Down below, you were starting to feel light-headed from a lack of oxygen. The ravaging anal whirlwinds that were pelting your tiny body were getting thicker and stinkier as time went on. Hot murky bubbles of digestive air that had been stored deep within the giant woman’s body were rushing towards her rectum and blasting out her sexy plump butthole. The potent gas burned your lungs, keeping you in a constant state of coughing and gagging at the smell. Just when it felt like your breathing couldn’t possibly get any worse, Sheila started rubbing her huge round ass cheeks together with her hands. The accompanying pressure, even this deep between the farting folds of her anus, crushed your tiny body like a vice.
Sheila giggled playfully, massaging her big jiggling globes like she was kneading dough. The way her reverberating fart had to work extra hard to come out felt good, and she pushed with her butthole even harder to let you taste it. Her gushing sphincter puckered outwards, devastating you with the loudest, most ear-splitting fart you’d ever experienced. Thunderous blasts of anal steam tore through the woman’s compacted butt cheeks, booming inside her meaty mountains of flesh. Your world felt like it was shattering asunder, but as the humongous juicy ass slabs shook between Sheila’s hands, the giantess simply hummed with excitement.
Her gigantic hole was throbbing hard, battering you between its thick heavy wrinkles with ungodly amounts of rank gas. As the chunky mountains above continued to rumble together, you lamented just how hopelessly deep you were below them. Here you were, wedged inside the most repulsive part of Sheila’s curvaceous body, pinned beneath her fleshy filth-soaked anal folds, worrying desperately about what was going to become of you. Another terrifying clench from her engorged muscles sucked you deeper, crushing you under the pulsating gassy pressure. Fear crawled up your back as you felt your ability to wriggle around was greatly reduced. Was her anus really going to suck you all the way inside? Your fate was out of your hands now, it was going to be decided by the monstrous gurgling orifice surrounding you.
“Please Sheila…” your thoughts begged, trying to reach out to hers “Please, no more farts… I can’t take much more… I don’t want to be eaten by your ass. It’s so big, I don’t want to go inside… so please!”
Sheila then let go of her ass cheeks, letting them wobble back into place. Her tremendous fart trailed off, only for an immense gurgling noise to then surge up energetically towards her rectum. You screamed as she let out a rich sensual moan, her anus expanding to let out the massive payload of entombed air.
She felt so good letting it out. The onslaught of disgusting fumes burst through your Auntie’s juicy ass, gushing out into the already polluted bedroom. With a renewed force her butthole roared, savagely pounding your tiny form with ferocious vibrations. Your cries for mercy were lost in the warbling inferno, completely overpowered by the might of Sheila’s boiling hot fart. Something must have loosened deep in the recesses of her shapely ass, or an especially large bubble of air had suddenly reached her colon, because the resulting backdoor belch was her longest one yet. The grown woman sighed with relief as she wiggled her big butt from side to side, the long drawn out exhalation of so much air from her ass at once felt wonderful. She thought of you back there, bathing in the tremendous scent of her stinky release, picturing you huffing to heart’s content, and it made her body crave for more.
Following what felt like an eternity, the long boisterous fart winded down. Finally after all that punishment, the horrible chain of farts had come to an end. Sheila’s tender anus returned to its formerly closed state, with your body cramped dangerously deep between its giant wrinkles. You were wedged in a far more distressing position than you were comfortable with, your back barely visible between her putrid folds, but to make matters worse her lustful loins started clenching down in earnest. The giantess moaned as hot, greasy, fart-laden flesh crushed your bruised body with a powerful hug, squishing you between her sticky anal folds and forcing you to slide down deeper. You struggled with everything you had to resist, but her gigantic sphincter muscles were too strong. Tingles coursed through Sheila’s backside as she felt you travel to the innermost regions of her anal orifice, thinking you were doing it intentionally.
“Ahhh… I can’t believe after all that you’re still raring to go! For a young man you’re really full of energy …or are you just that turned on?” she giggled. “I’m glad you seemed to enjoy that so much. I could feel your little body wriggling down there the whole time as I was letting loose my gas… it felt really exciting. I think I’ve seen a whole new side of you, I never knew you were that naughty when it came to big gassy butts. Then again, after all the time you’ve spent around my daughters, it would make sense if you’ve developed a fetish already.”
You wanted to protest, but when you opened your mouth to yell it was immediately filled in by the sour flesh of Sheila’s butthole. The taste was horrid, and you could feel her disgusting anal oils slipping inside your lips. The giantess took this as you giving her backdoor a passionate kiss however, further believing the thought that you were into this. She squealed sensually as she felt your tiny lips engage with her much larger throbbing pucker, it was like bliss. There was nothing you could do to communicate back with her, you could only listen. The next words she said petrified your heart.
“Ahh that feels so good! Are you really trying to dig inside my ass? You should know that if you keep squirming deeper you’re going to go all the way inside… I’ll be honest, this whole time with you back there has got me riled up as well, so I don’t mind at all… but only if you’re okay with it.”
You wanted to scream at the top of your lungs, but you barely had any room available to separate your mouth from her hole. Sheila’s grand horny anus continued to chew on your tiny body, hungrily twitching with excitement as she awaited your next actions. Every throb was pulling you deeper, inching you closer to your demise. Deep inside you heard more gurgles, her body preparing for its next gruesome release. You felt more scared than you had ever felt before in your life. Fear was firing on all synapses from just imagining what was going to happen next. You were absolutely helpless. Your best friend’s mom was seriously going to eat you alive with her enormous dumptruck ass and there was nothing you could do to stop it!