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Story Notes:

This is a story about a woman in Brazil that purchases a shrunken man and the they both speak different languagues do it is hard to really have any dialogue.  You could imagine the  how the man feels with a ball gag in his mouth.

Author's Chapter Notes:

This chapter is the introduction where he is getting used to his new life of serving a 30-40 years old Brazilian woman.  LEast to say he is not hapyp at all

This will be one of the many short story spin offs about what happens to Hilda's merchandize. This story will be about a 35 year old 5 ft 2 thick Brazilian women. She acquired one of Hilda's slaves, and we will see how he fairs. I am going to leave you with this spoiler. I have the script kind of mapped out in my head. I just have to write it out fully. I guarentee you when this story is fully finished it might be the best giantess story I have ever written. For this story to make sense I need to use insane imagery. And the ideas I have in my head are going to be disgusting. It is going to be fun to write and I can not wait to finish it. With all that out the way here we go.

A women unlocked a door which seemed to be a living room. She just got out of the sweltering heat. The room was not that big, but it was good size. The women was around 5 ft 2, had a thick physique with some nice Brazilian skin. In her hand she was holding what seemed to be a box that was about the size of a shoe box. This box was not an ordinary shoe box, but a metal box that had a decent seal on it. The women had a big grin on her face. She could not wait to open it up. In the box was another smaller plastic box that was about the size of a wallet. Also what was in the bigger box was some paperwork. She eagerly picked up the paper work and a grin grew across her face when she read it. She then decided to walk to her bedroom to go change. About 8 minutes later she returned with a bra, and a nice black thong. She walked up to the box and decided to now take out her prize. She put her left had into the box and what she picked up seemed to be a tiny man. The man was about 2 inches tall and he was taped up from shoulder down ward. His body was very slippery from all the heat. The box also had a built in air filtering system that smelled of mint. One more crucial key fact was that the man had a shrunken ball gag in his mouth. This made it so he was unable to communicate. Because of his taped arms he had no way to remove this on his own. The gag also had a plasticy taste to it. The man also has not been able to eat normal food in over a week now. This really did not mean much, because of Hildas chemicals she injected in him. The man knew he was in some kind of container, because the last thing he remembers was Hilda placing him in one. The man was squirming a ton in her hand and tears just fell down his cheeks uncontrollably. He wanted to go home, but sadly this was only the beggining of his new role in life. Hilda told him right before she put the injection in him this spell would make him immortal and he never needed to eat again. Sadly for him he has a very uncomfortable 3 days. The sobbing tied up mans vision finally was able to re focus and he now saw in front of him was a middle aged women. The man tried to scream, but the ball gag made it impossible for him to form anything. The women started to chuckle. She absolutely loved that the shrunken man had no idea what was going. The man also noticed the women had a heavy body odor stench. He was used to Hilda's same scent, so it did not bother him too much.

"I see you scared."

The women had a nice soft feminine voice. Although he could tell her english was not the best. The man really had no idea what was going on, and her lack of english made it way worse. He could not stop screaming while tears were going down his face.

"It is okay my slave. Your nose works."

The man did not like the sound of that at all. Why is his nose important to her. He still barely knew how he got here and what his role is.

"Your Americano boy. Right? Americano?"

The man had his ball gag too tight, so he was not able to answer. The women decided to move the man closer to her face. She picked up the piece of paper and started to read off a list of statements.

"You my slave benjimin. My investment, your nose do dirty job Benjimin. I see you scared, but Benjimin welcome to Brazil. My name is Maria. Sorry for mess."

The womens breathe did not smell good after that long conversation. She also had no idea how much panic this caused for Ben knowing that he is not in America or the UK anymore. She knew the man tried to speak up, but he could not. She mocked him by putting her ear next to his little body. When he was not able to speak up she then started to put her finger tip clawing his little gag. She started to laugh knowing it was locked into place and he was suffering. The women started to get a little moist down there. She has never done this before, and she was waiting axiously to have some fun.

"I am sorry Benji your body now mine. No going back to America."

This made the man start to squirm even more than before. He now was dealing with a women that seemed she had a screw loose and this could not be good at all.

"Paguei muito dinheiro para deixar sua boca contida. Você provavelmente está aterrorizado com tudo. Aposto que você vai surtar mais do que você não pode entender portuquise. "

(I paid a lot of money to make your mouth restrainted. Your probably terrified with everything going. I bet your going to freak out more that you can not understand portuquise.)

She then waited a second to see his reaction. After the end of that statement she noticed he had an even more scared look on his face. He can not understand what she said. In her mind this will be half the fun. It made her more wet and gooey inside to know he was from America, so he will never know what is coming next.

"Oh Benji, sorry no english."

She then started to claw at his ball gag again showing who was in full control here. The man was helpless he could barely keep it together wondering what she said and what is coming next.

"Que pena para um pobre garoto americano. Eu me pergunto como ele chegou aqui em primeiro lugar."

(What a pitty for a poor American boy. I wonder how he got here in the first place.)

She then placed him more in her direct eye sight. Her eyes stared into his soul it felt like. She started to smirk.

"Benji, my slave"

"Você não vai gostar do que será da sua vida. A inalação de cheiros pungentes o dia todo será sua vida agora. Eu deveria parar de brincar e mostrar a você."

(Your not going to like what is going to become of your life. Inhaling pungent smells all day will be your life now. I should stop teasing and show you.)

Benji had no idea what she was saying because she said it so fast and it was untranslatable for him. She also noticed that he slowly was passing out from the stench of her body odor.

"Oh. Alguém notou que eu acabei de voltar de uma milha. Cheira? "

(Oh. Someone noticed I just got back from a mile run. Does it smell?)

She said that in a playful tone knowing he could not understand it.

"Inalar, inalar benji"

The man was too scared to know what that meant.

"You, Benji inalar. Inalar big"

Looking at his facial expression she noticed it was helpless, and just decided to move on.

"Desculpe, você não consegue entender completamente o que estou dizendo. Boa sorte, eu acho."

(Sorry you can not fully understand what I am saying Good luck I guess.)

The women then started to move the sobbing man near her thong. She first need to move the big fat lace part out of the way. She then head first held the man over where her brown eye was. She slowly started to massage the man in a circle around her stinky puckered butt hole. She was trying to imagine what his face looked like. It made her more soaked wondering how bad it smells. Wondering how his size of 2 inches magnifies the stench. While her day dreaming got the best of her it resulted in her accidently dropping him. The man fell to the floor unable to move. He tried to wiggle so hard, but that was all for nothing. A framillar feeling curled around his body and he was pulled back up into the air. He was trying to cough, but the ball gag basicly was chocking him. His nightmare crept back in when a big finger curled around him. The man was help back up to the sadistict womens face.

"Very good Benji my slave."

"Essa respiração de ar fresco provavelmente ajudou momentaneamente."

(That breathe of fresh air probably helped momentarily.)

To the mans horror it finally clicked what is going on. What he is now. This was only the beggining and he already could not take much more.

"Não chore Benji, você está voltando. Eu mal posso cheirar qualquer coisa."

(Don't cry Benji, your going back in. I can barely smell anything.)

The man then was placed in the same spot again. This time she decided to push him more inside. The thick membrane hugged him. He was not able to move any parts of his body because of the tape. It started to get really hot and sweaty in there. The man was trying to squirm as much as possible to get out. Then while she was bent over she let out a loud airy fart. The smell was just on the level of how it has been already, but now his eyes started to get dissorientated from the wind. It started to make the tiny guy tear up. The man then felt the little black thong behind his feet. It blocked out what ever light was left. She then let out a nice steamy fart that lasted about 3 seconds. This one did have a pungent smell to it. The man started to wiggle back and forth begging to be let go. The women could only imagine to what dissmay he was feeling. For her she did not care about his well being. She spent 167$ US dollars in a comparison price on him, and she wanted her moneys worth.

"Aquele estava quente. Espero que você não derreta. Eu quero torturá-lo por um longo tempo. Espero que você esteja inspirando bem pelo nariz. É uma pena que sua boca seja calibrada. Bem, eu preciso ir agora que você está acostumado a sua nova casa."

(That one felt hot. I hope you do not melt. I want to torture you for a long time. I hope you are inhaling good through your nose. It is a shame your mouth is gaged. Well I need to get going now that you are accustomed to your new home.)

Again the man could not understand any of this, but now even worse than before his hearing was muffled from her but cheeks mashing him together. She then patted her ass knowing her little butt sniffer was doing a good job.

"Good job Benji my slave. Remember to inalar."

"My slave, we are going out."

She then started to stand up grinding her butt cheeks together. She laughed knowing her new slave was now forced to inhale through his nostrills all her delicious wind.

(Scene change)

While she was walking around the grocery market she every now and then would feel her captive squirm from the added pressure. She never actually said anything, because she did not want people to think she was crazy talking to her self. In her head she wanted to tell Benji to stop squirming, because it distracted her. Although she did know this was going to happen. She is holding a man against his will in a tight fleshy cave with barely any oxygen. She only could imagine what he is going though. She also did wonder how this even was possible. For the longest time she always dreamed of this, but never thought she would act out her sick fantasy. She came down to a conclusion he probably was tricked into hanging out with this women, and he did something to shrink him. It was just such a pitty that he went from most likely a normal young adult life to being held against his will by sadistic dominatrixes. When Maria had to talk to other people normally she could not think how to act. Should she be natural, and the cashier will think she is having a weird day? Well it didnt fully matter she walked out with all the people not even knowing a shrunken man was drinking her booty sweat. When she eventually got back to her car her stomach did not feel the best.

"My slave benji"

"Todo esse ar fresco realmente me fez pensar em como você chegou aqui. Também percebo que seu corpo pode precisar de um pouco de ar. Sorte sua que posso lhe dar um pouco."

(All this fresh air really made me wonder how you got here. I also realize that your body might need some air. Lucky for you I can give some to you.)

The fart made a different sound than earlier now that she has a thong on and the seat cusion will make it sound muffled. That did not stop it from smelling like brocolli. The man started to squirm again, and she did not like it.

"Você precisa parar de se contorcer, não é tão ruim assim. Eles são deliciosos, você deve ser honrado"

(You need to stop squirming it is not that bad. They are delicious you should be honored.)

She drove back to her house to finish out her day. Sitting in the car also put a ton of pressure on his body. Eventually she got back home, and little did Benji know he should not be complaining now. It was only going to get worse.


Chapter End Notes:

The next chapter will take place in a supermarket.  I also love the intense emotions with this story that you subconciusly think about.

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