section with two bright blue sections far above; finally, her eyes adjusted far enough to reveal that the ceiling of the room she was in had been removed, and a giant face was smiling down through the missing roof. A blue eyed, blonde haired, gorgeous face, with eyes nearly half her own height.

One of the other people in the room shrieked, and Sharon looked around frantically. This isn’t a room, it’s a cardboard box. She looked down at herself and saw that the strange clothing she was wearing was made of thick red ropes, roughly wrapped around her breasts and crotch. What is this? She looked to the other occupants of the box – all women – and saw that they were wrapped in a similar fashion. By that time, the others were shrieking as well. This is a dream. This has to be a dream. Her throat hurt. It took her a moment to realize that she was also shrieking at the top of her lungs.

Laughter boomed from the giant’s mouth, his eyes crinkling as his smile grew wider. His face retreated, flying several stories into the air, and a hand the size of a van suddenly loomed over the open box. “Hold on tight, ladies.” Three massive fingers grabbed the side of the box and pulled it forward and down, tipping the whole thing over. The floor became the right wall as the left wall became the floor, the five women tumbling together into a heap. Just as Sharon began to untangle herself from the others, the floor tilted sharply upwards. The whole group slid off the cardboard onto a smooth wooden surface, the coarse cardboard scraping the front of her thighs and stomach.

The shrieking had stopped as the women were jumbled together, too shocked and confused to keep it up. They slowly picked themselves up to see the giant resting his chin on his folded hands, grinning down at them.

How is he that big? God, I barely come up past his hands.

“So, little ones,” he began, bright blue eyes seeming to pin them in place. “We’re going to play a game. If you win, I’ll set you back to your original size, and let you go. And if you lose…” A colossal tongue, glistening with spit, emerged from his mouth and slowly ran over his lips. “Well. We won’t need to worry about unshrinking you.”

Sharon started shivering and couldn’t stop. No. No. This can’t be real. One of the women started to shriek again, while another began to argue. “You can’t do this! This isn’t, isn’t legal – this is kidnapping! You’ll be arrested, and –”

She was drowned out by the giant’s laughter as he sat back. “So, here is the game.” He spoke over the protests, over the screams, his voice no longer hoarse as he stopped whispering. “We’re going to play tug of war.”

This can’t be real. How can we win tug of war against a giant? This is impossible. This has to be a dream. Please, let this be a dream.

“To make things fair, I’ll only use my lips.” His smile grew smaller but no less pleased. “And to make things interesting, I’ll use one of you as the rope.” All of the women fell silent at this. “Hmmm, eeny meeny miny… you.” His eyes stopped on Sharon. She felt the blood drain from her face as she began to tremble violently. Shaking her head, she turned and started to run away, only to find herself stopped by the immovable grip of a thumb and forefinger the size of trees. They gently but firmly squeezed her waist and she found herself lifted far too quickly into the air, over a ridiculous distance in the span of a second, until she was directly in front of a beautiful, piercing blue eye.

“So. Head or feet first?” he asked. She screamed and thrashed, trying to get away. The wood of what was probably a table was several stories below, but she didn’t care. She had to get away. She had to get away.

After a few seconds, he shrugged. “Head it is, then.” His face lit up in a boyish grin as he stood up and pushed back a titanic chair with a horrible, ear-splitting scraping. Then he knelt so his lips were just above the edge of the table, in easy reach of his captives. “It’s better that way, anyway. Easier to pull on your legs than your arms.”

He brought Sharon down to the tabletop and flipped her sideways, so her head was facing toward his mouth. “Play time,” he breathed, and his lips parted to show the dark, wet cavern with just a hint of perfect white teeth.

Sharon screamed and flailed and begged as he slowly brought her into his mouth. As her head passed between his lips she saw rope-like strands of saliva glittering between his tongue and upper molars. Further in, and she found herself staring into the dark, twitching hole that led to his esophagus. She quickly looked down but found herself confronted instead by the huge, pulsing pink muscle of his tongue. As she took a breath to scream, the smell of blood and sugar was so strong that she could taste it on his breath. The light went out as his surprisingly soft lips closed on her ass, leaving her legs kicking outside of the dark confines of his mouth.

Hands grasped her feet and her knees and pulled, but she barely noticed it through the terror and darkness and sudden liveliness of the tongue below her. The giant ran the tip of his tongue up and down her front for what felt like several minutes, soaking her face, breasts, and stomach in his sticky spit. A satisfied groan reverberated through her body as his tongue withdrew for a second, followed by an echoing, terrible GLLLLK resounding through the chamber of his mouth as he swallowed.

His tongue fell heavily onto her, rubbing its even slimier underside over her back. Sharon dimly realized through the screaming and the terror and the sheer impossibility of the situation that hands were still grasping her legs and feet, still pulling, but she hadn’t moved an inch from where she’d started. The giant’s lips were still wrapped around her ass, holding her in place as firmly as when he’d started.

He groaned again, his tongue retreating as he swallowed a second time. A pleased humming vibrated her body as his lips stretched forward and then back, pulling her further into his mouth and enveloping her thighs.

The hands on her feet and knees dug in with their nails as they desperately tried to pull her back out. A massive giggle shook through her and she felt herself slide an inch toward freedom as his lips loosened slightly. Her hopes soared, then plummeted as his lips firmed around her legs.

His tongue returned, slimier than ever as the liquid in his mouth seemed to pour in ever faster. Cracks and pops resounded through the chamber as spit bubbled up and popped in the path of the massive muscle. Sharon’s screams were cut off as his saliva pooled and got in her mouth, and she had to swallow or choke. It tasted worse than it smelled, like raw meat and candy gone rancid. She vomited but he didn’t seem to notice, swallowing it along with the rest of the saliva in his next gulp.

Soft, slimy skin tightened around her legs as she was pulled further in, his lips now encircling her shins. The hands on her feet were so deeply dug in that she vaguely noticed bruises forming and blood dripping down toward her heels, but it was all overshadowed by the sounds and smells and pressure of the giant’s tongue. The writhing muscle wrapped around her body, forcing her face into his taste buds and eliciting a moan of pleasure as she tried to squirm away. The tip began to work at her bra, running over her chest again and again as the ropes slowly melted beneath the onslaught of his saliva. Finally they broke and he sucked them off – and sucked her another few inches in, her feet now the only part of her outside of the confines of his lips. She shook with his happy hum, then again as he swallowed.

Immediately after, he began to work on the ropes making up her underwear, lapping over them the same way he’d done to her bra. The sticky, strange ropes rubbed against and into her crotch and, despite herself, Sharon started to get aroused. However, the underwear soon dissolved beneath his ministrations, and the aimed pressure stopped as he sucked it off as well. With that last suckle, she felt her feet slide between the giant’s lips and into the chamber of his mouth.

“Looks like you lose,” he whispered, nearly deafening her and letting in a precious bit of light and fresh air, before his lips closed again. He hummed happily, then thrust her against the roof of his mouth as he swallowed her underwear and gallons upon gallons of saliva.

The giant crushed her between his tongue and upper palate, rolling her back and forth until she grew nauseous enough to vomit again, but there was nothing left to come up. She kicked and punched, her efforts producing nothing more than ecstatic, thunderous moans. She screamed nearly constantly, coughing and choking on his disgusting spit whenever it got into her mouth or lungs. His tongue wrapped around her and rubbed her against one cheek, then the other, then his upper palate. She was nearly suffocated below the slimy underside of his tongue as she flailed, but this elicited nothing more than delighted giggles.

Sharon fought for what felt like hours, wrestling with the enormous tongue and losing over and over. It dominated her – she was dominated by his tongue – as it pushed her up and down and side to side, crushed her beneath it, squashed her between it and his cheek, mashed her between it and his upper palate, wrapped around and squeezed her, then repeated the process again and again. All the while his saliva kept gushing in, bubbling and popping and oozing into every nook and cranny and wrinkle on her body.

She stopped fighting, exhausted and utterly humiliated. There’s no point. I’ve been beaten by a tongue.

Soon after, he sighed, giving her one last glimpse of light and taste of fresh air, then tilted his head back. His tongue rolled up again but this time, instead of thrusting her into the roof of his mouth or one of his cheeks, she was rolled to the back of his mouth. Sharon felt a surge of adrenaline as she realized he was going to swallow her, and she tried to fight back again, tried to use the larger taste buds at the back of his tongue to pull herself forward. Her hands slipped, unable to find purchase on the slimy bumps. She felt her legs kick out into a void and the terrible, horrible GLLLK sounded even louder than before as her legs were pulled down into his throat. She scrabbled desperately, trying to find anything to grab onto to keep herself out, and he swallowed again. Sharon thought her ears might be bleeding as an even louder GLLLLLLLLK surrounded her as she was pulled down fully, her arms above her head as if reaching for a rope that wasn’t there.

The esophagus engulfed her, swiftly sending her towards his gut as his hot, suffocating, viscous flesh stroked her down. The happy groaning grew louder as she passed his larynx, then was drowned out as the only thing she could hear was the rapid beating of his heart. She couldn’t scream as she couldn’t breath, the flesh around her too excited and eager, pulsing hard enough to bruise and thrusting into her mouth and nose as she descended further with each throb. Sharon tried to stop her descent, to claw into the overwhelming flesh and pull herself back up, but the giant’s peristalsis effortlessly defeated all of her attempts.

She was beginning to get lightheaded as her feet hit something soft and gooey. The insistent pressure from his esophagus kept pushing her downward, eventually pushing her feet between the tightness of his lower esophageal sphincter, then through into the open air of his stomach. Peristalsis continued to pulse and bruise and push her deeper, until her entire lower body was hanging above his stomach. At that point, gravity overwhelmed the sphincter, and the rest of her slid through the crevice and fell into his stomach.

Sharon fell a surprisingly short distance, into a small puddle of spit. She struggled to stand, slipping in the slimy pool and falling down to the squishy, hot surface of the giant’s stomach. A few moments of struggling later and she managed to blindly make her way to a wall of equally soft, spongey material and start pounding on it with all the energy she had left. In response, the entire stomach vibrated as the giant said something in what seemed to be a pleased tone of voice. The wall in front of her suddenly thrust in toward her and knocked her back onto her ass, back into the puddle of spit, which seemed a little deeper now.

Chapter End Notes:

This is my first time posting on here, so if you have constructive feedback, please let me know! <3

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