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Alisha always was a playful Goddess, so Ben had no choice but to bear with stuff like this. He figured she would never really go through with it…right?

“Anyways, I’m going to go rest outside. That little rampage took a lot of energy out of me.” Alisha decided as she made her way outside and sat comfortably in a golden lawn chair.

She then fished numerous tinies out of her bra, which Ben noticed her stuffing in there during her rampage, only now did he realize just how many she had in there.

All the tinies were sad and/or angry, hating Alisha with everything their insignificant bodies had.

“Alright, here’s how this is gonna work.” Alisha started as she took off all her clothes and laid the tinies across her bare tummy. “You are to give me a nice massage with all your tiny little hands while I rest. Cooperate and I’ll let you all go home alive…well, I might want a few snacks as you massage, but I’ll release all the ones I don’t eat.”

The tinies all hesitated, triggering a cruel smile from Alisha.

“I said you are to give me a nice massage.” She repeated as she picked up a tiny and smashed him to a pulp between her juicy breasts in front of everyone, putting everyone else to work immediately. “That’s better.”

Alisha then took Ben and placed him in front of her pussy.

“I’m also a little horny after that rampage, so make sure I cum.” She cooed.

And so began Alisha’s relaxing rest. Ben was surprised by how hard Alisha came even after they just had sex that morning. Just went to show how horny being violent makes her. After the orgasm, Alisha brought Ben up and nestled him between her boobs, after a couple angels swiftly wiped away the blood and guts from the Goddess’s demonstration of what happens when you disobey her, of course.

Ben nestled in and watched as Alisha enjoyed her massage. Ben and Alisha’s emotional connection was so strong that through hearing Alisha’s moans of pleasure and seeing her smile, it was as if Ben was getting the massage too.

The sun beat down hard, making the laboring tinies desperately crave water, but on Alisha’s orders, only her and Ben were brought water by the angels. Not that water was scarce or anything, she just liked watching them suffer. Many collapsed from dehydration after hours of labor, but that was no big deal, as that simply meant they became snacks for the Goddess’s digesting belly.

“Please…we need water.” A random tiny asked out of nowhere, everyone looking at her as if she was an idiot for daring to ask.

Alisha smiled and brought her water bottle down to the tiny, tilting the massive thing just enough to allow the tiny the lick up the water without spilling it all over Alisha’s body.

“Here you are, honey. If you were so thirsty, why didn’t you just ask?” Alisha asked sweetly, with a hint of manipulation.

Unfortunately, the tiny was so thirsty that she drank without question, causing a shiver to run down the spines of the other tinies and even some of the angels.

Sure enough, this act of kindness was illegitimate.

After the tiny finished drinking, Alisha picked her up and dropped her in the water bottle. She then screwed the lid on and shook her inside violently with the remaining water. All the other tinies cowered with fear.

When Alisha finally stopped shaking the bottle, the woman could be seen floating inside, seemingly lifeless. Without a second thought, Alisha took a drink, sending the drowned woman down into her tummy. She then gave her belly pats to jiggle the water inside around.

“If any of you want a drink, just ask me to eat you. There’s PLENTY of water in my tummy.” Alisha giggled.

No one dared to ask for water after that, no matter how dehydrated they got. Ben felt slightly bad about drinking water as the suffering got worse and worse for the other tinies on Alisha’s naked body, but not drinking in that heat was life-threatening, especially for a mortal.

Alisha enjoyed this relaxing massage for a few more hours until the sun started to set, and she had gotten her energy back.

“Mmm, thanks for the massage, guys. That really hit the spot.” She thanked the exhausted tinies who managed to survive.

“Yes, now please let us go.” One of the tinies begged.

Alisha’s stomach rumbled and she licked her lips.

“Nah, I think I’ll just have you guys for dinner.” She laughed cheerfully as she sat up and loomed over them.

Although it was stupid for them to trust Alisha in the first place, having that last glimmer of hope confirmed dead truly made the tinies realize the abyss of powerless has a basement. At this point, they didn’t even try to resist, merely falling to the “ground” and sobbing softly, much to Alisha’s delight.

“Nice to see you finally know your place.” She remarked as she began feeding herself.

Ben was always impressed by how many of his kind Alisha could eat, but considering how big she was compared to them, it was actually quite understandable. In fact, she wasn’t even fat and could easily eat hundreds a day. Soon, all the mortals were inside the hungry Goddess’s belly, where they belonged. And her stomach was still a bit rumbly.

“You know, as tasty as you little guys are, you’re not very filling.” Alisha teased Ben as she snuggled him.

She suddenly turned to her angels.

“Have some dessert ready for us in 10 minutes or I’ll eat you too!” Alisha threatened.

The angels flew off as fast as they could to obey orders and Alisha smiled contently.

“I love being a Goddess.” Alisha giggled as she got off the lawn chair. “Man, being a mortal or even an angel must suck…not my problem though.”

“Really? I thought Goddesses have all kinds of responsibilities and stuff.” Ben asked.

Alisha’s face molded into a naughty smile.

“There are a lot of Goddesses who feel that way, always going on and on about boring crap like justice and keeping the balance of the world, but they’re all throwing their endless lives away!” She giggled. “I’ll tell you what it really means to be a Goddess: It means I get to do whatever I want, whenever I want, and with absolutely no consequences!”

Alisha then caught eye of a random angel flying by and she happily smashed him against the wall like a bug. Ben recoiled.

“A-Alisha, what did he do wrong?” He asked nervously.

“Oh, nothing.” Alisha cooed dismissively. “I just killed him because I could.”

Ben went to speak again, but then just hung his head in sadness. Alisha’s happiness faded immediately.

“Honey, what’s wrong?” She asked with a concerned tone.

“It’s nothing, don’t worry.” Ben replied softly.

Alisha now looked even more concerned and sat down on her couch to talk to her tiny boyfriend.

“Come on, tell me. I’m a Goddess; I can give you anything you want in the entire universe.” She offered.

Ben paused.

“Alisha, I’m not saying I don’t want you to stop being cruel to the powerless. I know it makes you happy and it’s frankly hot as hell at times, but would it kill you to be just a tiny bit softer?” Ben asked.

Immediately, he noticed what he said might have sounded mean.

“WAIT, I DIDN’T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!” Ben scrambled to play it down.

Suddenly, Alisha freaked out, looking as if her very life was in danger.


“Crap, what have I done?” Ben thought with a facepalm, hating watching his girl cry.


“Alisha, don’t worry, I would never try to take such joy away from you. I just thought maybe you could tone your cruelness down…just a little…” Ben explained.

Alisha smiled with relief and dried her tears.

“What would be an example of me going too far?” She asked curiously.

“Like smashing that angel back there…he didn’t do anything wrong; that wasn’t right.” Ben replied shyly.

“But sweetheart, I love reminding the angels of their place! They know they’re never safe from death even if they do nothing wrong! It makes me so wet!” Alisha pleaded.

Ben then looked into his girlfriend’s eyes to see how sad the idea of losing some of her sadistic pleasure made her, immediately making him feel bad for trying to take it away again.

“…But…but I’ll do it…if it makes you happy…” Alisha continued as a tear fell from her eye.

“Alisha…I’m sorry. You can keep doing whatever you want. Like you said, it may scare me sometimes when you’re so cruel, but the idea of you losing some of your pleasure scares me far more.” Ben apologized.

Alisha then smiled with the happiest smile Ben had ever seen.

“THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I LOVE YOU!” She shouted as she hugged him tightly again and began laying wet kisses all over his tiny body.

Ben snuggled Alisha back.

“What was I thinking? Anything is worth destroying for Alisha’s happiness.” He thought.

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