The giantess gave her ass a little wiggle, just a tiny buck of her great big luscious hips. Her huge butt cheeks, still pointed upwards at the ceiling, wobbled together like fat-filled water balloons. The g-forces on your body were intense to say the least, you felt a tremendous weight yanking on the pit of your stomach, but after that an even more devastating phenomenon lurched from below. Sheila’s planetary-sized butt suddenly began to gurgle.
The noise groaned from deep within her bowels, but was steadily getting closer. Low ominous rumbles sounded off from the woman’s organic chamber, shaking everything around you. Her huge planetary booty innocently purred as it built up with gastrointestinal pressure, the tiny vibrations making their way down towards you as if they were a magnitude 7 earthquake. It wasn’t like her anal wrinkles were just making slight tremors around your body anymore, now each band of sticky flesh was as large as an entire mountainous land mass by itself, so the resulting rumbles were humongous.
Your pathetic body vibrated as her butthole gurgled, shaking with such force that it actually rivaled her boisterous farts from earlier. It made your heart sink, just the idea that the prelude to her gas was this calamitous made you dread what was about to come. Your giant Auntie seemed to enjoy this buildup however, her heart rate was increasing with excitement as she felt the bloated air snake through her vast wobbling backside. She spoke in a sultry voice to you.
“Ohhhh, I can feel a nice big fart coming. My ass is going to let it come out for you, enjoy…”
The noises bellowing underneath got even louder. Sheila’s asshole trembled as your heard muffled intestinal burps groaning angrily from inside. You shivered in anguish, how could you possibly deal with something so big? You knew just how forceful her butt blasts were first hand, but with your body shrunken down to the size of a speck how were you even expected to deal with this? Would you even survive? The possibility of your early demise to her farts was honestly freaking you out.
Gigantic loads of air expanded the chamber below you, filling the hollow of her rectum with steaming hot air. A deep groan resonated through Sheila’s ass crack, so loud that her anus stopped twitching. Suddenly her terrestrial hole began to pucker outwards, reaching its limit of pressure. You screamed as the bands of flesh elevated you upwards, hundreds of stories high. You could sense the strain of the anal muscles below you as they contained her gas, waiting for the perfect comfortable moment to let it out. You screamed, brought to the brink of apprehension by her cosmic-sized ass. In your heart you knew there was no chance of reasoning with her at this point, but you were so terrified you screamed all the same.
Before you could finish, her colossal asshole released. An indescribable amount of pent-up anal air washed over you, with the raging force of a tsunami. Huge sweeping winds stormed through her fat ass. She farted so loudly that the sound pressure bore savagely into your eardrums until you couldn’t register it as anything but painful hard white noise. You couldn’t even breathe, the pillar-like torrent of gas shooting out from her colon nullified the tiny diaphragm under your lungs, filling your pathetic chest with the giant woman’s anal fumes. You felt like your soul was being ripped from your body, the instant her tumultuous fart hit you the searing heat penetrated you all the way through your core. It wasn’t just hot, it was grueling. The superheated energy of her putrid winds soaked through your minuscule body like a microwave, cooking you thoroughly.
Your senses were overloaded so much that you were surprised you didn’t pass out. Nothing about this felt natural, her blazing typhoon of gas was bigger than any natural disaster ever recorded, like an apocalyptic experience that could wipe out entire cities with ease. And on top of that there were the reverberations. The shaking force coming from Sheila’s big widening anus was unbelievable. Her sturdy mountains, the thick anal wrinkles that seemed like tectonic plates to you, they were flapping around like little flags in the breeze. The fleshy bands of meat warbled hard in the face of Sheila’s potent booty explosion, buzzing together violently with your miserable body pasted on top. It was like your hometown was dropped into a blender and thrown around at high speeds. Amongst the wicked heat and pressure that were devastating your body, you could barely discern anything about your location. You were moving so fast and so wildly that it felt like your soul was being detached.
You didn’t know how long the fart lasted for, it was far too dizzying to keep track of, but at some point it ended. Sheila’s massive anus returned to its prior un-puckered state, still clenching with desire but otherwise normal. The tingly warmth of her fart that she felt lingering between her cheeks, for you it was akin to a horrific inferno. The sweltering humidity only added to your delirium, you were struggling to recollect yourself after such a catastrophic butt blast, and this just made things worse. You realized it was probably a sort of miracle that you didn’t get sent flying into the whirlwind, the sticky slime trap was actually useful for something, but you also weren’t feeling in the mood to be thankful right now.
Your lungs ached for oxygen, but as you gasped for clean air all you received in return was scorching hot moist steam. The toxic nasty fumes reeked of Sheila’s colon, the familiar stench of her bowels stung at your nostrils just like they had earlier today, only now they were “heavier” in a sense. Her anal scent was thick and burning at your insides, with a potency so vile that it kept your stomach constantly twisting in a knot. The giant anus throbbed from below as you heaved your lungs desperately in search of something to breathe. The disgusting stench of fermented motherly gas was making you want to hurl, but you needed to save your energy. Just one fart was all it took to turn your surroundings into a hellscape, and Sheila hadn’t even finished digesting her burritos yet-
Just then the giantess let out an ominous pleasured moan in the distance. “Nnnnnnngh…”
Without any further warning her ass hit you with another cataclysmic fart, gushing from the steamy depths below. You didn’t even have a full minute to recover and already your Auntie’s huge puckering asshole loosened up to let out a second blast, multiplying the already-atrocious environment around you. Her voice pleasantly sighed in the background, with enough satisfaction that it cut through the destructive volume of her anal winds. Sheila was clearly enjoying letting out her massive farts on you, the joyful tune of her moans made that unbearably clear. For her this was just playing around with you, a kinky turn on that also gave her butt some well-needed relief. It was simply a bodily function for releasing pent up air from her digestive system, the same thing she would do with her ass multiple times every day. The thing was, for you her massive anal eruptions were disasterous in scale, and gradually smothering away your life force.
While the giantess enjoyed the feeling of her bowels slowly being deflated you were in utter misery on top of her billowing asshole. The yawning pucker roared with the strength of a dozen hurricanes, it tore through the thick blubbery flesh sky with an onslaught of gaseous fumes and made everything around you shake wildly. Your face twisted into a grimace as the powerful anal vibrations reverberated all the way through your inner organs. The blaring noise trumpeting through the giant woman’s butthole rapidly shuddered the entire surface of skin you were currently plastered against, and you along with it. It was like torture, and all the while noxious loads of intestinal air were spraying against your tiny body, dousing you in her raw stench like a burst pipe. You desperately wanted to cough it out of your lungs, but you couldn’t. Just like her previous fart the overwhelming air pressure was forcing you to inhale her boiling hot butthole breath, choking on it until it finally finished spewing out.
Sheila’s bubbling hot gas tasted terrible, it was deeply fermented and full of spicy heat from her past meals. Your eyes watered and your nostrils flared involuntarily. These gross farts of hers were so gigantic compared to you that they were almost like a fine mist now, a thick steamy fog that was superheated to unbearable degrees. You could feel it coating the inside of your chest, weighing down on your tiny limbs. The muggy fart-soaked miasma wasn’t just permeating through your tiny body though, it was also building up the temperature across Sheila’s entire ass crack as well…