[Reviews - 10] starstarstarstarstarPrinter

DISCLAIMER: Contains Giantess, Vore, some Gore, and cruel murder in a sexualized context.

In a classic, post-apocalyptic wasteland with a twist, a race of new human mutants with the ability to grow their size to massive scales named shifters pose constant threat to the last few basins of humanity that survived the end. Our story follows a young human named Adam, and a shifter named Maya as they cross paths and change each others lives for better and for worse.

A collaboration between @coalwhite and I that's been gathering some dust for a while. This sucker came out to over 200+ pages, so this will end up being my first long series on here. Won't know how many chapters there are until I edit the whole thing, so let's go on this ride together, yeah?

Rated: R
Categories: Giantess, Adventure, Growing Woman, Violent, Vore Characters: None
Growth: Brobdnignagian (51 ft. to 100 ft.)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No
Word count: 29545 Read: 19681
Published: July 19 2020 Updated: August 23 2020

1. Day 1 by Ty975 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (5934 words)

2. Day 1-2 by Ty975 [Reviews - 1] (5189 words)

Adam, as green a wasteland scavenger as he is, is quickly found by the size shifting man-eater, Maya. Now her prisoner, he's forced to follow her day as he dreads the fateful moment she decides to make use of her newest ration.

3. Day 2 by Ty975 [Reviews - 1] (9515 words)

4. Day 5 by Ty975 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (8907 words)

Adam and Maya reach civilization, where she finally gets to parade around her new 'arm candy' until running into an old friend...

A continuing collaboration between coalwhite and myself! Th last few weeks have been busy, so I'll apologize now for not getting the next chapter out. The challenge of having the whole book written between us is going back and editing the nitty gritty, so it's hard to find the time/inspiration these days.

Still, hope you enjoy this chapter! Gets into some darker territory this time around as we see more of the world.