The accompanying burst of odors coming into her rectum was violent, but not as violent as you had expected. When you were trapped inside Sheila’s enormous butthole her farts were always rapid explosions of pressure, but from the other side you realized her gas only came in as fast as it was produced. Bubble after bubble of horrid air filled the space inside her anal cavity, the woman’s mighty ass rumbled as it felt more coming. Wading chest-deep inside her nasty wet mucus, you could feel the wretched waves of heat wash over you as each new addition to her fart built up. It tasted atrocious, like your throat was inhaling from a scorching hot hair dryer, but suddenly you remembered how her gas provided you some lift while you were falling. Maybe if enough pressure was built up, the force from Sheila’s fart could actually launch you back outside? Your body was definitely small enough, maybe it could work…
Loud anal groans bellowed from the depths beyond, rudely belching out humongous payloads of methane for you to taste. Sheila’s ass rumbles were thunderous in nature, booming with such incredible bass that it caused her innards to tremble. Her huge juicy cheeks acted almost like a form of soundproofing, keeping the rumbling intestinal noises muffled to her ears, while deafening to yours. You gagged as more potent gas clouded your surroundings, the intense odor was only growing thicker as time went by. The sheer amount of gas made Sheila’s rectal walls swell up, but she wasn’t going to let it out just yet.
“Mmmm that feels good…” Sheila moaned, wiggling her plump bloated butt around. “It’s all that burrito steam from dinner, filling up inside my ass… where you are. You like it, don’t you?” Her fingers continued rubbing her drenched pussy, she was clearly getting off to this new form of fart play. “It’s okay… I’ll make sure to hold it in a bit for you.”
Another ear-splitting groan came from the beast within, announcing a fresh batch of putrid gases entering the rectum. Sheila’s twitching walls expanded with the additional bubbles coming in, her anus clenching playfully to keep it all contained inside. As the giant booty chamber slowly filled, you felt the pressure begin bearing down on you. It was getting harder to push out air from your lungs and your inner ears started to ache. Huge terrifying quakes rocked your world, Sheila’s colossal butt was purring as it held in all her stinky gas. You gagged, feeling light-headed, struggling to stay conscious above the pool of disgusting anal juices. Just the simple act of this giantess holding in her fart was stripping away your strength, the pressure was too much for you to handle! You wheezed for oxygen, praying what was coming was enough to launch you back out. The gurgling bowels tensed up, and the back of Sheila’s anus started bulging outwards, preparing to fire.
What came next was unlike anything you’d ever been through before. Your Auntie’s juicy ass detonated in a deafening explosion of anal fumes, the force shooting out from her backdoor felt like it could wipe entire cities into dust. The shockwaves of sound were unbelievable, as if her giant hollow tunnel of flesh was working to amplify the volume. Again you couldn’t hear anything but pain blasting in your eardrums, her foul fiery winds scorched your skin pink while an onslaught of pressure exploded through her rampaging butthole. This was what it was like being inside a woman’s ass as she farted, it was a devastating storm of heat and sound. As you endured the excruciating eruption you felt Sheila’s walls tremble violently. Bits of filth and moisture blew past your face, splashing you with the noxious rank scent of her past meals… but through the pain you then realized that your body wasn’t being carried out with them.
You jerked forwards, reaching your arms out for the swirling blast to come grab you, but your body wouldn’t budge. From the stomach down your body was still stuck in Sheila’s anal mucus, the sticky disgusting fluid was preventing your escape. Desperately you splashed and struggled through her intestinal sludge, you didn’t have much time to get free, but it wasn’t working. You were already too deep inside her bowels for the suction of wind to lift you out, and the stickiness of her ass’s slime was holding you in place. It should have come to no surprise. When you were trapped against Sheila’s anus before, just a thin layer of oils was enough to stop you from being blown away. Of course this plan wouldn’t work, it was obviously flawed, but it was the only hope in your heart you had left. Sheila’s catastrophic booty bomb roared by at brutal speeds, vibrating the entirety of her anal canal and you in it. Just out in the distance, miles overhead, you could see light coming from Sheila’s open anus. It was so hopelessly far away, shaped like a distant star, rumbling as the rest of her potent gas was carried outside.
“Hnnnngh! Ahhhhh… so good…”
The horny giantess moaned in an intoxicated grunt as she farted, loving how the torrent of air felt as it came rushing out her booty. She could feel her bowels shaking from deep inside, and pictured you smothered by her gas. Just the idea of ripping it loose with your shrunken body inside of her felt so hot. You were just an ordinary young man, and yet right now her massive ass was holding you deep within and embracing you with her huge boisterous farts. Pleasure coursed through her nerves, juices leaked from her pussy and down her thick quivering thighs. Her vaginal canal down her tightened with pleasure, yearning for stimulation of its own, and in response her bowels buckled inwards as well.
The slimy anal nethers contracted greedily, forcibly squeezing out the rest of Sheila’s gas as they caved in. In the midst of your despair the gigantic bowels clenched and swallowed, sliding your tiny body deeper into hell. Your plan to escape was a dud, there wasn’t any possible way to save yourself anymore. You were doomed, trapped inside the huge booty chasm of a sexually overcharged milf for what seemed like the rest of your life. Nothing awaited you except her hungry trembling anal slime and even more violent outbursts of foul gas. Looking up, the faint light from Sheila’s anus was getting further away, fading as the gigantic walls pulled you down and closed in.
“Noo… noooooooo…” you whispered, barely able to speak any more.
With another aroused lurching motion, Sheila’s pulsating innards gulped some more, sucking you lower into the darkness. The hellish temperature only worsened as you descended, your minuscule body was being slurped down along with her slimy anal juices. In light of the recent fart the smell was excruciatingly potent, only getting thicker as time went on. You couldn’t possibly swim back against the flowing current of ass juices at your size, nor could you climb up the slippery gummy walls of throbbing flesh. All you could do was wallow in misery as you were swallowed deeper into Sheila’s gigantic ass.
The huge woman smiled as she felt the tiny tingly nub in her bowels sliding further inside. It was a very faint feeling given how small you were, but she was certain it was you. Her hips shivered with pleasure, unaware that her anal muscles were doing most of the work, Sheila assumed you were diving deeper into her ass from your own free will. She moaned lovingly. The way she imagined it, her rank blaring fart had finally been enough for you to give in, and admit your fetish for her steaming hot gas. After that you must have started to dig yourself deeper, in a horny frenzy, passionately going right into the smelly source.
In the middle of envisioning your scenario, Sheila’s fingers started to enter her pussy before she even realized it. Her starving womanhood squeezed down on her fingers, eagerly sucking the digits like they were candy. Sloppy juices poured out from her tender vaginal opening, as if the throbbing snatch was salivating with pleasure. Sheila was more than happy to feed her neglected pussy, but still remained focused on the gurgling tingly sensation coming from inside her ass. Her fingers massaged the inner muscles of her love tunnel, stirring around her flesh and nearby guts. You grimaced as you felt the walls bend from her massive probing fingers. The added stimulation only made her filthy bowels throb faster, egging along her rectum’s desire to eat you alive.
You choked and spat as you had to hack up Sheila’s anal slime from the back of your throat. The taste was absolutely vile, it was like her putrid farts were given liquid form. As if the stench wasn’t bad enough already, her humongous colon rumbled, sending more foul fermented air gushing your way. While your Auntie’s giant anal walls pulsated greedily around you from all sides, your body was tossed around, sent tumbling inside wave after massive wave of disgusting bodily mucus. Sheila’s excited bowels became utterly ravenous as you traveled deeper, twisting and squeezing in a dizzying cyclone of rhythmic sloppy clenches. It was a struggle just to gasp for breath, everything was smothering your face, squishing you along the organic tunnel, and practically drowning you in bubbling anal nectar…