Thankfully it didn’t take too long for the smell of gas to leave the room. Within a matter of minutes, the rank anal aroma was washed out of the kitchen and replaced by the sweet smell of freshly cooked Mexican cuisine. Sheila beamed as she set the platter of burritos on the table. It was an impressive pile of food, even though it was just the two of them tonight there was more than enough to feed three people.
“Oh man, this looks GREAT!” Lillian exclaimed, as she salivated over the smell. “Can we start?”
“Yup!” Sheila smiled.
As Lillian was filling her plate with three girthy burritos to start with, Sheila pulled out her chair to sit down. Even her somewhat loose casual pants began to stretch at the seams as she bent with her prodigious rear end. As her thick wobbling booty meat hovered slowly over the unsuspecting chair, your Auntie could feel her hips pulling her underwear (and you) taut against her tender asshole. Even the smallest movements felt so tantalizing for her, with your little body tickling the juicy sensitive rim of her backdoor. She decided to enjoy herself sitting down, and savored the moment while her large ass slowly eclipsed the seating platform below…
That was until she unceremoniously plopped her huge meaty butt into the chair, with a great heavy thud. You were taken by surprise as Sheila’s massive ass cheeks pounded flat against the hard surface, in turn smothering you with the entire weight of her hips and upper body. Your small crevice inside her ass crack became unbelievably cramped instantaneously, and worse yet was Sheila started wiggling her giant ass to get comfortable. The colossal perverted woman took joy in rubbing her phat cheeks into the chair, grinding your shrunken body against the sweaty jiggling mounds of butt flesh and the hot dirty folds of her anus. Lillian took no notice as her mother worked her hips into the chair, shifting her huge tush back and forth to “tease” you. You could barely breathe already under such a magnitude of weight, but when Sheila was finally done moving around she made sure her enormous pucker was pressing down on top of you. The bulky anus came at you with a powerful stomp, squishing your pathetic body flat into the chair below.
“Mmmgggghh…” was all your voice could let out, muffled by the giant woman’s ass sitting down.
Sheila started off with four burritos, piled high onto her plate. Overlooking your current plight of being smothered underneath her deluxe-sized bottom, she focused on digging into her meal. As soon as she bit into her first burrito a wave of delicious flavors washed over her taste buds. The meat was savory and cooked just right, with the perfect blend of spices provided by Miriam. Sheila felt the juicy taste practically dancing inside her mouth as she chewed, mixing meat with the large portion of yummy beans and other ingredients before they were all swallowed down her awaiting throat. Unable to stop at just one, she chowed down on bite after bite, hungrily devouring the burrito in no time at all.
Lillian was eating just as fast, the pair of ravenous females couldn’t help letting out enthusiastic “mmmmm”s as they feasted on their dinner. With a tendency to consume such large quantities of food, it was little wonder why their bodies packed so many pounds down below. Sheila and Lillian’s tummies were quite similar as well, not necessarily fat like their asses, but definitely developed enough to have a bit of pudge sticking out. Underneath the table, the large woman and her daughter’s bellies were gradually being filled up with mouthfuls of Mexican food. Both stomachs gurgled as they became active, beginning the process of breaking down the delicious burritos into fuel. The squishy flesh of their tummies shook tenderly as the digestive noises rippled from inside. For your ears though, it was only a warning of what was to come.
The idea of “ominous” wasn’t even close to how intimidating it felt being under Sheila’s gigantic ass as she ate. You winced as the loud bellowing sounds of her stomach growled from above, each muffled bubbling noise a stern reminder of what was going to happen later. You knew that she was eating way larger portions than usual, ingesting as much as she could in excitement to blast you with more of her megaton farts. Incredibly loud noises coming from her giant tummy roared up above, they were only a small preview compared to the vicious anal thunderstorm you were going to experience later on. The massive mother pushed her huge booty out slightly into her chair, playfully rubbing the distant digestive tremors through her ass and into the seat as if to say “Yes, this is all for you.” With no way to stop the giantess from fueling up her body with more burritos you felt helpless.