A little bit of time passed as Sheila continued working on dinner. Lillian helped out by setting the table.
“By the way,” she said while reaching into the cupboard for some drinking glasses. “Jordana texted me that she won’t actually be coming tonight, she’s going out with her friends.”
“Aw, that’s too bad.” Sheila lamented. “Well I’m already this far along so I guess that means more burritos for us!”
“Fine by me!” Lillian licked her lips.
You could hear Sheila’s body make some looming guttural noises from above your wobbling booty prison. Her mature libido wasn’t the only thing that was hungry tonight, she had saved up quite the normal appetite too. Eating another half-person’s share of food would be a simple matter for her, and in the long run yield some entertaining results. The giant woman’s pudgy stomach purred in anticipation of the delicious oncoming meal.
Meanwhile Lillian went to the fridge to get drinks. The layout of her family’s kitchen was an odd one, with the most counterspace for meal prep being right next to the same corner beside the fridge. With how the fridge door swings open away from the corner, it made it hard to get in and out when there were family members nearby, especially ones as well endowed as Sheila and Jordana. As Lillian opened the fridge door she tucked herself inside the space to search for beverages, failing to notice Sheila moving back to her spot at the counter behind her. The moment Lillian backed out with a nearly full container of water they collided ass-to-ass, an incident that was far from its first occurrence.
Both Lillian and Sheila were thick enough that they were fine from the accident, but Lillian ended up spilling a bunch of water on her clothes.
“Ah dangit! Mom! Move your big butt out of the way!” she complained.
“You know I’m the one using the kitchen right now” Sheila said, “besides, you backed up into me.”
“Yeah, well, sometimes you’re just impossible to get around!”
Lillian pouted and grabbed a nearby dishcloth to help dry her clothes. It wasn’t that big of a spill but she still felt annoyed.
“I thought I remembered raising you to say ‘excuse me’” Sheila added, in a very ‘mom mode’ sort of tone.
“Is that so?” said Lillian.
With a cheeky smirk on her face, Lillian backed up again and pushed her ass directly against her mom’s. The two pairs of generous meaty globes squished into each other, Sheila’s being the clear winner in terms of size. Lillian then ripped a boisterous fart, blasting her mom’s cheeks with a reverberating explosion of pent-up air. The rather loud release ended up making both of their booties jiggle together, and afterwards Lillian simply laughed.
“Well excuse me” she said.
Of course you were utterly unprepared for Lillian’s antics. It was hard to tell what she was doing at first, the humongous squishing of booty meat wasn’t immediately indicative of what was going on. All you could feel was your Auntie’s massive jiggling globes bearing down on your tiny body, the added weight started compounding into the far reaches of her huge smelly butt crack. Sweaty oils slathered your bare skin against the older woman’s pucker. Whatever was pressing against Sheila’s butt outside felt like it was really large but also soft and squishy. You couldn’t help but notice a little bit of bounce as the two beings collided together, but as soon as an image popped into your mind of what it could be, a rank explosion tore through Sheila’s fat globes.
To your surprise it wasn’t Sheila’s remorseless asshole that was blasting you with sultry gas this time, her anal orifice was actually relatively calm. Instead the great blast of methane came from an outside source, rumbling deeply into her butt cheeks and causing them to jiggle around. Lillian had lined her ass up exactly parallel to her mom’s with their huge butt cracks facing each other, and so when she pushed out her noisy fart it came shooting out her thick booty cheeks and actually slipped right between Sheila’s. The powerful backdoor bomb forced its way into Sheila’s juicy flesh, making her ass cheeks reverberate as if she had farted herself. The roaring sound detonated all the way down her backside, and the hot smell spread with it.
As soon as you caught a familiar whiff of Lillian’s steaming gas you knew what was going on. Your giant friend was cheekily letting one rip into her mom’s butt, unaware that her own friend was currently shrunken down and trapped inside. Her release was undoubtedly a strong one, the hurricane-like force was capable of making Sheila’s bountiful shelf of seat meat tremble from top to bottom, and that was no easy feat. The result was surprisingly similar to when Sheila let loose her own farts, only coming from the other side. You coughed from the potent smell of Lillian’s gas. Even though she had miraculously saved your skin earlier, now she was making up for it by blasting you with her own giant farts.
After several long droning seconds, Lillian’s anal release calmed down. Both the mother and daughter’s monumental butt cheeks wobbled back to normal, but still remained sandwiched together. Instead of backing off, Sheila stood her ground. Even a forceful booty blast like Lillian’s was handily absorbed by her own ass, thanks to its overwhelming size and squishiness. To your surprise you felt Sheila started to push her ass backwards, further increasing the enormous pressure between her cheeks. The grown woman wiggled her phat rear right against her daughter’s, smushing the huge two pairs of sexy globes together.
“Oh, is that how it’s going to be?” Sheila remarked, with an air of challenge in her voice.
A great big rumble came from her behind, and you started to panic. Through her anus you could feel her ass muscles tensing. The massive hole’s wrinkles flexed into your tiny legs, squeezing your little limbs as foul vapors collected inside her rectum. Your Auntie smiled as her body kneaded the gurgling bubbles along into her bowels, she was excited that you were down there. Her gigantic pucker bulged outwards, ready to blow.
“Wait, Sheila! No no no NO NO-!”
The giant milf grunted, pushing out an unbelievably huge fart from her thick and juicy ass. You were ravaged by a scorching hot torrent of noxious steam and anal vibrations, as if you were no more than a piece of paper flapping amidst a hurricane. Sweltering maternal gases tore through her mighty cheeks, rumbling her sweaty globes together as they vibrated against Lillian’s. The young girl held her own against her mother, but the gassy storm she was being hit by was really something else. Her feet were shaking into the floor, the rumbling vibrations coming from her mom’s thick booty were just as intense as ever.
Meanwhile at ground zero, you were barely enduring the gargantuan monstrosity that was being set loose upon you. Sheila’s meaty anus was fiercely reverberating against your tiny form, expelling a constant wave of blazing heat and deafening shockwaves through her ass. The smell was excruciating too, you couldn’t believe that after all you’d been through with her that her farts could possibly smell any worse, and yet these were much more terrible than you remembered. It smelled like these gas bubbles had been stewing deep within the furthest reaches of her colon, and Sheila was dragging them up to give you a special “treat”.
The burst of harsh pressure and stinky heat traveled straight up Lillian’s luscious backside. Her plump cheeks wobbled with instability, but the force almost seemed to reinvigorate her spirits. The bottom-heavy teen bent over, further pushing her phat butt into Sheila’s just as the woman’s roaring fart died down.
“Hmph, take this!!” Lillian said defiantly.
With barely a moment between blasts, you were hit by Lillian’s fart again. While not as devastating as Sheila’s, hers were still plenty powerful and able to reach all the way down Sheila’s enormous crack to blast you head on. The geyser of potent anal air blew back your hair and thrashed you against the rumbling flesh walls. You coughed as the intense stink forced its way down your throat. Despite how disgusting it was, you couldn’t help but remark that Lillian’s farts smelled a lot better than her mom’s. It was definitely the more familiar smell to your nose, given how many times she had subjected you to it, but the fact that you somehow preferred to smell her flatulence still weirded you out. Just how terrible was your current predicament if these were the thoughts running through your head?
Sheila put your brief “respite” inside Lillian’s fart fumes to a swift end though, by brapping back with another intense ear-shattering release. The ferocious mom gas blew Lillian’s subdued scent away in an instant, recreating the hellish muggy asstastrophe you had just endured mere seconds ago. Howling winds pounded your puny body against her cheeks, droning with a deep guttural roar into Lillian’s rump. To your annoyance you could hear Sheila sigh as the fart came out, pleasantly enjoying the relief of releasing so much gas at once through her humongous asshole. The huge throbbing orifice groaned into your legs as it unleashed the awful whirlwind of stink, it was finding pleasure from the tiny tingles of your body vibrating against its folds.
As soon as Sheila’s storm was over, Lillian let out yet another burgeoning booty blast into her mom’s cheeks, continuing their little “contest”. This kept going back and forth, your poor shrunken body was trapped between their boisterous female farts, like great waves of two massive oceans crashing against each other. Lillian wasn’t backing down easily, and Sheila was absolutely loving the whole thing. Not only was it making her more excited, but she thought you were having a great time in the middle of their loud rumbling asses as well. Finally after several more minutes of torture, an especially huge fart from Sheila ended the exchange. Her massive blaring backside jiggled around so wildly that it caused Lillian to back off, separating the two plump steamy pairs of buttocks from each other.
“Crap.” said Lillian, realizing she had “lost”.
“Next time you should remember who you’re dealing with” Sheila giggled, wiggling her fat butt cheeks. “I wasn’t even using my full strength” she boasted, a statement that made you even more frightened.
“Pfft, you sound like a villain from an anime Blaise and I watch” Lillian laughed. “Anyway, I’m going to go open a couple windows before we eat, it’s pretty rank in here now.”