To both your and Sheila’s surprise, a voice suddenly yelled from elsewhere in the house.
“MOOOOOM? I got that school project done early! Are we having dinner soon?” It was Lillian’s voice!
You couldn’t believe the timing, Lillian had very much saved your skin! The irony that your gassy best friend had inadvertently rescued you from falling into a fart-soaked hellscape wasn’t lost on you either. Sheila’s giant anal muscles stopped clenching the moment she heard her daughter, fortunately halting your sinking descent.
“Or do you want me to make something?” Lillian asked.
Sheila paused for a moment, and then sighed.
“No it’s okay, I can make us dinner. I’ll be right there okay?” she shouted back to her daughter.
“Thanks Mom!” Lillian said.
Sheila waited a few seconds to hear Lillian’s footsteps move the opposite way before turning to speak to you. Her head looked over her shoulders, at the direction of her round panty-clad butt cheeks.
“Sorry sweetie… I hate to stop right in the middle of things but it looks like you’re going to have to wait a bit longer to get to the good part~” she said, giving her ass a cute wiggle. “After dinner we can get right back to it.”
With that, your fate was miraculously changed, at least for the time being. Sheila’s hefty body leaned over and got off her bed, and she began searching for something to wear. She was still just wearing her gray tank top and green Brazilian flag panties, and while Lillian probably wouldn’t care too much, she didn’t want to do any cooking in her underwear. Almost anything would do, she just needed some bottoms to cover up her ample rear.
Part of you felt extremely relieved by what had happened, as if your arm had been yanked back up from the edge of a cliff, but thinking about what Sheila just said to you, it didn’t sound like you were out of harm’s way just yet. As soon as they were done eating dinner the giant aroused mother was probably eager to go right back into playing with you in her humongous ass. You wished that you had some way to simply talk to your ‘Auntie’ and explain things, that you weren’t actually turned on by her giant farts, but until she willingly took you out of her big jiggling butt, you were stuck back here.
Speaking of jiggling, you felt a lot of it as the giant woman started to walk around. Her great curvy booty bounced with every step. Even with you being caught in her asshole and not her butt cheeks anymore, you could feel the extra weight and momentum from all that junk in her trunk. Sheila didn’t have any luck with finding a garment simply lying around, most of her clothes were needing to be washed, so she started looking through her dresser drawers. She normally kept her pants and other bottoms in the lowest two drawers, so naturally she squatted down to retrieve them. The adult woman hardly paid this action any mind, but for a tiny person like you it had huge repercussions.
A huge rush churned through the pit of your stomach as Sheila’s massive ass plummeted towards the floor. The giant woman’s big hulking anal wrinkles shifted around your body and spread slightly along with her monumental ass cheeks. For the first time in what felt like forever, you saw light gleaming in through your prison, a green hue shining through the fabric of her panties. You turned back to look, it was a tiny sliver of light, but the fact that you were able to glimpse it at all was huge. The woman’s stretched-out anus twitched, still hungry to gobble down your body, but was also loosened somewhat. You knew that this was your only chance, you had to use this moment to climb out of her sweltering asshole as fast as you could before Sheila’s giant butt went back to standing upright.
You only had a few seconds, you needed to be quick about it. With the limited strength you had left in your tiny arms you leveraged yourself forward, pressing your elbows into her huge juicy wrinkles. The problem was, you had been lodged so far up into Sheila’s anal crevices that the way out looked like climbing out of a twelve-foot ditch. Only a narrow path between her mature pulsating folds had opened up, the tender gap teeming with filthy sweat. At this point getting yourself dirty was the least of your concerns, you just had to somehow climb through the oily orifice without slipping up once. It was difficult, you pushed with all your might to move even just a few millimeters, but steadily you were gaining ground. The seconds ticked by. Sheila’s gargantuan ass wobbled as she touched something. You were almost out of time! Her giant sultry asshole was closing in, but you felt like you were nearly there. The outer rim of her anus was so close! You threw your body forwards and then-!
With an audible clapping noise, Sheila’s phat ass cheeks came back together as she stood up. She found an old pair of comfy pants she could wear, and immediately put them on. They fit her generous curves nicely. Satisfied with her choice she left the room to go make dinner… but what became of you?
“Holy shit that was close!” you laughed, shaking with adrenaline.
Somehow you had managed to make it out of your well-endowed Auntie’s massive anus before it shut you back inside. You couldn’t believe it, a half second too late and you would have been screwed. You refused to call this a miracle though, this was all because of your own efforts. Your aching arms could attest to that. The only downside was… your body wasn’t exactly ALL the way out of her asshole yet. The top part of you had escaped, but in your final lunge to safety, Sheila’s huge anus clamped down on your legs. From the thighs-down your lower half was still stuck in the grips of her bootyhole, unable to move, but even so you considered this a victory. Your top half was currently being crushed by the ridiculous weight of her wobbling ass cheeks, but your head was being squeezed against her anus, and not inside of it anymore. Down this deep, you’d take whatever progress you could get.
Back in the outside world Sheila was working on preparing dinner, chopping various ingredients over her kitchen counter. She noticed your body wasn’t quite located as snug up her bootyhole as it had been before, but she figured that was just a result of her walking around and you tumbling out. The idea of it being a desperate escape that used every ounce of your strength to pull off wasn’t even something that crossed her mind. Either way, as much as she would have liked to have a little “chew toy” back there while she made dinner, she could wait until later. The grown woman was excitedly wiggling her hips from side to side just thinking about it, jiggling her massive round globes as she hummed a song to herself. Clearly today’s events had put her in a good mood, and Lillian took notice.
“What’s got you all bouncy Mom? Something good happen?” Lillian asked.
“I guess you could say that,” Sheila giggled coyly. “It’s sort of like… you know when you go out and have a popsicle in the middle of summer? One of those rainbow ones that I used to buy you and your sister?”
“Oh yeah I remember those.” Lillian said.
“And no matter how long it’s been it makes you feel like you’re a kid again? Well, I haven’t felt like that in a long time.”
“So you’re on a sort of nostalgia trip? You’re not going to start wearing bell-bottom jeans are you?” Lillian laughed.
“Hey! How old do you think I am?” Sheila retorted, but then laughed herself. “So anyway, how did your project go today?”
“It was good. We got it all done. It would have been nice if Blaise was on my team though, or at least Jen.” Lillian said.
“So you wanted to spend more time with him, right?” Sheila teased.
“Well… uh… YEAH! So what?! Nothing wrong with that, right?” Lillian blushed, not willing to state her crush for you out loud.
Sheila chuckled, wiggling her huge ass once more. There’s no way she’d tell her daughter her secret, that the boy she had a crush on was currently buried deep within her massive butt cheeks, on the other side of her panties. The truth was just as your Auntie said, she really hadn’t felt this way in a long time. Your kinky fart play with her made her feel like she was alive again, like she was just as energetic as she was when she was younger. Of course she was definitely aware of Lillian’s feelings for you, but she didn't see this shrunken excitement as anything serious. She wasn’t stealing away her daughter’s crush, you weren’t even normal-sized, she was just… playing around with you for a bit. Yeah.
Regardless, keeping your location a secret was also exciting on its own, something you felt as her enormous sphincter clenched playfully on your legs. You couldn’t exactly make out the whole conversation she was having with Lillian, but the next thing Sheila said made your eyes widen.
“By the way, I’m making burritos tonight. Does that sound good?”
“Does it?!” Lillian replied. “It sounds great! They’re always so delicious, even though I get a bit gassy after.”
Sheila was well aware. Thankfully her back was turned to Lillian so she could hide her excited grin. This was Miriam’s burrito recipe, the one your own mother had so graciously given Sheila so she could make it at home. Even on her regular days these burritos would make her bloated, but considering just how bad her gas had been today already… this was going to multiply that exponentially. Your Auntie was really looking forward to taking you back to her bedroom after dinner, and was making sure the experience for you would be as pleasurable as possible. Her stomach gurgled ominously. It just needed to do a little digesting and then she was really going to let you have it.