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Story Notes:

This story was inspired by Explosive Ammo / Down She Goes on DeviantArt.

Author's Chapter Notes:

There will be several chapters in this story.

Ashley pulled up to the bar.  She looked at herself in the mirror, and acknowledged her own beauty.  She was ready for another fun, yet often stressful day at work.  Ashley was a twenty-four year old nursing student.  Her parents had managed to put her through her first four years of college, but their rule was anything after that was Ashley's responsibility.  She understood her parent's rule, and she appreciated them paying for her Biology degree.  However, Ashley knew she had to find a way to pay for her finalthree years of nursing schoo.  Most places either did no hire Ashley because of her inexperience, or did not offer Ashley enough money.  However, there was a place that did.


What Ashley told her parents was tgat she worked at a bar.  Which bar, and her exact position, remained a mystery from them.  They believed that she was a waitress or bartender at a local dive bar.  They would be absolutely horrified if they found out their little girl worked at a strip club.  Ashley was twenty-four year's old and stood 5'11 feet tall.  She had straight black hair reaching down to her shoulders.  Ashley's peers considered her extremely attrative.


Ashley was not just a stripped at any local joint.  She happened to be one of the most popular dancers at SW Express.  This strip club was one of the first to implement shrinking technology.  SW Express was where a lot of strippers hoped to end up, as the girls could make MUCH more money than at other clubs.  It was not for the nervous though, as every now and then a girl would get smuggled out of the club.  Ashley never worried too much about this, as she was close friends with the club's owner, a forty year old eastern European woman named Paulina.  She felt that Paulina kept the girls safe the majority of the time.


The process usually was for the girls to get out on stage at their normal size.  A reduction ray would fire and slowly cause the girls to decrease in size and mass.  Once the girls were several inches tall, the customers would then auction to have private dances from the shrunken girls.  The private dances were often held on the tables throughout the bar, where the bartenders and security could keep a good eye on these girls.  There were also VIP boothes with a closed curtain, but Ashley typically refused to go in there.


Looking in her mirror, Ashley loved what she saw.  She wore a sexy short skirt and bra.  Underneath she had a skinny black thong on.  "Fuck yeah girl," she said to herself.  "Let's make some money."




Ray Weathers was a fifty-year-old, hard working man.  He lived with his wife Rebecca, who he had been married to for close to thirty years.  He had two children, a son named Derek, who was a sophomore in college and a sports marketing major; and a twenty-four-year old daughter named Ashley, who recently graduated college with a degree in biology and was now attending nursing school.  He loved both of his children dearly, and never dreamt of doing anything to hurt them.


Ray was a banker by day, and typically lived a simple laid back lifestyle.  He didn't like to outside of his comfort zone.  However, tonighy would be a little bit different.  Ray had been invited by some of his younger coworkers to go to a strip club downtown.  While Rebecca woul'dve probably been appalled at this, she was visiting her sister, Carrie, and would likely be spending the night at her place.


Appearing to have the house to himself and no other plans, Ray decided to live vicariously and go out with the boys to the strip club.  He knew the name of the bar was the SW Express, but knew nothing else about it.  Despite the fact that he knew about the invention of the shrink ray, it never dawned on him that strip clubs would be using them.  He also had no knowledge that a certain daughter of his worked at this strip club, let alone what her position was.




Backtage at the SW Express, Ashley was preparing to go out on stage.  She was trying to look as sexy as possible , she had a gut feeling that she was going to make a ton of money tonight.  Ashley was not scheduled to get on stage till later, so she started to chat with her "co-worker" Rosita.  She and Rosita were both ready to get to work, and Rosita was going on stage soon.


Meanwhile, Ashley's father, Ray, had arrived at the club with his younger co-workers.  He had stopped by at the apartment of his twenty-eight-year co-worker, Luke.  Several others were there and Ray ended up pregaming a little bit more than he would have liked to.  After several beers and a few shots of Jim Beam, Ray and the rest of his new friends hopped into an Uber and arrived at the club.


On the way to the club, Luke, had tried to explain to Ray what made this strip club so special, but he wasn't sure that the intoxicated man had retained any of the information.


Currently, Ray was sitting at the bar, as the majority of the group had scattered around the club.  He had ordered a Heineken and was nursing the drink as a lot of cheering came from near the stage.  Out walked a beautiful, voluptuous, Hispanic woman named Rosita.  This woman appeared to be in her thirties and had one of the geatest asses that Ray had ever seen.


Rosita danced up to the pole and began seductively grinding on it.  Single dollar bills began to float up to the stage.  Through a drunken haze, Ray laughed and cheered, he stumbled up towards the stage and threw a few of his own dollar bills up there.  Then something unexpected happened.  Rosita suddenly dimished in size.  It was slow at first but noticable.  After a few seconds Rosita now stood only at three feet tall.


Throwing another shot of Jim Beam down his throat, Ray watched in amazement.  More dollar bill srained down onto the stage, and the Hispanic dancer appeared to shrink again.  The process continued until Rosita stood only a few inches tall.  An attractive woman in her forties strolled out on stage and picked up the shrunken woman.  Gentleman surrounding the stage began to raise up their money, yell, and waive bids in the air.  After several seconds, the woman handed Rosita to a man, who carried the stripper to a table near Ray.  He watched in amazement as the man dropped Rosita down on the table, and she began to give him a strip tease, removing her clothes and parading around his mixed drink.


"Oh fuck, I'm getting in on this," Ray laughed to himself.  He ordered another Heineken and had a good drunk feeling going on.  He walked up to the stage and sat.  It was dark with spotlights shining on the stage.  All the gentleman could see the girls, but the strippers could not really distinguish any individuals in the crowd.


Two more girls came and went, a sexy blonde named Cameron and a cute Asian named Michelle.  Ray was envious that he had missed out on both girls.  He was absolutely loving the idea of a shrunken stripper all to himself.  He grabbed some cash from his wallet and drunkely waited for the next girl to appear.


Checking herself out in the mirror, Ashley slapped her own ass.  She walked past Paulina and smiled.  "Have fun girl," Paulina said with a wink.


The lights hit, and Ashley walked out onto the stage.....

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