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Author's Chapter Notes:

Phillip, Guinevere, and Judith are playing the game again. What will happen this round?

“I believe it is your turn.” Judith handed me the die for the game.

I had been enthralled this past year with Guinevere that I completely forgot the reason for how we got here. This board game had given and taken away so much in our lives that we consider it normal now, each of us had our own lives. Judith was a successful bookseller, Guinevere a pron star, and me, a miniscule lover to Guinevere. I considered what might happen if I rolled this dice, I could become smaller, Guinevere could become taller, and Judith could be pregnant again. There were a lot of random things that could happen, I wanted to be a little taller so that Guinevere wouldn’t lose me in her pussy again.

“That wouldn’t be too bad.” I thought.

“What are you waiting for, roll!” Guinevere said as she pulled herself out of the swimming pool. It was the size of a bathtub to her with her huge height of 22 feet tall. I rolled the dice on the table in response to my lover asking me to roll.


Judith with her 9’11” body reached over and moved my piece to light blue and read the message that appeared on the screen.

$TV Shows rating went up a little after you guest appeared, gain six inches$

I felt a pleasant and gratifying feeling warm my body after Judith read those words. I felt my body increasing in size as the board games magic swept over me. It felt incredible as I began to regain some of my old size. It felt like pleasurable electricity was coursing through my body as it began to swell. This was what it must have felt like when Judith and Guinevere grew, I was getting close to cumming.

“Huh huh huh!” I panted as the growing stopped and the pleasure subsided.

“That was unusual.” Judith said, amused that I grew from 6 inches to a foot tall.

“That might be a first for you.” Guinevere leaned over the table and smiled at me. “Now I won’t lose you again.”

Guinevere seemed happy with my growth. I was no longer a puny size that could get lost for two months in her pussy, I was still small though. Judith sulked a little bit as she wanted to put me inside her pussy as well but probably had to stick with her humongous asshole to shove me in instead, and I had some bad experiences with it before that I would be reluctant to go in. Either way, I was happy to be a little bit bigger.

“My turn.” Guinevere reached over to the table to pinch the die between her big fingers and drop it for her roll. I had to read the die roll for her because it was so small for her.


Judith moved Guinevere’s piece to pink and read the old style black and white message on the tv screen on the board.

$You starred in a charity event that raised triple the amount of money from last year. Triple next benefits you land on$

“What the fuck!” Guinevere said unsatisfyingly. “No growth.”

“Haha. that could go either way.” Judith laughed as she picked up the die to roll. “You are the biggest person in the world already, why do you want to be bigger?”

“Because I want to remain that way and have no competition.” Guinevere jeered at Judith’s remark. “I would lose my idol status if someone is bigger than me.”

“Okay okay.” Judith backed away from Guinevere. Judith did not want to get in a fight about this right now since Guinevere was more than twice her height. Judith decided the best action was to roll the dice.


Judith moved her board game piece to tan, a spot that would affect as all, and read the message.

$The ballroom gala showed off your elegance and maturity for the world to see. Gain five years.$

I felt my face change and my joints as well. I could also see the faces of Guinevere above me and Judith sitting down at the table change as well. Guinevere went from 19 years old to 24 years old in a smooth transition from her final teenager years to mature young adult, everything about her scream, ‘stunning beauty.’ Judith changed to a more maternal look that suited her, her hips widened and bust increased slightly to go with her motherly appearance. She used to be a young mom of 26 years old to become a 31 year old mom that seemed to have experience. I felt the stubble I had tried to grow when this all started to return and grow to a beard and then fall off to have the smooth raggy look that Guinevere liked. Guinevere smiled as the beard fell off. She seemed to approve of my new age of 21.

“I guess we are all adults now at the same time.” I chuckled as we were looking over each other to see how each other looked in our new age.

“We can now do all the things we wanted to do with nothing to stop us.” Guinevere replied. I knew that she was talking about laws and our parents. It would be hard to explain how to get a marriage license or something like that for teenagers but as adults we could do it. The other thing as well were our parents who could see about calling me back to our home in Ohio, I did not want that.

“Just remember that I am the oldest and you should listen to me for advice.” Judith said as she handed me the dice.

“Why? because you are a grandmother or middle aged woman.” Guinevere teased Judith.

“Hey!” Judith turned around to face Guinevere after what she just said. I laughed as Judith behaved just like a person in her thirties would do when they knew that they were coming along in years.

“Sorry sorry.” Guinevere waved her hand to apologize. “I was only teasing.”

“Well that is good. I don’t like those jokes.” Judith pouted, turning back to the game like a woman who was sensitive about their age. “I do not find them funny.”

I tossed the die as it was now my turn to roll, it was more reasonable now for me to roll with my new size. The die bounced on the table and stopped, I went over to read my roll.


I was disappointed as I walked to the board game and moved my piece to red. This was not a good tile for me to land on. I would probably lose my height for this one. I wondered what it would be like to an inch tall as I read the screen.

$Supporting actor stole all the best lines and scenes from you in your big movie. Next double feature will cut your benefits by a quarter and multiply the other person by four.$

“Whew.” I breathed out a sigh of relief. I did not shrink at all.

“That only means that danger has passed for another time.” Judith said to me. She wanted me to shrink so she could play with me. I would enjoy it as well but I would be very tiny compared to nearly ten foot height. It would have been a monstrous difference if it was Guinevere with me.

“That is true. But it also means that could hinder the next time you shrink.” Guinevere chimed in. it was a double edge sword roll, it could hinder my shrinking the next time I rolled but also prevent me from growing as well.

“So we do not know if it is good or bad it is until I get a double feature with someone.” I remarked

“That is correct.” Judith nodded in agreement. All they could do was wait and see what the die roll would bring. 

“I guess it is my turn now.” Guinevere pinched the die again and tossed it. She did not drop it but rolled it like a regular dice that cause It rolled off the table and make its way to the garage. Guinevere, who was leaning on her side over the table, rolled over so that she went to where her feet used to be. “I got it.”

“You need to drop it, not toss it. You are too big for that.” Judith stood up from her chair.

“Sorry” Guinevere replied. She was on her knees trying to find the die in the grass in that area. She had her ass sticking out in the air on full display for me to see. I could see that her bikini was not covering her massive pussy that well.

“Let me help you.” Judith walked over to help with the search.

I was left on the table as the girls searched for the dice. I could see their full frames as Guinevere was in a bikini and Judith was in a tight two piece pajama set that was white with little books on it. I suddenly saw Guinevere’s piece move on its own. The game did not need us to move the pieces to go to the designated tiles, it did that by itself. I watched as it moved to the same red tile I was on. I read the message as the girls continued to search.

$Double Feature: Both of you pulled off blockbusters in February with great ratings. Grow two feet$

I felt the warmth flow over me again. I was growing again. My swelling body increasing in size and the pleasurable sensations coursing through me, I couldn’t help but fall on my butt and start to rub by dick up and down. I was getting close to cumming when the sensation stopped. I wondered why but then I remember that previous roll limited the next double feature. I was happy that I did not shrink but bummed that it limited my growth.

“AAAAHHH!” I heard Guinevere moaned.

I turned to see Judith running past me away from Guinevere, I would have followed her but I was mesmerized by the sight that Judith fled from.

Guinevere was on her knees leaning over the garage. She had grown a few feet during my growth as I realized what her and my rolls combined were doing to her. She was thirty-four feet tall as her body expanded upward and towards me. Her bikini that she had put on for modesty for Judith’s children was being stretched to its limit at thirty-eight feet.


The bikini snapped and fell to the ground as Guinevere grew to forty feet tall. Her legs started to surround my table to leave me no option to escape but just stay and watch Guinevere grow and reach her hand down to insert into her pussy. Her expansion caused to readjust herself on her garage to have her upper torso on it as she arched back with an insurmountable pleasure that rocked her body. I could literally hear her body stretch above me as she entered the final stages of her growth at forty-four feet tall. Several things happen as the final amount of height gain sunk into her body at the height of forty-six feet tall.

“MMMMMMHHMMMM!” Guinevere moaned.

Crash! Boom!


Guinevere had reached her climax with her gigantic growth spurt. I now knew how it felt very great to grow and how it felt weird when one shrinks. It must have felt very good to grow that much to become a true giantess to normal size people. The next thing that happened during Guinevere’s growth was to her garage. Part of the garage caved in as she put her weight on it during her growth, it was good that she leaned on that instead of the house which would have crushed our children. We only lost some clothes, which she would no longer be able to fit in, props, we would have to get new ones, and some filming equipment, which Guinevere said we need new stuff for. All in all, it wasn’t too bad of a loss, we could easily get buy and fix that stuff with how rich Guinevere was. The third thing to happen was what Guinevere’s climax did. I was underneath Guinevere’s pussy as she cumed. I had a waterfall of cum plummet down on my little body on the table. Me, the table and the game were coated in her cum, the board game and myself were knocked off the table by the torrent of her love juice. I thought I would be able to satisfy Guinevere better at a larger size but Guinevere new size just made the ratio between us bigger.

“That felt SO amazing!.” Guinevere said as she leaned backward to be straight up on her knees. She got to see her new height as she was now taller than her house if she stood up and see that her growth had destroyed part of her garage.

“Oops.” She giggled at the damage she caused. This caused her boobs to jiggle and drop some milk droplets that had leaked out when she had her orgasm.

“You got to be quiet for the kids.” Judith said as she returned to pick the sticky board game and myself up. “They are sleeping.”

“Oops.” Guinevere repeated but in a whisper hoping that she did not wake the children up. We waited for a little and confirmed that they had not woken up by a miracle. Continuing to whisper, “Let us take this to the beach.”

We walked over to the beach as quietly as we could. It was late and dark with no one living close to Guinevere to see the giantess move around her house and to the beach carrying a woman who was carrying a tiny man and her other hand holding a table. We set the table up on the sand as we resumed our game since Judith actually found the dice before Guinevere grew.

“Six” Judith said.

We moved Judith’s piece to tan as it was another effect that would affect us all. Judith and I read the message out loud because Guinevere could no longer read the messages anymore.

$You could only go to one roll call for two movies casting while everyone went to the other one. You ignore the next tan benefits when another person lands on it but you solo the benefits on the next one you roll.$

“I guess that means that the next tan tile is separated for us.” Guinevere said. She was on her belly and bust, stretching out on the beach while her head leaned over us.

“I wish it was growth but that means that I could grow by myself next time.” Judith replied while she pondered the situation. 

“That could also mean we grow and you don't,” I said as I picked the dice up on the table to roll.

“That could be true with how things are going this round.” Judith sulked a little,


I picked up my piece, even though I knew now that it could move on its own but it was a habit, and place it on a dark blue tile. I smiled as this was good for me as we read the message.

$Voted sexiest man of the year. Increase your charm by a lot.$

I turned to see the lust in Judith’s eyes and body as she started to stare at me. I saw her reach her hand down and start to rub her clit while her mouth was wide open with some drool coming out at just the sight of my tiny body. I knew that she wanted me. I looked towards Guinevere to see the moonlight just causing her blue eyes to glisten with desire as she licked her lips. I hoped that it was her sexual desire and not her hungry desire.

“Now! Now! Girls!” I was trying to calm this situation before they ripped me apart trying to have their ways with me. “Let us finish these rounds for tonight before we see who gets me tonight.”

I was glad to see the women agree to this. They looked at each other's face and nodded. Guinevere put out a finger out at Judith while Judith fist bumped it. It seemed to be the message ‘let the best woman win!’ short of vibe. I breathed out a sigh of relief as the women curbed their sexual lust for now. 

“Here you go.” Judith put the tiny dice on Guinevere’s finger who proceeded to drop the dice for her roll.


Guinevere’s piece was moved to red as we read the message.

$Got a four star review from a hard to please critic. Gain four feet of height$

“Ooh” Guinevere gasped as it was a quick and small growth spurt for her as she reached 50 feet tall on the beach. “That was fast and uninteresting.”

“You would say that with all the growth you are getting.” Judith picked up the dice. “Give some growth for the rest of us.”

“I am sure there is plenty of growth to go around.” Guinevere chuckled. “Phillip is getting some of it.”

“I meant share some growth of some kind with me.” Judith rolled. “Two”

Judith gulped as she moved her piece to dark blue. This was a bad spot to be if you were a girl. She read the message out loud.

$make-up artist really made you look old for your movie. Now everyone thinks you are older than what you are. Gain 15 years$

“NNOOO!” Judith screamed as she grabbed her face with her hands to cover it.

Judith began to change from 31 year old to 46 years old. Her smooth tan skin became a little bit looser on her. Her body also expanded a little as well. Her hips filled in a little bit more to add some extra oomph to already large butt as it seemed to droop a little. Her stomach was no longer flat as a little bulge formed as she gained a little weight there. Her breasts moved from an E-cup to F-cup and started to sag a little bit as her body was aging. 

“How bad do I look?” Judith said as she lifted her hands from her face.

Her face only changed to have one wrinkle but most of it became more mature. She was no longer the single mom starting out but became a full on tall hot, thicc MILF sort of woman. She was definitely still attractive with her extra curves.

“You're still looking amazing!” I said to her to encourage her.

“You are just saying that to be nice.” Judith was not taking the compliment 

“No he is right. You still look great. You are a fully mature adult now with some nice assets that come with it.” Guinevere encouraged her friend as well. Her face quickly changed from kindness to a big smile as she started to laugh. “I just didn’t know that my middle age comment earlier would come true.”

“Shut the fuck up.” Judith got angry as she waved her hand towards Guinevere in frustration. Guinevere continued to laugh as Judith buried her hands into her face as she begun to cry. I could do nothing but pick up the dice and roll. 


No one was paying attention to me as I moved my piece to tan and read the message. They were stuck in their own little world of sorrow and laughter.

$you all are rising children stars. Lose 21 years as you live through being a child star for a week.$

“Gaah!” Both Guinevere and I gasped as a new feeling covered our body and our minds seemed to leave our bodies.


I was just crying in my sorrow at the horrible luck I was having this round. I had done nothing but age until I was a middle aged woman. I was sure that I looked fine by what Phillip and Lily said but I was plain and simple right now, a MILF. A tall hot sexy MILF while Lily was tall and in her twenties and Phillip was adorable and in his twenties as well. This was just going bad for me. I could not tell what was going on until I felt a tiny tug on my shirt.

“Judy, what does that say?” A little voice said to my side.

I looked up with a huge surprise.

Here was a naked little girl of normal height with red hair on the beach tugging at my shirt. I wondered how she got here as this was a private beach, she also seemed familiar. I looked up to see if the others were seeing this. I was shocked to see no giant Lily or tiny Phillip but a little three year old girl and 6 month old baby on the table. What had happened!? I recollected myself as the little girl pulled me to the table so I could read the board game.

$you are a rising little star that will make it big when you grow up. Gain 3 feet of height once the week is over$

“Yay. I am going to be big when I grow up. “ The little girl clapped and started to jump around the beach.

I looked over the board game to see what happened when I noticed that Phillip was on a tan space and Lily was on a pink space. I realized that I had not been part of the roll for Phillip’s turn, I had skipped whatever happened there for change and what happened at all. With the little girl’s roll I had an inkling of what happened.

“Lily, calm down.” I said to the little girl.

“Yes ma’am” She stopped bouncing. 

Phillip and Lily had deage to little children while I was crying. Phillip was the little baby and Lily was a toddler. I was the one who was left out. I was elated that I had missed this roll as I was the only adult here. I had defeated Lily for the night and I was going to have Phillip for myself.

“Wait a moment.” I stopped and pondered for a moment. “Phillip is just a little baby.”

I looked at Phillip's adorable baby form, the charm effect was still working on me that I wanted him dearly. I recalled that Lily’s roll said that she would get taller at the end of the week when the tan tile wore off. I had a week by myself taking care of a baby Phillip. And also a toddler Lily. I could help but have maternal feelings for the two of them, mostly Phillip. I hoped that Phillip would grow some and maybe I could have sex with him when he was bigger. 

“You need to go inside and put your pajamas on and go to bed, little girl.” I said to Lily as I picked Phillip up from the table.

“Yes, ma’am.” Lily sulked as her naked little body walked past me to the path heading in the direction of her home. I was elated to be taller than Lily right now.

“I get to be with you, little one.” I sat down and saw the door open on Lily’s house to indicate that she went inside. I unbuttoned my shirt and pulled out my boob from my bra and brought it down to Phillp’s succulent lips. He latched on and began to suck my tit, milk started to flow out into his mouth.

“Mmhm” I moaned as I felt Phillip feed off of me. It was such a great feeling to give baby Phillip my milk that I was starting to get turned by the whole thing.

“Oh yes.” I hummed as I leaned back with my hand holding Phillip against my teat. I suddenly remembered that Lily rolled and got a benefit. It was not locked for the week. “I guess I will try.”

I rolled a four and landed on a tan space. I read the message as I was the only one to get this benefit.

“$Movie’s rating soars because your movie was a masterpiece that people missed in the theater. Gain two feet of height.$

I moaned as my body stretched in my chair from the roll. Things were finally turning around for me. I felt myself finally break past the ten foot mark as the warm sensation covered my body. I felt baby Phillip’s body shrink in my hand as I grew. It was such a wonderful passionate feeling as I grew to 12 feet tall that I reached into my pajamas that were beginning to stretch and rubbed my pussy.

“AAAHHH” I screamed as I cummed from the growth and the tiny Phillip in my arms.

I was panting hard from the orgasm I received from the growth to 12 feet tall. It wasn’t much but it was good to be taller when you knew that there was rising competition with Mulan, Artoria (who I met as when I went to a business meeting in Las Vegas), and all the other women that seemed to be getting taller around the world. I had to make sure I was at least the second tallest woman in the world.

“Zzz” I felt some small steady breathing coming from tit. Phillip had fallen asleep.

I guess it is nighttime for you.” I said as I stood up. I put him down on the table as I tried to button my pajama shirt back on. I couldn’t button the shirt past my cleavage so I had to leave it hanging out. “Oh well.”

I carried Phillip back up the path to the house. I found an empty bed to place him on in Lily’s sex room and kissed him good night.

“See you tomorrow. My little Philly.”

“Listen up!”

Morning came the next day and I was sitting on the couch with no shirt on at all. I had on my left tit was a year and half old Phillip sucking on my nipple and on my right tit, A gigantic 7 month old red hair baby sucking that nipple. I also had four year old Lily at my feet.

“I am going to need all of your help this week taking care of these three. We will take shifts on who will take care of who. Two people will be free to enjoy this beach house during each shift. Is that clear?” I asked.

“Perfectly clear.” Four girls said in unison.

“Good!” I smiled as I looked at my 18 year old quadruplet daughters. Barbarella and Diana had Phillip’s skin and hair but my eyes. They were both thirteen feet tall with E-cup breasts. Barbarella had her brown hair in pigtails  behind her ears with pink dye on the end as they came down curly in front of her down to her cleavage. Diana had her brown hair thick and wavy down a little past her shoulders. Nyx and Zyla had my hair color and skin tone but Phillip’s eyes. They were twelve feet tall with F-cup breasts. Nyx had her black hair short and bobbed that it only reached past her chin with some of the hair covering an eye. Zyla had her black hair wavy and reaching down to the back of waist, she looked like a famous superhero woman from the capital of the US. Everyone of them had a huge ass like their mother.


“Who gets the first shift with Daddy?”

Chapter End Notes:

What is going to happen to baby Phillip as his daughter's from Judith are now 18 years old? Will they enjoy a little daddy time?



Lily's girl does not grow because of the game because she was born naturally. Judith's children do change with Judith's growth because they are born from the game.


The game is back and these were some crazy changes. Review if you like the story and changes or laughed as Lily and Phillip got younger. The game will be back soon as well with more changes. 

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