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Author's Chapter Notes:

Long Chapter.


the group has return for game. Phillip is fighting to finish the game but what are Lily and Judith fight for?

I grabbed the dice that Lily had handed me. I had lost to my instincts to my sister a little while ago but I had kept my mind. I still had my dignity. I was going to make this board game work for me and give me some of my humanity back. I threw the die away from me and waited to see what it was.


“Two” Lily said.


I was left in horror. It was a black tile. That tile had created all my problems for me when it shrunk me. It could do anything to me. Make me very small, gain a bunch of weight, and maybe a second head, “Gosh!” that would be so weird. Lily moved my piece to the black tile and read the message


$you got the role as the feminine man because of your small pecker.$ 


I winced as a strong contraction erupted from my groin. I peeked through one eye as I was undergoing this weird sensation. My dick was shrinking before my eye. I had seen it grow in front of me straight up from me with vigor. It was now just slithery down towards me in little spurts. When the reduction stopped, the dick had gone back to a normal size on me. My dick had gone back to the point of when we started. 


“Aaaawwww. The dick disappeared.” Lily said in a sad voice. “At least we got our chance to use it.”


“Yes, it is a bummer that it is gone but we had fun with it while it lasted.” Judith added, rubbing her belly. She still had some of his semen in her womb


“It sure was fun.” Lily giggled. “I hope he is not bummed from losing that pillar of a dick.”


“I am totally fine. The dick was getting in the way of me moving around. I can walk now.” I said moving back and forth on the table. I wish I had kept some length of the dick but I couldn’t complain because I had my mobility back. I glanced up to the women in the room. They were both staring at my dick with lust. My dick still had a charm spell on it from a previous roll.


“It is good that you are okay. We just have to find a way to use it at this size.” Lily stated as she picked up the die.


“Three” Lily read from the dice. She moved her piece to red and went over to the screen to read from it now. 


$Won an academy award singing in the mountain.$


Lily sat back down and howled “AAAHHH!” Her breasts had begun to expand again. They were already huge but they were becoming mammoths. She was gasping hard and each breath seemed to make them bigger. Her yellow minidress was crawling up her body with the ballooning that it no longer covered her hips. Lily inhaled on last time as her breast surged. Lily looked down at her breasts in glee. She grasped the side of her yellow minidress that had become a spaghetti top and ripped.


Her mountain size breast cascaded out when she tore the shirt apart. Lily stood up at her full height of nine feet, completely naked to show the true size of the growth. They were truly massive. They had a nice bell shaped and they reached down to her belly button. I could not see her face from where I stood on the table. I saw the breast squished at the cleavage and pour over past her shoulders. I could easily get lost inside those whales. I stood in awe for a moment and came quickly back to reality. I had to fight against my sister’s control over me for my freedom.


“You got bigger again. Will you ever stop growing?” Judith remarks while leaning on the armrest.


Lily encircled her boobs with her arms to make them appear bigger as she started to speak. “Why? Do my breasts make me ugly?” 


“No No No. I was just saying that you have been growing a lot with your rolls.” Judith replied, waving her hands back and forth. 


“I guess I have been pretty lucky with the game. That wasn’t quite the answer I was looking for. Phillip, are these big breasts ugly or pretty?” 


Lily had turned to her side so that she could see me. She was still squeezing her breasts with her arms. She was clearly a top heavy hourglass now. They definitely look sexy and amazing on her. I did not want to enter this conversation because I need to resist her and get my life back. I also did not want to be rude to her. 


“Your breasts look very good on you.” I spoke.


“Yeah! Thank you very much.” She giggled as she hopped up and down. This caused her body to start jiggling. Her ass cheeks and thighs wiggled with ripples coursing through them and her breast were like waves on the ocean. You could hear the milk that was swooshing inside as the milk started to ooze out and soak her arms. There was also the ground shaking from her hopping. The table was vibrating and I was losing my footing. 


“You better stop bouncing or Phillip is going to fall off the table.” Judith stated. 


Lily stopped hopping and sat back down. “Oops. sorry about that.” she said as she picked up her torn minidress to wipe the milk off her arms and breasts.


“Don’t worry about it.” I said. I had to worry about it. She looked adorable doing it. She would do that when she was ten when you would give her a gift or treat. I felt a boner start to rise when she was hopping but I quickly pushed those feelings down along with my dick. 


Judith picked up the die and rolled, “One.” 


She moved her piece to the next space to light blue. This was bad for her as she read the screen.


$The movie was looking for someone who wasn’t slightly taller than the hero. Lose six inches.$


We looked at Judith as her body started to dwindle. Her black pants which were tight before became a little loose. Her metal band t-shirt that was already baggy on her became closer to an oversized t-shirt. Her reduction did not last long and didn’t take much from her. She had fallen down to a height of 6’10” from her previous height of 7’4”. 


“Fuck! I wanted to get bigger, not smaller.” Judith roared. She looked down at her body and was pissed. 


“You are still pretty big and attractive, Judy. it could have been worse. Gosh! You could have grown a dick.” Lily tried to console her.


“I wanted to become a true giantess like you. Now I am more like a normal person. Your right, growing a dick would be awful. Guess I have to be happy with what I got.” Judith calmly recomposed herself.


“It’s good that you are counting your blessings. But why do you want to be as big as me? That would bring you all sorts of unwanted attention.” Lily asked. She leaned forward for Judith’s response. 


“I can learn to deal with lustful eyes. I was wanting the power that comes associated with the size.” Judith replied.


“Aye! It is pretty great. I hope that you do get bigger.” Lily smiled at Judith. That was a lie, Lily did not want Judith to get bigger and compete against her.


“This conversation could get long,” I thought. I walked over to the dice. It felt so good being able to walk again. I picked up the die and threw it into the air for my roll.




The girl's attention came back to the game once I spoke. I carried my piece to light blue. Was I having a comeback? I went over to the screen to read it. 


$Your escaped your magic act of being trapped underwater in a glass cage just in time. You got some strong lungs.$


I felt my lungs in my chest tingle a little bit. I inhaled deeply to feel my lungs expand and really fill up. I blew the air out in a long breath, it took about fifteen seconds for all of it to leave.


“Is that it?” Judith asked.


“Doesn’t seem like much.” Lily followed.


It did not seem like much at all. This only helped me if I was a swimmer. My body was that of a fit swimmer from the game so I could see about becoming an athlete. I pondered for a moment for something else.


“I have an idea.”


I inhaled deeply again and filled my lungs.




Both Lily and Judith flinched when I shouted. My voice was louder now when I yelled. Judith spoke first. 


“Oh my, that was loud for your size.”


“You can definitely make a ruckus with that. Your right, we should get back to the game.” Lily stated.


Lily located the die and rolled. The lung strength wasn’t much of a gain. I was still small. The die roll was in the right step though. We needed to keep those coming.


“Two” Lily said


She moved her piece over to the tan tile and read the message.


$You all made blockbuster movies and received movie awards. Double the next roll.$


This was great, the message could mean two things. One, the number we rolled could go for double the value and we could finish the game sooner. Second, the next roll benefits could be doubled the value. I could gain a lot of height back if I landed on a blue.


“Nothing this turn.” Lily said. She leaned back on the couch.


“It's not nothing, Lily. this next round will be a game changer.” Judith remarked.

“It really is.” I said. “Our positions can change with our next rolls. Heck, I might even get big again.” 


We all looked at each other. We all had our desires for this next roll. I wanted to regain my height, Lily wanted to control my life, and Judith wanted to compete for my affection. Each of us also had horrors for the next roll as well. I could become smaller. Lily could become normal, and Judith could be without something from me.


“Well, here we go.” Judith picked up the dice and rolled. “Two.”


This was the second black tonight and Judith hand landed on it. This was bad. Judith was trembling as she moved her piece to that cursed spot. My dick had returned to normal when I landed on it. There might be something nice or it could go horrible.


$You were not able to land any roles because of your baby bump.$


Judith just shrieked as we looked at her, grabbing her hand rest with a vice grip, as a bump on her belly began to emerge. 



I had shrieked loudly as the semen that was left over from my sex with Phillip earlier that day, shot straight up into my ovaries. This wasn’t like anything I had felt before, the semen was bustling about inside each ovary trying to find an egg. Once both had found an egg, each one carried a fertilized egg down the fallopian tube to the uterus. There were two eggs inside me and once they hit the wall and attached, they grew. I grabbed my belly and could feel the heads get larger. Arms and legs started to develop and push along my sides.


“AAAHHH!” I moaned. Lily and Phillip were staring at me with concerned faces.


They increased in size even more until they were slightly pushing on themselves. It felt so amazing to have them form inside my womb. Once they stopped growing after a minute, I sat there for another two catching my breath. I looked down at my belly that was carrying my twins, these were Phillip’s children as well. 


“Are you okay?” Phillep asks concerningly. 


“I am fine.” I gasped. “I just need to reposition myself. Oommpf.”


It was hard trying to move into a comfortable position. The extra weight on the belly made everything a hassle. I could deal with it, these were mine and Phillip’s babies. 


“Do we need to go to the doctor?” Lily asked. “It looks like you're about to give birth.”


“I am not about to give birth. I believe I am about six months pregnant. I am carrying twins.” I said while rubbing my belly. My clothes that had become saggy when I shrunk, were now filled out by my pregnant body. My outward belly button was peeking out by how large the babies had made me. My hips and breasts had gotten a little bigger during the ordeal.


“Twins!? You are carrying twins!?” Phillip was shocked.


“yep . I felt them both grow inside. They're not identical though, that would have been cute.” I said. “Plus, they are your children. It was your seed and my eggs that were used.”


He just stood there shocked at that revelation. I wouldn’t blame him, I would be baffled if I was 18 inches and I made a 6’10” woman pregnant. The scientist would have to ponder that one. 


I was just happy right now. I had something from Phillip that Lily didn’t have, babies. Lily had her sex appeal to win over Phillip. I was no slouch in that department but Lily would probably shoot past me with how things were going. I was okay with losing to Lily now, I had something she couldn’t take away. I still wanted Phillip but Lily could have him if he stuck with her. I had these babies from Phillip and that all that matters to me right now.


Lily was reaching over to touch Judith’s belly. I was just standing there ajared with the sudden revelation. The sex I had today with Judith had resulted in me being a father. I had not expected it to happen so soon. Was I going to be a good dad? Would it be two boys, two girls, or a boy and girl? And am I going to be this size to them? All these thoughts of being a father rushing into my head.


A new thought suddenly popped into my head. What about Lily? I had sex with her an hour ago. (against my will). Would she become pregnant by the game or later? Heck! Even Judith’s Mom is a possibility. I couldn’t tell them about the quick session with Judith’s Mom. that would ruin the mood and probably have Judith hate me. She would definitely leave me in Lily’s clutches.


“Your turn to roll, dear.” Judith said.


“Huh? oh yeah. My roll,” I said while recovering from my thoughts. Judith just called me “dear.” She must have thought we were a couple now because of the babies. She wouldn’t be wrong with that assumption but we were far apart in age. She was 16 and I was 22 and our actual age was 11 and 17. Would I get in trouble for this? Those were definitely my kids in her.


Lily had reached over and handed me the die. I was now pondering my situation with Judith that I didn’t pay enough attention to Lily. I did not get a good grip on the die that it slipped through my hands when Lily dropped it into them. It had rolled to a four.


“oops , my bad. Let me pick it up and roll.” I said.

I just picked the die back up when I noticed my piece moving on it’s own. I did not know that the game could do that. I watched as my piece moved to pink. This was bad. It was a double round and I landed on pink, the girl’s good color and guy’s bad color.


$Played the bumbling sidekick to the impressive hero, Shrink 6 inches$


“NNNOOO!” I yelled.


I was gasping for breath from shock and the dizziness as I felt my body start to dwindle. My nightmare was coming true. I fell on my knees as I saw the die in front of me get bigger and bigger. When the shrinking stopped, I was breathing hard with my stronger lungs. 


“Heck, why do I even need larger lungs?” I thought. “These have no benefit to me at all.” I stared up at the die in front of me, it was like a moving box to me. This round had destroyed me, we had to finish the game to get everyone back to normal. I couldn’t mourn in my pity long as two soft trees clamped onto my side and lifted me up. 


“Woahh!?” I howled. 


“He is so adorable now!” Lily giggled. “All the girls are going to want you now.”


I had risen so fast from the table that I was disoriented for a moment. When I came back to my  senses, I was right in front of Lily’s face. It was all huge as she smiled at me. Her perfectly straight white teeth shining bright behind a full plump red lip. I could see her duchess nose nostrils constrict and relax with every breath. Her cheeks were smooth with only a slight hint of freckles. Her sky blue eyes were just penetrating my whole body with lust. 


“You are really small and just the perfect size.” Lily continued. “We just have to play with you sometime soon.” 


“You are scaring him.” Judith said. “I don’t think it is good or safe for him to be at that height.”


“You are just saying that because you want him too.” Lily countered. “See, he is so cute.”


I was scared. I was six inches tall. Any person could have their way with me. Lily wanted me all for herself. It would be hard to go against anything she said. It was also harder to resist her beauty at this size. She continued to seem more and more like a goddess as I stared at her. I had to fight against her will even if it meant being a heathen to her. I was getting a better view of her body as I started to move away from her.


Lily was carrying me over to Judith. She reached out and placed me on Judith’s belly. I glanced up to look at Judith’s face. Judith was a goddess as well. Her tan body and her big breasts were enchanting. Her long black ponytail coming down her left shoulder added to her charm. I was starting to get a boner. 


“”He is kind of cute now that I am looking at him closer.” Judith said. She grabbed her ponytail and swished it behind her.


With that movement, I felt her whole body shift. I just remembered that I was on her stomach. I was on top of our children. I inclined my head to the side and put on the belly. I could hear three heartbeats, Judiths and the twins. It was comforting to hear them and slightly moving about, even if they were bigger than me.


Judith was also very happy, she was glad I was taking interest in her babies. She was winning this fight against Lily, he was getting an erection on her. She had a good chance that Phillip was going to choose her now. Judith had a plan to get Phillip out if he chose her. Judith had left her purse open so that he could crawl in and she could sneak him out past Lily. If Phillip did not go into her purse, he had chosen Lily over her. 


Judith picked Phillip off her belly and placed him back on the table. “We need to continue the game though.”


She was correct, we needed to continue the game. Lily and I were getting closer to the end. We would be done with this cursed game and our lives would be back to normal. 


I stared back up to the two goddesses before me. Judith’s body was ready with our children and it was hypnotizing. She was a bewitching witch that had casted charms and hexes on me. Lily’s body was gloriously ready for sex and it was enthralling. She was a divine being that was awe inspiring and calling to me. Both of them were so hot and beautiful that I was getting an erection just looking at them.


Lily reached down to me to grab the die and roll. 


“Three” she said.


She moved her piece to a black tile.


This was it, Lily could be brought back to a normal size. I could resist Lily’s sexy charm and domination if she became smaller. I waited in exciting anticipation.


Judith was gnawing on her fingers. This could be anything, Lily could get a baby which would compete with hers. What would Phillip think if the baby was born right away? Judith waited in nervous anticipation.


Lily leaned over to read the screen.


$Your agent got you the wrong role in a kids show. It was embarrassing standing above so many children.$




Lily shrieked as she slammed down on the couch, breaking it. She was getting bigger. The game had chosen height for her punishment for being taller than children. She brought her left hand down to her two inch clitoris and started to play with it. She took her right breast and brought it to her mouth to suck her own milk out.


“MMmmMM” she moaned.


She had grown to 11 ft in a minute before she lurched in an orgasm. She let go of her breast with an “AAHH!” and tilt her head back displaying her massive breasts. She was clawing ground on her back in pleasure.She squeezed her legs together as another wave of ecstasy went over her. She lifted a leg up which hooked the bottom of the coffee table and flipped it. I was sent flying at the tv as the table bounced on the floor and spilled the game over.


I hit the tv with a “SPLAT” then I peeled off the screen. I hit the tv stand and ricochet off to land on the floor. I was dazed by the toss. The increased durability that I got from earlier in the game allowed me to survive. I looked back to Lily to see what was going on.


Lily was continuing to get larger. Judith had gone to Lily’s side as she seemed to be in pain and pleasure. After a minute, a sudden spurt of growth happened on Lily making her bigger. She howled at every spurt of growth. She was looking even more and more divine as she was getting bigger. Another minute, another growth spurt and then another growth spurt. I noticed that her legs and ass were getting closer and closer to my side of the room. I could see Judith’s head above one of Lily’s breasts that was leaning over on Lily’s side. Judith was located on the wall so that meant Lily’s head was there as well. Lily’s growth was heading towards me. Another minute, another growth spurt that brought her legs to touch the wall. I was trapped in between Lily’s massive legs. The next minute, another growth spurt and Lily’s crotch was right on top of me. Her pussy and asshole were standing over me, glistening. A powerful liquid and aroma were being emitted from her. It was the nectar that she created was leaking out of the pussy.  It was so enticing. There was another surge of growth and her ass buried me underneath to my waist. 


Lily’s body was crushing me. Her body must weigh over a ton now and it felt even more me. Lucky, her ass cheek was soft that I was able to push my body from underneath. As soon as I pulled myself out I heard a loud.


“OOHH YEAH” in a booming voice. I turned around to see a waterfall coming down on me.


Lily had orgasmed with her final growth. The fluids caming rushing out of her vagina. I was directly underneath it when she released it. I was knocked down to the ground by this torrent of love juices. I stood back up completely soaking wet my her nectar. The smell was so intoxicating. I was being drawn back to Lily’s warm embrace in the pussy. I was bringing my hand up to my mouth to suck on it. I paused before it even reached my mouth.


I remembered that I was trying to fight against Lily’s control. This was just going to bring me back under her reign. I walked under her thicc thigh while rubbing her cum off of me. I went over to the hallway that led to the front door to survey how big Lily had become. 


Lily truly had become a goddess. She was scrunched up in the living room at 17 feet tall. Her breasts were sprawled out to her side and were bigger than I was when I was at my normal size. Her body stretched out from the broken couch with her ass near the wall with the tv screen. Her legs were spread apart so they could fit in the room but they could crush several watermelons between them. Judith was on the other side of her with Lily hand around Judith's arm from the growth. She was absolutely the biggest, most beautiful person in the world. I was in awe of my sister.


I was also terrified. Lily wanted me. She wanted me to have sex with massive body. She wanted to control my life with her immense body. She wanted me to worship her colossal body. I did not know if she would be gentle with me if I gave into her and devoted myself to her or would she abuse her power. She would definitely mistreat me into submission if I disobey her. If I stayed, I would have to fight her and if I ran away, I could find freedom. I chose to run away.


I ran to the front door to escape. It was a long way for someone at my height. When I reached the door I had recognized my mistake. I could not reach the door handle at all and I could not squeeze underneath because of a water seal. What was I going to do? I turn to my side to see the stairs. I ran to them and jumped to the first step. I pulled myself up and repeated with the second step. I went up four steps that was the platform where it turned. I looked up to see the long way I had to go. I continued about this mountain of steps. My increased endurance, strength, and lungs made what would be impossible. Possible. As I was nearing the top, I heard an “AAAHHH!”


They were continuing to play the game without me. I was fine with that. I reached the second floor and ran to my room. The door was still open from my sex with Lily earlier. I ran inside and turned to push the door shut. It took me a minute for it to close. After it was shut, I looked around to find an escape route. All the windows were too high for me to climb up to. I was trapped and exhausted running and climbing here. I walked to my mattress that was on the ground where Lily and I left it when my bed broke. I plopped myself on it and fell asleep. I had completely forgotten about the escape plan with Judith.


Lily was squeezing my arm during her growth. I, Judith, was doing my duty as a friend as Lily was in pain and pleasure from her development. When she had stopped growing and had her climax, She was panting and glowing in her sweat. I had seen Phillip go to the other side of Lily to examine what had happened. I was surprised to see what Phillip did next. He ran up the stairs.


I had lost. Phillip had chosen Lily over me. He did not get into my purse like we agreed on if he chose me. I was sad of losing Phil to Lily but that was that. I was going to have to be content with the babies that were in my womb that Phillip had given me. I wish I could have some more time with him. He said that he was willing to go inside my anus again.


“That was amazing, Judy.” Lily huffed. “I hope I didn’t squeeze your arm too tight.”


I turned back to Lily. “I am alright. You did not squeeze too tight.” I had given her a half truth. My arm was totally okay but my heart was broken. Lily had Phillip, all I could do was hope he changed his mind soon and come back down. Otherwise, I would have to ask Lily if I could borrow him. 


“That’s great. I knocked the table over into the corner with my growth. It is your turn.” Lily said.


“Okay.” I said weakly. My bummed attitude was leaking out.


I stood up and started to head to the coffee table that was its side. I had to push one of Lily's mammoth of a mammary out of the way to get by. I heard “mmm” escape her lips as I did it. I picked the game up and noticed that all of our pieces were still in the same places like they were glued to the board. I went back to Lily’s side and placed the board game on her abs.


“Are you sure I didn’t hurt you?” Lily asked concerningly.


“Yes I am fine.” I replied. “I am just bummed that I did not grow taller like you.” I lied for the second part.


“Okay. if you are fine that is good. I just want to let you know that if I hurt you. You are free to tell me or if anything I did is bothering you. Please tell me.”


“I am fine and if I had a problem I would tell you.” I lied again to her. I couldn’t tell her I was disappointed that I lost Phillip to her. She would be sad for me but she wouldn’t give Phillip to me. Lily wanted to have some time with Phillip before that. I would have to wait until next week to ask for Phillip. I did not know how Phillip would be next week but he had made his choice. I picked up the die and rolled on Lily’s belly.




It was a dark blue tile. This was not going to be fun. My day was going to get worse.


$You weren’t able to get the role as the hero’s mother. You don’t look like a single mom$


I grabbed my stomach as the babies inside of me started to change. I fell to the ground and stared at my belly as it was bubbling. They were pressing against the side of the womb with their growth. When they reached their peak, they split apart. I leaned back and gave a loud.




I put my head forward to see that my stomach had not been torn apart. My belly was significantly bigger than before. 


“Are you okay?” Lily asked. She had her head pointed towards me and her face looked concerned. 


“I am fine.” I gasped. “The babies inside my split into two. I am carrying two sets of identical twins.”


“wow , That’s amazing.” Lily perked up. “It was so exciting when you got the first set of twins. Now another, that's super amazing! That is very rare. Can I feel the belly?”

“You sure can.” I said. I lift Lily’s hand and put it on my belly. Her hand was so huge that it covered my entire stomach. As her hand was on my belly, one of the babies kicked the side, giving me a little jolt.


“One of them just kicked. It's so cute with you being a mother.” Lily said in gleefulness. “It must feel great. I wish I had something wiggling around in my womb.”


“It does feel great, Lily. I am sure you will have a baby sometime soon.” I said.


With what Lily was doing, it would be in no time at all for some random guy to get Lily pregnant. My only question was will she find a big enough dick at this size. I hope it wasn't going to Phillip, This baby thing was going to be our thing.




My phone was going off in my purse. I had to push myself up off of Lily. Lily didn’t seem to mind as she knew it was hard for me to move. I walked over to my seat with the purse and turned an alarm off. It was my curfew alarm. I set it so that I wouldn’t be late at all getting back. 


“That was my alarm for curfew my mom gave me.” I stated. “I have to head out.” 


“Aww. it was just getting good. Well, we just have to wait until next time.” Lily said. She lifted the game off her belly and carried it to the top of a bookshelf where Phillip couldn’t reach. She then lifted her legs up so I didn't have to climb over them to the door.


“I had a great time tonight.” Lily remarked. “When will you be back?”


“I don’t know. My mom was very stern about the curfew tonight. I will text you when I know.” I replied. I turned to the door as I heard one last question from Lily.


“Where is Phillip?”


Phillip had run upstairs and I had seen it. Phillip had chosen Lily. I couldn’t go upstairs and steal him because Lily would notice. I could go to the window in my state. I wanted him and he rejected me. I was content though, Phillip had given me four children. Lily had defeated me but I had not lost because of these babies. Phillip would be left in Lily’s care. 


“He went upstairs, he looked very tired when he went up.” I replied.


Lily grinned from ear to ear. “Thank you very much. I wanted to know if he was safe. I didn’t want to squish him.”


I smiled at her and went out the door as Lily was masturbating. I slowly went to my car and looked up at Phillip’s window. Phillip had chosen this path and I was giving Lily permission to take care of him.

Chapter End Notes:

Lily has won the battle on a technicality. Judith still wants Phillip. What will Lily do to Phillip? Will Judith come back for him?


Long chapter. I aprreciate suggestion and advice.


If it seems I have made a massive grammer error. Please point it out. I want this to be a good story.

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